20 - Time to Pick Some Names!

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In which names have
immense power, and
must therefore be
chosen carefully


-- [Chapter 20 - Time to Pick Some Names!] --

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-- [Chapter 20 - Time to Pick Some Names!] --

-- [Chapter 20 - Time to Pick Some Names!] --

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- Part Two: Begin!! -

- L/N Y/N -

Two days after the Sports Festival, and everyone was rested up. Thursday morning, May 9th. 7:45 in the morning, and the trains were packed since it was raining. Of course, packed trains two days after the nation's most televised event, meant a lot of unwanted attention. 

"Hey, you're the girl that took second in the Sports Festival!" Someone noticed. 

"Huh?" You blinked. "Oh, yeah, that's me."

"You put up one hell of a fight in that arena, miss, it was impressive!" Another exclaimed. "That boy and you make a sweet couple too, he must've let you win."

"Excuse me?" You glared. 

"Y/N don't start a fight," Asui insisted from beside you. "That's the last thing we need this morning, kero."

Frozen in Time: S. Todoroki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now