30. Ice Cream

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"Yuxin, you're not gonna get full if you keep staring at Y/N instead of eating your food." I heard Snow say, making me lift my head and turn towards Xin. True to Snow's words, she was indeed staring at me, a small smile invading her lips.

"What's wrong? You okay?" I asked, snapping my fingers in front of her face which seemed to work as she snapped out of it.
"Nothing. You just look so pretty." She said, making my face flush and turn away from her.

"Quit being flirty and eat your food or else I'll feed you." I mumbled as I stabbed a piece of egg and stuffing it into my mouth.
"Y/N." I heard her call out again, making me turn to her.
"Ahh." She said, opening her mouth and looking at me expectantly.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to suppress my laughs. She closed her mouth and pouted.
"I thought you said that you'll feed me?" She said, tilting her head to the side. A blush rose in my cheeks before I sighed and picked up some eggs with my fork and putting it near her mouth.

"Why are you such a baby?" I shook my head as she ate, a small smile on her lips.
"I'm your baby." She said as she finally finished and gave me a wink before slinging an arm around me.
"Yes you are." I teased, laughing when it's her turn to blush.

"It's so great to see you guys all sappy and cute again." Kiki said, smiling at us.
"Yeah, this would provide great content for the fanfic I'm writing." Fanfan said, making all of us turn to her.

"I told you to stop writing that." I said, giving her a glare.
"No can't do. The people are living for it!" She said, sticking her tongue out.
"What do you mean?" Esther asked.
"Their ship is canon! A lot of people ship them together so they want content!" She answered, making me roll my eyes.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" I asked Xin.
"Arguing with Lin Fan is like arguing with a rock. It'll get nowhere and some way, it'll only make you appear stupid." She shrugged as she continued to eat. I let out a huff and did the same, figuring that she's right.
"But in all honesty, we're glad everything worked out just fine between the two of you." Keran said, making Xin an I look at each other and smile.

It's been 2 days since all those things happened. We're all slowly coming back to our normal patterns and routines. Xin really did take her promise very seriously. She stuck by me to help me with everything and anything.

She did little things like buy and give me some snacks, some cute little notes and made little gestures that makes me melt every time. She's taking it too far that I'm starting to grow worried that she's neglecting herself because she's too busy fussing about me.

"Here, you need to eat more okay?" I said as I placed a few more pieces of sausages on her plate.
"Thanks baobei." She said, nodding and eating them.

"What are we gonna do today again?" I asked and turn towards the others.
"Some groups are regrouping since some are lacking and some have extras." Yu Yan said.

That means our group also has to regroup since we have an extra. This is really hard because we're all so close to each other. Soon, we all finished and went to our respective dance rooms. When we got there, a huge screen is placed in front of the room. I stood between Xin and Chen Jue as we waited.

"Chen Jue." I called out and poked her side. She jerked and turned to me with a blank face, trying to appear intimidating but miserably failing.
"That's not gonna work on me!" I laughed out, causing her to glare and turn away.

"Chen Jue! Jue. Jue Jue!" I continued poking her, making Xi'ai join in as the others laughed.
"Quit it!" She whined out, making us halt.
"Did you just whine?" I said in disbelief.
"It happened! We finally broke her calm vibe!" Xi'ai said, causing all of us to laugh as Chen Jue turned red.

Fate Led Me Here {SOULMATE A.U} {Liu Yuxin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now