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Meera's sobs echoed through the room, each one more heart-wrenching than the last. In less than a minute, her entire happiness had evaporated, leaving her shattered and inconsolable. Her beloved Kabir held her tightly, his arms a desperate attempt to soothe her. But even in his embrace, she couldn't stop the torrent of grief. Her world had collapsed, and the weight of their loss was too much to bear.

Kabir's heart sank with every tear that soaked through his shirt. He was failing to calm her, his whispered words of comfort lost in the storm of her anguish. The pain in her cries mirrored his own, a father's grief entwined with a mother's. He wanted to be strong for her, to be her rock, but he was crumbling inside. "Meera, please calm down. Control yourself, Meera," he begged, his voice breaking. Her face was buried in his chest, and he could feel her pain as acutely as his own. He wiped away his own tears, trying to maintain a facade of composure as he hugged her closer.

"Mummaaa!" A child's voice cut through the air, sharp and clear. Meera's crying ceased abruptly, hope flaring in her eyes as she lifted her head and looked around, searching. But it was not their children. It was another child, joyfully hugging a wedding guest. The realization hit her like a blow, and she sobbed even harder, her body wracked with grief.

Kabir's heart broke anew at the sight. She was spiraling, her mind unable to grasp the enormity of their loss. He held her tighter as her body went limp, passing out from the overwhelming sorrow. "Meera! Meera!" he called, panic rising in his voice.

Their family, who had been watching helplessly, sprang into action. Navya, her sister, ran to her side. "Di!" she cried, her voice tinged with fear. Their mother, Madhu, approached, tears streaming down her face.

"Oh God, my child! What has happened to her?" Madhu's voice was choked with worry as she reached out to touch Meera's pale face.

Kabir lifted Meera's limp form and carried her to a nearby couch. His hands shook as he caressed her forehead and sprinkled water on her face, willing her to wake up. Slowly, she stirred, her eyelids fluttering open. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with pain and confusion.

"Meera, get up," Kabir whispered gently, his voice a soft plea. Meera stirred and clutched his sherwani, her fingers trembling.

"Kabir, please find my children. Please bring my children back to me. Where have my children gone?" she pleaded through her tears, desperation etched into every word. Kabir held her tightly, stroking her forehead in a soothing rhythm. He kissed her temple tenderly, his own heart breaking.

"Meera, stop, stop crying. Please calm down," he said, his voice heavy with sorrow. He wiped her tears, but they kept coming, a relentless stream of grief.

Arjun appeared, his face somber. Meera and Kabir looked at him with a spark of hope, but it was extinguished as Arjun shook his head. He knelt before them, placing a hand on Meera's.

"Meera, we need to inform the police," he said gently. Meera stared at him blankly, the reality of the situation sinking in.

"Arjun is right, Meera. We have to file a report with the police," Kabir echoed, his voice thick with emotion.

"Di, please stop crying. Nishu and Darshu will be fine; we'll find them," Navya said, wrapping an arm around Meera in an attempt to console her.

"Yes, dear Meera, pull yourself together," her mother urged, her own eyes red and swollen from crying.

Arjun cupped Meera's face in his hands. "Meera, my child, listen. To find the children, you need to stay strong," he said, his voice full of compassion.

"Meera, please be strong and stop crying. Only then will you be able to search for your children," Ragini added softly. Meera sighed, wiping her tears, trying to gather her strength.

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