23 - Conclusion

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In which the fear and
adrenaline finally
wears off, leaving
them exhausted


-- [Chapter 23 - Conclusion] --

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-- [Chapter 23 - Conclusion] --

-- [Chapter 23 - Conclusion] --

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- Todoroki Shoto -

The rest of the fight went by in a blur, most of his memory clouded by the fear he felt in the moment. Eventually, Endeavor and other pro heroes - including your father - had arrived. Kronos hadn't been particularly pleased about seeing you in Shoto's arms, but he held his tongue nonetheless. 

The four of you were immediately transported to the hospital, ending up in a room together. It wasn't late at night, barely 6:30, but Midoriya and Iida were still out cold now that the adrenaline and worn off. He, on the other hand, could barely sleep. 

Shoto knew you were fine. You were strong and capable, that much was clear with how expertly you'd saved all their lives today. Still, he couldn't help but worry. You were showing evident signs of hypothermia when you passed out, and the idea of you being driven to this level of exhaustion didn't sit right with him. 

He sighed as he held you against his chest, trying to keep you as warm as he could. To make things easier for the two of you, he'd pushed your beds together, insisting on doing so even when the nurses warned him of the risk of infection. The risk of infection hardly mattered now that both your wounds were all patched up. 

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