YANDERE! Haruka x reader

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Yall im gonna start a my hero academia oneshot collection, give me your opinion on that!
Also I just made an instagram account where I post things I draw so if you re interested follow @tar4ssa.


You had a massive crush on Haruka Nanase the pretty handsome senior with an unhealthy obsession over water, you were jealous of the element you wanted Haruka to love you more than water, you never really thought anything would ever happen between you two since he is so mysterious and secretive so you decided it was time for you to move on and find yourself someone willing to love you back unlike that dark haired male.

You usually would cling to Haruka during lunch, but today was different you decided to finally just let go of those feelings.

The bell rang indicating it was lunch break, not even bothering to stand up you stayed in class looking out the window, but little did you know that a guy in your class had taken a seat in front of you and starred at you.

« Yes? » you raised a questioning brow at him finally gazing at him, receiving a grin from the latter and you swore you saw pink dusting his round cheeks, he sure was cute.
« Mind if I keep you company [y/n]-chan? » he tilted his head and stared at you with begging puppy eyes, you chuckled at his cutesy persona and nodded.

« Sure thing, wanna have lunch together? » it was now or never, it wasn't doing you any good to dwell into Haruka's forever one-sided crush. Or so that's what you thought, haruka had stopped by your class since he hadn't heard from you in well- the whole morning which was unusual but also something no one would notice if they weren't attention.

Staring at you laugh and smile at the boy in front of you an inhuman growl left his throat and his eyes darkened at the sight of what he took for granted be handed to someone else- someone unworthy of that smile of yours and he couldn't let that slide he needed to fix this because it was wrong on so many levels at least to him.

By the end of the day you had gotten alot closer to the boy from before [let's call him takuya] and you even made plans to go home together since he was taking the same train as you. Packing your belongings you exited the room a little rushed to catch up with Takuya but was met with a strong chest hitting you square in the face, stumbling back you rubbed your nose and grumbled at whomever had the crazy idea of startling you. Your eyes couldn't  believe the person in front of you, it was Haruka.

« S-senpai what are you doing here? » you asked your eyes drifting from him to look around for the walking sunshine, but that only irritated The dark haired male making him grind his teeth causing you to look back at him.

« Who was that? » he asked voice icy cold and eyes darker than his hair a dark aura surrounding him, you felt a chill run down your spine making you gulp at loss of words.
« A-a I it's n-none of your business senpai » you gathered all your courage to say those words but he wasn't pleased with it. Grabbing your arm rather painfully he pulled you into a bone crushing hug- in normal circumstances you would've been more than happy to receive a hug from your crush but this felt wrong it wasn't reassuring it was disturbing and scary and it felt off.

« S-senpai you're hurting me please » you whined trying to push him away but he was way stronger than you and those words only made him squeeze you tighter till you couldn't breathe properly and gasped for air- painful it was horrible and frightening and dark.


The next day you woke up in your bed with your body all sore, you groaned trying to sit up but your muscles were hurting way too much- but you remembered Haruka he- did it he hurt you but that couldn't be it you were now in your house which made no sense.

Casting those thoughts aside you took a shower and noticed a bruise on your arm fingerprints.
Once at school you went straight to your classroom greeting Takuya who smiled brightly making you feel better already maybe it was only a bad dream after all - you told yourself.

At lunch break Haruka came to your classroom glaring at the bright boy who left without complain.

Taking a seat in front of you he took your hand in his and this time it felt good.
« I missed you. » were the only words he said to you before intertwining your fingers together and smiling slightly while playing with your small fingers with his free hand.
You on the other side were blushing terribly and smiled softly.
« M-me too » you whispered making his grip tighten, looking up at him you saw the most wicked and bone chilling smirk, he brought your hand to his lips and licking your fingers.
« Mine » he whispered darkly.

Just what had you gotten yourself into?

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