The Confession

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Meera and Kabir hadn't seen each other in a few months. Although neither dared to admit it, a quiet tension had begun to weave its way into their friendship—an unspoken acknowledgment that their feelings for one another were deepening. Yet, both of them feared that if they confessed their emotions, they might lose the precious bond they had built over time.

In her room, Meera sat on her bed, lost in thought. The late afternoon sun streamed through her window, casting a warm glow that felt comforting yet isolating. She pondered the significance of Kabir in her life. What did he truly mean to her? Did she mean anything to him? Did he share the same feelings she had for him? As she reflected on the past several months, a wave of memories flooded her mind. She remembered the times he had gone out of his way to apologize for their misunderstandings, how fiercely protective he had been of Navya, and the fury that had consumed him when someone had dared to cast an evil eye on her.

A smile crept onto her face as she recalled the previous night, when he had patiently taught her to cook a new dish, his laughter echoing in the kitchen as she fumbled with the ingredients. It had felt so natural, so right, and yet so fragile.

Lost in her thoughts, Meera didn't realize when sleep finally overtook her.

In her dream, she felt a gentle warmth as Kabir cupped her face, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "Because I love you, Meera," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm that enveloped her.

Startled, Meera woke up abruptly, her heart racing. How could she even dream something like that? Why would Kabir ever date a girl like her? Surely, he had better options—girls who were prettier, more confident, and more daring than she could ever hope to be. The thought sent a pang of disappointment through her.

Sitting up in bed, she rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream. The lingering warmth of his words echoed in her mind, blurring the lines between reality and her hopes. But as she looked out the window at the fading light, she couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, her feelings for him weren't so one-sided after all.

Meera got up, her mind still swirling with thoughts of Kabir as she walked to the washroom. The cool splash of water on her face felt refreshing, a brief reprieve from the whirlwind of emotions that had consumed her lately. Navya was sleeping over that night, and she was grateful for the company, but she couldn't shake the feeling that her sister had noticed the subtle changes in her demeanor. Ever since she realized she was in love with Kabir, sleep had become elusive.

As she emerged from the washroom, drying her face with a towel, she caught Navya's curious gaze.

"What happened, Di?" Navya asked, her eyes wide with sleep and concern.

"Nothing. Why did you wake up?" Meera cross-questioned, trying to dismiss the inquiry.

"Oh, I woke up when I heard your voice," Navya replied, stretching her arms.

"Sorry," Meera said, feeling a pang of guilt for disturbing her sister. She lay down beside Navya, hoping to drift back into a dreamless sleep. But sleep remained elusive, and she could sense Navya's watchful gaze upon her. Her sister had noticed Meera waking up at odd hours lately, and it was no secret that the cause was her complicated feelings for Kabir.

The next morning, sunlight filtered through the curtains, nudging Meera awake. She sat up, the weight of her realization settling heavily in her chest—she was in love with Kabir, and she didn't want to lose him. The clarity had struck her like lightning during a recent discussion about love and marriage, leaving her feeling both exhilarated and terrified. Did he see her the same way?

With determination, she headed to the kitchen and prepared a cup of coffee for herself, hoping that the rich aroma would help clear her mind. Just then, Arjun walked in, his hair slightly disheveled from his morning exercise. When he spotted her in the kitchen, he approached with a smile.

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