13.5 - L/N Touma's Thoughts

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"So, Y/N, who's this boy I keep seeing you with?" Your father hummed, draping an arm around your shoulders.

"Dad," you greeted, voice cracking. "I just got here for lunch with my girls, what boy? Are you perhaps seeing things?"

"Just grab lunch, I'll be borrowing you for now," your father decided. 

You sighed, but nodded and agreed nonetheless, leaving him to go stand in line. The food was pretty simple, mostly being cold to allow for refreshments. There were smaller items, such as meat buns and onigiri's, but you wanted something a little more filling after all the running around you'd been doing. Just then, you saw bowls of cold noodles. 

"How do you take your noodles, Todoroki-kun?" You asked. 

The two of you were stood in front of a noodle bar after another rigourous training session. It was a Saturday, so neither of you had commitments the next day, allowing you to train slightly longer than you normally would. 

"Cold," he yawned. "How much is it?"

It was a small interaction from a week ago, but you were already concerned about Todoroki skipping lunch for some reason. Sighing, you decided to get him something to eat as well, not that his focus wavered in the final stage. You wanted to fight him in his best physical state, meaning he couldn't be hungry.  

"I now see where you get your good looks from," Ashido awed, practically drooling at the sight of your father. "He is one hell of a hot man!"

"Mina!" You laughed. "My mother can and will fight!"

"It's okay baby I'll gladly have both!"

"Would you end up as her step-mom then-?"

"Ochaco-chan, please never speak again, kero."


"Just fill me in on whatever happens," you requested, grabbing two bowls of cold soba. "I'll be back after talking to my dad."

"Sure, see ya later!"

You smiled before jogging off to join your father, walking by his side. You had to give it to Ashido, the two of you looked pretty similar. The same coloured hair, and bright violet eyes which glinted with power whenever you used your quirk. Even if he had the deepest frown, his eyes always had a mischievous gleam to them, one which made him extremely approachable. The only thing strikingly different, was your face shape, which you'd inherited from your mother. Apart from that, the two of you looked almost identical.

"This place brings back memories," he hummed, sitting in the stairwell. 

The two of you were sat at the steps, with you eating one of the noodle bowls you got, while you saved the other for Todoroki since he hadn't showed up to the lunch hall. 

"Of course," you laughed. "You should try some of this, it's amazing!"

"Lunch Rush makes the best damn food in the world, after your mother," he smiled. "U.A.'s hardly ever this quiet, it takes immense skill to calm over a hundred students with just the quality of the food."

"You would know, considering you can't even get Seiji and me to shut up," you grinned. "Why'd you drag me here anyways?"

Your father stayed silent, unsure how to broach the topic. You let him be, eating your lunch while you watched the cogs in his brain whirr into action, moving steadily as his brows furrowed. He was evidently deep in thought, slightly disturbed even, and that worried you to put it mildly. 

"That kid you're attached to, he's Endeavour's son, isn't he?" Your father sighed finally. 

"Todoroki? Yeah, why?" You asked. 

Frozen in Time: S. Todoroki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now