Arrival on Coruscant

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Naboo Royal Starship exited the hyperscape, and was now approaching Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic. Even above the planet thousands of ships were flying in and out. Flying down, the starship was flying over an endless cityscape.

Anakin and Jaden were in the cockpit of the ship, looking out of the window in awe, with Jaden sitting in the co-pilot seat next to Olié who continued to pilot the ship.

"Coruscant. The entire planet is one big city." Olié said to the boys.

"Wow! It's so big!" Jaden said wide-eyed.

Olié chuckled, before eyeing a floating platform high above the street level. "There's Chancellor Valorum's shuttle. And look over there. Senator Palpatine is waiting for us."

Walking out of the shuttle, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, a middle-aged man, was esctored by a group of Senate Guards, dressed in blue robes and large helmets and armed with MK II 'Paladin' blaster rifles. Palpatine was standing alone on the platform, glancing towards the approaching Chancellor before eyeing the landing starship.

Once the ramp opened, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were the first ones to exit the ship. As the guards stood on the side, Palpatine and Valorum exchanged pleasent smiles and the Jedi approached them before bowing to the Chancellor. They were followed by the Skywalker brothers, Jar Jar, Panaka, Queen Amidala and the Handmaidens.

While the queen walked to Palpatine and Valorum, Anakin and Jaden went on to stand by Qui-Gon still holding hands, while Qui-Gon placed his hands on Anakin's shoulder and Jaden's head. Anakin and Padmé exchanged smiles at each other.

"It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesty." Palpatine said. "With the communications breakdown, we've been concerned. I'm anxious to hear your report on the situation."

"Senator Palpatine, you have tried so hard to avoid a conflict. Now it has come to this." Amidala said.

"May i present Supreme Chancellor Valorum."

"Welcome, Your Highness." Valorum greeted. "It's an honor to finally meet you in person."

"Thank you, Supreme Chancellor." Amidala said.

Amidala, Palpatine and Valorum started to slowly walk towards the air taxi, while two of Amidala's guards walked ahead to it. The Handmaidens, Skywalkers and Jar Jar were following them from behind.

"I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the current situation." Valorum said. "I've called for a special session of the senate to hear your position."

"I'm grateful for your concern, Chancellor."

"There is a question of procedure..." Palpatine said. "... but i'm confident we can overcome it."

As Palpatine started to lead Amidala to the air taxi, followed by the Skywalkers (who were looking around the city in wonder), Panaka, Jar Jar and the Handmaidens, in the back the Jedi approached Valorum.

"I must speak with the Jedi Council immediately." Qui-Gon said to Valorum. "The situation has become much more complicated."

Anakin and Jaden stopped and looked back, noticing how Qui-Gon wasn't following them.

"Ani, Jade, come on." Padmé said.

The brothers looked back at Qui-Gon again, who nodded for them to go on ahead. Everyone then entered the taxi, with Amidala, Panaka, Palpatine and the Handmaidens in the back while Jaden, Anakin and Jar Jar sat in the front. While Palpatine was giving the Gungan and the boys sceptical look, Jar Jar leaned closer to the brothers.

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