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Song for this chapter-"Carry on" by Fun

"Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you"
I began to sprint down the stairs before I felt Ashton grab my arm. "Dani. You know you can talk to me" Ashton said worriedly. I sighed. "Please Ash, I just want to forget about it right now" I pleaded. He gave me a small smile before nodding his head. "Okay" he said softly. We both entered the kitchen to see Michael, Calum, Luke and Chloe all sitting around the island eating pizza. Michael wolf whistled as we came in. "So what were you two up to" Luke smirked. I blushed furiously, even though there was nothing to blush about. "We were playing piano guys chill" Ashton groaned. "Oh yes, piano" Chloe raised her eye brows as she took another bite of her pizza. I glared at her as she smiled cheekily back. "Anyways" Calum cleared his throat to break the tension, which I was eternally grateful for. "I would like to jump in the pool now" he said simply before running out the door. We all laughed before following outside to see him cannon ball in. "Who's joining me?". I smirked before taking off running. "Dani you just got dry" I heard Chloe moan as I plunged into the water. Calum cheered as I came up. "She's fun" he declared, which soon led to Michael and Luke bombing into the water. "Welcome to the cool pool, little one" Luke said throwing an arm around my shoulders. "But I was here before you" I retorted. "Yes but we were cooler before you". I gasped and splashed Luke. Soon we all began having a massive splash war while Ashton and Chloe stood watching, shaking their heads in disapproval. "Gotta show them how to splash properly" Ashton said before diving in as well. Chloe threw her hands up in frustration. "Well that's just fabulous yes, don't mind Chloe I will just go and find even more towels" she muttered as she turned to go inside. "Loser" Michael yelled. She flipped him off without turning around. "Ouch" he yelled again before laughing. We continued to have a splash war before Ashton spoke up. "I know what we can do! Pool wrestle" he yelled as the boys joined him. "Calum you're on my team" Michael declared. "Why do I always get stuck with Michael" Calum groaned. "Because I am the best. Now let me get on your shoulders" Michael said as he stood behind Calum. "Why did that sound so dirty" I laughed. "We like it that way" Michael winked as Calum rolled his eyes. "What are you guys doing" I laughed as the boys struggled to get on each other's shoulders. "Watch and learn, sweetheart" Ashton grinned at me as my cheeks blushed furiously. I watched as he climbed on Luke's shoulders, similar to Michael on Calum and both boys began 'wrestling'. "Michael I can feel your dick on my head" Calum groaned. "Sorry it's a big boy" Michael said as I laughed. "TMI guys oh my God". "Dani you're meant to be the referee" Luke complained. "What am I meant to do? You guys are there just pushing each other" I threw my hands in the air in frustration. "Just make sure I win" Ashton yelled as he and Luke almost lost their balance. "You're all rubbish anyways" I said jokingly. "I'm taking you on next then" Michael retorted. "Fine. I look forward to it" I said sweetly as he glared at me. With a few more pushes and shoves and complaints from Calum about Michael's dick, eventually Ashton and Luke managed to make Calum and Michael topple into the pool. Which I gotta admit, was very hot from my point of view. "God Calum look what you did!" Michael yelled angrily. "You were the one fighting!" Calum retorted as he splashed Michael. "Well you were meant to be keeping balance" Michael growled, splashing him back. Which then turned into a full on splash war. "Guys stop. My turn!" I shouted over their voices. "Great" Calum said sarcastically as he hesitantly allowed Michael back up on his shoulders. "Come on little one, I will be your partner" Luke said. "I'm only a few inches shorter than you guys" I pointed out. "Still little" he shrugged before he hoisted me up on his shoulders. "I shall be the referee" Ashton announced as he lay back on the side of the pool. "Also known as you lay there and do nothing?" Calum raised his brow. "Doesn't matter. Start" Ashton said as he put his hands behind his head. Me and Michael began pushing and shoving each other while balancing on the boys. "Come on Dani destroy him" Luke encouraged from underneath as me and Michael locked up. "Yeah little one" Michael taunted me. I just smirked before shoving him hard. Calum almost lost his balance. Michael smirked as they stayed standing. "You're strong little one" he said as they edged closer. "But not strong enough" he growled before shoving me hard which caused me and Luke to topple over into the water. I stood up out of the water taking a deep breath, wiping the water from my eyes. "You okay?" Ashton called from the side of the pool, concern across his features. All of them looked concerned actually, now that I actually took a second to look around at everyone. I just laughed. "I guess Michael can only beat girls". The boys all began to laugh as Michael complained. "That's so not true! I win nearly all the time and you guys know it" he ranted underneath the boys' laughter. Next thing I know Charlie is bounding straight for the pool. "Look out!" I shriek as he leaps into the pool, splashing all of us. "Jesus" Luke yelled as he scurried away from the dog. "I guess Charlie wants a turn now Michael" I said as we all laughed.

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