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10 years ago, our world changed and transformed. It all started when a mysterious meteorite fell from space, and crash landed on Earth. When it crashed it released a gaint gas that spreaded across half of the planet. The people who inhaled that gas, underwent a transformation. They transformed into the planets animals, and even mythical animals that were not even real, became real. Also they have been given different forms, one form is their human form, the second form is the hybrid form which is that the people are able to turn into their animal selfs and act like a human, finally is the third form, which is their complete form. These people have been named ani-humans. Fast forward to present day the gas has disappeared, ever since then 70 percent of humans have the ability to transform. My family, which is my mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, me Seth, and my brother Andrew are human. The governments around the world have came together and just have decided to accept this. So now both humans and ani-humans have co-existed with each other and now are walking on this planet freely. Since the gas is gone, the only way to get infected is either get bitten, sex, scratched, or drinking each others saliva. Also one more thing I should say, is that once you are a ani-human it gets passed down genetically.

Just some minutes before the first sun rays iluminate his bedroom, he still beginning to awake, positions himself on all fours, but for now still in his clothes, because he forgot to took off them last night, and concentrating he begin his transformation: Andrew got down on his hands and knees in preparation and focused carefully without straining his brain. Soon, he felt his tail begin to grow from his bottom, pushing against the back of his jeans. He then felt two other lumps grow from either side of his spine on his back. Seconds later, his long spiky tail and wings burst out, ripping through his jeans and t-shirt. His face began to push out into a muzzle and his hair began to fall out. Andre felt his legs and knees begin to wobble until his joints snapped into feral form, meaning that he was no longer able to stand on just his feet. As for his feet, he felt them rubbing inside his favourite shoes until he felt the claws growing from his toes and scratching against the inner lining. They scratched so much they ripped through the toecaps, exposing his bare feet. As his scales developed all over his body, he felt his shirt begin to tear downwards from the collar, eventually falling off his body. As his feet and hands grew and developed his claws, they could no longer be contained by his shoes and violently shredded them apart. Andrew used his claws to tear the fly of his jeans. This didn't help the growth of his dragon legs which began to strain against the denim and tear them along the seams, leaving him with no clothes now. His transformation accelerated now that his threads were all gone from his person. After a couple more minutes, he was fully in his feral form of dragon.

Now back to my life. It is monday morning, my parents are away at the moment, and my cousin Sarena is staying with us with her parents with ours. The sun shined through my windows and onto my face. I groan and slowly open my eyes. As I opened my eyes my school alarm went off. I sat up the bed, turned off my alarm. I gave my body a good stretch. I get up and make my bed, I hear clattering coming from Andrews room. Concerned, leave my room and knock on his room. "*knocks* Andrew you alright in there" I said, I put my hand on the door knob, it was unlocked. I opened it, and saw Andrew's room a mess, and he was naked.

"ANDREW, WHAT IN THE WORld?! WHY ARE YOU NAKED AND WHY IS YOUR ROOM A MESS!?" I shouted at him. "*yawns* ugh, Seth why are you yelling, and good morning to you, also this is my room, I can do whatever I want" Andrew said. He got up, put his clothes on, and made his bed. "ugh, well you're not wrong about that...get yourself ready, breakfast will be made soon, I'm going to wake up Sarena after I use the bathroom." I said. I leave the room, and went to the bathroom. Took me 5 minutes, then I went to my room and got my school outfit on, combed my blue hair. Then I went to Sarena's room and knocked. "Hey Sarena get ready for school" I said. The door opened and their stood Sarena already dressed up and brushed her orange hair. "yea yea, already a step ahead of you mom" she said. I laughed, we both went downstairs with our bookbags, I went to get breakfast made. Sarena helped get the plates out. Minutes later breakfast was ready, and Andrew came down. "What took you so long?" I said. "Ah I was trying to find my outfit hehe" he said. "you would have found it if your room was clean" I said. We sat down on the table, and ate our breakfast. A few minutes later, we left the house, I locked the door, and headed to school.

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