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Song for this chapter-"What the Hell" by Avril Lavinge.

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress"



(Laura's POV)

"You say that I'm messing with your head..." I sang softly as I wrote down lyrics in my notebook. Chloe was sprawled across the sofa, trying out different riffs and chords on her guitar while Brooke was using her sound system on her laptop to create new beats. Dani was currently paying a guy for fixing the window. I looked over at her as she spoke with the man, joking about something completely irrelevant. I often wondered how she did it. Act okay all the time. If I was her, I would've lost my temper long ago. Probably why I admire her so much. She knows how to keep her cool. "Thanks so much! Have a good day" Dani bid the man farewell before closing the door. She turned to us as we all smiled at her. "What?" She asked, confused. "Nothing. Come over here and give us your ideas" I said. She walked over. "What have you got so far?". I pushed my notebook over for her to read. Her concentrated expression soon changed to pure amusement. "This describes you all over" she giggled. "It's a mood though" I pointed out, smirking as she laughed. "True. We need to make it catchy" she grabbed a pen and began writing down random lyrics in the margin. "Sing that line, I need to hear the melody" she commanded. I repeated the first line again. Dani turns into an absolute diva when it comes to song writing. She has so many ideas, too many and ends up getting frustrated. "I really like that" she smiled at me. "What key are we in Chlo?" She looked up to the blonde, still sprawled on the couch with her guitar. "A major, the guitar is tuned in drop D" she replied, concentrating on her chords. Dani got back to concentrating on the first verse. "We should try this. A to D to F#m. Play them once without vocals and then Laura you start singing on the second A" she instructed to Chloe and I. Brooke turned down her laptop to listen. Chloe sat upright and began playing. I waited for the second A major. "You, say, that I'm messing with your head" I began. "All, because I was making out with your friend." I smiled as I sang. "Love, hurts, whether it's right or wrong. I can't, stop, cause I'm having too much fun" I finished the first verse. We all smiled. "Perfect" Dani breathed. "Brooke you think you can do a beat to that?" She turned to her. "Of course, I'm already on it" Brooke grinned as she began creating a virtual beat on her laptop. "Pre chorus" Chloe clapped her hands together. Dani turned to me. "This is essentially your song. This describes you in high school perfectly. What were they like after you had your hook up and left" she chuckled as I smiled. "They always wanted me to stay. They always wanted something serious" I reflected.  Dani thought. "You're on your knees, begging please, 'stay with me?'" Dani sang softly. "I like that!" Brooke exclaimed. I thought some more, when the perfect lyric hit me. "But honestly, I just need to be a little crazy" I sang as I smiled.


We continued trying to write for ages, changing different lyrics and coming up with new ideas. But it was getting a little frustrating. "Guys we need a title for the song that needs to fit the chorus" Dani groaned. "None of our ideas are working Dani, any I suggest just 'don't sound right' according to you" Chloe muttered. Dani stared at her, wide-eyed. "Chloe I'm just trying to make sure we use the right one" Dani said. "So my ideas aren't the right one then?" Chloe scowled, standing up and pacing around. "What the hell Chloe, where did this all come from!". As the pair were bickering, a lightbulb went off in my head. I scribbled down some lyrics and a smile formed on my head. "Guys shut up! I got it" I yelled excitedly. They all turned silent as they turned to me. "Chloe play the chords for the chorus again" I instructed. She scurried back to her guitar. "Dani sing this with me". Chloe began playing and I began singing as Dani followed along. "All my life I've been good, but now, woah I'm thinking what the hell" we sang. We looked at each other and smiled. "That's it" Dani said, cheering in delight. I flicked my hair. "Argue more often. It gives me ideas" I sassed at both girls. "Can we play the whole thing now?" Brooke whined. Chloe started from the very beginning as I sang the first verse. Dani would sing all the pre choruses. Chloe sang the second verse and I sang the bridge. Throughout Brooke added in some backing vocals while Dani did all the ad libs for the final chorus. I wasn't even going to try and be humble. It sounded great. We all hi-fived afterwards, Chloe and Dani forgetting about their argument. "Song number 2 down" Brooke sighed. "That's if they like it B" I pointed out. "Of course they will! It's catchy, it's fun, it's what Alan said he wants" she said. I rolled my eyes but deep down I knew she was right. We were so happy with it. It was perfect and it really made me feel like I had something to show for with this band. The words repeated in my head constantly from Dani. "This is your song". It felt so good. "Okay guys we really can't relax we need to start on another!" Dani clapped her hands as we all sat up once more to write. "I'll make us coffee" Brooke skipped around the kitchen.

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