The Arena

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(Petranaki Arena)

Having been taken to the Petranaki Arena to be executed, Anakin and Padmé were standing on an open cart. Their arms had been cuffed to the cart so that their backs were against each other, while a Geonosian driver was getting up on his seat, with 2 guards standing by.

Anakin turned slightly towards Padmé. "Don't be afraid." He said.

Padmé looked at Anakin in return. "I'm not afraid to die." She said quietly. "I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life."

Anakin looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"I love you."

Anakin now looked shocked at this. "You love me?" Anakin looked away, taking a deep breath. "I thought that we had decided not to fall in love..." He turned back to Padmé, who kept looking at him. "... that we would be forced to live a lie, and that it would destroy our lives."

"I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. My love for you is a puzzle, Ani, for which i have no answers." Padmé started to slowly lean towards Anakin, with him starting to do the same. "I can't control it, and now i don't care. Itruly, deeply love you. and before we die, i want you to know."

With their lips finally meeting, Anakin and Padmé started kissing. The Geonosian drived then cried and the Orray, a sturdy quadruped reptile started pulling the cart into the arena. While Anakin and Padmé stopped kissing, they started looking over the arena, which was filled with Geonosians cheering loudly and ready to see the execution.

The cart trundled to the center of the arena, where there were 4 upright posts that were 3 feet in diameter. Obi-Wan was chained up to the far right one, arms raised up as the chains were connected to the top. Obi-Wan looked at Anakin and Padmé as they passed him.

As the cart came to a stop, Anakin and Padmé were taken down and dragged towards the posts. However, as she was being taken to the post, Padmé pulled a lock picker from her belt before putting it in her mouth. While she was chained up to the one on the left, Anakin was being to the one between hers and Obi-Wan's.

"I was beginning to wonder if you'd got my message." Obi-Wan said to Anakin.

"I retransmitted it just as you had requested, Master." Anakin said as he was chained up. "Then we decided to come and rescue you."

Obi-Wan glanced at his chained before looking at Anakin sarcastically. "Good job."

Anakin looked frustrated while a Geonosian flew up to place the chain on top of the post.

While the cheering continued, Count Dooku, Poggle the Lesser, Nute Gunray, the Fetts and Rune Haako arrived in the archducal box, overlooking the arena and the audience.

"<Settle down. Settle down.>" Poggle's voice boomed in Geonosian, as the cheering subsided. "<The felons before you have been convicted of espionage against the Sovereign System of Geonosis. Their sentence of death is to be carried out in this public arena henceforth. Let the execution begin!>"

The crowd went wild while three different gates in the arena that were next to each other started opening, which also were across from the prisoners. From each of them, a monster walked into the arena. One was a Reek, a large thick-skinned, horned, rhino-esque creature which started roaring. Another was an Acklay, which had sharp claws and thick skin, and it came out of it's cage screeching. A Geonosian guard stabbed at it with it's spear, which annoyd Acklay and it roared at it.

The third monster was a Nexu, an agile catlike animal predator with 4 eyes. It jumped out of it's cage, and a Geonosian guard zapped it with it's spear. Suddenly the Nexu jumped at the guard, biting into it and killing it.

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