CHEATER! Haru x BROKEN! Reader x Rei

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Is this a dream?

"listen reader-chan I can explain." Your boyfriend or at least the person who was hooking up with someone else aka Haruka Nanase.

"Oh please spare me the details." You yelled out of your mind, you didn't know what to do, you didn't  know what you were saying, words were just coming out, you couldn't control yourself.

" I was drunk, I didn't  know what I was doing." He tried to explain, but  that didn't make any difference to you, because that was over the line.

" Haruka I'm so done with you." You said as you left the apartment you both shared not long ago.

With you luggage in hand you headed to the only place you felt relaxed, happy and secure. You knocked on the door and not long after a blue  haired four eyes opened the door with a warm smile, but it turned into a frown as soon as he saw your puffy eyes and your rosed cheeks.

You needn't  to speak, he opened the door and dragged you inside shutting carefully the door and sitting you on the couch.

" reader-chan..." he whispered as he hugged in a tight embrace, and that's  at that very moment when you could FINALLY let it all out, you didn't care if your eyes were drying out on your friend's shirt, you knew he knew you needed him, and even though he never wanted to admit it, he needed you as well.

You needn't  to speak, he knew, he told you but you were too blinded by Nanase's kindness and honesty.

~~~~a month after~~~~

You were in your room on your bed thinking about how Haruka apologised to you for being a jerk and asking you to stay friends with him, eventually you accepted, but it didn't  hurt as you were expecting it to, since Rei was always there for you he somehow filled your mind and probably your heart too, but that too troublesome and needed lots of thoughts and you were not ready to fall in love so you decided to set those feelings apart  and live on.


Your phone rang, you reached for it and replied not even bothering the check the person calling.

-hello?" You replied with your eyes closed wishing internally to hear Rei's voice at the end.

-Reader-chan I have two tickets for the amusement park, and was wondering if youwouldwanttojoinme?" He said so quickly you had a hard time catching what he said but ended up getting his point, he was predictable enough for you to know what he said.

-so we say at 3p.m?" You said fangirling internally.

-I'll pick you up then tomorrow at 3p.m." he said with a hint of relief in his voice, you chuckled and hummed as a response before he hung up and you stared preparing your outfit for the big date, 'wait is it even a date?
Well whatever I'll just assume it' you argued internally.

~~~~the next day~~~~
Spending this wonderful  day with Rei made you realize that only he could make your heart beat this fast and only he can switch your mood from depressed to the happiest woman on earth, and you decided it was time for you to confess and it was the right moment since it is afternoon  already.

-uhm..let's  ride the ferry wheels?" You asked abit shy but he only reached for my hand and squeezed it and smiled sweetly at me before walking toward the queue.

You didn't wait long before it was your turn, you entered and sat beside Rei staring at each other you couldn't  help but blush and avoid  any eye contact, but this pression was too much for you to handle, you needed to let it out, you had to, it was the  right moment.

- I love you Rei/Reader." You both said at the same time, you both were in shock neither of you saying a word until both of you broke the silence by laughing as his hand reached  out for your cheek caressing  it slightly and smily sweetly to you.
You put your hand on his and closed your eyes for a brief moment then stared at his enchanting orbs, he leaned resing his forehead on yours and letting out a  relieved sigh.

-Rei." You whispered to get his attention which worked perfectly since he opened his eyes and replied by raising slightly his eyebrows, you knew he wouldn't  do it since he was very shy, so you pulled on his shirt for him to lean towards you and you crashed your soft lips onto his in an explosion of fireworks, no it wasn't your imagination there really were fireworks.



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