17. Big Plans

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"Y/N, psst!"
"Wake up!"

I let out a groan and opened my eyes in confusion. It's already a little bright outside so it must be 6:30 already and that means we woke up a little late today. I looked up to see Xin still sleeping peacefully, puffs of breath leaving her lips every now and then. I pulled away from her and sat up to stretch my arms.

"Good, you're finally awake!" I heard someone said, making me jerk and see Fanfan already looking at me.

"Wanna prank Keke?" She gestured towards a still asleep Keran.
"Umm, sure?" I said, unwrapping Xin's arms around me, pausing when she made a sound.

Gladly, she didn't wake up and I was able to stand up and walk towards Fanfan who's still laying down, wrapped up in Keran's arms.

"What do you want to do?" I asked, kneeling down beside her so I can hear her clearer.
"In my closet, there's two masks hidden in the last shelf. Grab those." She ordered. I huffed and did what she said.

"Holy heck! Where did you get these?" I asked, weirded out that she kept masks that resemble a bug's head and of an old man.
"At a costume shop. Now wear that bug one and I'll wear the old man." I did what she told me and put the mask over my head. She did the same and I almost let out a laugh seeing how ridiculous we look.

"Now what?" I asked.
"Lean over her so the first thing she sees when she wakes up is us." She said. I ducked and leaned over Keran, the antennas of the mask grazing her face.

"Keke... Wake up." Fanfan sweetly called out, making me suppress a laugh as she poked her on the face until she wakes up.

Keran only let out a groan and was about to snuggle more but stopped when she saw the mask. Due to her half asleep state, her face morphed into confusion but when she saw me, her eyes widened and she let out a loud scream. The noise rang painfully rang in my ears and I jerked away, hitting the back of my head on the railing.

"Damn it!" I uttered as I pulled the mask off to rub at the spot. Keran looks confused for a second before she turned to Fanfan who still has the mask on and is laughing crazily. My eyes widened as Keran screamed again before fainting. Fanfan's laughs abruptly stopped as we looked at each other, shock clear on our faces.

"What did you guys do again?" We heard Xin ask, making us turn to see her sitting up.

"It was Y/N's fault!" My eyes widened as I gave Fanfan a smack using the mask.

"It was your idea! You even woke me up for it." I exclaimed, continuing to hit her.
"But you got to admit. Keke's reaction was damn hilarious!" She said, removing the mask.

I let out a huff before throwing the mask on her face. I leaned over their bunk and poked at Keran'd face. She let out a groan before shuffling and opening her eyes.

"Okay, she's alive." I announced before moving away and sitting down beside Xin. We watched as Keran slowly sat up, looking lost.

"I just had the weirdest dream! Y/N was secretly a bug and Fanfan is an old man." She said, making us laugh loudly. She looks confused before her eyes landed on the masks laying on her bed.

"Y/N..." She called out. Her hard gaze focused on me. I stopped laughing and his behind Xin.
"Hey! Why is it always me? It was Fanfan!" I whined out, smirking to myself as she turned towards the latter.

Xin and I watched with wide eyes as Keran suddenly pinned Fanfan down on the bed and hovered on top of her. I know where this is going. I hurriedly stood up and went to pick my clothes before going to the bathroom.

Fate Led Me Here {SOULMATE A.U} {Liu Yuxin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now