16. Never

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I idly played with my food as I watched the others joke around and laugh joyously. The tension in the air is undeniable, but it lessens as Fanfan and An Qi continued to make jokes. Today would be announcement of the first round rankings. It means that from 109 trainees, we'll be filtered to only 60.

"What's on your mind? You're unusually quiet." Xin asked, nudging me to to break me out of my trance.
"Just nervous and tensed, I guess." I said, giving her a small smile.

"What are you nervous for? I'm sure we'll all do well." Fanfan said, playfully elbowing me.
"You're right. Maybe I'm just over thinking everything." I agreed, trying to calm myself with her words.

"Anyways, the Shen quadruplets are really giving me the creeps. I mean they've been staring at us for about 10 minutes now." Snow said, subtlety pointing behind me.

We all turned around to see that they're indeed staring at us. They really look creepy, especially because they're indentical and they're not even trying to be subtle about staring at us and giving us death glares.

"They must not be over what happened last night." Hazel said, making me turn my gaze away from the quadruplets and bury my head on my hands.
"I still feel a tad guilty after rejecting her in front of over a hundred of people." I groaned out.

"What? Don't be, we were all acting nice to her and trying to tell her off in a nice way but she decided to act like a complete brat." Esther said, the others humming in agreement.
"But still, I feel like I need to apologize, you know for embarrassing her." I said, making them look at me in disbelief.

"What? No way! Y/N, it's not your fault, and the others probably didn't even hear what you said because they're all talking loudly." Kiki said.
"Yeah. That's not why the other's are talking about them. They're talking about how Shen Bing nearly tripped and the screamed like a freaking yeti and banshee combined." Fanfan said, making me let out a laugh and nod.

"Eat more Y/N. You'll need the energy." Xin said, piling my plate with some of her food.
"Yes mom." I answered, fondly rollingy eyes at her and continued to eat.

"Did you just call her mommy? Oh my gosh." Fanfan whispered to me, making me choke on my food and start to cough.

Xin immediately handed me some water and patted my back. When I recovered, I turned and glared at Fanfan who seems amused with everything that just happened.

"You minx! You are so annoying, I won't be talking to you for the rest of the day." I told her, glaring at her one last time before turning away and continuing to eat.

"What just happened?" Hazel asked, looking at us in confusion. The others just shrugged and continued to eat.
"Don't mind them, they just act like that normally." Keran explained.

"I know you can't last that long." She teased and nudged me but I didn't react and just continued what I'm doing.
"Y/N, you can't seriously ignore me. I'm your best friend!" She whined, poking my side.

"Kiki, let's have a hangout later." I suggested, giving her puppy eyes.
"Sure, but why?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, making me roll my eyes.

"Is that even a question? You're my best friend and we haven't hung out in a while." I said.
"What?! I'm your best friend!" I heard Fanfan protest, but I played her no mind.

"So, are you up for it?" I asked.
"Sure! We could have a double date and eat ice creams!" She said, making us nod excitedly.

"Y/N, stop ignoring me!" Fanfan whined. She took hold of my arm and started shaking me wildly. I turned to her and stared at her blankly.
"Y/N, if you stop ignoring me, I'll treat you with a strawberry cake." She said, making me suppress a smile.

Fate Led Me Here {SOULMATE A.U} {Liu Yuxin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now