SC. 39

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"I'm still hungry... what am I gonna do?"

"My stomach is grumbling. It hurts!"

"Y/N, what do I do?"

I let out a deep sigh as Lin Fan continued to pester me about her stomach. Our breakfast time got cut short because the directors told us that we needed to get all the clips filmed as they were behind schedule. It, of course, did not go well with many (Lin Fan). All twenty of us are now sitting in classroom A, waiting for the filming to begin.


"Come on, let's go to the vending machine." I finally sighed as Lin fan whined again and pushed my shoulder.

"yes!' she cheered before quickly standing up, making me roll my eyes.

"Yah, Lin Fan, stop bullying Y/N," Keyin called out from where she was sitting in the corner.

"Yeah, that's something to do to Keran," Xiaotan called out with a laugh.

Keran, who was ever so nonchalant, just shrugged and continued looking through the lyrics sheet the staff gave us earlier. I shook my head as Lin Fan let another huff fly out of her mouth before she looked at me again.

"Come on," she called out and even batted her eye sat me.

"What are you doing?"

A hand wrapped around my wrist just as I shifted and was about to stand up, as well. I turned to the side and saw Yuxin looking back at me with a furrow in her brows.

"You shouldn't move around so much, your ankle might start hurting again," she said, or more like stated as her hand remained wrapped around my wrist.

"Ha! The soulmate said no, Lin Fan," Keyin teased, making the others laugh as Lin Fan's face fell.

"Oh, come on, Yuxin. Don't you trust me with Y/N?" 

The couple seconds of silence that she got aroused more laughter from the others as Yuxin remained looking at her in thought. A small snicker also flew out of my mouth before I decided to tug on Yuxin's sleeve.

"Why don't we just wait until filming's over? The directors said it's gonna be quick anyway," Yuxin suggested, which is honestly just her polite way of saying no.

With that, she gave me a pointed look as if testing me to disagree with her. When I didn't move, one of her brows rose. I let out a sigh before also looking at Lin Fan, who was still standing over us and now has a deep pout on her lips.

"Let's just go later, Fanfan," I said, causing her to give a betrayed look. I watched, slightly amused as she gave me a glare before stomping over to where Keran was sitting. As she took a seat next to the girl, he gave Yuxin and I another glare with a huff.

"It's over, Keke. Y/N's too whipped," she complained before slumping against the girl. It made the others turn to us and laugh again.

The sudden attention made my face go hot in embarrassment and I scooted closer to Yuxin with the intention to try and hide behind her. My eyes narrowed as I heard that even she was letting out small laughs. A small huff left me and I poked at her waist, making me jolt and stop as she looked back at me.

Thankfully, the embarrassment didn't have to last for too long as the director came in and gave us a heads-up that filming would be starting soon. Although still irritated by the short and insufficient breakfast, I think everyone is still in a pretty good mood today. I think it's because today would be the last filming before the actual finale night. After this, we have about a week off from all the cameras. Soon, Producer Kun walked in and we all stood up.

Fate Led Me Here {SOULMATE A.U} {Liu Yuxin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now