Rei x reader

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Okay so guys I got my first request annnnd I'm really really glad to be writing for other than myself, well here hope you enjoy it.

[Reader]'s .P.O.V:

I was in the library again, why? Because I was stalking Rei Ryugazaki! He is smart, athletic, kind hearted, shy, cute, handsome well almost everything he was Pe-Fe-Ct! But unfortunately he doesn't feel the same way I guess, I was aiming to get a book from the highest spot but I was way too short but a pair of hands took it before I could reach it.

-uhm thanks for the help." I said before meeting Rei-senpai.

-no problem [reader]-chan" he smiled, wait did he just call me by my name? I must be dreaming.

-you also like [favourite book] ?" He asked still holding the book in his hand and walking towards the nearest desk.

-yes I do." I said speechless sitting on the chair facing him.

-well...but actually I wanted to read it." He said in a disappointed tone.

-oh it's fine, I'll wait." I said standing up, but he interrupted my action.

-we can read t-together ...." he said pointing the chair beside him, I nodded and sat but I was too nervous to fully focus on the book, he noticed my troubled face and pushed me closer.

-you can't see well from there come closer." He said, I nodded realising his request, but once I started reading seriously, he stared at me.

Rei's P.O.V

Oh Kami-sama! She is so cute when she's concentrating on something, seriously I don't even know this book, I just pretended I knew it.

-....." I heard snores coming from [reader]-chan , she fell asleep! Oh my god! I should be really boring! Oh mh god! While I was panicking she giggled and I couldn't help but stare at her intensively, resting my head on the table as well, face to face, she has really lomg eyes lashes, I caressed her rosed cheek which looks like Mochi! Wait Rei what are you thinking? I'm so lame!

-I wish I could've been your type." I whispered, I heard her mumble.

-Rei...senpai...notice me...." she whispered, THIS IS SO CUTE! I covered my blushing face in my hands and couldn't help but smile like an idiot, seriously she's the one talking, me notice her? I should be asking her to notice me!

-[Reader]...." I whispered leaning in and placing my lips on hers for few seconds then I pulled away.....CRAP! SHE'S AWAKE!

-...did you just kiss me?" She asked, I couldn't face her so I just ran away, I can't face her anymore!

The next day

[Reader]'s P.O.V

I woke up really late, I have bags under my eyes, flushed cheeks, bed hair, I couldn't sleep yesterday afrer what happened, why did he kiss me? And most of all why would he run away? Was he being shy? Or just that he was regretting it... I was walking towards my classroom, which by the way was boring!

At lunchtime I went ti the infirmary and stayed to rest a bit, I had a massive headache.

I didn't wait long to drift away.

Rei's P.O.V

I injured myself while pulling out of the pool, my mind was being distracted by [Reader], I went ti the infirmary and there I found a sleeping beauty, she was gorgeous, awfully perfect, I couldn't help but to kiss her again, once then twice but I must've woken her up since at the third kiss she hugged my neck, I was caught off by gard but kept on kissing her, until she pulled away breathless.

-I like you Rei-senpai." She whispered.

-I like you too [Reader]-chan" I smiled red as a tomato.

-f-for real?" Sshe asked surprised, I chuckled at her reaction.

-will you go out with me?" I asked as she nodded hugging me really tightly.

-of course!" She smiled.

Sorry for the cheesy stuff but I never imagined myself with Rei because I'm more into Sousuke yeahhhh....well hope you like it unicorn_otakuuu9

If you guys have any other request leave it in comment.

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