Love's Beautiful Embrace

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Meera hadn't joined her family for dinner that evening, a decision that weighed heavily on her heart. Up in her room, she replayed the earlier confrontation with Arjun, feeling the weight of his words still pressing down on her. Meanwhile, Navya, sensing that something was deeply wrong, sat quietly at the dining table, her eyes darting between her brother and their parents. Arjun had barely touched his food, his expression distant, and he hadn't said much since they'd all sat down.

Anand broke the silence, his voice light. "So when is your friend's family coming, Arjun?"

"Day after tomorrow," Arjun replied with a forced smile.

"Day after tomorrow? Which friend's family, bhaiya?" Navya asked, confusion creasing her brow.

"Chhotaa beta, you shouldn't be involved in this right now," Madhu interjected, sensing the rising tension.

"Why are you stopping her, Madhu? She should know too; the boy's family is coming to see her Meera di," Anand said cheerfully, completely oblivious to the undercurrents swirling around the table.

Navya's heart sank at her father's words. She shot up from her seat. "What? For Di?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief.

"Yes, beta, for your Meera di," Madhu replied, smiling innocently.

"But Chachi, the boy..." Navya stammered, her mind racing. She was bewildered and struggling to process the implications of what her aunt had just said.

"She will get married one day, right? Right now, they're just meeting the boy, and the wedding will happen after Meera's results come out," Madhu continued, her smile unwavering.

Navya's eyes flicked to Arjun, who was suddenly fixated on his plate, avoiding her gaze. Understanding dawned on her—something had happened that she hadn't realized until now. Without another word, she dashed from the dining table and rushed upstairs to Meera's room, her heart pounding with urgency.

"This girl is crazy; look how excited she is to tell her di that the boy's family is coming to see her," Madhu remarked with a laugh, completely unaware of Navya's turmoil.

Navya burst through the door to Meera's room, breathless and anxious. Meera turned at the sound, her face etched with worry. "Di... um..." Navya gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"What's wrong, Chhota? Why are you so flustered?" Meera asked, concern knitting her brow.

"Um, Arjun bhaiya's friend and... their family is coming to see you day after tomorrow," Navya dropped the bombshell, her words heavy with gravity.

The impact was immediate. Meera's face drained of color, shock rendering her momentarily speechless. Tears pooled in her eyes as the reality of the situation crashed down around her. She sank onto the bed, her heart racing with fear and confusion.

Navya rushed to her side, wrapping her arms around her sister, trying to provide comfort in the storm of emotions swirling within Meera. "Di, it'll be okay," she whispered, but even she felt the weight of uncertainty that filled the room.

Kabir returned from the cafe, his mind spinning with worry about Meera. He had called her repeatedly, sent countless messages, but received no response. Each unanswered call, each unread message, heightened his anxiety. What had happened at her home? Did her family find out about them? Had they taken her phone? Were they forcing her to forget him? He desperately needed answers, but he was stuck in a torturous limbo.

Just as his thoughts reached a fever pitch, his phone rang. He sighed in relief when he saw Meera's name on the screen. "Thank God, Meera, you..." he began, but was abruptly cut off by the sound of her sobbing.

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