Nagisa x Tsundere! Reader

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First off thanks to all of you I've now reached  20k readers and I really wish to thank  you, so I'll be posting a surprise as soon as I'm done with my driving licence, again thank you everyone I will try my hardest not to disappoint  you.

-good morning  reader-Senpai please go out with me." Nagisa-kun a second year  said as you closed your locker ignoring  him.

-he's still after you?" Your friend asked, you sighed and nodded.

-why don't you give him a chance?" She asked still walking beside you, but you just ignored her as well.
Truth is Nagisa-kunchas been after you for 3years now and each year you would reject him saying that he wasn't  mature enough, but this year was different not only did he grow taller but also manlier.

-president reader, Asahina-sensei is calling for you." The vice president said, you nodded and made your way to the Asahina-sensei's office.

-you called me Sensei?" You knocked on the door before entering eventually, finding one of the two chairs occupied by a certain Hazuki.

-Hazuki's marks have been going down because of his swimming club, if his marks don't  go up again I will have to dismiss him from any club activity." The sensai said, and eventually as a president you had to help any student or classmate who came asking for your help.

-then you want me to tutor him?" You asked to make sure and he nodded as a response.

-it is my duty as a president." You bowed then glanced at Hazuki-kun gesturing for him to follow you and he obeyed just like a puppy, you were walking really fast and eventually he had to run in order to keep up with you.

-there are three rules you need to respect; first we donnot speak about anything but studying, second you follow my lead, and third..." you said as you stopped but since he was running, he ended up bumping into you.

-third you keep your distances with me." You said while pushing him away, and his face suddenly became sad, your heart skipped a beat but you ignored it while entering an emplt classroom.

-let's start with maths." You said as you took started writing some basic formulas  on the blackboard, and just when you were about to face the sophomore you found him right behind you.

-N-Nagisa-kun what are you doing here? Go back to your desk." You ordered the taller boy, but he only stared down at you ignoring your  order, and since he was kabedoning you, you tried to escape but he blocked both your ways and had you trapped.

-N-Nagisa-kun?" You cried, but his stare only grew more intimidating, you eventually  had that tsundere reflex to hit him.

-Rule Number 3; keep your distances with me." You said while glaring at him, in response he only sighed and sat on his chair.

Once you were done explaining  the basics, you gave him a serie of exercises to do and had to sit beside him to correct and help him answer.

-I don't  understand this part here." He said as he pointed at a formula accidentally touching your hand and causing you to jolt and drop your mechanical pencil, both of you reached out for it and ended up touching each others hands, but you  couldn't  move, and Nagisa's hand reached out for yours instead of the pencil  and squeezed it making you  look at him.

-Senpai." He said before leaning and kissing you, it lasted two seconds but you felt so embarassed and shy that you pushed him away causing him to fall backwards and his head with a desk and his arm got injured.

-a-I am so.."you couldn't  finish your apologies that he spoke over.

-do you hate me that much? Do you hate my presence  this much? Then I'll never show my face to you again." He said while exiting the classroom.

You weren't happy about that, you were sad, that night you kept on crying in your room, you felt heartbroken.

The next day you went to Nagisa's class but he was absent but you heard his classmates say.

-I don't know  how Nagisa-kun got bad marks he was the one tutoring  me last week and I got 70 on most of my tests." Someone said, you realised then that he had risked just to see you, and get some time with you.

-Hazuki-senpai!" A freshman called Nagisa-kun who had a bandaid on his arm you immediately ran towards him not caring about tackling him down.

-Woah! It hurts!" He cried but as soon as he opened his eyes he found your small body topping his with puppy eyes.

-I'm sorry! I didn't  mean to hurt you! It''s just I'm not used to that kind of thing!! I actually Like you!!"  You cried while tapping gently on his chest but he managed to hold your hands and pull you towards him while kissing you.

-took you long enough." He said while taking out his tongue like a kid, you frowned and his him in the stomach but you couldn't hurt him as much.

-I Hate you!" You yelled covering your face, but he removed them and kissed you again.

-I love you too senpai." He smirked.

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