Makoto x Reader

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You woke up to find a white furry on your face, you chuckled and put the kitty on your laps, sighing at how cute the animal is, that's when you realised you were late and you had school, you took a piece of cake and ran as fast as you could, to meet your dazzling best friend, Makoto Tachibana, Olive eyes, light brown hair, tall, well built, swimmer, sweet, gentle, and most of all DENSE! Yes, whenever I'd tempt to flirt he'd always turn it into drama like that time.

Flash back.

-what's up Y/N-chan?" He asked worried at your upset face.

-I fell." You pouted, he looked at you eager to know the reason, you looked up and smirked.

-I fell for you." You smiled and he turned bright red turning around you like a dog around his master.

-are you hurt?" He asked, you sighed for the 10th time of the day before walking away with him still running after you.

Yes that's basically how your flirting attempts ended, you saw him standing by the school gates.

-morning Y/N-chan, late again?" He asked you, you just rolled your eyes, greeting him back.

-so how is Shiro today?" He asked you referring to the white furr, you smiled and showed him a picture of her, he smiled sweetly.

-so cute." He whispered, you had an idea, also you are not shy, not at all.

-cuter than me?" You pouted.

-well, you know Y/N, I can't compare you with a cat." He bluntly said, you sighed again and rushed to your class, followed by Mr.speechless.

In class

-Morning everyone, as you already Nanase-san participated at the exchange student programme, and here is our exchange student from New York, please introduce yourself." The teacher pointed at the foreign good looking male, short dirty blond hair, icy blue eyes, normal height , well built.

-hello everyone, name's Dane, and I'll be looking forward to enjoying this month." He smiled, his smile got wider when he lended his gaze on you, you blushed slightly turning your head to look outside.

-please take you seat." Ama-chan said pointing the only spot left, in front of me, he nodded and walked, your eyes met and he winked then sat down, you felt your cheeks heat up and you hid them with my textbook.

-Y/N-chan? You alright?" Makoto asked, you nodded not turning your gaze from Dane's back, he then suddenly turned putting a piece of paper on your desk then whispering.

-hope you'll call me." He said then turned, you opened the paper, uh-oh his phone number, you felt Makoto staring at you, you smiled at him, he smiled back too even though the smile was obviously fake!

Lunch time, you took your bento box and waited for Makoto to come out but to your suprise Dane came over.

-hey there?" He asked smiling.

-hey, um I'm Y/N, it's nice meeting you Dane, I hope you'll enjoy your transfer. " you smiled, he smirked then leaned.

-Sure I will, but will you please show me around? I'm a bit lost." He sounded so angelic, so you nodded and showed him around the school until the break was over, and then you had to eat with him of course dropping Makoto unwillingly, time had come for you two to go back, and so you did youwere kind of late and when you came inside together, panting, Makoto was drop dead shocked, he eyed you then looked away.

-what's up Makoto-kun?" You tapped his shoulder, he turned to look at you, his frown disappeared instantly, but came back as Dane faced you with his cute smile.

-nothing to bother with." He simply said turning his head, you felt kind of hurt, he wouldn't talk to you the whole day.

And after classes, he left without saying a word, and the worst is that it was raining, so you couldn't leave like that, everyone had left, you sat on Makoto's seat, and rested your head on his desk.

-when will you notice my feelings towards you Mako-kun?" You whispered a bit too loudly as the door open, you turned to see Makoto soaking wet, panting, you gasped as he walked closer his eyes showing the fact that he had cried.

-M-Makoto-kun?" I whispered.

-why were you flirting with him? I thought it was our 'thing'?" He looked at you, pain could be seen.

-I wasn't! I just showed him around, and I didn't mean to leave you alone during the break, and when I flirt with you I always mean it, even though you don't react as you should." You confessed, looking down at your feet, you then felt a cold and smooth hand caress your cheek before a pression against your lips, it was for a brief moment but it felt like forever.

-you call that a kiss?" You shouted tackling your new boyfriend.

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