Nagisa Hazuki x Mermaid! reader part 2

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After I had met Nagisa-kun and his friends, they helped me out to get a normal life, eventually only Nagisa-kun knew about me being a mermaid, and now I'm attending the same high  school as him but as a freshman, apparently I need to start properly in order to keep up with my studies they also let me have a scholarship since I'm an orphan an have nowhere to go.

I learned quite alot of things? Like sport, cooking, drawing, singing and more, but what's bothering me at the moment is what will I give to Nagisa-kun on the 14th of February, they say it's the day where the girls gives to the one she loves chocolates, it's called valentine's day, it seems fun but also frustrating, how will Nagisa-kun react? Does he like me back? Probably not look at me I'm  a monster!

I cried abit too loudly  gaining the teacher's attention as a bonus.

-what's the matter [y/n]-san?" The teacher asked me, but I just apologised and looked at my textbook focusing abit more on my studies.

The classes are finally over, and I have cooking classes, since I need an activity class to entertain me, so since I'm willing to offer handmade candies to Nagisa-kun I want to give it my all.

On my way I met Nagisa-kun, Rei-kun and Gou-chan.

-hello there." Nagisa-kun smiled bightly at me and I couldn't help but smile back unconsciously nodding as a response.

-let's go to the swimming club [y/n]-chan!!" He smiled hype as ever, but I had to delay the joy of swimming with him.

-I'm sorry Nagisa-kun I have cooking classes today." I apologised but he didn't seem pleased.

-are you into the cooking club now?" He asked frowning a bit, but as I nodded he eased and nodded back.

-shall I accompany you then?" He asked gently, I chuckled then nodded ans walked beside him heading towards the cooking club, and as we arrived in place a quite good looking boy came out, tall, well built, black long messy hair, black eyes and a charming smirk on his face.

-hello beautiful? You must be [y/n]-chan right?" Asked while leaning against the doorframe, only then I noticed he was wearing an apron which looked amazingly and surprisingly good on him, I snapped back and blushes for spacing out before replying.

-y-yes, how do you know my name?" I asked looking up.

-well you're the only member left." He giggled earning a slight laugh from me too, but not from Nagisa-kun who gave off an upset aura, just then the tall boy noticed Nagisa-kun and leaned towards him still smirking.

-I don't  remember having any spot left for you kid sorry." He smirked and pulled me inside then shut the door, what is wrong with this guy?

-well actually I lied you're the only one who applied for cooking, so let's get started, what do you want to learn?" He asked sitting on a chair, I fidgeted with my fingers but he let out a laugh that made me look up at him.

-is it a chocolate cake for your boyfriend?" He smiled, but I shook my head as a no.

-your crush then? Is it the shorty who was with you?" At that moment my cheeks were burning like hell, I couldn't even reply he just giggled and stood up.

-alright  shall we get started?" Hs smiled, no not a flirty smile beither a mocking one it was a pure one which showed sympathy and kindness, and that made me tense alot less and get ready as well.

The senpai helped me for a week to improve my cooking, and I would make some cakes and he would taste them, but most of'em had that good look outside but were awfully tasting, but this time I made it step by step not forgetting the salt, or baking soda, and I'm going to see Senpai so he would taste  it for me.

-senpai!" I called out in the corridorsn he turned and smiled gently, I passed by Nagisa-kun who frowned, abd has been frowning quite often these days to be honest, but hush no time I need to make the perfect cake for him.

-here taste it!" I almost yelled at senpai, and he just looked at me with an annoyed look rolled his eyes and took a bite, he chewed and chewed until a satisfied smirk appears on his face.

-Perfect." He smiled bightly, I smiled back proud of myself, tonight I'll be making Nagisa-kun with the heart shape.

So today is the day, chocolate cake? Ready, box? Ready, ribbon? Ready, courage? Not ready but will do.

I walked up to Nagisa-kun and handed him the box.

-please accept this!" I almost yelled, he looked startled.

-what is this?" He asked, looking at me.

-I..I've been training to learn how to cook in order to cook you this chocolate cake, I hope you like it." I bowed my head.

-so you don't like that senpai?" He asked quite puzzled.

-uh oh? No of course not." I raised a brow confused, suddenly he let out a laugh then hugged my shoulders and pecked me on the lips.

-I like you [y/n]-chan no wait I love you!" He smiled whike nuzzling my neck, I was only standing there not knowing what to do or to say.

-I love you too!" I managed to reply qhile handing him the box, which he took and we went to the roof, where he kissed me everysingle time he would take a bite, not that  I mind...

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