Yandere! Makoto x Reader

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As in many couples, yours was facing problems, you were deeply in love with your childhood friend and soulmate Makoto Tachibana, and since you tried going out with some dude you met at a store in order to 'forget' about your massive crush on Makoto, that must've gone wrong obviously.

First off, he's a jerk, second he hits you, and last but not least he told you to avoid Makoto, and you have been for a couple of months, fearing that he might rape you or whatever does not please you at all, and yes you never had love with him, being as conservative as you were, he somekind of 'respected' your choice, but little did you know that it wouldn't last long.

On your way back to the flat you both shared, wearing a scarf to hide the scratches on your neck due to your carelessness when the waiter was apparently flirting with you.
You met Makoto, no no not the Mako-chan you knew, the furry full of joy and gentleness, this Makoto was scary to be honest, dark circles around his eyes, his lips bitten until bleeding, his fists clenched, his veins popping out.

-Ma-Makoto-kun? What are you doing here, if he sees you..." you didn't have to finish what he said that he cut you over by slamming you against the door, making your scarf fall exposing your bruised neck, that sight made Makoto tear up.

-Why did he take you away from me? I can't forgive such a sin!" He whispered heart broken, you deeply wanted to hug him, to tell him that you only had eyes for him, but you didn't want to die, at least not now.

-Makoto..." you started but soon was cut off by no other than your boyfriend punching Makoto and dragging your forcefully inside the flat and pushing you against the wall until you heard a crack on your vertebrates, tears started streaming down your face out of pain.

-you didn't listen to me [y/n], I told you to stay away from that guy." He said while unbuttoning his shirt, and leaning down at your level, taking a strand of hair from your face gently.

-why don't you understand, that I'm doing it because I love you?" His voice croaked like those of humans turning into beasts, and pulled your hair roughly, you cried Makoto's name unintentionally which only helped to make the beast go wild.

-Makoto? MAKOTO? I WILL KILL YOU." He yelled clenching up his fists in order to hit me, I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came, I opened my eyes and found him dead on the floor, with Makoto behind holding a bat, I was scared.

-[y/n]...I'm sorry.." he apologised before falling down on the floor crying like a little toddler, he killed him for me, he didn't hit me, he just killed him for my sake, he saved me, I am free?!? I AM FREE!

I tried walking but painfully towards Makoto and wrapped my arms around him.

-there there, you don't need to be afraid, everything will be alright." You whispered smirking slightly.

-[Y/N] I love you, you are mine, only mine, no one else's." He whispered while kissing my arm.

-yes I am." You said still hugging him, at the moment you didn't care about the corpse, you only cared for him.

-let's go back home..." he said while getting up holding your hand, you nodded and followed him.

-let's go." You smiled before throwing some water on the floor and wetting the corpse's feet, then holding it up then throwing it on its head.

-what are you doing?" Makoto asked, you looked up at him, smiling slightly.

-he's dead, he'd better be off without making you go to jail." You smirked, but he still didn't get your point, you sighed and cleaned your hands with a handkerchief.

-I'm making his death look like an accident." You explained.

-you are doing it for me?" He asked.

-you killed him for me, if being by your side means to be your partner in crime, then I'm not thinking twice darling. " you put your hand on his cheek caressing it lovingly, Makoto could only smile and lean in to peck your lips.

-well we'd better call the police, or they'll suspect us, when they come say that I was unconscious when you came." You said while running into the wall, again and again, until you fainted.

-I love you." He whispered into your ear.

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