Adorable Her

12 1 35

The sun was gradually descending, casting a warm, golden hue over the horizon as it made its final rounds for the day. A teenage girl, Navya, emerged from her room, her curiosity piqued by the sounds outside. Moving toward the door, she pulled it open, only to find nobody there. Just as she was about to pivot and leave, a terrifying shriek pierced the air.

Startled, Navya clapped her hands over her ears and let out a sob. She dashed back inside, her feet pounding against the floor as she made a beeline for the stairs, desperate to reach the safety of her room. But then, she heard a burst of laughter, and she spun around, her fear giving way to irritation.

Standing before her was Meera, her older sister, a mischievous glint in her eye. Navya scowled, placing her hands on her waist and fixing Meera with a furious glare.

"Meera di, what is all this? You really scared me," she cried, her voice quivering with a mix of anger and lingering fear.

"Aww, my baby," Meera cooed, stepping closer to her. Navya jerked away from Meera's attempt to pull her into a hug, her anger palpable.

"My Chhota got scared?" Meera teased, her voice dripping with playful mockery. Navya shook her head in disbelief, turning away from her sister, refusing to be placated.

Hearing the commotion, a middle-aged woman emerged from the kitchen. Spotting Meera, a broad smile spread across her face.

"Meera, when did you arrive?" her mother, Madhu, asked warmly, pulling Meera into a heartfelt embrace.

"Just now, Mom," Meera replied, her own smile mirroring her mother's.

"And as soon as she arrived, she scared me, Chachi," Navya complained, her voice still tinged with a whine.

"What is this I'm hearing, Meera? You scared my Chhota as soon as you arrived? You're teasing her?" Madhu chided gently, drawing Navya into a comforting hug.

"And you've fallen for this drama queen's words, Mom," Meera said, rolling her eyes at Navya.

Madhu turned to Meera, her expression shifting to one of playful reprimand. She reached up and tugged Meera's ear lightly.

"Mom, let go, it hurts," Meera protested, wincing and holding her mother's hand to ease the pressure.

"Oh? It hurts? How many times have I told you to grow up and stop these antics? You never listen," Madhu scolded, though her tone remained light.

"Alright, Mom, I won't do it anymore. Now please let go," Meera promised, and with a final pinch, Madhu released her grip. As soon as her mother let go, Meera spotted Navya sticking out her tongue from behind Madhu's back, adding fuel to the sibling rivalry.

"You're sticking your tongue out at me? Just wait, I'll show you, Chhota!" Meera warned, her eyes narrowing playfully.

Navya bolted, giggling as she fled, and the adorable Tom and Jerry chase began. Meera hurried after her, determined to catch her little sister. Madhu, standing nearby, watched the scene unfold with a smile, her heart warmed by the sight of her daughters' playful antics.

"Hey, take it easy, Meera, Chhota," Madhu called out, her voice filled with affection. But the girls were too engrossed in their chase to heed her words.

Meera finally caught up to Navya and tickled her mercilessly. Navya squirmed and laughed uncontrollably, her protests mingled with peals of laughter.

"Di... stop it, di..." Navya managed to gasp between her fits of giggles.

Meera wasn't ready to relent just yet. "Now tell me... Will you complain about me again? Will you make faces at me, huh?" she demanded, her fingers still dancing over Navya's sides.

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