26 - Internship's End

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In which their learnings
are shown through a
variety of physical tests


-- [Chapter 26 - Internship's End] --

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-- [Chapter 26 - Internship's End] --

-- [Chapter 26 - Internship's End] --

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"Morning," you yawned. 

"Here's your coffee, kero," Asui hummed, handing you a mug. 

You'd stayed over at your best friend's house last night, the two of you talking until early hours in the morning as she told you everything she'd learnt. In turn, you recounted the whole Stain event, including the fact that you'd technically committed a crime. Of course, while you'd been sworn to secrecy, this was your best friend since you were in diapers. There was nothing you knew which she wouldn't, and vice versa. 

The two of you had missed an alarm, thereby sleeping in slightly. However, since both of you were paranoid, multiple alarms were set as a precaution. Sleepovers on a weeknight certainly wasn't your best decision, but you hadn't seen Asui in a week. So now, here you were, two zombies walking to school. 

Usually, both of you would keep chatting throughout your journey, catching up and complaining about school. This morning, however, that was entirely out of the question. So your usually energetic walk to school ended up being eerily silent, not that either of you were complaining. 

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