21 - Internships, Go!

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In which certain things
must be changed to
thouroughly evolve


-- [Chapter 21 - Internships, Go!] --

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-- [Chapter 21 - Internships, Go!] --

"You've got your costumes, right?" Aizawa checked

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"You've got your costumes, right?" Aizawa checked. "Wearing them in public is strictly prohibited, but make sure you don't drop them."

"Yeahhhh!" Ashido cheered. 

"Don't slur your 'yeah's, Ashido, it's disrespectful," Aizawa glared. "All of you be on your best behaviour. Good luck!"

 "Headed to your father's agency?" You asked, walking by Todoroki's side. 

"Yeah," he sighed, scratching his left cheek. "I want to learn to use my fire again, and unfortunately, he's the best person to teach me."

"You'll reopen a scar doing that," you hummed, gently pulling his hand away. "But I guess that's fair."

"You don't need to worry," Todoroki grumbled. "Where are you interning?"

"I'm off to my parents' joint agency," you grinned. "I've got a lot to learn about my quirk and how exactly to connect the two different aspects. Plus, their agency is super close to the Endeavour agency, so I might see you out on patrol!"

Frozen in Time: S. Todoroki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now