8. Position Assessment

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Today is the day of our first public performance. The atmosphere is heavy with nervousness and tension. We are currently in the cafeteria eating our breakfast. As usual I'm sitting beside Fanfan and Xin. Kiki is across me with Snow beside her.

We are having a chat about tonight's performance and Fanfan, being her chaotic self is rapping again and again, rehearsing her parts. It would've been fine if she isn't singing right into my ears, making me flinch every time she shouts.

"I am me, he is me, you are me, then who am I? I am him, I am you, I am me, then who am I? I am me, he is me, y-" I quickly stuffed some waffles into her mouth. Effectively shutting her up.

"You are me, then who am I? Who am I? Who am I?" I continued, rolling my eyes making them all look at me in surprise except for my roommates.

"You know the words?" Kiki asked, making me nod.

"How can it not be stuck in my head, when that's all she's been saying since last week? I'm not kidding when I say that what I wake up to every morning now for the last 2 weeks." I said making Fanfan huff after she swallowed the waffles I shoved at her mouth, then she turned to Keran.

"Keke, tell them Y/N's only bluffing." She said, trying to give Keran puppy eyes, to which I laughed at.

"Fanfan, Keran had to literally stuff your face with a pillow just because you won't let us sleep peacefully." I said, shoving another bite into my mouth. She turned to me, her eyes narrowed, before a playful smirk invaded her lips.

"But you still enjoyed your sleep right? After all, you were sleeping like a baby beside Xin." She said, making me almost choke on my waffles. I quickly grabbed my water and drank almost half of it.

"Shots fired. Bullseye." An Qi said, laughing loudly causing the others to follow suit. I felt my face getting warmer, I turned to Xin to see her in the same situation.

"You minx! I was just comforting her!" I said, smacking sher on the back of the head.
"Sure, whatever floats your boat." She said, finally continuing to eat. I huffed and ate the last bite of my waffles.

"So who are you guys most excited to see tonight?" Hazel asked, making me brim with excitement.
"Flammable and Explosive! Yu Yan is an amazing singer, and a great dancer too." I gushed, resting my head on my palms and smiling brightly.

"Ooh! I smell a crush!" Kiki said, making me laugh when she wiggled her eyebrows at me.
"What? No. All I'm saying is that she's an amazing performer." I said.
"Exactly what a crush is!" She said, leaning forward and flicking me on my forehead. I leaned back and rubbed at the spot, still glaring at her.

"What's your ideal soulmate anyways?" Hazel suddenly asked, making me think.

"Liu Yuxin." Fanfan whispered, so only the two of us can hear. I sharply turned to her, my cheeks flaming red and gave her a pinch on the side, making her utter a surprised "Ouch!" and jump away.

"Umm. Maybe someone who's really good in what they love to do? Like talented, kind hearted, and lastly, knows how to cook, since I love to eat." I said, making them all laugh. I turned to Xin, to see her quietly staring into space.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, poking her cheek. She turned to me and smiled.
"Yeah. Are you done eating?" She asked, making me nod.
"Yeah, why?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, she laughed cutely before answering.

"Maybe we could practice more? Only if you want to, of course." She asked, making me nod my head happily and stand up, and she followed suit.

"Hey guys! Xin and I are gonna practice some more okay? Kiki and Keran, you can follow after you're done." I said, making them nod. We quietly walked towards the dance rooms.

Fate Led Me Here {SOULMATE A.U} {Liu Yuxin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now