Nagisa x Mermaid!reader part 1

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-ahhhhhh it's tooo hooooooot I'm melting!" Said a short teenager to his friends probably exhausted with the temperature, in fact it was quite hot this summer, perhaps an idea popped to his mind since his face suddenly light up which Makoto seemed to notice since he raised a questioning brow to Nagisa.

-how about we go to the beach? We could train and at the same time enjoy it!" He yelled while clapping his hands.

-that's a great idea, I'll ge to see you all shirtless!" Gou fangirled while cupping her own cheeks.

Since everyone was okay with the suggestion, they all packes their bags and headed to the train station.

-it's even hotter in here, I thing I'm dying Haru-chan, Rei-chan, Mako-chan, Gou-chan, I see light I'm dying." The little buddy over reacted which seemed to only convince Makoto who hurried towards the dry Nagisa and gave him a fortune cookie.

-there there Nagisa-kun, here eat this while we wait." The olive haired boy smiled sweetly, and that obviously made it up to Nagisa since he stood up strong as ever and threw the whole cookie inside his mouth, after seconds of chewing the high schooler felt an odd taste on the cookie.

-Mako-chan what flavour is it?" He asked still chewing the 'cookie'.

-paper, you ate the paper top Nagisa-kun!" Makoto panicked and opened the boy's mouth taking the notice out of it, then sighing in relief.

-what does it say?" Nagisa asked Makoto nosy as ever.

-uhm, a surprise awaits you, a pleasant one" makoto read.

-haaaaah? Well I wonder what it is!" Nagisa jumped up and down like a kid, everyone else sighed.

-Nagisa-kun the cookies might sometimes say random things, it's not scientific." Rei said adjusting his glasses and getting in the train followed by his friends, though his words made little Nagisa slightly upset.

Trajet skip let's say that they went to some place in the beach that is like the death pool in Hawaii, if you don't know it its a place where water goes up and down really fast and the tides are very strong, and where there are rocks everywhere.

-The last one to get in the water is a loser!" Nagisa yelled before stripping and running straight towards the sea, followed by Haruka.

-feels amazing! Right Haru-chan?" Nagisa swam towards the black haired male, who only nodded as an agreement.

After few minutes the tides dragged little Nagisa away towards some other rocks.

-NAGISA" his friends yelled but it was too late, he was out of sight, lacking oxygen the male fainted thinking this was his dead end, but little did he know that a gorgeous creature saved him from drowning and took him towards the shore where he could breath normally.

-Yaaaaa Rin-chan those are my Mochis!" The little buddy spoke in his sleep, while the female wached him with a pink blush on her cheeks.

-uwaaaah!" He suddenly sat up making her gasp.

-ehhhh who are you! Where am I?" He asked looking up and down to see that she had a tail and clear [e/c] eyes.

-[y/n]." She replied but her voice seemed so addictive and melodic to Nagisa that he almost forgot how to breath.

-you saved me, thank you very much, how can I repay you? And wow! You are a mermaid! I always knew you existed!" But his worda only confused and scared the little mermaid, which he noticed.

-ah sorry, I'm a bit happy to see you, not only a bit to be honest, I'm very happy!" He rubbed the back of his head, making the girl blush and look down.

-wh-what your name?" She asked still not able to look him in the eyes.

-ah uh." Embarrassed [y/n] left him speechless and in awe, he forgot his own name, until she looked up at him her long lashes moving like wings.

-N-Nagisa Hazuki!" He whispered and looked down too, this was the first time to happen to him, he's never been this shy or attracted by a girl before, perhaps was it love at first sight? Or was it the mighty power of mermaids? Lost in his thoughts, Nagisa has been dragged away from his daze by [y/n]'s hand on his, he looked up at her and she stared down srill blushing.

-Ca-Can we b-be friends? Everyone is scared of me." She whispered tears almost falling down her cheeks but Nagisa could avoid that by squeezing her hand and smiling as bright as he could.

-that goes without saying, of course I will be your friend, I'l even introduce you to my friends!" He smiled, she at first seemed surprised but then exploded into happiness and hugged Nagisa while transforming into a human.

-Arigato Nagi-kun." She cries in his shoulder and all he could do is pat her hair while whispering a tiny 'it's fine'.

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