Haruka Nanase x reader

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do you guys know what's worse than an rude customer? a customer who comes in 5mins before closing time!

-I'd like a spicy ramen please." the customer requests as I was writting his command.

-with pork, beaf or chicken?" I asked the customer.

-what do you advise me to take?" that's when I finally put my gaze on the customer to find a black haired boy with azure sparkling eyes while staring up at me, it was as if he was admiring me and it felt quite weird but he seemed cute, what are you saying Reader! get a hold of yourself, think fast of a reponse! get him the most expensive and end it right now!

-beaf ramen is good." I neutrally replied, he nodded as an approval then I wrote down his order and was heading back to the kitchen when he cleared his throat gaining my attention.

-anything else sir?" I asked while raising a brow, he blushed while looking anywhere but towards me, it almost felt as if he was panicking internally, but I ignored that fact, nothing good comes from a flirty customer.

-a-a g-glass of water p-please." he looked away, I stared in disbelief then hummed while going toward the kitchen, and while cooking his command I was sometimes catching glimpses of him looking at me, he sure does look cute, he's been coming over for a month already and  I could say he is a loyal customer, sometimes he would bring friends with him.

but being me is a bit hard and for now I can't afford to be overthinking over a shy customer.

-here is your command sir, spicy beaf ramen." I said while putting the bowl down and getting a glass and bottle of water, but that didn't seem to relax him, he seemed as if he was going to confess to me or something, and in order to make it less awkward I left after wishing him a bon appetit, while putting the bill on his table.

not long after I heard the door closing and went towards the table to find the seat, the bowl and glass empty and the money on the bill paper, but that wasn't all there was something written on the bill paper.

" come to my swimming performance tomorrow! location: iwatobi high school's pool at 8a.m, I'll be waiting." I stared blankly at the piece of paper, was he actually drunk? I mean why would a stranger ask me to go watch him swim?????

-what's the point?" you asked your mother while laying on your futon.

-oh my! doesn't it seem like a confession dear?" your mother grinned while patting your father's shoulder.

- I think so too honey." he grinned as well, I rolled my eyes then stood up to close the door at their faces these old lovebirds will be the death of me.

the next morning I woke up early, took my breakfast and headed towards that location, but the thing is I'm not familiar with Kyoto, and only came back from the countryside 5months ago to live with my parents, so I kind of got lost  in my way, and could only find the location after an hour, so you could guess I was pretty much late, as I got in I heard cheering and loud noises coming from the pool, I walked up to there and found that customer preparing to dive along with 3 other boys, but all my concentration went back to the customer, what a shame that I don't know his name, I might as well ask him, in one shoot they all dived so gracefully into the water, each of them had a style but the fastest was that customer, his form was beautiful, he was graceful, I almost felt jealous of such a harmony between him and the water, it gave off an aura out of a fairy tale, he then got out of the water his friends hugging him then somehow was looking around, it seemed like he was looking for someone, he was just like a puppy so cute!

-ah!" our eyes finally met and he ran towards me, while rubbing the back of his neck not knowing what to do or to say.

-s-so you did come after all." he said while looking away, I smiled and thought thathe was just too cute.

-I'm sorry I was late, I got lost in my way here." I said while fidgeting.

-Haruka Nanase." he said out of the blue making me surprised and looked at him.

-ah uh f/n l/n." I said back while feeling abit shy.

-I'm glad you came, I've been waiting for you." he said in a soft voice, I raised my head to look at him and was struck by love, he had smiled, for the first time I had seen him smiling.

-i-i-uh I'm glad I came too." i said while looking down.

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