24. Broken Songs

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So, this is what it feels like huh? The pain caused by loving too much. It felt like my lungs are gasping for air but I'm breathing just fine. Like thousands of needles are poking my heart but I can't be bothered because at the same time I feel numb.

I sobbed as my legs finally gave up on me. My back resting against the wall as I finally let all the tears I've been holding go. I don't know where I am but all I know is that everything hurts.

"You know, for someone who just ran away from that, you really suck at hiding." I heard someone say, making me look up to see Kiki standing in front of me.

"Kiki, it hurts so much." I sobbed out as I buried my face on my hands. I heard some shuffles before I felt her sit beside me and engulf me in a hug.

"It's okay." She cooed, rubbing my back as I continued to cry on her shoulders.
"It's not. Everything is falling apart and I can't do anything but watch it all happen." I said, my voice cracking as I clutched her shirt tightly in my hands.

"I know my words won't give you enough comfort, or I won't be able to say the words you want to hear. But everything happens for a reason right? Nothing in this world is permanent, but you can trust that we, your friends would be." She said softly.

"Maybe I really am just problematic." I uttered. I felt Kiki pull away and hold my shoulders firmly.
"No you are not." She said firmly.

"But I am! Please stop lying to me. I came to this show to finally do what I love and forget my past, but what happened? It's still chasing after me, and now I'm practically soulmateless." I said.
"Remember dream? Maybe the gods took pity on me and decided to give me some time to be with her until it eventually happens." I smiled bitterly. She looked at me silently for a while, figuring out what to say.

"We'll get through this together alright? Whatever you're going through, we'll face it together." She said, pulling me into a hug, making me return it tightly.
"Thank you, I know that you aren't really the one who's good with words and comforting but I really appreciate you doing this." I mumbled.

"Now let's go. I know just the thing to cheer you up." She said before pulling away and standing up. She gave me a bright smile before offering her hand.
"But what about practice?" I asked with wide eyes as I accepted her hand.
"You're my best friend and you're more important than that." She said sweetly, making me tear up again and hug her.

"Thank you. I know we haven't talked much lately but you're still here." I said.
"Best friends are the people that come into your life when everyone else walk away. Of course I'll be here. Now, come on." She said before pulling me towards the dorms.

"What are we even gonna do?" I asked  as we neared the dorm.
"We are gonna eat a ton of foods and watch movies!" She answered excitedly.
"But how are we gonna watch movies?" I asked.
"The directors are letting us use iPads to help us learn our dance quickly. Didn't they give yours?" She asked in confusion.
"No. Maybe it's because practice only started officially this morning." I said as we finally entered the dorm.

She nodded in understanding and walked towards her closet. She pulled out some clothes and gave them to me so that I can at least shower and be comfortable. We laid comforters on the floor along with some pillows so we can lay down more comfortably. We turned off the lights and ate as the movie started.

"Dang it! Rose is so stupid! They could easily fit in that wood!" I cried out as I shove another spoonful of ice cream on my mouth.
"I know right! Now she's crying her wits out. Girl, did you really expect him to be alive after being in freezing cold water for who knows how long?" Kiki agreed as we cried into each other.

Fate Led Me Here {SOULMATE A.U} {Liu Yuxin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now