Later, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had been brought to the High Board Room. Standing in the middle of the room, they faced a long circular bench, the Gungan High Council, filled with five Gungan officials, and in the middle sat an Ankura male, Boss Rugor Nass. Jar Jar was in the back, guarded by the guards and handcuffed. The Jedi by now had explained to the council what was happening on the surface.
"Tkk-tkk-tkk-tkk-tkk." Nass clicked his tongue. "Yousa cannot bees hair. Dis army of Mackineeks up dare is new weesong."
"A droid army is about to attack the Naboo." Qui-Gon said. "We must warn them."
"Wesa no like da Naboo. Tkk-tkk-tkk-tkk-tkk. Da Naboo tink day so smarty. Day tink day brains so big."
Obi-Wan walked forward. "Once those droids take control of the surface, they will take control of you." He said.
"Mesa no tink so. Mesa scant talkie witda Naboo, and so nutten talkie wit outlanders. Dos Mackineeks no comen here! Dat not know of uss-en."
"You and the Naboo form a symbiont circle. What happens to one of you will affect the other. You must understand this."
"Wesa wish no nutten in yousa tings, outlander, and wesa no carrrre--nn..." Nass jiggled his mouth. "... about da Naboo. Wesa only care-n about ussen."
Qui-Gon suddenly waved his hand slightly at Nass. "Then speed us on our way." He said.
Influenced by the Force, Nass did as Qui-Gon suggested.
"Wesa ganna speed yous away." Nass said.
Qui-Gon wade his hand again. "We could use a transport." He said.
"Wesa give yousa una bongo."
Jar Jar let out a confused sound when he saw Boss Nass changing his mind just like that. He looked to his right to a guard, who only sneered at him.
"A speediest way tooda Naboo 'tis goen through the planet core. Now, go."
"Thank you for your help." Qui-Gon said. "We leave in peace."
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan turned around, about to walk out of the board room.
"Master, what's a bongo?" Obi-Wan asked.
"A transport, i hope."
As the Jedi were about to walk up the steps to the exit, Jar Jar leaned towards them, giving them a forlorn look, while the guard held him back. This caused Qui-Gon to stop and look at the Gungan.
"Deysa setten yousa up." Jar Jar said. "Goen through da planet core? Bad bombin'. Mmm... any help here would be hot."
Jar Jar showed his shackles sheepishly. Qui-Gon looked like he was considering something, while Obi-Wan looked unsure.
"Master, we're short on time. "Obi-Wan said.
"We'll need a navigator to get us through the planet's core." Qui-Gon said, eyeing Jar Jar. "This Gungan may be of help."
"I sense a loss of focus."
"Be mindful, my young Padawan. Your sensitivity to the Living Force is not your strength."
Obi-Wan looked embarrased at this, while Qui-Gon walked back to Boss Nass, crossing his arms under his sleeves.
"What is to become of Jar Jar Binks here?"
"Binks brokeen the nocombackie law. Hisen to be pune-ished." Nass said.
"He has been a great help to us. I hope the punishment will not be too severe."
"Founded unto death."
Jar Jar started grimacing. "Oooooh... ouch!" He said.
Obi-Wan started to look worried, while Qui-Gon was thinking, before he came up with something.
Star Wars - Destiny of the Jedi
AdventureAnakin Skywalker was 5 years old when his mother gave birth to his younger brother, Jaden. Now, as he is 9 years old and his brother is only 4, the brothers meet a Jedi Master who gives them a chance to come with him to be trained to become Jedi the...