Rei x Makoto's sister! reader x Haruka

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-long time no see Makoto." you smiled as you hugged your big brother whom you haven't seen in a year since you've been studying abroad, but now you were back to japan.

he hugged you back and took your bag from your hand, then he moved to let your little siblings hug you too, but when I looked up there were 5 other males, you did eventually recognize Haruka, Nagisa and Rin but there were two other, one had blue hair but red glasses and the other was obviously the tallest among us with dark hair and turquoise eyes.

-Hey Haru, Nagisa, Rin and..." you stopped while staring at the two unknown people.

-I AM R-REI, REI RYUGAZAKI MISS NICE TO MEET YOU." four eyes yelled blushing madly then bowing his head down as if I was some kind of wise old man, it was awkward so I just bowed sightly and nodded, the tall boy shook my hand saying that he was Sousuke.

I was still holding a bag and kind of struggled since it would slip down my shoulder, I sighed once again before someone took it away.

-It's fine I'll carry it for you Reader-chan." Rei said while blushing, which I found quite cute and nice of him, so I just nodded and smiled at him, then Haru came right behind me and said.

-I skipped swimming practice to see you." he whispered, I turned around and hugged poor little Haru. 

-there, there Haru."I patted his back as he hugged me back.

after parting I smiled again at Haru then Rei tried to start a conversation but it seemed to be very difficult so I did.

- so what is your style Rei?" I asked him trying to ease him abit, which didn't work since he panicked even more.

-UH AH ETTO..., Butterfly."he finally said a bit embarrassed but I didn't mind it since he was cute.

-at first he didn't know how to swim he would always drown." Rin laughed, and Haru corrected him.

-it was more sinking." He said I couldn't help but laugh. 

-you know imouto-chan, Haru hasn't stopped talking about you, he actually never talks but he would hold long conversations when you are the topic, he wouldn't even talk when it was water." Nagisa chuckled.

-is that true Haru?" I teased him, but he just averted his eyes so I just continued walking, when we wanted to go back home we went in the car with Makoto driving, me beside him, nagisa Rin and Sousuke passenger and Haru and Rei were behind in the secondary seats, and eventually since I was so tired I slept until we reached home, but still was too lazy to open my eyes, then I felt someone unbuckle my seat-belt then lift me in his arms, I put my head on the person's chest who smelled like mackerel so it was obviously Haru, I smiled and fell back into deep sleep.

-Reader-chan, Reader-chan , Imouto-chan!" I heard Rei call, I opened my eyes and glared at him, if there was one thing I hated then it was someone waking me up after a long flight.

-quit  being so annoying." I said without realizing it, but when I did I quickly apologized.

-told you not to wake her up." Rin said while head-locking me.

-I'm sho shorry Rei." I could barely speak but Haru saved me.

-Haru is my hero I love youuu." I  laughed while hugging him, then walked to hug Rei too.

-Imouto-chan you'll provoke a war." Makoto said while massaging his head.

-huh? what do you mean?" I asked then Nagisa answered me.

-between Haru-chan and Rei-chan." he laughed, but then I looked at them both waiting for an anwser.

-Haru and Rei have been arguing about who you'll be choosing." Rin continued sitting properly this time.

-choosing? what should I choose?" I asked.

-who would you go out with?" said Haru dead serious.

-Me or Haru?" continued Rei.

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