SC. 41

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"Everything is so expensive, I'm broke!"

I shook my head as another whine passed Jiaqi's lips. "I told you not to buy too much."

But I need them! Do you want me to go crazy with stress?"

She hugged the plastic bag to her chest and pouted at me. It was our afternoon break when she dragged me out of the practice room and asked me to go with her outside. She told me that it was really important so I couldn't really say no. Turns out she just wanted to buy some snacks from the convenience store down the street. There she proceeded to buy every junk food and sweets to her heart's content.

I guess it really wasn't such a waste of energy for me, too, since I do have my own bags of snacks. bags. because for sure, my roommates wouldn't miss the chance to share with me.

"Let's just hurry, okay? It might rain soon," I said and looked up at the graying sky.

Clouds in dark hues were quickly rolling in and draping over the once clear blue skies. With every moment, I could feel the wind getting a bit colder and harsher, making me let out huffs as my back shivered. Thankfully, we didn't have to bear with it for much longer as we stepped into our building.

"We should take the rest of the day off, Y/N," Jiaqi suggested as we walked to the lobby. "Come on, we can just start early tomorrow."

"That's not up to me," I answered in amusement as she batted her eyes.

"Sure it is," she huffed. "You're always practicing and I'll feel bad if I take a break while you're beating yourself up with dancing."

My mouth opened in an attempt to defend myself but no thought came to mind. I know that she is right. I have been practicing every day without fail the past days and I have to admit that I have been a bit nitpicky with our group performance. With that thought, my mouth closed and I resorted to just huffing and narrowing my eyes at Jiaqi.


"I'm really sorry, Ma'am. We really can't let you in without any verifications."

We stopped short as one of the guards spoke up. In front of us were a middle-aged man and a woman. I'm assuming they were together as the man's hand was wrapped around the woman's arm, who he was trying to tug back and stop from arguing with the guard.

"We're just here to visit our daughter. if you could just call her down really quick," the woman said again but the guar just shook his head.

"I'm sorry. I cannot do that."

Jiaqi and I turned to each other in confusion. In the end, she gave me a shrug before nodding forward as a sign to move. The guard must have noticed us, too, as he gestured for the couple to move aside so we could walk through. I fished my ID from my pocket and held it up to the scanner, making my face appear on the small screen above it with a green flash.

"Wait, you're Mihn Y/N, right?" I heard the woman say, making me turn to her, my brows slowly raising.

"Yes, hello," I greeted with a small smile and bowed. I watched as her eyes widened and her lips stretched into a wide smile. I blinked as I examined her face. Somehow, she looked really familiar even though I'm sure that I have never seen her before. How weird. She must have noticed my expression since she stepped closer and held my shoulders.


"I'm so glad to finally meet you! I'm Yuxin's mama."

Slowly, my eyes started widening and my mouth gaped. As soon as she said that, it felt like something just clicked and I realized she looked so familiar because she looked just like Yuxin and their small family picture hung above Yuxin's desk in the dorms. Of course! How could I have missed that?

Fate Led Me Here {SOULMATE A.U} {Liu Yuxin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now