40. Forthcoming

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Hi! I still decided to update anyways😅. Hope you enjoy this one and help you through the rest of the week!💗💗

Don't forget to vote to show your support and also don't hesitate to comment your thoughts💗💗 see you in the next update!

Keep safe everyone! Love lots💗💗

Warning: violence



Everything around me is dark. Am I dead? Is this how it feels like? Its lioe I'm spinning round and round with no clue of when I'll stop. I couldn't feel anything and it's like I'm stuck in a never ending loop. What is happening to me?


A voice echoed and it's like it's ringing in my ears. From a far, a small light began forming but it seems like I'm getting further and further away from it. I want to reach out and scream so bad, but I can't find the ability to.

"Y-you didn't come back... I waited so long!"

Is that Xin? It must be! Although her tone sounds like it's fading away, too sad, terribly shattering my heart. I wanted to speak, to tell her how wrong she was. To assure her that I'll come back, and it's just a matter of time. But I can't, I'm not even sure if I truly will. There's nothing left to do but bear it all as I her cries and call.

"W-why didn't you come back? Wasn't I good enough...?" Tears are continuously falling down my cheeks. It's like something is tearing up my heart and stepping on it's pieces. No, she's more than good enough.

"Y-you p-promised! You promised that you'll come back... Where are you now, huh?! Where are you?!"

Her voice grew frustrated, louder, making my ears ring with every yell she does. Then, she was crying. Her heart wrenching sobs filling the seemingly endless space. I tightly closed my eyes to try and block it off. It's too painful to yea her like this.

"N-no." I croaked out, but no sound left my lips. Her cries only grew only grew louder, more wrenched and hoarse. With every soundless plea I make for her to stop, she didn't. Instead, it grew worse.

"X-Xin, I'll come back..." I repeated like a mantra, that it almost felt like I was praying that I will. With her final cry of anguish, I found myself jolting and feeling like I was being pulled.

My eyes shot open and I found myself sitting on a chair with tears streaming down my face like a waterfall. It was a dream. A sob followed soon after, my heart beating erratically. I made a move to wipe my eyes but realized that I'm tied to the chair with my hands tied behind my back.

"W-what?" I muttered, my foggy mind slowly clearing up.

Th room was fairly dark, the only source of light coming from the dangling flickering bulb above. So it wasn't a dream? Where the hell am I? Panic is slowly but surely rising in my body as I become more awake.

I tried struggling my way out of the bounds but that only resulted to me wincing as the ropes dug into my skin. I let out a breath and scanned the whole room. There was no windows in the expanse of the room, only a door, a couple of meters away from me and a chair across me.

"H-help!" I croaked out, wincing again as I realized how dry my throat is. No, I can't give up. I started struggling again, enduring the pain it cause me.

Fate Led Me Here {SOULMATE A.U} {Liu Yuxin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now