32. Can See It Now

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"Hurry up Y/N!" An Qi said, urging me to move faster.
"I'm eating. Don't pester me. Go away." I shrugged her off, continuing to eat.
"Look, it's Xin's turn now!" She said, making me perk up and look towards the camera.

Today, we're doing out underwater shoot and we're currently shooting our opening scene. I was already done with mine so I was sitting down and eating a little bit and minding my own business. But An Qi keeps pestering me to go stretch and swim with her.

"You know, for someone so little, it's impressive how bug your lungs must be to allow you to talk this much." I muttered as I stood beside her to watch the others film.
"As if you're one to talk. We're almost the same height." She said.
"Dumbass, that's why I don't talk too much like you." I said. She was about to argue when Xin started speaking yo the camera.

"Water, I'm here to dive." She said. It's almost unbelievable how she manage to make that one simple sentence so appealing just by saying it with a smirk.

"You're drooling." An Qi said, making me immediately put my hand over my mouth, glaring at her when I realized she tricked me.
"Okay bye. I'm going to Yu Yan." I said before swiftly turning and walking away from her and towards Yu Yan who's stretching by the pool side.

"Are you nervous?" I asked as I started copying her movements.
"A bit." She answered quietly.
"Don't be. If you want, we could shoot together." I offered, making her slightly smile and nod.

My attention was diverted as I heard a splash. I walked towards the spot and squatted next to An Qi to also look at the camera. It was Xin's turn to shoot underwater. I watched in awe as she swam towards the camera. She looks really beautiful and the effects added more ethereal vibes to it. She combed her hair back before resurfacing, making An Qi and I laugh as her hair became a mess on her head. She swam towards us and rested on the sides of the pool.

"Y/N, An Qi I feel so happy!" She said, smiling cutely.
"Yeah, we can see that." I replied.
"Is the shooting effect okay?" She asked as she moved towards the camera.
"Yes, very beautiful." I answered, smiling brightly at her.
"That's only because I haven't done mine yet." An Qi said, making us laugh.

I grabbed a towel from a chair and helped Xin get out of the pool as An Qi started to stretch. I opened up the towel and offered it to her. She gladly accepted it and wrapped it on her shoulders. A laugh slipped out my lips as she ruffled her hair, causing droplets of water to go everywhere.

"Okay, stop." I said as I turned away from her, causing her to let out a laugh. But she didn't stop there as she engulfed me in a hug and shook her head, making me let out a squeal as my clothes became wet and cold as it stick to my skin.

"Yah Yuxin!" I shrieked as I tried to break away from her.
"Hey! Stop flirting. Y/N and I have to shoot now." An Qi said before she started pulling me away, leaving a pouting Xin on the side.

She continued to drag me until we were on the steps. I let out a shaky breath as we slowly submerged ourselves into the cold water. I remained still to let my body slowly adjust to the temperature.

"Oh my gosh! So cold!" An Qi squealed as she clutched my arm. I let out a laugh and started dragging her to the middle. We then spent a few minutes there to get used to the coldness.

"Let's go now." I said but she shook her head.
"You're ready but I'm not yet." She said, pulling an ugly face.
"Well, I guess I'll go first?" I said, liking at the camera man.

He gave me an okay sign before I fully submerged myself in the water. I immediately started swimming around and towards the camera. I gave out a smile before swimming back up to the surface. I took a huge inhale of air and pushed my hair back away from my face before swimming towards the cameras to see the shot.

Fate Led Me Here {SOULMATE A.U} {Liu Yuxin x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now