Capítulo sem título 94

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A strange pressure in his head roused Hiccup from what were bizarre dreams. Though it was hard to say exactly what they were, images of dragons laced the mental recollections as best as he could understand. Not an unusual occurrence, given his life and his status in the village of Berk. Still, there was something bizarre in the images that teetered on the fringe of his psyche. Something like...the dragons in his dreams were...male? He certainly knew to differentiate between the sexes through visible markings, but...why did that matter so much in this instance?

To his embarrassment, Hiccup soon realized that he was sporting a rather sizable erection under his furs, one that sent waves of confusion through his mind. Never in his 20 years had he been so powerfully erect from a dream. Given his intimate relationship with his new wife, Astrid, and her presence in the bed beside him, he'd had no frame of mind for wet dreams as of late. Yet, there was no denying the sheer lust that radiated through his body as he stood up, trying to clear his head of the bizarre images and what they seemed to do to his body.

Yet, it was hard to focus on the blurry images with the realization that Toothless was absent from his usual rock in the center of the room. Though Stormfly slept outside in the pits due to her size, Toothless still took up residence in the hut that he and Astrid shared. And, it was not commonplace for him to be absent from his usual rock at this hour. There was something unusual happening in Berk, and to himself, though Hiccup could hardly understand what it was.

Looking down at the sleeping form of his wife, Hiccup decided that it was best not to wake her. Though she was a far superior fighter to even he, Hiccup figured he would let her sleep before he knew what was amiss. Besides, if there had been severe trouble, the guards outside would have sounded the alarm by now. Right?

Still, the pressure in his skull, and the unwanted arousal, were getting to him, and Hiccup had to force his way out of the hut and into the moonlit night. Greeting the guards, though he was still not used to their salutes even though he had been chief for several years now, Hiccup made his way to the edge of the village, where he assumed Toothless would be. Something in the air sent tingles through his skin as he trekked towards the cliffs surrounding their home. It was as though he was being compelled in that direction by some unseen force. To his embarrassment, Hiccup's arousal only seemed to grow stronger, cock throbbing under his furs as though ready to explode at any moment. It was everything he could do not to bring his hand down and tend to his needs, even though he was out of the privacy of his hut.

Yet, the compulsion drawing him forth was enough to prevent him from such a shameful act, at least for the moment. It was hard to deny the more powerful urge to struggle forward, defying his usual instincts for caution. Though he was just able to force himself to sneak along, he felt the powerful urge to hurry, as though he could not get to the destination fast enough. In his haste and evident lust, he had even forgotten to bring his flame sword, a blade, or any other implement he could use to defend himself, something Hiccup had not failed to do in many years. It spoke to the direness of the situation or the drive to reach the unforeseen goal that had gripped his mind.

Far from view of any of the active guards now, the bright moonlight was enough to illuminate a familiar figure on the rock overlooking the ocean. It was Toothless's preferred rock, one he lit aflame to sun himself when not resting in their hut. His best bud seemed to be sleeping, or at least unaware of Hiccup's presence as he walked closer. Yet, the sight of something hanging around on the underside of his dragon's belly made Hiccup do a double-take. Throbbing to the point of almost flopping about the rock was the dragon's member, a red, slimy-looking appendage was leaking clear fluids down its shaft and onto the rock. It resembled the phallus of some sort of sea creature, red and slick and almost prehensile. Its dimensions were larger in relation to the Nightfury's body, an impressive male specimen for his breed. Though Hiccup hardly had knowledge of such things, especially when he'd never found another Nightfury, male or not.

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