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Song for this chapter-"I Believe you" by Fletcher

"The trouble with trouble is, it starts out as fun"

*This chapter refers to sexual assault and rape*

Chloe and Brooke screamed while we all jumped in our seats as our window shattered. On the floor beside the sofa sat a large rock with paper attached. My stomach began to twist as realisation hit. While the boys darted outside, the dogs were barking and growling like crazy and the girls were freaking out, I picked up the rock in my shaky hands.

You started war sweetie.
A x

My heart dropped as my assumptions were exactly as I thought. "Would you two shut the fuck up screaming!" Laura yelled at Brooke and Chloe who were hysterical on the sofa, hiding behind two cushions. Bear and Charlie attempted to run up to the window. "No!" I yelled before grabbing their collars to stop them from cutting their paws. "C-can someone just clean up the glass before someone gets hurt" I sighed as I held the scared dogs. "I'm on it" Laura gave me a tight smile as she hurried out to the utility to get a brush. "Dani?" Chloe looked at me with fear in her eyes. I gulped, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. "It's him Chlo" I quavered as I stared at the broken window. "What?" She whispered. "I said it's him Chloe! Andy!" I snapped, catching her off guard. I sighed as her face showed so much hurt. I squeezed my eyes shut to prevent the tears from falling. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "Look at the rock". Without saying a word, she lifted the rock up and read the short but disturbing message. Her hurt features soon displayed a deep rage. Her breathing started to quicken as she got angrier and angrier. Brooke put a hand on her shoulder and she began to calm down again, before bursting into tears. "He ruined you! He took something away from you that you will never get back and he wants revenge?! Revenge for being the criminal he truly is?!" She screamed. Brooke threw her arms around her and tried to calm her down. I felt completely numb. All I felt were the tears finally spilling from my eyes. But I didn't even know what I felt. I couldn't describe it no matter how hard I tried. "Dani you can let them go now the glass is cleaned up" I heard Laura say to me. I couldn't react. I couldn't even see straight. All I could see were the memories. Of how different things were before that period of our relationship. I gently let the boys go and continued to sit in my spot on the couch, observing everyone else around me. "There was no one out there" Calum panted as he came running in. "Well obviously there was! It wasn't a ghost that threw the rock was it. I swear I will kill him" Laura raged. "Kill who?" Luke asked as he came back in. No, they didn't need to know this. Not yet. I didn't want to tell them yet if ever. "This monster, he-" "Laura no!" I screamed, causing silence amongst everyone. My eyes bore into her soul, as she stared back at me, gobsmacked by my outburst. I looked around to see everyone staring at me, a mixture of emotions plastered on each face. I felt the fresh tear drops spill down my cheeks as I pushed my way past everyone up the stairs. "Dani please! I'm sorry" Laura pleaded after me, along with the others who all continued to show their deep sympathy towards me. They didn't even know what they had sympathy towards me for. I slammed my bedroom door closed, sliding down the door as I began to sob. Sob at how he has ruined my perception of love and now how he is trying to ruin my life. I always think why me. Why did that have to happen to me. Why was I the one who got hurt. Why did I have to have been his victim. Would things have been different if we never dated? Would I be leading a more normal life, where I didn't need to worry about the sheer embarrassment of seeing sympathetic faces every few minutes, claiming they are sorry for what happened? How can they even say that. How can they be sorry. Were they him? Or were they sorry on behalf of him? Thing is, it doesn't matter. Because no sorry in the world can make up for what he did.

"Danielle, can I come in please" I heard Ashton's muffled voice from behind my bedroom door. "Go away Ash" I sobbed into my pillow. "Please Dani, I really want to help" he pleaded. I couldn't do this to him. Or any of them. I didn't want to have to tell them this early. I didn't want to have to tell them at all. But they had a right to know the truth. At the end of the day, what happened tonight could've ended up a lot more tragic if he was to have hit anyone with that rock, potentially killing them. If any of them got hurt as a result of him, I never would've forgiven myself. Reluctantly, I stood up and walked over to the door. It creaked open for me to see a worried looking Ashton on the other side. He immediately took me into his arms as I cried some more. "It's okay darling, I'm here" he whispered in my ear as I clung onto him for dear life. I don't know what it was about Ashton, but hugging him right now, taking in his scent, instantly made me feel calm. Made me feel safe. He guided us to my bed and we sat down. "Please talk to me" he said softly, searching my eyes for answers. I sniffed. "Do you want to know everything?" I asked. He nodded. "Every detail matters". I huffed, wiping my eyes before I began to speak. "Myself and Andy started dating when we were 15. We dated for almost two years" I reflected on my past relationship as Ashton listened closely. "Andy's Dad was an alcoholic. He was always out drinking and came home drunk most nights, causing trouble in their home. One day, Andy came home from school and his Mom was gone" I sighed, remembering the day he called me.

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