39 - Reach Out

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In which they see an
era come to an end,
only to be replaced
by a much darker one


-- [Chapter 39 - Reach Out] --

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-- [Chapter 39 - Reach Out] --

"What took you so long?" The man you now knew as All for One laughed

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"What took you so long?" The man you now knew as All for One laughed. 

All Might came rushing in with full power, only to be stopped by All for One's bare hands. You shuddered under the wind released from their clash, ducking behind the wall to shield yourself. 

"He even stopped All Might?!" Midoriya sputtered. 

"It's about five kilometers from the bar to here...." All for One mused. "And it took you a whole thirty seconds to arrive after I sent the Nomu.... you're losing it, All Might."

That caught your attention. All for One was evidently someone who knew about All Might's quirk and it's complicated history. After having deduced the nature of Midoriya and All Might's quirk within two weeks of school starting, you yourself were given a rudimentary explanation of it. 

Still, you hadn't thought the background and history went this deep. 

"So are you," All Might glared. "What's with that industrial looking mask?! Are you sure you should be up and about in that state?! I'm not gonna make the same mistake I did five years ago.... All for One! I'm taking Bakugou, and this time, I'm smashing you into a prison cell! You and your little League of Villains!!"

Frozen in Time: S. Todoroki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now