"Why is it that you wish to become a hero?"
To correct true evil is a dream many aspiring heroes have, one that is easier said than done. What many don't understand, is that to create a greater good means not to fight evil, but to understand. To cho...
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In which a new resolve is found and things finally start looking up
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-- [Chapter 19 - Mrs. Todoroki Rei] --
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- Todoroki Shoto -
Fireworks popped as the podium was raised, the top four standing on it.
"Now, let's move on to the awards ceremony!" Midnight beamed.
He stood on the third place podium, besides Tokoyami, while you stood in second. Bakugou was in first, chained against a brick wall, handcuffed and muzzled to keep him from attacking anyone around him.
"What a bloodthirsty beast," Tokoyami sneered.
"Is this really necessary?" You asked. "At least remove the muzzle, we're on national television for crying out loud!"
"He's been going wild since he woke up, so it might be for the best," Kirishima sighed.
"Now, for the medals!" Midnight continued, ignoring you. "Presenting them this year is... you know who! He's everyone's hero... All Might!!!"