07 - Just Do Your Best, Iida!

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In which alarms are
activated, both literally
and metaphorically


-- [Chapter 7 - Just Do Your Best, Iida!] --

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-- [Chapter 7 - Just Do Your Best, Iida!] --

"What's it like learning from All Might?!" A lady asked, jamming a microphone into your face

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"What's it like learning from All Might?!" A lady asked, jamming a microphone into your face.

"I no Japanese speak!" You shot back, dragging Asui off. "Me not know!"

The two of you entered your classroom, to see your classmates chattering excitedly, the topic being the news reporters outside. 

"Did you guys run into them too?!" Kaminari panted, stumbling in behind you. "They're so scary!!"

"To think we'll have to deal with reporters like this in our future is terrifying!!" Jirou added. 

"Man it's amazing that All Might and the other heroes put up with this daily," Kirishima awed. 

Within minutes of that conversation, a blaring alarm was heard outside, and a metal wall was put up. The U.A. barrier, one which put the entire building on lockdown the moment someone without a student or faculty ID card attempted to enter the campus. 

Frozen in Time: S. Todoroki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now