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Bakugan mating: As soon as the class started, the teacher began a lecture on biology, specifically focusing on the anatomy of different Bakugan species. Trevor, a bright silver scaled dragon, who mocks him with his two lackies, Layden and Nofre. That was also when there was a revelation that Sugar and Shinee were from royal bloodlines. Having a prince and a princess in the same glass was for sure rare and spread out the whole school like wildfire. Sugar being a princess sure messed Ilia's poor confused head even more confused. Would that mean if she were to marry someone, they would be her prince..? Soon the whole class was discussing mating season and reproductive organs. The topic made Ilia uncomfortable, but he was surprised to find that Sugar and Shinee seemed fascinated by it. They asked questions and made comments that showed a deep understanding of the subject. Ilia couldn't help but feel a little envious of their knowledge and confidence.Ilia felt his face grow hot as the teacher talked about the intimate details of Bakugan reproduction. Trevor scoffed from his seat, "As if we didn't know this stuff already. We've been around for centuries, we know how to mate just fine." Layden and Nofre chuckled in agreement, but Sugar and Shinee were unfazed. Shinee chimed in, "It's not just about mating, it's about understanding the biology and the intricacies of our own bodies." Ilia couldn't help but feel impressed by their knowledge and confidence. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he said, his voice quiet. Sugar smiled at him kindly, "It's okay if it makes you uncomfortable. During a part about herms, Trevor said, "Well, I can change genders too," Trevor said, a hint of pride in his voice. Ilia looked at him skeptically, "What do you mean? How does that even work?" Trevor smirked, "I have the ability to switch between male and female reproductive organs. And let's just say, I have a little surprise for anyone who underestimates me in a fight." Ilia's eyes widened in surprise and a little bit of shock. "Wait, you mean you have both a penis and a female reproductive organ?" Trevor nodded, "That's right. And if need be, I can even carry and lay eggs like Layden and Nofre." He was fascinated by this newfound knowledge and couldn't help but ask, "How does that work? I mean, how can you be fully male and still lay eggs?" Layden smiled patiently, "It's because our reproductive organs are a little different from other species. We have a specialized organ that functions as a sort of male womb, where the eggs are fertilized and gestate until they're ready to be laid." Nofre added, "And when it's time to lay the eggs, they come out through a specialized opening that's connected to our anus. During their conversation the teacher said that they were going to a special zone inside the school to get with their mates during the interval of this class, as the interval came, Trevor couldn't contain his excitement to meet Zyro, his male griffin mate. They headed to the special zone, a secluded area within the school where they could be together in private. Trevor's silver scales glimmered under the soft light as he approached Zyro, who greeted him with a warm smile. Layden and Nofre, the bird and wolf Bakugan, ventured to the special zone together with their male boyfriends, a phoenix named Alex and a dragon named Ventu. They were all close companions and had supported each other through various challenges. Now, they were eager to explore the depths of their bond and share intimate moments in the sanctuary of the special zone. Shinee and Sugar, with Sugar now in her herm form, were also excited to spend time together. They had been intrigued by each other for some time, and the opportunity to date and deepen their connection was a thrilling prospect. Ilia, without a pair for the moment, was content observing the love and happiness of his friends. He knew that when the time was right, he would find a mate who would cherish him as he was. As for Kizuato the only full grown up dragon bakugan of the family, the son of Dharak and an adopted son of Drago, he enjoyed this pause at class and spent time mating with his both fathers, chatting in a reserved zone of the 'mating zone', as with permission of Drago, he let him mating with him, during this interval. Inside the special zone, the atmosphere was filled with love, trust, and understanding. Each pair explored their feelings, shared their desires, and deepened their connections. For Trevor and Zyro, it was a chance to express their affection physically and emotionally, strengthening the foundation of their bond. Layden and Nofre enjoyed their time as a foursome, sharing laughs and heartfelt moments. Their wings and tails intertwined, signifying their unity and commitment to each other. Shinee and Sugar's date was filled with curiosity and gentle exploration. They enjoyed getting to know each other on a deeper level, forming a connection that promised a bright future. Trevor, the silver-scaled dragon, approached his mate Zyro, the male griffin, with anticipation in his eyes. The air was filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as they met in the special zone, a secluded area within the school designed for intimate moments between Bakugan pairs. Zyro's feathers ruffled with a mixture of emotions, mirroring Trevor's feelings. They locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. The bond they shared was unique, a connection that went beyond mere words. Zyro's beak opened in a soft chirp, a gesture of affection that Trevor returned with a gentle rumble. With a graceful movement, Zyro extended his wing, inviting Trevor to come closer. Trevor obliged, his steps measured and deliberate. As he reached Zyro's side, their bodies brushed against each other, scales and feathers mingling. Trevor's warm breath mixed with the faint scent of Zyro's feathers, creating an intimate atmosphere that enveloped them. Zyro's beak traced a path along Trevor's neck, sending shivers down his spine. Trevor tilted his head, allowing Zyro better access, a silent invitation for more. Zyro's beak moved lower, caressing Trevor's shoulder, his touch both tender and possessive. Trevor's tail swayed gently, a visible sign of his increasing excitement. He raised his own wing, mirroring Zyro's earlier gesture, and brushed it against Zyro's flank. The touch was electric, a confirmation of their desire for each other. Their eyes met again, and without words, they knew it was time. Trevor shifted his weight, his body moving closer to Zyro's. Zyro's wings spread slightly, a gesture of submission and trust. Trevor's muzzle nuzzled against Zyro's neck, his warm breath sending ripples of sensation through Zyro's feathers. With a gentle press, Trevor's body aligned with Zyro's, their forms fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Trevor's heart pounded in his chest as he felt the heat of Zyro's body against his own. He could sense Zyro's excitement, a mix of nervousness and eagerness that mirrored his own emotions. They were about to share a moment that was both deeply personal and profoundly meaningful. With a slow, deliberate movement, Trevor's tail brushed against Zyro's flank, a gentle exploration of his mate's body. Zyro's feathers fluffed in response, a soft sound escaping his beak. Trevor's muzzle pressed against Zyro's cheek, a silent reassurance that they were in this together. And then, with a shared understanding, Trevor and Zyro moved as one. Trevor's body arched, his wings stretching outwards as his tail found its place against Zyro's flank. Zyro's beak parted in a silent gasp, his own body responding to Trevor's touch. Time seemed to slow as their bodies moved in a dance of intimacy and connection. Every touch, every movement, spoke volumes of their bond. The world around them faded into the background, leaving only the two of them in this moment of shared vulnerability. As the interval continued, their connection deepened, their bodies finding a rhythm that was uniquely theirs. Each movement was a declaration of their love, a testament to the trust they had in each other. And as their bodies entwined, they created a memory that would forever be etched into their hearts. In the midst of this intimate dance, their instincts guided them, allowing them to express their affection in a way that words could never fully capture. The mating interval was a time of unity, of exploring their desires and strengthening their bond. And for Trevor and Zyro, it was a moment that would forever mark the beginning of their journey together. During the mating interval Trevor still in his male form inserted his penis in Zyro's anus, while Layden and Nofre with Nofre fucking Trevor, and Layden mounting Nofre as the phoenix male Alex mounted Layden and the dragon male named Ventu mounted the phoenix, as they mated in this 'train position' with Nofre, still mounted in Trevor's back, inserting his penis in the dragon's anus, lowered his front half to the ground, allowing Layden to mount him from behind. The wolf Bakugan's strong limbs supported their weight as they moved in unison, a dance of passion and intimacy. Alex, the fiery phoenix, extended his wings gracefully, framing the tableau like a living work of art. With an elegant motion, he positioned himself behind Layden, his form a testament to both strength and elegance. Simultaneously, Ventu, the powerful dragon Bakugan, aligned himself with Alex, their union a juxtaposition of fire and ice, raw power and controlled grace, and as they cummed in each other's male wombs impregnating them all with new eggs, as they dismounted from each other partner's back in sequence, they lay in a circle with the center being the knotted penis in each one's anus as their anuses are touching each other's with their penises firmly stuck and knotted deeply inside their rumps with their tails entwining while on all fours all in the ass-to-ass position facing opposite directions. While in their ass-to-ass position they remounted each other continuing their mating, with Nofre's fervent thrusts into Trevor's anus as he remounted the silver-scaled male herm dragon boy, were met with Trevor's own responses, a symphony of moans and whispers that echoed in the air. Layden's mounting of Nofre, the male bakugan herm wolf boy added a layer of intimacy, a visual representation of their unity as they explored the boundaries of pleasure together. Meanwhile, the majestic phoenix Alex spread his wings with a regal elegance as he approached Layden. The fiery aura that surrounded him seemed to intensify with each movement, mirroring the intensity of their desires. As Alex mounted Layden, the bakugan male herm bird boy, their gazes locked in a passionate connection, their shared moment becoming a testament to their profound bond. Ventu, the enigmatic dragon Bakugan, intertwined with Alex, as the dragon remounted the male phoenix, his powerful presence adding an element of raw energy to the tableau. Their synchronized movements created a cascade of sensations, each touch igniting sparks of pleasure that reverberated through their intertwined forms. Amidst the intricate dance of desire and connection, the Bakugan's union took on a mesmerizing rhythm, a harmonious symphony of bodies intertwined. Nofre's fervent thrusts into Trevor were met with Trevor's own responses, a symphony of moans and whispers that echoed in the air. Layden's mounting of Nofre added a layer of intimacy, a visual representation of their unity as they explored the boundaries of pleasure together. Meanwhile, the majestic phoenix Alex spread his wings with a regal elegance as he approached Layden. The fiery aura that surrounded him seemed to intensify with each movement, mirroring the intensity of their desires. As Alex mounted Layden, their gazes locked in a passionate connection, their shared moment becoming a testament to their profound bond. Ventu, the enigmatic dragon Bakugan, intertwined with Alex, his powerful presence adding an element of raw energy to the tableau. Their synchronized movements created a cascade of sensations, each touch igniting sparks of pleasure that reverberated through their intertwined forms. With each movement, their connections deepened, their desires becoming intertwined with the fabric of their being. The mating interval had become a canvas for their passions, a realm where they could explore their emotions and desires without reservation. The unity between them was palpable, every touch and movement a testament to their shared experience. As they disengaged from their couplings, their bodies formed a circle, tails entwined as a symbol of their collective bond. The knotted penises, once the focus of their unions, now represented a different kind of connection – a testament to their shared experience and the threads that bound them together. In their position on all fours, bodies pressed close together, their heartbeats seemed to synchronize. The intensity of their union left them breathless, their emotions mingling with the afterglow of pleasure. In this intimate moment, they realized they were part of something far greater than themselves – a tapestry woven from love, desire, and unity that transcended time and space. As the Bakugan assumed a unique and intricate in the ass-to-ass position with their anuses touching after dismounting from their partners back, going into an all fours position, after turning 180 degrees, with their penises and knots firmly tightly stuck inside and deeper penetration in each other's anuses. At the same time Ilia, joined Shinee and Sugar in their mating ritual as they were licking each other's anuses for preparation of their own mating, Ilia joined them as he too licked Shinee's and Sugar's anuses, as Shinee mounted Sugar's anus with his penis inside Sugar's anus, then Ilia mounted his cousin Shinee fucking his cousin's anus too, as they mated after 20 minutes, Shinee dismounted from Sugar's back and turned 180 degress facing opposite directions with their anuses touching in the ass-to-ass position with their tails entwining too, then Ilia did the same actions of Shinee also dismounting from his cousin's back and too turning 180 degrees too facing opposite directions with him and their anuses touching in the ass-to-ass position with their tails entwining too. While Layden and Nofre with Nofre fucking Trevor, and Layden mounting Nofre as the phoenix male Alex mounted Layden and the dragon male named Ventu mounted the phoenix, Amidst the intricate dance of desire and connection, the Bakugan's union took on a mesmerizing rhythm, a harmonious symphony of bodies intertwined. Nofre's fervent thrusts into Trevor were met with Trevor's own responses, a symphony of moans and whispers that echoed in the air. Layden's mounting of Nofre added a layer of intimacy, a visual representation of their unity as they explored the boundaries of pleasure together. Meanwhile, the majestic phoenix Alex spread his wings with a regal elegance as he approached Layden. The fiery aura that surrounded him seemed to intensify with each movement, mirroring the intensity of their desires. As Alex mounted Layden, their gazes locked in a passionate connection, their shared moment becoming a testament to their profound bond. Ventu, the enigmatic dragon Bakugan, intertwined with Alex, his powerful presence adding an element of raw energy to the tableau. Their synchronized movements created a cascade of sensations, each touch igniting sparks of pleasure that reverberated through their intertwined forms. With each movement, their connections deepened, their desires becoming intertwined with the fabric of their being. The mating interval had become a canvas for their passions, a realm where they could explore their emotions and desires without reservation. The unity between them was palpable, every touch and movement a testament to their shared experience. As they disengaged from their couplings, their bodies formed a circle, tails entwined as a symbol of their collective bond. The knotted penises, once the focus of their unions, now represented a different kind of connection – a testament to their shared experience and the threads that bound them together. In their position on all fours, bodies pressed close together, their heartbeats seemed to synchronize. The intensity of their union left them breathless, their emotions mingling with the afterglow of pleasure. In this intimate moment, they realized they were part of something far greater than themselves – a tapestry woven from love, desire, and unity that transcended time and space. As the Bakugan assumed a unique and intricate in the ass-to-ass position with their anuses touching after dismounting from their partners back, going into an all fours position, after turning 180 degrees, with their tails entwining with each other's as well. Amidst the intricate dance of desire and connection, the Bakugan's union took on a mesmerizing rhythm, a harmonious symphony of bodies intertwined. Nofre's fervent thrusts into Trevor were met with Trevor's own responses, a symphony of moans and whispers that echoed in the air. Layden's mounting of Nofre added a layer of intimacy, a visual representation of their unity as they explored the boundaries of pleasure together. Meanwhile, the majestic phoenix Alex spread his wings with a regal elegance as he approached Layden. The fiery aura that surrounded him seemed to intensify with each movement, mirroring the intensity of their desires. As Alex mounted Layden, their gazes locked in a passionate connection, their shared moment becoming a testament to their profound bond. Ventu, the enigmatic dragon Bakugan, intertwined with Alex, his powerful presence adding an element of raw energy to the tableau. Their synchronized movements created a cascade of sensations, each touch igniting sparks of pleasure that reverberated through their intertwined forms. With each movement, their connections deepened, their desires becoming intertwined with the fabric of their being. The mating interval had become a canvas for their passions, a realm where they could explore their emotions and desires without reservation. The unity between them was palpable, every touch and movement a testament to their shared experience. As they disengaged from their couplings, their bodies formed a circle, tails entwined as a symbol of their collective bond. The knotted penises, once the focus of their unions, now represented a different kind of connection – a testament to their shared experience and the threads that bound them together. In their position on all fours, bodies pressed close together, their heartbeats seemed to synchronize. The intensity of their union left them breathless, their emotions mingling with the afterglow of pleasure. In this intimate moment, they realized they were part of something far greater than themselves – a tapestry woven from love, desire, and unity that transcended time and space. After the mating all of them come back to their classroom, and by the new discovery of Shinee's, Trevor's, Nofre's and Layden's hermaphrodites forms, all pf them were now pregnant with their soon to be layed eggs. Without a mating pair for now, Ilia decided to have a talk with his half-brother Kizuato, about his time with his master Stygius, since his father Dragon and uncle Dharak had finish their new insemination of their son. Kizuato always in attention to his brother's questions begun to tell him, about those 20 years of 'servitude' between him and his master, while he was laying on his side cleaning himself just after the orgy he had with his parents moments ago, as well with his other dragon friends too: -Fuck! This training session was very... Intense! -Zenix said in the temple arena, taking a deep breath after a day of training with his work partner, Quasar. The angel dragon laughs lightly, also panting very tiredly and sitting next to a green crystal, beginning to break and absorb it. -You're improving quickly, young man. Hah! You'll soon become as strong as Ignitus himself. -It will be an honour! -Says the yellow dragon, taking a deep breath and stretching, cracking some bones in the process. -BBUUUUUTTT now I need a rest! Two of my friends invited me to a..... party they are throwing. He knows... -That kind of party? -Quasar asks, raising an eyebrow. -That same one, hehehe. They said I could take someone else, and I know you like that too. So let's go? I'm going there right now! -You know you're only going to get more tired, right? -Quasar says, approaching the yellow dragon, who turns and starts walking with Quasar out of the arena, following the path of sandstone blocks straight to the main exit of the temple. -Ah... But it's totally different. And there are some positions where you rest and relax more than anything! Just lying there, relaxing, while the guy gives you all the pleasure. -Hahahaha. You are a pervert. -And you're following me. -Zenix says, laughing and then taking off next to the furry dragon. Flying over the entire city to the residential area, looking at everything around while thinking in anticipation of the fun they would have, Zenix soon begins to explain to Quasar. -My partner is an electricity dragon, so... Expect some shocks. But it's very tasty. And he's in love with us, so... Yeah... He'll adore you. -Who is not? Being stuck with someone is good. I prefer to use it to finish, lie down with the person and sleep with... You know... -The cock inside is well secured, right? AND! I know VERY well what that's like, man! I also love the feeling. -You're so vulgar! -Quasar says, laughing. -We're essentially going to an orgy. It's great that there are only 4 people, but still... Hahaha! That's my way! -I know that well! -Quasar said, laughing and already getting a little excited by the idea. -But keep going! -Beeeeem... His name is Kizuato. I met him a few years ago in my city before coming here. He's really naughty and likes to do these things for fun, you know? -Uhm. Like... the Bard? -No one beats the Bard in this regard. Haha ha! -Zenix says, laughing lightly. -Ah. He's so used to it that he doesn't cum just once and stop. He already spent the whole night fucking nonstop. -That's resistance, man! -Dont tell me. Hehehe. And as I said, he likes us, so get ready to have your ass opened wide by him. But you're going to open his too, relax. -Hehehehe. I imagine. I'm even excited about the idea to tell you the truth, you know! -I saw! -Zenix says, taking a look under the angel dragon, his member with the tip sticking out of the sheath. -You saying these things makes it difficult not to excite me. -Quasar says, looking to the side. -Well... Relax. There you won't need to hold back. Oh! Oh! I only saw his friend once. I haven't done anything with him yet, we've just talked. He is an avian, a peacock. I don't know much about him, sooooo. Quasar looks at Zenix's eyes for a few seconds, then smiles. -Well... He didn't have a very nice past, but nowadays he regrets it and is trying to change... Little by little. I think this ordeal can help a little. Pleasure is great for that. Well... He's a bird, so... Tight and cute ass, smooth and prehensile cock and... -He doesn't have a knot? -Nop. -Hey! Kizu found a friend without a knot, right? How rare. -HAH! But like... He doesn't have a knot, but his dick is LONG. And do you know what a prehensile cock is? It's like a dolphin, a whale, that kind of thing. Like... He fucking controls her. Like... a tentacle! This means that it can keep moving inside and that is very tasty! -Did you read all this in his mind through mine, or do you have experience? -I read his mind inside yours. Haha ha. -Quasar said. -I'm not versed in sex. Hahahahahaha! -That's what I imagined! WELL... Oral must be cool too! Feeling it move in your throat. Imagine what a show! -You who enjoy swallowing others must love it. -Hehehehe. Exactly! Finally, after a few minutes of flying, both dragons finally arrive at Kizuato's house, Zenix already very excited, Quasar behind him. The fire dragon takes a deep breath, looking around that calm and somewhat deserted street at that time, dusk, almost six or seven in the evening from what he could think of at the time he left the arena. Then he knocks on the door, waiting for his friend to answer. Footsteps can soon be heard approaching the door and finally it opens, on the other side Kizuato, who answers them with a slight smile on his face. -Hey, Zenix. Oh! I brought Quasar! Excellent! Come in! -He says, then giving way for both dragons to enter. -Hey dude! Yes, I brought it! I knew he would agree! He loves these things too and such! And the more the merrier, no, my friend! Haha ha! -I agree! Shen is already in the room. We were... Getting ready, you know! Haha ha. -The dragon says, closing and locking the door as soon as both guardians enter. -Do you want to eat something first? -Nah. I'm good. Let's go! -Zenix says, making Quasar laugh very lightly at how excited the yellow and red fire dragon was. -I'm not hungry. And lots of pleasure, Kizuato! Z talked about a few things about you. Hehehehe. I hope you like me! -I'm sure I'll like it. -The electricity dragon says, soon turning into the entrance hall of the house and walking, then heading towards a large, more open room, the main room of the house, which had all the windows covered by curtains that did not let in any sunlight. enter, even though it was already getting dark quickly. The place was lit only by candles here and there and also by the fireplace on one of the walls of the house, which gave a very pleasant and tender, even comfortable tone to the place. Furthermore, the slightly aphrodisiac smell made the dragons more comfortable. -You love these aromatic candles. -Zenix comments. -You too. -Kizuato says, placing his paw under Zenix and then holding the fire dragon's thick, pink member that was already starting to come out of the crack. -It doesn't lie here. Zenix shivers, separating his legs and smiling, feeling the light and pleasant touch of the dragon on his intimacy, licking his lips. -I'm dying to eat you. -He whispers, licking the dragon's neck while it purrs, continuing with his paw there, massaging it very lightly. Continuing to look around, the yellow dragon noticed the place was already well organized and prepared for the night of pleasures they would have. The room had pillows and cushions everywhere, and mattresses were all over the floor, leaving no hard, uncovered area. The low lighting somehow gave it an exotic touch, even more so with that smell. Soon the guardians' attention is caught by movement coming from the corner of the room. The peacock, with a very upright posture, turns to them after finishing lighting the last candle, extinguishing the match he used for this with a scrap while looking them up and down, seeming to study them and then begins to approach. -So you are Quasar? -In the flesh! -The dream dragon says, arriving next to Zenix. -Hello Shen! -The fire dragon says, smiling. -Greetings. -He says looking at both of them. -I think I'll keep the furry one there for a little while before, uh? -Oh. So we'll take turns, shall we? -Zenix asks, looking at Kizuato who was still massaging his member, which at this point was already completely out of the slit. -Let our animation guide us, without combining or anything. -He says, laughing and then getting under the fire dragon, grabbing his penis and sucking it. Zenix moans loudly when he feels this, raising one of his front paws and placing it on top of Kizuato's back, pushing him lightly against his member, starting to move his waist very slightly, making his member begin to slide across the dragon's soft tongue. of electricity, growling softly. -Huhuhuhu. Perfect for me. Now be quiet and suck me. -Beeeem... Then I'll go there. -Quasar says, trotting up to the peacock and looking at it. -Then...? -Um... -Shen looks at him again, starting to surround him while watching him. -Not bad... Raise your tail. Quasar raises his eyebrow, raising his tail as he watches the avian slowly becoming aroused as soon as he lays eyes on the angel dragon's fuzzy ass. -Oh... You have a nice ass uh, little dragon? -The peacock says, caressing him right on the behind with his hand/wing. Little by little he begins to adjust himself behind the angel dragon. -Are you experienced in this? -Go without fear. -Quasar says, smiling slightly and opening his legs wider, laying down on his front. -Great. -The peacock says, holding his own member and then slowly starting to push his member into Quasar's anus, sighing and then holding the dragon's ass with both hands, slowly pushing his member to the end, his groin touching his ass. of the dragon. Quasar moaned the whole time, feeling that member making the curves of his rectum and his intestines, going very deep and sighing, rolling around lightly there and becoming excited very quickly, his member coming out of the sheath while his balls pulsed strongly. -P... Damn! Nhhhf... -Oh my... Nhg... What an exuberant and delicious anus you have, angel dragon. Nhf... -The bird says, holding Quasar firmly while his member moves inside him. -OH DEAR! -Quasar moans and closes his eyes when he feels that member moving inside him like that, snorting with pleasure and his member already releasing prep. -And... And you have an... exotic cock! Meanwhile Zenix practically rode on top of Kizuato, thrusting into that delicious little mouth while releasing pre, laying down on the dragon and with one front paw holding the base of his tail, snorting and sighing, bringing his nose closer, making his member enter even deeper into the hot mouth of the dragon beneath him and, when he reaches his nose at his ass, he begins to lick it right at his entrance, slowly while thrusting, full of pleasure. Kizuato raised his tail high feeling this, snorting in Zenix's crotch while drooling on his member. His ass throbbed on the fire dragon's tongue as he sucked him. Zenix was loving feeling the electricity dragon's tongue massaging his member as he thrust, which made him get closer to cumming really quickly, but he continued to have his mouth tucked under Kizuato's tail, pushing his tongue inside him slowly, increasing the volume. rhythm of the thrusts. The peacock picked up more and more rhythm, thrusting into Quasar and releasing a lot of pre into the dragon who moaned with his mouth open. -I... I'm getting closer to climax, Quasar... Nhg... And don't you... I have plans to cum outside of you. -Shen said between moans, slamming his feathered groin against the angel dragon's furry and cute ass while she held him firmly by the hips, closing her eyes. -And I wouldn't even... I would ask for that. NHHF! I want... Everything inside... Me! -Quasar pleaded, releasing jets of pre as he felt his ass becoming more and more luscious and open, feeling that member going deep inside his body. -Then get ready... -He said, thrusting harder and croaking, finally cumming very voluminous streams of hot cum inside Quasar, the dragon angel cumming together on the floor. At the same time Zenix squeezed Kizuato's entire body, putting it very hard into his mouth, knowing that the dragon was used to this and, taking his tongue out of the dragon's anus, he roared. -TAKE MY FUCK! -And then, with one last strong push, he starts to cum inside that mouth, which closes firmly around his member at that moment, even his knot remaining inside Kizuato's thirsty snout, who was already very excited with everything. your member out. As Shen finished cumming, he soon began to pull his member out, his cum dripping out of Quasar's ass. -Oh... I can see that the night with you two will be really... Appetizing... -You... Don't even... Nhg... Idea. -Quasar said, lowering his tail to stop the flow of cum from his ass and then turning around. -But now it's my turn, little peacock. And I want to see that ass of yours! -It's more of a cloaca, but I understand your point. And... I'm here for a night of pleasure, so... I think it's fair! -He says, soon turning around. -But I swear that if you take advantage or say something offensive... -He said, raising his shiny peacock tail, but not opening it. -Swearing during sex is not my fetish. Rela.... OH.... What a wonderful ass! -Quasar said, seeing the peacock's entrance right there in front of him, his member pulsing as soon as he saw it. Zenix finally dismounts the electricity dragon, smiling and, without even saying anything, walks to the sofa and, climbing up with his front paws, raises his tail, looking back and biting the tip of it, wiggling and presenting himself to Kizuato. The dragon barely finishes swallowing that thick and tasty cum before he looks at Zenix, smiling and getting closer. -That's what I'm talking about! -He says, mounting the fire dragon and aligning his member against that ass, licking the back of his neck. -You know what I'll do as soon as I cum in you, right? -Tail to tail. -Zenix says muffled because he is still holding his tail in his mouth, rolling towards the dragon that was about to eat him. -You know me. -He says, smiling and without delay he begins to insert his thick member inside the fire dragon's tight entrance, moaning loudly. -Nhhhf... It feels so good to eat you, Zenix. You are warm inside. The fire dragon moaned loudly feeling that penis entering him, panting and smiling sideways, looking at him. -S... I know you love it, sweetie. Nhf... As Kizuato's member entered Zenix, they both moaned more and more, driven by the pleasure and heat of the moment. Quasar at this point already had his entire member inside Shen, who had his wings/hands resting on the floor, panting, blushing, not wanting to admit it, but loving feeling the angel dragon's penis inside him, both of them releasing pre, Quasar inside that ass that was very soft and warm, since Shen was a bird. -Nhhffff... S... Just... P... To confirm... Nhf... Q... Do you want... Do you want the knot? -Quasar asked, pressing his crotch against the bird's ass, without thrusting, just enjoying the peacock's insides squeezing and massaging the entire length of his intimacy, which was pulsing vividly and releasing a lot of pre. -Y... Yes! Nhf... N... No... I... Do... T... Work... NHG... Work... Not half. Nhf... -Shen said between moans, separating his legs further and finally feeling the angel dragon starting to thrust inside him slowly, taking out half of it and pushing again until the crotch hits his ass. -Nhhhhff... C... Right! Nhg... I... I'm going to start... Moving faster then... -Quasar said, panting and bracing his legs better on the floor behind Shen, starting to move his waist forward and backward. back, taking only a quarter of his member out of the peacock before putting it back in, holding firmly where he could using his front paws. Kizuato continued thrusting, moving further forward on Zenix's body and placing his front paws on his shoulders to hold himself upright, taking little of his member out of the fire dragon before pushing again, his thrusts being less strong, but more fast and, due to their position, deep too, always pressing their groin against the fire dragon's rear. Zenix moaned the entire time, separating his back legs wide and even lifting one of them, resting it on the sofa as best he could to leave the passage freer for the dragon that was fucking him, thus reducing the friction of their flesh rubbing together, even more so with the amount of pre that Kizuato released, which due to the thrusts and movements, dripped onto the floor whenever he pulled his member out of Zenix's ass. Quasar focused on getting a good amount of his member out before putting it back inside Shen, which made him thrust slower than Kizuato, but stronger, the slap of his groin against Shen's ass being muffled only by the feathers. and hair on both of them, but the peacock's moans, along with his dripping member, showed that he was loving it. -I... I'm going to... Hook you up. So... Almost...! -Quasar said, feeling his knot starting to swell, then inserting his member completely into the peacock, starting to take almost nothing from his member with the thrusts as the knot swells. -I'm... Almost there, Zenix! -Kizuato said, the way he thrust was already the idea for the knot to swell and trap inside Zenix. -Fill me up! -Zenix and Shen say in unison between moans. The knot of both dragons swells completely and, with a roar from the two, streams of semen flow into Shen and Zenix, who also ejaculate on the floor with such pleasure. Kizuato and Quasar, while they were still cumming, dismounted their partners and turned their backs to them, feeling their members pulsing, pouring cum into them. It was daytime and Flecha was excited for today. It was a special day for sure, as it would finally being able to form a family with her boyfriend and her best friend, the three of them forming new lives together. And of course, he was also excited by the act of pleasure itself. They had scheduled it for after lunch, so Flecha soon left to meet them at the scheduled time so they could do it. After having lunch and arriving at Malenis's room, Kizuato was already there. Flecha enters the room smiling and anxious about what they would do, but Kizuato was already experienced in this matter and soon starts kissing Flecha on his feathered neck, making the falcon shiver all over and swallowing saliva, slowly becoming excited by Kizuato's touches. The electricity dragon was slowly caressing Flecha's body and bringing a paw underneath him, touching his cloaca while kissing him with pleasure, inserting a finger into that cloaca and stroking him all over the inside while preparing him. Meanwhile Malenis soon lifted Kizuato's tail with his snout and began to licking that tight asshole of the electricity dragon, smiling and kissing that little entrance with gusto, purring along and wagging its tail. As Flecha felt that, moaning softly feeling Kizuato's finger inside his cloaca, his member started to come out of the cloaca, dripping with pre and letting his member come completely out of his cloaca on the dragon's paw as he kissed him. Kizuato raised his tail high as Malenis licked and kissed him, sticking his tail deep inside that tight ass while they both became more and more excited by those sensations, until Kizuato broke the kiss with Flecha, moaning feeling Malenis' tongue deep inside from him. He looked back, smiling and shaking his face. Then he looks at Arrow again, who was embarrassed and blushing. He then lowers his head to Flecha's dick and grabs it, sucking slowly and doing a slow back and forth, feeling the taste of him and purring very loudly, enjoying sucking him like that. Flecha moaned with pleasure, panting and delighting in Kizuato's little mouth sucking him, opening his wings and flapping them, releasing pre inside him. - Mhhrrrrr. Hot ass, Kizu. Uhuhuhu. You are mine. I'm going to fuck you so bad come out full of so much cum! -Malenis says, growling and then mounting the dragon and putting his thick cock inside Kizuato's tight ass, starting to thrust and fuck him while he sucked Flecha's cock, who moaned and clung to Kizuato's head, moaning and thrusting in your mouth. Both of them fucking the electricity dragon at the same time for minutes on end, Malenis eating that ass, sliding his thick dick in and out without stopping while Flecha put it in that soft mouth and released pre inside him. It didn't take long for both of them to finally start cumming inside the electricity dragon, Flecha making him swallow his bird's cum thick and in large quantities while he held on tight to Kizuato's head while Malenis took his entire cock deep, cumming deep inside inside him. Malenis really came a lot, growling and moaning as he deposited all his thick cum inside Kizuato while Flecha deposited his in the electricity dragon's mouth, making him taste that tasty and delicious seed. They cum for a full minute, then switch places, Malenis going for Kizuato's mouth and Flecha flying for his ass. They both adjust themselves before Kizuato could really adjust himself, already getting inside him again, using him for their pleasure. Malenis filled Kizuato's mouth with his thick dick, pushing it deep and growling as he fucked it in with desire. Arrow now stuck his entire dick inside Kizuato's soft and used ass, inserting it with gusto, flapping his wings as he inserted it inside him, panting and squawking with pure pleasure. Both of them were now getting into these places with pleasure, panting, releasing pain. In his mouth, Kizuato felt very good, Malenis forcing him to breastfeed, thrusting into him until he finally started cumming liters of cum inside that little mouth, holding him firmly with everything inside and cumming much more than before in his little mouth. Flecha also ended up cumming inside Kizuato's ass, also filling it with his seed, both Malenis's and Flecha's easily impregnating him due to the amount of cum inside him, Flecha cumming so much that it was leaking out of his ass. Again they both came for more than a minute, panting and filling Kizuato who His belly was swollen and full of cum. Then, Malenis takes Arrow and pushes Kizuato so that he lies on his back and then, without warning, Malenis makes Flecha sit on Kizuato's cock while he once again inserts his cock into Kizuato's ass, fucking him while making Flecha move up and down on Kizuato's ass. Kizuato rolls over, making them both moan loudly. Malenis made Flecha rise and fall with form and pleasure, the falcon moaning loudly and Kizuato thrusting upwards and releasing a lot of pre inside the bird that had never received a cock inside him. This being the first time for him, Flacha was loving it, going up and down on Kizuato's dick as Malenis held him while he was getting into Kizuato's ass filled with hot cum. Kizu moaned and thrust up against the bird while having his entrance opened more and more as Malenis thrust into his ass and released a lot of pre. The three moaned together as they came together too, Kizuato inside Flecha, Malenis inside Kizuato and Flecha on top of Kizuato's body, especially on his face. But then Malenis didn't stop, thrusting again without warning, stronger and starting to make Flecha also go up and down that log, but much faster and deeper than before, inserting his cock also much stronger and deeper into Kizuato. For almost 5 whole minutes Malenis fucked Kizuato and made Flecha bounce on Kizuato's cock until he saw his and Kizuato's knot swelling, then inserting his and starting to swell and making Kizuato's knot enter Flecha's cloaca, trapping him and then all three cumming again, Kizuato also impregnating Flecha with so much cum he had in the bird, tying him up and the three getting tightly stuck together, cumming a lot. After they finished cumming, Kizuato was very well attached to Flecha, who was panting heavily just like Malenis who was stuck in Kizuato, but soon he smiled looking at the two. -You two are my toys now! -He says, immediately starting to thrust into Kizuato again, making Kizuato's cock that was stuck in Flecha start pulsing strongly inside the bird as it opened its wings, no longer being held and he himself was now rolling and moving up and down on Kizuato's cock. without removing the knot, very well tied, the two continued putting it in and putting it in, cumming every 10 minutes until the end of the day, Flecha with so much cum inside him that he had released a lot through his nozzle, just like Kizuato, but soon the three lay down together still with the turtledoves very tightly tied tail to tail with each other, Malenis filling Kizuato and Kizuato filling Flecha to sleep while cumming inside each other all night, waiting for the eggs. Without a mating pair for now, Ilia decided to have a talk with his half-brother Kizuato, about his time with his master Stygius, since his father Dragon and uncle Dharak had finish their new insemination of their son. Kizuato always in attention to his brother's questions begun to tell him, about those 20 years of 'servitude' between him and his master, and his mating with his other friends as well too, while he was laying on his side cleaning himself just after the orgy he had with his parents moments ago: Kizuato was somewhat nervous as he walked through the streets of Warfang after receive a letter summoning him to a house he already knew well. Quasar's house. The letter he had received said the following: "Mr. Kizuato. I know what you have been doing with my son Quasar several days a week and I want you to come to my house as soon as possible so we can talk face to face about it. Phyldar." Having this letter in his possession, Kizuato felt frightened even by its tone, walking slowly as if to make it take longer to get to the house in question. But as he walked, eventually and inevitably the electricity dragon arrived at the house, Phyldar already being at the door, waiting for him. Upon seeing him, the ice dragon already gets up, sitting at his door. - Kizuato, right? In between. Let's talk about Quasar. -Says the hairy dragon. - C... Right! _Says Kizuato, who soon enters. Phyldar, as soon as his guest enters, closes the door and looks him up and down, thoughtfully and then walks to his room. -Come. Do you want something to drink? - N... No. I'm fine. -The electricity dragon says, nodding and then following his guest. In the living room, Phyldar soon sits down on his sofa, looking at Kizuato and sighing. -Good... So you're fucking my son every chance you get, uh? - And me.... - And apparently, he really likes it. - Uh... Well... I.... - So... is he the one asking or what? After a few seconds of silence, Kizuato looks at him again and nods calmly. - And you want that too, don't you? You love it when he asks you that. - Y... Yes... I... Yes.... - Excellent! Well then.... -Phyldar looks him up and down again, smiling and licking your lips. -I want to see if what you do with Quasar I like too. - Huh?! Then Phyldar soon opens his back legs, still sitting on his sofa, showing his sheath and pointing at it with one of his claws. -Blow me. Until I cum inside her mouth. I don't want any complaints. I want your mouth on my cock. Now. Let's see if you're as good at sucking my cock as my son is. Kizuato even shivers with that dragon bossing him around like that, imagining the image of Quasar suckling his own father in bed. -He... sucks you? - Every day. It's his breakfast, afternoon and night. So let's go. Do not make me keep waiting! -The ice dragon says, smiling and licking his lips, his sheath getting hard just with the thought of his son sucking him, something he simply loved doing, besides of course, fucking him. Kizuato soon approaches, still a little shy, but he was definitely experienced in this matter. Bringing his nose closer to Phyldar's sheath, he could soon smell a strong, pleasant scent of Phyldar's manhood, a masculine scent, but not at all disgusting. On the contrary. A pleasant, intoxicating smell of sex. Wasting no more time, he soon puts his big snout there, making Phyldar smile and place a paw on the back of his neck calmly, rubbing it in Kizuato's face. - Good boy. Now you will be my little whore, if you want to continue eating Quasar. To work. I still have your ass to eat. Kizuato sighs there, purring and then putting his tongue out, slowly licking that hard sheath, the tip of Phyldar's member already coming out of it and rubbing against the soft and warm tongue of the electricity dragon, which now that it tasted the pre and Phyldar's member focused his licks, kisses and sucks there on that part, wanting more of that taste and feeling the ice dragon's grip on the back of his neck become firmer, possessive, dominant. - That's right. Better to suck it really well. My balls are so full. I want to see your belly swelling from so much cum that I'm going to give you. You sweet tooth. -Phyldar said as he pushed his dick into Kizuato's mouth in a somewhat forced way, it came out quickly from the sheath and was soon inside Kizuato's mouth, long enough to enter the electricity dragon's throat and make him choke a little. , something that made Phyldar moan with the tightness around his torso. -Huhuhuhu. That's the way I like it. Swallow it all. With that then, still holding Kizuato's head feeling that he was experienced in this, he soon got on his front, starting to thrust it back and forth into Kizuato's mouth and throat, who moaned loudly and sucked that dick that kept releasing pre inside her mouth and throat as it moved in and out of her with Phyldar's thrusts. - That! Nhg... Here it comes.... the first one! Nhgggr... -And then with a strong growl Phyldar he puts his knot inside Kizuato's mouth, locking him there with his dick completely inside the dragon and electricity, even down his throat and starts pouring liters of his thick cum inside his tight throat. Spending whole minutes enjoying liters and more liters inside that dragon's throat, Phyldar doesn't even waste time. As soon as he dismounts from Kizuato's head, who began to breathe rapidly as a result, he promptly mounts his ass and inserts his entire member, already lubricated with saliva and cum, into Kizuato's open ass, who moans loudly. Phyldar thrust hard, tightly holding on to that dragon that was fucking his son, kind of "getting back" at him while marking him as his. Like his little whore to use whenever he wanted. Giving strong and fast thrusts, the ice dragon felt very good about his cock sliding and being massaged by that tight ass that throbbed with each thrust, releasing a lot of pre inside him and making Kizuato also moan and stick his ass up, laying his front on the floor to enjoy the moment of copulation. Phyldar then bites the back of his neck, keeping him under him tightly and tightens the knot. swollen inside, tying them tight for hours while he starts to cum once, twice, three... Dozens of times throughout the day as they stay tied up for hours on end, always cumming from ass to ass and making sure that he would fertilize Kizuato, even through his ass, filling his belly with cum to the point of swelling. And that was just the beginning. Kizuato was flying to Zenix's house, along with Toothless and his puppy Pouncer (Toothless' son), and Trevor (Kizuato's son). After 30 minutes of flight, the 4 dragons land in front of Zenix's house, and ring the doorbell. The door opens, with Zenix welcoming visitors, saying: - Good afternoon Kizuato and Toothless, I see you brought your puppies to have fun today! - Yes, they wanted to meet Zenix! Says Kizuato. - Hello, my name is Trevor. Says the silver dragon. - And I'm Pouncer. Says the black and white dragon. - It's an honor to meet you, you can come in and go to the living room. Says Zenix, letting his friends enter, and settle down. After settling down, lying down on the 2 sofas in the living room, with Pouncer already starting to penetrate Zenix's anus, while Trevor put his dick deep into Zenix's throat, he says: - I see you're not wasting time! To which Kizuato responds: - Me, Toothless and our children do this every day! Zenix shivers, separating his legs further, feeling the knot and delicious touch of the white and black dragon in his intimacy, licking his lips, on Trevor's cock and knot. -I'm dying to eat you. -He whispers, while he mounts Toothless and inserts his cock into his tight, soft ass, while Kizuato is mounted by Toothless, and he already feels his knot entering his much tighter anus. After 20 minutes of uninterrupted sex, Pouncer dismounts Zenix, and Zenix dismounts Toothless, and he dismounts Kizuato and the three switch positions, now with Zenix feeling Toothless' thick dick, penetrating his tighter ass, Pouncer feeling the Zenix's cock in his ass, and Kizuato penetrating Trevor who was still there, with his cock in Zenix's soft mouth. And in the last change, 30 minutes later, Pouncer is sucking all of Zenix's cum, while Trevor penetrates Kizuato through the anus, and Toothless penetrates Zenix. And Kizuato says: - I would like Zenix and Toothless to get me pregnant! - No problem! Toothless says. - Will you take care of the puppies, Kizuato? Zenix asks, surprised. - Of course Zenix, along with Toothless. Kizuato responds. Then Zenix, Toothless and Trevor mount Kizuato, while Pouncer makes Kizuato suck his dick, and after 5 hours of mating, they turn to the intertwined tail-to-tail position, while everyone impregnates Kizuato. Kizuato was walking through the woods near Warfang, on his way to the Avalar valley to meet his friends Zikayes and Bruno who were enjoying the holiday there, making the most of the sunny day. As the electricity dragon walked through the woods, enjoying the view and the noises of the animals, he soon smelled another old friend of his, following him through the woods. He smiles lightly, looking around and then sitting down right there on the floor. - Love? It's you, right, lost puppy? -Kizuato asks looking forward with a little Leeeve smile. -Come on Ame. I know you're there. Your smell doesn't fool me one bit, you know that, puppy? - What it is. I can't even have fun following you, scaly. You always feel mine smell. -The lupine says, coming out of the woods with his soft fur fluttering lightly in the warm and comfortable breeze of the forest on that clear summer morning, with the birds singing and animals running back and forth. -Where are you going, Kizuzinho? The dragon smiles, finally looking at the wolf and snorting lightly in the direction. -Aww. You have a very strong smell, you know that, right? Not that it's a complaint, you know that too, right? Mhhh? Huhuhuh... And I also know that you really like my smell too. So... come here and play a little. - You know me. -The lupine says, smiling and approaching slowly, sniffing the air, also smelling the dragon as he took step after step closer to the dragon of electricity. - Hehehehe. But of course. I'm going to meet some other friends of mine there in Avalar, So... I thought I'd take you along. Yes. Yes. Yes. I came walking because yes, I knew I would find you here following me. After all... You love fucking me. And that's what we're going to do there.... And here too... right? - Huhuhuhuhu... You know me really, really well, don't you, Zizuzinho? -O Wolf says, approaching and putting his nose against the electricity dragon's groin, smelling it there very slowly and nuzzling it. -Let's go. Open your legs and I'll do the rest. And I'm going with you, yes. I'm always ready to fuck, aren't I? You, more than anyone else in this world, should know this information very well, right, big dragon? - Huhuhuhu. I seeeee. I know very well. -The electricity dragon says opening legs so that the wolf has better access to its slit. As soon as the dragon does this, the wolf soon starts licking it over and over again, wagging his tail a lot as he licked the dragon's slit, exciting him very quickly even with these licks, some entering his slit before his member started to come out of the slit, when finally the wolf starts to place Kizuato's member inside his mouth, licking it while that organ entered his mouth, as if it were suckling like a baby suckling its mother, thirsty for milk, sucking several times. The electric dragon moans softly, smiling and looking down at the wolf who was now sucking him. He places his paw on top of the lupine's head, pushing him further down so that he can suck deeper, feeling the tip of his member slowly entering Ame's throat, which keeps tightening with several swallows. The winged reptile released a lot of pre into Ame's mouth, moaning softly watching that delicious sight. The Wolf was wagging his tail as he swallowed more of the hot, big and thick member, looking very satisfied and excited swallowing his dragon friend's pre, sucking him with great pleasure and strength, sitting down also showing himself to be really excited, excited, his canine limb completely out of the sheath. Kizuato moaned louder and louder, huffing as he pressed the wolf's head onto his member, feeling himself getting closer and closer to cumming, his tail flailing behind him. - Nhhffff... You will... drink... drink... t... you... everything... nhhffff... everything... M... M... My... My little wolf... G... Yummy... Ngh! -The dragon moaned loudly, then holding the wolf's head with both paws, pulling him hard, jamming his dick inside the wolf's throat, giving a loud roar of pure pleasure and starting to enjoy liters of cum in very dense and dense jets. bulky. The wolf stands up, raising its hindquarters as its head is pulled down, wagging its tail a lot and drinking that thick milky liquid, swallowing jet after jet with great gusto, without stopping wagging its tail and without even trying to pull its head towards it. back, enjoying having Kizuato's cum inside his mouth and stomach. Kizuato cummed for almost a whole minute, growling with pure pleasure and lust, holding the logo there on his dick the entire time while he came, but when he finished he let go of the lupine's head, looking at him and knocking him back, leaving him on his back and walking on top of him, looking him in the eyes with his dick dripping pre onto the wolf's belly. -Spread your legs and get ready to be fucked hard and deliciously. - He said, moving his member further down, rubbing it on the dog's member, then on the wolf's balls, going lower and finally touching the member right in the wolf's ass, releasing pressure there. The wolf opens its back legs wide, wagging its tail and feeling the dragon's member touching its ass like that. -I always want you inside me, Kizu. Eat me and leave me filled with your cum. I love feeling your seed filling me! The dragon smiles, licking his lips and smiling at the wolf, starting to insert his cock very slowly into the wolf's ass, entering him very calmly and even in a very provocative way, entering very slowly, moaning and feeling his cock being squeezed and milked by the wolf's tight ass. -Ohhhhh... that's it, my little wolf. Squeeze my dick inside you, my delicious little wolf! Ame howled feeling that thick member entering his tight asshole that kept pulsing and milking that log inside him that kept releasing it deep inside, going deeper and deeper inside his ass. -That! THAT! Kizuato moaned more and more, feeling a lot of pleasure as he gave light thrusts inside the lupine, loving how soft and warm it was inside that ass that looked like it was made to have his cock inside it. -You were made for my cock, damn it. - Yes! Give me everything! I want... Her... T... All of it!!!! -Ame said, growling loudly and howling a lot of extreme pleasure, feeling the cock going deeper and deeper inside him, snorting and moaning a lot with pure pleasure. He rolled several times, feeling his dragon friend's cock going deeper and deeper until he felt the reptile's groin press against his ass, making him howl loudly. -AWOOOOOOOO!!!!! Kizuato moaned, huffing too much and growling with pleasure, feeling the wiggling that the wolf gave him to give him more and more pleasure. This all helped him to release more and more jets of pre inside the wolf. Little by little, the dragon began to thrust slowly at first, starting to remove his member from the wolf's ass and then pushing in again very slowly, smiling and drooling with pure pleasure. -Nhffff... That... I love it so much... Ah... W... What... What an ass... Delicious... Bitch... What a f... pa... .. damn... -He said, moaning loudly with pleasure as he maintained this back and forth rhythm. More and more pre was shot into the moaning wolf, holding himself firmly on the ground, moving down the front part of his body, lying on the ground with his ass raised high as he was fucked by his delicious dragon that was thrusting nonstop, practically purring too much. , delighting in all the pleasure he felt with that cock going in and out of him in that delicious way, snorting with everything and also releasing a lot of pre on the floor, not being able to handle all that wonderful pleasure. - Grrr. Grrrr... Grrrr... Grawwr... I v.. v... v... will... t... fill you... t... so... so much, my l... lo... little wolf... yummy... AH! And... and... drag you... my... knot... and... while... I cum... more and... more... in you. .. -Kizuato said without being able to form the right words due to the magnificent pleasure. He went back and forth, slamming his groin hard against the wolf's hairy ass as he fucked him, mercilessly, even lifting him off the ground with every thrust. His knot was swelling, moving in and out of the wolf until it could no longer come out, roaring with pleasure, feeling his cock getting stuck in the wolf, pulling and pushing it mercilessly until he finally began to enjoy rivers of thick, hot cum inside his vagina. little wolf, enjoying himself too much. The wolf howls with pleasure, completely limp under the dragon as he felt his belly filling more and more with that hot and very voluminous cum. Ame growled loudly as he was filled more and more, unable to hold back any longer and cumming on the floor beneath him from so much pleasure she felt from it all, huffing very loudly. The dragon's cum had no way of leaving the wolf's ass with that fat, thick knot pulsing hard and holding them together, which made everything go inside him, his stomach, filling him more and more as he came on the floor, huffing and puffing. panting a lot. The jets of seed filled him with taste and strength, the wolf's belly getting fuller and fuller until the dragon finally finished cumming, panting heavily and smiling, looking at the wolf beneath him. -And this has only just begun... My little wolf. -Kizuato says, smiling and stepping on the wolf's head, rubbing it against his own cum on the floor. -You are mine and you will be my friends' toy too, little bitch. -He says, scratching the top of his head and then turning around, going ass to ass like a real canine, smiling. -And so... now come on, my little toy. -The dragon says, starting to walk, pulling Ame with the entire cock inside him and very well secured, both in the tail to tail position, slowly intertwining them as he walked. The jets of seed filled him with taste and strength, the wolf's belly getting fuller and fuller until the dragon finally finished cumming, panting heavily and smiling, looking at the wolf beneath him. -And this has only just begun... My little wolf. -Kizuato says, smiling and stepping on the wolf's head, rubbing it against his own cum on the floor. -You are mine and you will be my friends' toy too, little bitch. -He says, scratching the top of his head and then turning around, standing ass to ass like a real canine, smiling. -And so... now come on, my little toy. -The dragon says, starting to walk, pulling me with the entire cock inside him and very well secured, both in the position tail to tail, slowly intertwining them as he walked. The jets of seed filled him with taste and strength, the wolf's belly getting fuller and fuller until the dragon finally finished cumming, panting heavily and smiling, looking at the wolf beneath him. -And this just started... My little wolf. -Kizuato says, smiling and stepping on the wolf's head, rubbing it against his own cum on the floor. -You're mine and you'll be my friends' toy too, little bitch. -He says, scratching the top of his head and then turning around, facing ass to ass like a real canine, smiling. -And then. .. now come on, my little toy. -The dragon says, starting to walk, pulling Mother with the entire cock inside him and very tightly held, both in the tail-to-tail position, slowly intertwining them as he walked. Kizuato was walking through the forest calmly, with his chest puffed out and his wolf, Ame, still trapped in his dick by the fat knot swollen inside the wolf's ass. That situation amused the electricity dragon, dragging his "prey" up his ass while releasing cum inside him in very weak jets, but continuously throughout the entire walk to the Avalar valley. The journey on foot was long, about 2 hours of it, the wolf full of pleasure, sometimes cumming on the floor and his belly filling more and more with the dragon's hot and thick cum. Kizuato's entire movement as he walked made it look like thrusts and that gave the wolf a lot of pleasure throughout the entire trip. However, soon both arrive in the huge valley surrounded by mountains in which waterfalls descend, flowing into lakes and rivers, rapids throughout the beautiful valley and going underground naturally, following its flow. It was definitely a stunningly beautiful sight, in addition to the wonderful smell of all the fruit trees in the region, apple trees being predominant in this case. It was a natural paradise, for sure. After a few minutes of enjoying the sight and the smell, however, Kizuato soon smells the scent of his two Lupine friends, Bruno and Zikayes, who he had come to have fun with. Bringing a new participant to the fuck, things would definitely be a lot more fun. The more, the better. Following the scents that were attractive to him, Ame could already feel very well that the electricity dragon was already getting excited and very much just with the thought of having fun with his friends, his cock pulsing strongly inside the wolf. After climbing a hill, the electricity dragon finally sees his two friends, lying on the grass with their backs to him. Coming closer slowly, he then gives a long lick right on Bruno's bottom, who really shivers and looks back, laughing lightly. . -Look who arrived...! - Aeeee. Finally in! And I brought company! Excellent! -Zikayes says, smiling, standing up while wagging his tail quickly, excited by the sight of the lupine trapped in Kizuato's cock. - Hehehehe. Zikayes, Bruno. Met Ame, my little wolf that I love to use as mine personal sex toy. -Kizuato says, swaying lightly, smiling. -He agreed to come and play a little, but I couldn't resist arresting him so... Nothing of my cock for you today. Hehehehe. - Mhhrrrr... It's okay. I was dying to fuck you, anyway, Kizu. -Zikayes says, approaching. The dragon soon holds Ame firmly, who was very well attached to his cock, and then lies down on his back. side, then rolling until he was on his back with the lupine on top of his body. Use us. With that, Zikayes, who was close to the dragon already when it was rolling on the ground, promptly mounts its head, smiling. -Then try to suck me very well, little dragon. Kizuato soon opens his mouth, licking very slowly right on the wolf's sheath, a very long and tasty lick, savoring the virile flavor of the wolf and feeling very well the strong taste of Zikayes. This was extremely exciting for him. Meanwhile Bruno went to Kizuato's belly, where the other wolf was and without saying anything he just mounted his head too, smiling and rubbing his already very hard sheath on the wolf's face. -Let's go. I know you want to drink my cum, little wolf. Without wasting time, the wolf rubs his snout with pleasure against the cock in front of him before opening his mouth and slowly licking it, enjoying the strong taste of the wolf's pre in front of him. The member of both Zikayes and Bruno soon began to come out of their sheaths as Ame and Kizuato licked, but soon both put that log in their mouths, sucking and swallowing the liquid they released. Bruno and Zikayes moaned loudly with the way the two sucked him, their cocks taking no time at all to come out of their sheaths and enter both of their mouths. The dragon closed its mouth on Bruno's dick, sucking it, sucking it, wanting his milk while moaning and his dick pulsating inside Ame, who in turn released pre all over himself due to the dragon's dick inside him, sucking with great pleasure and even forcing Bruno's log into his throat. It didn't take long for both lupines to start thrusting into each other's mouths, panting and getting very excited by the soft, wet, hot and tight mouths of both, loving every second until finally, both of them howl with pleasure and start to cum together. inside their mouths, a lot of tasty and thick lupine cum going down their throats, Kizuato and Ame swallowing every drop of that liquid that they loved so much, feeling it go down in loads of their throats and filling their bellies well, Ame's already well full of cum. The wolves stay for a long, long time, cumming inside those hot little mouths, tight and very comfortable, wagging their tails a lot and smiling until they finally came down from both of their heads. When he had the member out of his mouth, Kizuato panted, swallowing the cum that remained in his mouth and smiling, with a slight movement of his paw working magic, adding a pussy between his slit and his ass. -I want you two eating me now. One in each. Make me cum inside Ame! The two wolves look at each other, smiling and promptly attending to the dragon, positioning themselves behind him, one mounting the other but Bruno with his cock right in the dragon's ass and Zikayes with his cock in the dragon's pussy. Together the two wolves promptly begin to penetrate both of Kizuato's tight entrances, who moaned loudly, feeling a lot of pleasure and his cock pulsing strongly inside Ame, releasing more and more jets of pre. Now the wolves didn't hold back at all, starting to thrust with great pleasure, their limbs sliding in and out alternately in the holes, making the dragon writhe with pure pleasure, loving every second of it. Kizuato moaned more and more, panting and roaring, lightning passing through his body due to the enormous pleasure he felt, rolling around, rubbing himself in the bush as he was fucked by both wolves. Until finally the inevitable happens. Both of our knots began to slowly swell more and more, which felt even better for the roaring dragon. -ARREST ME! I didn't need anything else. The lupines, giving one last thrust inside Kizuato, hold their cocks, each one in a hole and begin to cum, making Kizuato himself start cumming again a lot of cum inside Ame, who, as he already has so much cum inside him, in addition to starting As he cums, he feels the cum starting to come out of his mouth too. Everyone there stuck together, enjoying every last drop and being tied tail to tail by the knots. That would be a delightful day indeed. It was night and Kizuato was going to visit his friend Cyro, the purple dragon. He had dressed up for the occasion, a fun dinner with his friend and his daughter. Upon arriving at the house he soon knocks on the door and after a few seconds the purple dragon answers the door, with his chick on his back, wagging his tail very excitedly. - Hello Kizu! Be very welcome! -He said, smiling happily at the electricity dragon in front of him. in front of you. - Thanks Cy! Is a pleasure! -He said, smiling a lot and then entering, giving a slight cuddling with the puppy, who laughs and makes a babbling leeeeve. After that, Cyro soon closes the door, smiling and looking at Kizuato. -He arrived at the right time. The pig just came out of the oven! Hehehe. I hope you like it! - Oh. I will definitely like it! -Kizuato says, looking around and already smelling the strong and delicious roast meat. -Then you can sit down and... uh... Well... Make yourself comfortable... -He said, smiling and placing Slow your daughter down on the floor. -Go there with Uncle Kizu, sweetheart. The electricity dragon smiles at this, looking at her and then sitting down facing the table, letting his legs half open. Cyro observes this. As he was new to this, he blushed slightly seeing his daughter going to the dragon. Then he quickly turns to go get the meat. Kizuato calls Saphira to him and the cub goes, trotting and smiling. -Hi cutie. You are very cute. And I have a little something here that you will love! -He said, opening his legs and calling Saphira between his legs, which she soon followed, curious and confused. Kizuato soon exposes his slit to the little girl, who, with the smell coming from there, wasted no time and started licking him there, wagging her tail. Kizuato lets out a long sigh, stroking the puppy's head while feeling the licks, his member already slowly coming out of the slit. -That. You can lick or suck. You choose, sweetie. When she saw Kizuato's member, she continued licking it for a few more seconds before putting it in her mouth, sucking that cock as if she were sucking milk. That left Kizu full of pleasure, his dick quickly leaving the slit completely, starting to release pre into the chick's thirsty mouth. Soon Cyro comes back, seeing this scene with a blush, still not used to it, taking a deep breath and taking the roast meat to the table, placing the pan on it. - He has a great face. -Kizuato says, smiling and pulling Saphira's head a little, the making him swallow more of his dick, holding it with his two front paws, seeming to enjoy it. -Your daughter too. - Errr... Hehehe... She... seems to like it... -The purple dragon says, smiling and looking at him. Kizuato nods, then helps himself and moans softly, purring, lifting his butt a little. -Come and eat... -He teases while he drinks. The purple dragon swallows hard, chuckling and helping himself to a plate as well, then going behind Kizuato. As Cyro was bigger than Kizuato, he stands on top of the dragon, lowering his rear and rubbing very slowly there, Kizuato soon feeling Cyro's dick rubbing against the base of his tail with them almost sitting there. - Huhuhuhu. Let's go. You want to fuck me while you eat, don't you? Go ahead, sweetheart. His daughter You're loving this and you'll be very full with my... warm milk. - Nhf... -Cyro sighs, hearing this, looking at Saphira who was sucking Kizuato's dick without stop, clearly loving it. -I... - And she will love it so much that she will breastfeed you every day! -Kizuato completes, then plays his tail to the side. -Now eat me. Cyro feels Kizuato's tail giving space and, with all that and his imagination, he starts to get really excited, so he wastes no time, lining up and soon starting to shove his dick inside Kizuato, who moans and releases a strong jet from pre into Saphira, who drinks with gusto while still nursing a lot. Cyroo moans, smiling feeling the delicious comfort and pleasure of his cock entering a tight and warm ass, getting all over Kizuato, who moans softly while eating being fucked by Cyro and sucked by Saphira. Cyro couldn't deny it. That was delicious and as he inserted more and more, Kizuato raised his backside just a little to accommodate him well but without disturbing Saphira's delicious feedings. Cyro soon started thrusting into that ass, releasing a lot of pre, horny and imagining his daughter breastfeeding him from now on in several different situations. This gave him unparalleled pleasure and as he went in harder and harder he felt that he was slowly reaching his peak. -I... I and... and... I'm almost there, kizuato. - Then try to hold me tight. Nhf... I'm almost too. Nhg... But I think you n... You won't even need to clean it. The thirsty one here will drink everything! Cyro moaned, grabbing Kizuato practically lying on him as he thrust, until he felt his knot starting to swell, thrusting into the dragon of electricity and roaring, soon starting to cum inside Kizuato. The black dragon soon feels himself being trapped by the purple dragon and feels his jets of cum starting to fill him with jet after jet. This makes him at his peak too and, holding Saphira's head, he also starts to cum a lot, even in very large jets of cum inside the tight, warm and soft mouth of the little dragoness, who drank every drop as if it were the best thing she had ever seen. had experienced in his life. As Cyro was cumming, he was now dismounting from Kizuato, panting and watching his daughter drinking the cum from the dragon he had just fucked, smiling and then together with Kizuato they went back to feasting on the pork, now tied tail to tail while Saphira had your own cum feast. Kizuato was in Uta's restaurant, eating a beautiful meal prepared as always with great mastery. A delicious barbecue with Madeira and garlic sauce, one of the house specialties. The place was very pleasant, with a band hired to keep the place with a super comfortable atmosphere. It was definitely a nice restaurant to have a night out with someone, for example. Kizuato however was a guest of the land guardian himself, a friend of his to enjoy the pleasures of life, food being one of them, but for Kizuato it was definitely not the most expected. Always having looked at that huge pompous and extremely hot dragon in the electricity dragon's vision. Having always dreamed of being under the dragon that was almost twice his size, being fucked by his big, thick dick, Kizuato was excited only by his most nefarious and naughty thoughts. Imagining the delicious sensation of having that member of his, pulsing and releasing a lot of pre, rubbing against his insides slowly as the earth dragon made calm back and forth, showing how careful he could be, but soon feeling Tremor's roughest thrusts as the Time passed, releasing much more pre in jets inside him, feeling his groin hitting Kizuato's hips hard. And then finally, after many minutes of being used, feeling the dragon's cum filling him more and more as Tremor's knot swelled and held the two together for nothing, not a drop of that thick, hot cum escaping from inside him. Those thoughts alone made Kizuato very excited, drooling with lust and with his dick sticking out of his slit with him sitting right there in the restaurant. He could barely pay attention to the food as he had those thoughts, until he felt something touching his member under the table, with a long cloth reaching to the floor, covering everything. Being startled by what he looks down scared, seeing a puppy there, a child. A dragon around 5 years old, sniffing its member and touching it with its snout. He widens his eyes, looking around and looking again at the cub, who seemed really interested in his dick. He realized that no one there had taken a child to the restaurant, so looking closer he ended up recognizing the puppy. It was Farrok, puppy of Tremor and Uta. That situation, the puppy sniffing and rubbing his nose against his dick under the table in a public place and knowing that no other customer would miss him, Farrok smiles, licking his lips and leaves the puppy there. It doesn't take long for the smell to make the curious pup start licking his dick. slowly, tasting that masculinity, something totally new for the little dragon. Lick after lick, Kizuato began to purr very softly, smiling as he ate, bringing his tail to his own member and lowering it so that the tip of his dick was right in front of Farrok's face, who didn't waste any time and promptly opened his mouth, putting it inside that tight and soft little mouth. Kizu even sighs, releasing a small jet of pre that the cub swallows, sucking his dick as if it were a cub thirsty for milk, just the head of Kizu's log inside the cub's mouth. But it was enough to leave Kizuato over the moon. Going back to eating slowly while the cub feasted on his dick, Kizuato smiled goofily, slowly getting closer to cumming as Farrok sucked with great desire. He moaned very quietly, trying not to make noise so as not to attract unwanted attention, but the pleasure that the puppy was giving him was very intense and finally he ended up cumming, growling lightly and scratching the floor, releasing his cum straight into Farrok's thirsty mouth. , who swallowed everything as if it were really milk, delighting in the completely new taste. Kizuato came enough to leave the cub very thick with cum, not even dripping on the floor, showing how much the cub had enjoyed that liquid that came out of Kizu's cock. But the electricity dragon wanted more. After finishing cumming, the electricity dragon lightly caresses the cub, carefully picking it up under the table and licking its face, smiling. -Hehehe... Did you like the milk, did you? Then I'll give you more. -He says, placing it on his back and walking to the bathroom. Upon entering and locking the door, he soon leaves the puppy on the floor, caressing him and lifting his tail, looking at the little one's virgin ass and then licking him a few times before soon getting on top of him, rubbing his slobbery, honeyed dick. cum inside the puppy's entrance, holding him tight. Farrok kept his tail up, enjoying the sensation he felt as that cock rubbed against his ass, until Kizuato started to push the cock into him, with some difficulty but entering slowly. It was a wonderful feeling for both of them, Kizuato's cock going deeper and deeper into Farrok's tight, virgin ass as he pushed. It milked the dragon's cock of electricity more and more as it entered. Obviously not everything would go in, but just half was more than enough. -Good boy... - Kizuato said, panting and thrusting very slowly into the puppy's ass, back and forth, thrusting into it and feeling a lot of pleasure as he released more and more pre. -Nhf... Hot little puppy. I'm close again. Finally, holding Farrok and pushing his cock inside the cub he again starts to cum inside the cub, moaning and growling with pleasure while Farrok also moans and cums for the first time in his life, soooooo slick and full of cum as Kizuato fills him , pumping several jets of cum into him. After almost a minute of cumming inside little Kizuato, he finally takes out the puppy's dick, smiling and bending down, licking his ass so he doesn't leak too much and dirty the bathroom, lovingly and purring. -Tasty little puppy. Did you like my cum? Huhuhuhu.... When he finishes licking well, Kizuato puts him on his back again, the puppy is now very stretched out and chubby, full of cum and finally leaves the bathroom, chest puffed out and all triumphant after cumming twice inside the puppy. After now eating again with Farrok, waiting for the place to close, the customers finally Everyone leaves and the employees leave one by one, until only Kizuato is left there. Then Uta and Tremor leave the kitchen, already looking at Kizuato smiling. - Show me that little ass now that I waited all day to eat you. - Tremor says, licking his lips and approaching Kizuato with his voice thick and powerful like thunder. Uta approached too, smiling and then looking at Farrok, petting him and picking him up. - Do you want to watch it, son? Right. Stay next door, okay? -He says, placing the baby dragon next to him and already raising his tail towards Kizuato, wiggling and lowering his front, looking at his son and licking his face. Go and feed daddy like you always do. The puppy smiles and nods. This explained to Kizutao how the puppy knew how to suckle so well. Going under Uta Farrok promptly caresses his father's slit while Kizuato approached, already mounting on top of Uta and rubbing his dick in that tight ass while he raised his tail showing his own ass to Tremor, who approached and also mounted Kizuato, leaving the black dragon between Uta and him. Without saying anything, just rubbing that huge log against the dragon's ass below him, Tremor soon pushes his cock inside Kizuato, who moans really loudly, roaring and also pushing his cock inside Uta with the strength that Tremor used. Meanwhile, Uta's cock came out of his slit and then entered Farrok's little mouth beneath him while he moaned while eating Kizuato's cock inside him like that, loving it all so much. Tremor wasted no time, smiling and licking his lips, pushing his cock more and more deep inside Kizuato until his groin hit the dragon's ass, which in turn also put his entire cock inside Uta, being used for both of their pleasure, giving to one and receiving from the other while everyone moaned nonstop and Farrok sucked and he obediently sucked Uta's member, sitting underneath his father. Everyone released a lot of pre into each other, nothing being wasted. With each thrust that Tremor made, Kizuato also thrust against Uta's tight ass, which thrust into his son's little mouth, who in turn sucked him very hard, wanting more milk than what he had already drunk and had inside his tight ass. Tremor pulsed his cock very strongly with each thrust he gave inside the electricity dragon, with the position the three of them were in it seemed like he was thrusting into his husband, because with each thrust he made, his groin hitting Kizuato's ass made him thrust forward with the same intensity, following this delicious rhythm, feeling a lot of pleasure having your ass eaten at the same time as fucking someone. It didn't take long for Tremor, Kizuato and Uta to feel their knots swelling, Tremor didn't stop pushing harder and harder anyway, until he finally felt the knot swell enough and lock, pushing very hard and making Kizuato's knot also catch. Uta, everyone roaring with pleasure and one cumming and filling each other very well, Tremor filling Kizuato's belly very, very much, biting the back of his head, shooting many liters of very thick cum inside the black dragon, filling his belly to the point to be very apparent. Meanwhile, Kizuato was still cumming a lot inside Uta, but less because he had already fed Farrok, who was now receiving cum from his father again, drinking like a thirsty puppy, holding his father's dick with his two front paws right on the knot. while taking sip after sip of that thick, tasty cum. The three of them kept cumming for a whole minute, Kizuato completely ecstatic with pleasure from it all, panting a lot. Tremor smiled, soon getting off Kizuato and rolling around as he went tail to tail without any of his cum escaping out of Kizuato. The black dragon also descended from Uta and also remained tail to tail, but with its legs shaking well. Utah was fine standing up, panting and picking up his puppy with affection, licking his face slowly, cleaning it until he licked his entire member out of the puppy's slit, licking it and putting it all in his mouth, making the puppy mount his head, showing him like thrusting into his mouth while he suckled his baby. Farrok seemed to really like that new sensation, thrusting into his father's mouth with great gusto, releasing pre and moaning while panting a lot, licking Uta's neck affectionately. After a few minutes of doing that, being suckled by Uta, the puppy ends up moaning loudly and also cumming a lot inside his father's mouth and throat, his knot swelling inside Uta, but its size not being enough to hold it, but Uta pretends to have caught it. wrapping his tongue around his cub's knot, keeping it there while he drank all of Faarrok's tasty cum, who hugged Uta's head with pleasure as he rested and relaxed, keeping his cock inside his father's warm and soft little mouth. Everyone stuck there, one inside the other, their cocks pulsing non-stop inside each other, cumming more and more as time passed. Farrok, as the night passed with them very well trapped there, began to lick where their cock entered the other's ass, which made them feel a lot of pleasure and cum again and again without stopping until dawn. That whole night, with Farrok, had been delicious. It was a sunny day in Dragon's Realm. Everyone in Warfang went about their daily lives like any other day. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to Kizuato's back and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fear dragon moans with pleasure starting Kizuato, the electricity dragon, was on his way home with his friends Zenix, Luminus, and Fearr. They were talking happily and excited about what they were going to do, already very excited about it, smiling and happy. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to Kizuato's back and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and insert his cock inside Kizuato's ass, as Fear's dragon moans with pleasure starting Arriving at Kizuato's house, they promptly start kissing, Fearr still a little withdrawn due to being asexual and inexperienced in that matter. The 4 dragons kiss each other to Kizuato's room, where there was a big bed for everyone to have fun. Kizuato's love nest. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to Kizuato's back and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his dick in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and insert his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to Kizuato's back and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and insert his dick inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to thrust with pleasure. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to Kizuato's back and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and insert his dick inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to thrust with pleasure. Meanwhile Zenix gets under Kizuato and puts his cock right in the electricity dragon's pussy, growling with pleasure. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to Kizuato's back and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and insert his rolls him inside Kizuato's ass, and Fear's dragon moans with pleasure, starting The 3 stay in that position of pleasure for several minutes, all fucking and eating Kizuato with gusto, until they fill him with the first liters of cum of the day. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to Kizuato's back and licking it. his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his dick in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and insert his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting As soon as they cum, they change positions, Fearr going to Kizuato's mouth and fucking him in the mouth while Zenix eats Kizuato and Luminos fucks Zenix. Again they stay in that position for several minutes straight, fucking each other, feeling their cocks being squeezed between their partner's teeth until they finally cum inside him again, enjoying themselves immensely and filling Kizuato even more, making sure he would get pregnant. They promptly climb into bed, kissing, Zenix going to Kizuato's back and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and stick his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting to start. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to the back of Kizuato and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his cock in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and insert his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting Then changing positions again this time Luminos mounts Kizuato fucking him in the pussy, Fearr mounts Luminos while fucking him and Zenix mounts Fearr fucking him also for the first time. They stay in that love and pleasure for several minutes in that position until they finally start to cum inside each other. Once again changing position Zenix wanted one turn in Kizuato's little mouth, but very wildly, fucking him hard and with great pleasure while the other two continued to fuck Kizuato, the two mounted together on the electricity dragon, one on each side, one arranging his ass and the other in the pussy, while they kiss. Zenix was the first to cum in this position, a lot of cum filling Kizuato's mouth and also smearing his face. Soon after, they both ended up cumming inside Kizuato too, together, but that feeling was so delicious that they didn't stop fucking while they were cumming and even after cumming, continuing in that pose. Zenix however, after hours and hours of the four of them playing in that magnificent and sexy way, decides that it was finally time for the knot. He gets under Kizuato and, together with Fearr, starts fucking Kizuato's pussy while Luminus continues eating Kizuato's ass, growling. They promptly climb onto the bed, kissing, Zenix going to Kizuato's back and licking his ass while Luminos mounts Kizuato's head and puts his dick in his mouth. Then Zenix pulls Fearr and helps him mount Kizuato's back and insert his cock inside Kizuato's ass, which Fearr's dragon moans with pleasure, starting The three of them took great pleasure in the electricity dragon that had been used for hours and hours on end for their pleasure, wanting to get it as deep as possible while feeling a lot of pre coming out of their dicks inside Kizuato. Then with everyone roaring together, the 3 of them stick their knots inside Kizuato, Zenix and Fearr in Kizuato's pussy and Luminus in his ass, the 3 of them cumming at the same time and leaving Kizuato a little chubby from so much cum that flowed inside him, making him pregnant and holding him for hours and hours until dawn the next day, cumming more and more times inside him while the 4 of them were still trapped in Kizuato, all tail to tail, lying on the bed and having fun, messing around and eating Kizuato all night long while trapped until cum leaks out of his mouth, but still doesn't stop. The next day they feel the eggs coming out of his pussy and take their cocks out of his pussy so he can lay the eggs while Luminus continues fucking him in the ass while he lays the eggs. While the eggs were coming out, Zenix went back to fucking Kizuato's pussy until he came while one egg and another came out. The 4 finally end up tail to tail together, cumming inside Kizuato and giving him a clutch of eggs to lay while they fill him with cum. Lizzardon and Zenny were in the temple arena, the shadow guardian training hard while her husband watched. For hours they both stayed there while Lizzardon trained, fighting the magical training dummies in the arena. The shadow dragon was very skilled in its attacks and executions, as it always had been. Zenny greatly admired the way Lizzardon fought, even more so because he himself didn't know how to fight very well. So all that movement that the black dragon made, for Zenny, was simply absurd and fantastic. Hours pass with both of them there, until they decide to go eat something at the cafeteria so that Lizzardon can rest after hours of hard training. At the temple restaurant, they both serve themselves generous portions and start eating while talking. That is until a friend of both of them approached the table, interrupting them with a smile. It was Kizuato, the guardians' friendly electricity dragon. -Hello friends! What a good surprise! -He says. -Oh! Hello Kizuato! Long time no see! -Lizzardon comments. - True! It's been a long time! How's life going, friend? -Zenny asks gently wagging its tail. - AH! Do well, man! I'm going home now to get some rest after a busy day. Do you want to join us and have some fun? What do you think? Both dragons look at each other and nod, smiling. -That sounds like a really good idea, man. Let's go there now then! -Lizzardon says, finishing eating with Zenny. With that the three dragons go to Kizuato's house. Entering their house they soon begin kissing and caressing each other, the three of them together. Kizuato was caressing the two and slowly going behind Zenny, who promptly began to raise his tail towards the other electricity dragon. Seeing this, Kizuato quickly puts his nose under Zenny's tail, starting to lick the tight ass of the electricity dragon smaller than him, licking very hard and drooling well so that it is well lubricated. Licking that ass a lot and inside Kizuato soon began to mount Zenny and put his dick inside the little one, who moaned loudly and Lizzardon mounted in front of him, slowly inserting it into his mouth. Both fucking the little electricity dragon with great pleasure, one thrusting into his ass and the other thrusting into his mouth. Zenny squeezed Kizuato's cock inside his ass with pleasure while swallowing Lizzardon's until they both finally ended up cumming inside his warm and prepared body. Changing position, Zenny then lies face up on the floor, with Kizuato on top of him and placing Zenny's cock inside his pussy while Lizzardon moans and mounts Kizuato, putting his cock next to Zenny's in her tight pussy. Both dragons inside Kizuato's pussy, moaning a lot and thrusting, releasing a lot of pre. Lizzardon moaned and growled loudly as she felt the thrusts and filled him with pre. -You're going to lay our eggs, little bitch. Nhf.... - AND! Will even! Nhg... I'm very close to cumming. Cum! Nhg... With that, the two dragons enjoy each other inside Kizuato's tight pussy, growling and fertilizing him. So they decide to change positions again, this time with Kizuato and Lizzardon with their backs to each other and Zenny guiding their cocks to enter each other's pussies. They intertwine their tails and go butt to butt. After moving back and forth for a little more than 5 minutes, they both end up cumming inside each other's pussies again, fertilizing even Lizzardon. Now Kizuato was on his back and Zenny soon went to his head, putting his cock inside Kizuato's mouth while Lizzardon went to his cock and sat on it, placing it inside his ass and riding the black dragon of electricity. Zenny thrust with great gusto into Kizuato's throat, who sucked with gusto and gave a few thrusts into Lizzardon's tight ass that hadn't yet been used that day. After a few more minutes, everyone finally ends up cumming again, this time the shadow guardian ends up cumming all over Kizuato's body, cumming all over his body and face while he drinks the thick and large amounts of cum that Zenny releases. inside his mouth and throat, pressing his groin tightly against the snout of the electricity dragon beneath him, growling. Once again changing poses, the three are now lying on their sides on the floor, Zenny in front, Lizzardon in front fucking Zenny in the ass and Kizuato behind fucking Lizzardon in the ass too, hugging each other. They stay there fucking like that for almost 10 minutes until they finally cum a little more inside each one. So finally, to finish, they both mount Kizuato, one in his ass and the other in his pussy and start to fuck him hard while kissing. Kizuato moaned loudly, feeling both cocks inside his ass and pussy coming and going all the time, sliding with ease due to the amount of cum and seed he had there and all over his body from the cum baths he had taken. The two dragons continued to fuck with great force as their knots both It slowly swelled and swelled with each thrust and thrust they made, very excited and ready to cum inside that little dragon whore that was Kizuato. Lizzardon and Kizuato were fertilized with so much cum that they had received, finally the two dragons stuck their knots, one in Kizuato's ass and the other in Kizuato's tight pussy and began to flood him with more cum, so much cum to the point of making him fatter with cum very thick, delicious and thick while he himself started to cum on the floor, all three of them cumming together and roaring with pleasure as they fucked and got very well trapped inside Kizuato, soon, while they were still cumming liters and liters of hot and thick cum They dismount from Kizuato and the 3 of them are ass to ass, Lizzardon and Zenny kissing deeply and sometimes rolling around to move their dicks inside Kizuato who has his ass stuck out, very willing to them, feeling how they don't stop cumming even with them in that position, very well trapped for hours and more hours, leaving Kizuato very plump and loooooooooong with hot, thick cum. Days after all this fun, finally Kizuato, in his house, a little chubby, laid 3 eggs that came out of his tight pussy, roaring with the sensation of feeling them 3 passing one after the other out of his pussy, cumming in the process and getting the eggs dirty. your cum too. These eggs each had the colors of one of the dragons. One from Kizuato, one from Lizzardon, the black guardian of darkness and one from Zeeny, the electricity dragon husband of Lizzardon. 12:09 After another experiment Stygius opened the gates of testing zone, and, looking at the dark bakugan, who reminded Dharak, asked him Here we go. So, how was that challenge for you? — 12:10 I can test all my abilities with 100% accuracy and perfection, thank you. Kizuato's merged with all the bakugan clones. Master can i ask you something? — 12:12 Arrogance will not serve you well. But since you love to study so much, then I have another test for you.It will be connected with the test of your sense of touch, while all the other 4 organs will be disabled for the duration of the test. Explained to him Stygius and said And, what do you want to ask me? — 12:14 Can i mate with the original bakugans? — 12:15 Hm, mate with Dharak? Why do you need this? Asked him Stygius, sitting down on his chair — 12:18 Not only with him (phantom dharak), also with dragonoid in his vexos neo form, helios, naga, wavern, genesis dragonoid and finally exodus (the original dharaknoid). (I have all the clones of them merged in my body) I need to mate with them to create a hybrid bakugan, so we will have a new advantage in the battlefield, my master. — 12:22 What a curios mix you have... but we have one little trouble; that's impossible. Even if we can do it, it'll be very difficult and dangerous. Do I need to explain it? Asked him Stygius, while in his hand appeared a cup of green tea and he started drinking it — 12:25 I can brainwash their minds, so then won't remember anything. Or we can battle with them and after the fight, we can let them go, if they mate with me. The same way you let drago go after he fought dharak and naga. — 12:30 Let me explain to you something: if you can beat Drago and the other dragons in his group, then Genesis and Exodus are much different than you think. Besides, they're the ones who divided the universe in two parts. However, there also appeared a third part of it, thanks to my long work for a whole millennia — 12:31 So how it's this work? — 12:33 If you want Vexos Neo Dragonoid so hard and so much, then we need to remove to those times where he was under Vexos control. What about Genesis and Exodus, you can forget this idea. You're no match for them — 12:41 Regarding the dragonoid vexos, I already did that because I went back in the timeline and convinced him that we would have a hybrid son who would be able to defeat the vexos at that time. (he is in the next room), already with exodus (I am a descendant of him, (dharaknoids)), already in relation to genesis he is exodus' brother. As for the dharak, he's my father, and before he joined the new resistance we mated a few times, (but we haven't produced hybrid children yet). In the meantime can WE mate? . — 12:52 While Kizuato was talking, Stygius dried his cup of tea and after his question, laughing a bit, said Do you really think I'll be interested in you as a sexual partner? Don't make me laugh more... besides, do you realize you've brought with your son some more troubles with these time plays in our university? — 12:54 I wouldn't if I wasn't sure my son would be a valuable addition to our antiresistance group. In the meantime, I asked exodus to bring genesis, dharak, helios, naga and wavern to the mating chamber, after a bit of brainwashing and a conversation that they would be released after impregnating me. — 13:03 Hmph. Do whatever you want, but don't take them too long, I need them. Still laughing, said Stygius and he just made his chair a sofa, on which he just lay down and began reading the unknown book — 13:05 Yes master. Kizuato leaves to the mating chamber with vexos dragonoid on his side with their tails entwining sharing power. Do you want to see master? — 13:16 Ok * kizuato leaves to the mating chamber with vexos dragonoid on his side with their tails entwining sharing power * — 13:19 Hmm, and you finally here... where you were? And why did you put me in this place? Asked him Drago — 13:26 I was in the next room. * How would you like to start dragon? He says as he starts kissing him on the mouth * We are here to generate our future warrior, to defeat the vexos. — 13:30 Are you sure we can wait it so long? With every day vexos are getting stronger and growing up our baby takes too much time... Said Drago, being worried about such perspectives and looking on his own hands — 13:32 It is not necessary to wait so long, my beloved Uncle Drago. Bakugan are born adults after hatching from eggs. — 13:34 But how? How can it be? I don't understand... even if it's true, vexos will kill more bakugan while we'll be waiting here... — 13:37 I know you're fearing for the future, but I freed the other bakugans from the vexos, and now they're part of the antiresistance army. I used some of my timeadvance magic to help with the egg. And as for the other bakugans that will mate and impregnate me as well, I will do the same for the other eggs. — 14/09/2022 16:35 I know you're fearing for the future, but I freed the other bakugans from the vexos, and now they're part of the antiresistance army. I used some of my timeadvance magic to help with the egg. And as for the other bakugans that will mate and impregnate me as well, I will do the same for the other eggs. And the 2 videos above. We will continue from this part — 14/09/2022 16:36 got it Drago couldn't understand how he did that and he had a lot of questions, so he started asking him more Then tell me, how that works. I mean, your magic with time manipulation and how could you save the others from vexos? — 14/09/2022 16:41 I also convinced all of them, that all of us will form a big family (with all of us getting pregnant from each other), and as i said above i traveled back in time for you my mate, because i want to makebabies with my father dharak and vexos dragonoid (you my uncle), and my other ancestors and relatives too. — 14/09/2022 16:43 But... tell me, when I was vexos dragonoid, how could you... mate me when I was under Spectra's control? I couldn't even control my moves... Said the pyrus dragon, thinking more about it and how actually the darkus dragon could do it, trying to remember the past — 14/09/2022 16:49 I have superior powers of body and mind control to the forbidden cards the spectra used on you, so after taking the 'forbidden' control away from you, we mate during breaks in experiments and battles (10 times in total). But so the spectra wouldn't suspect anything, I made your* pregnancy happen very slowly and unnoticed, and I also restored control of the forbidden cards. Now that we can get together again after everything has happened I want to end our mating. — 14/09/2022 16:57 End... our mating? Blushing a lot, Drago turned his look aside and he was totally confused. Realizing that they were already breeding, Drago tried to remember everything what happened to him there and give an answer — 14/09/2022 16:59 Not only with you, but also with our other family members as well. I had to mate earlier for the child to be born in a reasonable time.  With other... family members?.. who could it be? Getting surprised more and more, the pyrus dragon finally fell into thought, simultaneously thinking not only about how he managed it all, but also about who he managed to make breeding to — 14/09/2022 17:09 Helios, dharak, naga, wavern, dharak's father: exodus, and your father genesis. Oh i forget to mention: also with dark angel and lumiella (your aunt and uncle), lord herio: helios's father and finally (kin and amelia = your brother and sister). So can we begin our mating my uncle Drago? — 14/09/2022 17:23 (Ok) We are having more children of course. Imagem Imagem Imagem Imagem Imagem (This are some of our children and family). Imagem (I'm waiting you). — 14/09/2022 17:32 . — 14/09/2022 17:36 (eeeh? — 14/09/2022 17:37 Some of our children and family members. Hello?) — 14/09/2022 17:41 (I don't understand... — 14/09/2022 17:44 The family members I mated with and some of our sons and daughters. Genesis and Exodus Imagem — 14/09/2022 17:45 (who are Kizuato's children? — 14/09/2022 17:46 (Just the first image, the other ones are from helios, naga and you know the other ones i mentioned previously. (Ok? — 14/09/2022 17:53 (...alright — 14/09/2022 17:54 (Are you ok? With this. Just to know. — 14/09/2022 17:55 (who are they? the dark ones on that basketball game? — 14/09/2022 17:56 The dark ones, are my children (kizuato with exodus, dark angel and dharak). So can we begin our mating and pregnancy part? — 14/09/2022 18:02 wait, are you dark angel's owner? — 14/09/2022 18:02 No I'm using with permission. — 14/09/2022 18:10 (Ok? — 14/09/2022 18:12 alright — 14/09/2022 18:13 So... Can we finally have sex. (Hi) (i will wait you) — 14/09/2022 18:23 after some more answers — 14/09/2022 18:24 You can begin our mating — 14/09/2022 18:49 (Hi (Hello . — 14/09/2022 19:10 Hi — 14/09/2022 19:43 Hello — 14/09/2022 20:04 Are you there? Can we mate tonight? . (Hi Hello) — 14/09/2022 21:56 Hi? Are you there? — 14/09/2022 22:33 . — 15/09/2022 00:45 Hello, good night. — 15/09/2022 07:43 Hello, can we start our mating? — 15/09/2022 07:43 not today — 15/09/2022 07:44 Ok — 15/09/2022 12:24 Hi, when can we begin our mating scene? — 15/09/2022 12:55 Hello — 15/09/2022 15:09 Hi, good afternoon. — 15/09/2022 21:07 Hi, good night. — 16/09/2022 08:57 Good morning — 16/09/2022 09:57 greetings — 16/09/2022 10:36 Hi Can we continue our mating? — 16/09/2022 10:39 yep — 16/09/2022 10:40 Thanks Drago are you ready to impregnate me? After i impregnate you and the other family members with all the childrens above and many more (infinity children)? — 16/09/2022 10:43 Many more? Eeh... I... I don't know, honestly. I can't tell you so fast about them... — 16/09/2022 10:44 It's ok, don't worry about them, they are safe in my womb. — 16/09/2022 10:46 Just... don't rush too much. I never did such things before... — 16/09/2022 10:48 Ok Drago. kizuato goes to the ass and vagina of Drago, and starts to lubricate with cum from his penis . — 16/09/2022 10:54 Getting tense, Drago holds Kizuato's shoulders, trying to relax his legs so it makes the pain not too hard — 16/09/2022 10:55 Relax Drago, relax. I'm doing this to not hurt you. — 16/09/2022 11:01 I'm trying. Just give me a little more time for that... — 16/09/2022 11:03 Ok my love, i will let you calm down. — 16/09/2022 11:10 (Hi — 16/09/2022 11:22 (Are you there? — 16/09/2022 11:50 (I'm waiting you — 16/09/2022 11:52 (Drago never had a feral form — 16/09/2022 11:54 (Just saying because you said you like more anthros. (Np — 16/09/2022 11:55 (and... come down? maybe, CALM down? — 16/09/2022 11:55 Ok... (calm down. Kk Are you feeling better Drago? — 16/09/2022 12:09 Hi — 16/09/2022 12:26 (Are you there? I'm waiting you — 16/09/2022 12:27 (wait some more — 16/09/2022 12:27 Ok... I will talk with you in 1 hour. — 16/09/2022 12:28 alright — 16/09/2022 12:28 Then we can mate. — 16/09/2022 12:56 (Can we mate now? — 16/09/2022 12:56 (no — 16/09/2022 12:58 Ok. So when? — 16/09/2022 12:59 in two hours — 16/09/2022 12:59 Fine. See you in 2 hours then. Bye — 16/09/2022 14:31 Hey Can we begin? — 16/09/2022 14:32 + — 16/09/2022 14:33 Yes?  yep — 16/09/2022 14:33 Can we begin my dragonoid? — 16/09/2022 14:34 Yes... but, not so fast... — 16/09/2022 14:35 Ok. * starts to penetrate Drago with his double penis in his ass and vagina, with calm * — 16/09/2022 14:40 Getting more tense from that double penetration, Drago moans in a low voice, even growling from pain — 16/09/2022 14:44 Relax Drago, relax. * Says kizuato tongue kissing him. And entwining his multiple tails with Drago's own tail all the way. * Can you get on all fours? . — 16/09/2022 14:49 But Drago interrupted their kiss and yelled at him, hearing about the four tails No way! Are you crazy?! — 16/09/2022 14:51 It's Just to represent our love for each other. — 16/09/2022 14:52 Phew... to be honest, I thought you'll put them in me... that was scary... Says Drago, still moaning from pain — 16/09/2022 14:53 Relax. And can you look at our back. — 16/09/2022 14:54 Huh? Trying to understand what's he doing, Drago turned back to look what's going on — 16/09/2022 14:56 Kizuato shows him all the other family members in the ass to ass position with him, impregnating Kizuato with infinity children and Kizuato impregnating all of them too also with infinity children. And reveals to him his True form of hydra too. — 16/09/2022 15:00 What the... how? I'm totally confused... am I mating with some kind of a god or what? Asked Drago and he's getting more scared and surprised at the same time by this — 16/09/2022 15:04 And look below us. I mating with the children (our children from the pictures above too). Do you remember that i said to you, that we will form a family. And we will create a hybrid bakugan too? . The children are adults now, and they agreed in mating with me, to form a new and big family. — 16/09/2022 15:11 The children are in the ass to ass position too with kizuato. . (Hi — 16/09/2022 15:19 (Hello Hi . — 16/09/2022 15:24 It looks like you're going to form a whole clan... why do you need this?.. — 16/09/2022 15:27 Isn't for the master. It's our family. We don't have any powerful bakugan of Royal blood to mate with, so this is the only way to continue our lineage. Ok? For our family Drago. Can we continue? — 16/09/2022 15:56 (Hi (Hello — 16/09/2022 16:08 Master? What?.. With every of his words Drago has more questions, so he couldn't just continue — 16/09/2022 16:17 I'm working for a master, Drago, he's the one who had free you from Spectra's control, and he's using me your nephew (me) to control the bakugans. Although i can't let you tell anyone about this. Or i don't know what would happened with all of us. Although again the part of the family is true from the bottom of my soul, i really love you. And let me tell you your true form is fusion dragonoid, but i prefer to mate with you in your vexos neo dragonoid form, i like you in this form more than the other ones. So can we continue for our family's future. I promise you that after our mating (and some experiments) you all will be free. — 16/09/2022 16:23 Hearing all of that, Drago closed his eyes to calm down, slowly understanding what's going on. Then he asked one last question to Kizuato Then tell me... who is your master? — 16/09/2022 16:27 The guy you're fighting (and doing body and soul fusions too, which I loved seeing him with the tail of helios and wavern (girlfriend's vagina lol)). Well his name is Stygius. (Hi — 16/09/2022 16:36 . — 16/09/2022 16:48 Stygius?.. Drago could only guess who is it and how powerful he is. So he just kept silence — 16/09/2022 16:49 Yes I'm your nephew my sexiest beautiful and lovely uncled vexos neo dragonoid. * blush * And doing body and soul fusions too, which I loved seeing you with the tail of helios and wavern (girlfriend's vagina lol). * blush * . — 16/09/2022 16:56 (Hi . (Hi — 16/09/2022 17:08 Are you ok Drago? Can we continue our mating? — 16/09/2022 17:16 (Hello . — 16/09/2022 17:18 You... to be honest, I... don't know. you've shocked me already... realizing that you're my nephew... that's something strange... And you Drago, are you having feelings by your brother Dharak, i saw you both kissing. Sorry to bother, although that's the truth. But i need to tell you all of this. So for the last time please my uncle, can we mate? For our family? — 16/09/2022 17:27 Pls. I promise: I free all of you after the mating and the experiments. If you want we can merge to free ourselves from this place. — 16/09/2022 17:34 To which Drago, sighing very heavy, said Alright. But this is the first and last time. And you won't touch anyone of my friends. Got it? — 16/09/2022 17:34 Yes. I understand. — 16/09/2022 17:36 And one more: these children will be only yours and you'll let us leave safety. Deal? — 16/09/2022 17:39 It's our family Drago, our family. Ours, from dharak, naga, wavern, helios, genesis, exodus, and even from the future children of our children (they are in the ass to ass position with me, just like our other family members and you will be too). IF you want it (to be in the ass to ass position too). . Deal? — 16/09/2022 17:47 . (Hi — 16/09/2022 17:56 (Hello . It's our family Drago, our family. Ours, from dharak, naga, wavern, helios, genesis, exodus, and even from the future children of our children (they are in the ass to ass position with me, just like our other family members and you will be too). IF you want it (to be in the ass to ass position too). — 16/09/2022 18:09 (Hi — 16/09/2022 18:22 It's our family Drago, our family. Ours, from dharak, naga, wavern, helios, genesis, exodus, and even from the future children of our children (they are in the ass to ass position with me, just like our other family members and you will be too). IF you want it (to be in the ass to ass position too). (Can you RP this part? — 16/09/2022 18:22 (only one post, because I'm gonna sleep — 16/09/2022 18:23 Ok The last one, and tomorrow we will continue, ok? — 16/09/2022 18:24 If your promise will be real... and we'll be able to get away and you'll bring my true form back... deal. Said Drago, getting ready for that — 16/09/2022 18:28 Kizuato start to penetrate faster the dragonoid until 7 hours of sex later, he knot Drago, getting in the ass to ass position, with Drago also penetrating kizuato as a favor for his family, as part of the deal too. And then they all start to merge their bodies too, creating a new copy of their bodies to maintain the ass with ass position to impregnate each other. (RP this last one. And we will finish here for today, ok? — 16/09/2022 18:29 (I wrote the last post on today — 16/09/2022 18:30 Ok So we will continue from here, ok? — 16/09/2022 18:31 + — 16/09/2022 18:32 If your promise is real... and we manage to escape and you will bring my true form back... I agree. Said Drago, getting ready for it ' Kizuato starts penetrating the dragonoid faster until 7 hours of sex later, he knots Drago, getting in the butttobutt position, with Drago also penetrating kizuato as a favor to his family, as part of the deal as well. And then they all start merging their bodies as well, creating a new copy of their bodies to maintain the butttobutt position to impregnate each other and all the family members including Drago and all the kids also intertwining their tails as one. sign of mutual trust, respect and love for each other. And can I make a deal with you Drago? If we all run away, our present and past and future infinite children and our family members will be part of 1 big family together, ok? Everyone taking care of everyone ok? My uncle Drago? And finally one more thing: Can we continue our orgy eternally infinity times having infinity children and stay locked in the ass to ass position eternally too even when we're merged with each other? Just copying this part for tomorrow. OK? Bye. Until tomorrow, and thank you so much to RP with me. — 17/09/2022 09:53 Hi can we continue our mating? 🙂 + — 17/09/2022 10:00 If your promise is real... and we manage to escape and you will bring my true form back... I agree. Said Drago, getting ready for it ' Kizuato starts penetrating the dragonoid faster until 7 hours of sex later, he knots Drago, getting in the butttobutt position, with Drago also penetrating kizuato as a favor to his family, as part of the deal as well. And then they all start merging their bodies as well, creating a new copy of their bodies to maintain the butttobutt position to impregnate each other and all the family members including Drago and all the kids also intertwining their tails as one. sign of mutual trust, respect and love for each other. And can I make a deal with you Drago? If we all run away, our present and past and future infinite children and our family members will be part of 1 big family together, ok? Everyone taking care of everyone ok? My uncle Drago, we have a deal? And finally one more thing: Can we continue our orgy eternally infinity times having infinity children and stay locked in the ass to ass position eternally too even when we're merged with each other? (We will continue from here. So it's your time now. We have a deal Dragonoid? — 17/09/2022 10:14 We have a deal Dragonoid? — 17/09/2022 11:30 . Hi stygius (dragonoid) — 17/09/2022 11:33 (I'm still busy — 17/09/2022 11:35 (Ok... can we continue this afternoon? Or this night? Or in what hour? — 17/09/2022 11:36 maybe, while I'll be writing the next episode — 17/09/2022 11:36 Ok So what hour? For me now it's 11:36. And for you? — 17/09/2022 11:37 (17:37 — 17/09/2022 11:37 Ok In 2 to 3 hours? — 17/09/2022 11:38 maybe — 17/09/2022 11:39 Ok, can you RP just the part above? — 17/09/2022 11:39 not right now — 17/09/2022 11:39 Ok Until. And can you put the mating scene in this new chapter, finally showing kizuato? — 17/09/2022 11:43 no — 17/09/2022 11:44 Ok... So a merge of the new evolutions of all dragons? — 17/09/2022 11:44 maybe — 17/09/2022 11:45 Ok And when you will be showing kizuato in the story? — 17/09/2022 11:46 not in this one — 17/09/2022 11:47 The next chapter? And our mating (orgy) above? — 17/09/2022 11:47 no — 17/09/2022 11:48 Let me guess. Chapter 40? — 17/09/2022 11:48 no — 17/09/2022 11:50 I'm just saying that you're going to put kizuato and our orgy further in the story. — 17/09/2022 11:50 I'm saying that I won't put him in this story — 17/09/2022 11:51 Oh... so in a sequel? — 17/09/2022 11:51 maybe — 17/09/2022 11:51 Can i ask why maybe? No offense. — 17/09/2022 11:53 just as I said earlier, I don't know how to put him in my story. even if he enters to that company, it'll be looking very foreign, so I better put him for another story besides, I don't know how he can travel through the times, change the forms whenever, whatever and whoever he wants. I can't accept it, only with nerfing him a lot — 17/09/2022 11:56 Ok, now i understand. And are you enjoying our orgy? — 17/09/2022 11:58 not really — 17/09/2022 11:58 What i can change? You can give me new ideas. I'm open. To new ideas. — 17/09/2022 12:02 first of all, a bit more of emotions, a little more. then some more describing your posts, I mean more details about your actions, like you're there and going to make that process pretty sweet. and that would be enough for the first time — 17/09/2022 12:04 Ok, any other ideas. Of sex scenes, mating, pregnancy and merge? — 17/09/2022 12:04 well, I was talking more in common what you need to change, so focus on sex scenes and mating — 17/09/2022 12:05 Ok, and what about the other 2 parts? — 17/09/2022 12:06 we'll take care of it later, when we'll finish this — 17/09/2022 12:06 Ok If you can rp this part here now? If your promise is real... and we manage to escape and you will bring my true form back... I agree. Said Drago, getting ready for it ' Kizuato starts penetrating the dragonoid faster until 7 hours of sex later, he knots Drago, getting in the butttobutt position, with Drago also penetrating kizuato as a favor to his family, as part of the deal as well. And then they all start merging their bodies as well, creating a new copy of their bodies to maintain the butttobutt position to impregnate each other and all the family members including Drago and all the kids also intertwining their tails as one. sign of mutual trust, respect and love for each other. And can I make a deal with you Drago? If we all run away, our present and past and future infinite children and our family members will be part of 1 big family together, ok? Everyone taking care of everyone ok? My uncle Drago, we have a deal? And finally one more thing: Can we continue our orgy eternally infinity times having infinity children and stay locked in the ass to ass position eternally too even when we're merged with each other? — 17/09/2022 12:07 not right now I'll tell you when I'll be able to do it — 17/09/2022 12:08 Ok bye. — 17/09/2022 15:53 Hi Can we continue our orgy? — 17/09/2022 16:00 (slowly. but yes — 17/09/2022 16:07 Ok If your promise is real... and we manage to escape and you will bring my true form back... I agree. Said Drago, getting ready for it ' Kizuato starts penetrating the dragonoid faster until 7 hours of sex later, he knots Drago, getting in the butttobutt position, with Drago also penetrating kizuato as a favor to his family, as part of the deal as well. And then they all start merging their bodies as well, creating a new copy of their bodies to maintain the butttobutt position to impregnate each other and all the family members including Drago and all the kids also intertwining their tails as one. sign of mutual trust, respect and love for each other. And can I make a deal with you Drago? If we all run away, our present and past and future infinite children and our family members will be part of 1 big family together, ok? Everyone taking care of everyone ok? My uncle Drago, we have a deal? And finally one more thing: Can we continue our orgy eternally infinity times having infinity children and stay locked in the ass to ass position eternally too even when we're merged with each other? (Your time — 17/09/2022 16:15 After that long breeding Drago was totally charmed by Kizuato that he hadn't any strength even to speak. That how he was tired after 7 hours of mating and those fusions. That was something special for him, even with Wavern Drago didn't do anything like this. All what Drago could now is sleeping. Just sleeping, being so tired and having so much pain in his tail hole, legs and even his dick. Being deep in the dreams, Drago was hoping that this strange experience will stop and he'll wake up in the Earth with Dan — 17/09/2022 16:30 After Drago wakes up, kizuato tells him that now is the time for his master's experiments. Drago, questions kizuato about the experiments. Kizuato tells him that his master will do some strength and endurance tests with all of them. Power and Strength: Using some of the forbidden cards only in kizuato. Resistance: Put armor on kizuato and Drago. Kizuato tells him that he will forever be in the butttobutt position with his entire family, putting all of the infinite eggs inside the incubator that they will use to get out of this place. And kizuato nuzzle Drago to comfort him. — 17/09/2022 16:34 Those tests were just a warm up to Drago, Kizuato and the other dragons. But soon, giving to them a little breaktime, Stygius called Kizuato, saying telepathy "Come to my office. We need to talk" — 17/09/2022 16:35 Ok master. Drago and the other ones, please don't say anything. * Kizuato goes to the office of his master, with the incubator locked eternally in his ass and vagina, while all the other stays in the ass to ass position eternally laying infinity eggs * Master i'm here. — 17/09/2022 16:40 Drinking a cup of tea, Stygius asked him Now we can talk. So tell me, escaping from me with all your family... is that true? Answer honestly, I want to hear it from you  — 17/09/2022 11:39 not right now — 17/09/2022 11:39 Ok Until. And can you put the mating scene in this new chapter, finally showing kizuato? — 17/09/2022 11:43 no — 17/09/2022 11:44 Ok... So a merge of the new evolutions of all dragons? — 17/09/2022 11:44 maybe — 17/09/2022 11:45 Ok And when you will be showing kizuato in the story? — 17/09/2022 11:46 not in this one — 17/09/2022 11:47 The next chapter? And our mating (orgy) above? — 17/09/2022 11:47 no — 17/09/2022 11:48 Let me guess. Chapter 40? — 17/09/2022 11:48 no — 17/09/2022 11:50 I'm just saying that you're going to put kizuato and our orgy further in the story. — 17/09/2022 11:50 I'm saying that I won't put him in this story — 17/09/2022 11:51 Oh... so in a sequel? — 17/09/2022 11:51 maybe — 17/09/2022 11:51 Can i ask why maybe? No offense. — 17/09/2022 11:53 just as I said earlier, I don't know how to put him in my story. even if he enters to that company, it'll be looking very foreign, so I better put him for another story besides, I don't know how he can travel through the times, change the forms whenever, whatever and whoever he wants. I can't accept it, only with nerfing him a lot — 17/09/2022 11:56 Ok, now i understand. And are you enjoying our orgy? — 17/09/2022 11:58 not really — 17/09/2022 11:58 What i can change? You can give me new ideas. I'm open. To new ideas. — 17/09/2022 12:02 first of all, a bit more of emotions, a little more. then some more describing your posts, I mean more details about your actions, like you're there and going to make that process pretty sweet. and that would be enough for the first time — 17/09/2022 12:04 Ok, any other ideas. Of sex scenes, mating, pregnancy and merge? — 17/09/2022 12:04 well, I was talking more in common what you need to change, so focus on sex scenes and mating — 17/09/2022 12:05 Ok, and what about the other 2 parts? — 17/09/2022 12:06 we'll take care of it later, when we'll finish this — 17/09/2022 12:06 Ok If you can rp this part here now? If your promise is real... and we manage to escape and you will bring my true form back... I agree. Said Drago, getting ready for it ' Kizuato starts penetrating the dragonoid faster until 7 hours of sex later, he knots Drago, getting in the butttobutt position, with Drago also penetrating kizuato as a favor to his family, as part of the deal as well. And then they all start merging their bodies as well, creating a new copy of their bodies to maintain the butttobutt position to impregnate each other and all the family members including Drago and all the kids also intertwining their tails as one. sign of mutual trust, respect and love for each other. And can I make a deal with you Drago? If we all run away, our present and past and future infinite children and our family members will be part of 1 big family together, ok? Everyone taking care of everyone ok? My uncle Drago, we have a deal? And finally one more thing: Can we continue our orgy eternally infinity times having infinity children and stay locked in the ass to ass position eternally too even when we're merged with each other? — 17/09/2022 12:07 not right now I'll tell you when I'll be able to do it — 17/09/2022 12:08 Ok bye. — 17/09/2022 15:53 Hi Can we continue our orgy? — 17/09/2022 16:00 (slowly. but yes — 17/09/2022 16:07 Ok If your promise is real... and we manage to escape and you will bring my true form back... I agree. Said Drago, getting ready for it ' Kizuato starts penetrating the dragonoid faster until 7 hours of sex later, he knots Drago, getting in the butttobutt position, with Drago also penetrating kizuato as a favor to his family, as part of the deal as well. And then they all start merging their bodies as well, creating a new copy of their bodies to maintain the butttobutt position to impregnate each other and all the family members including Drago and all the kids also intertwining their tails as one. sign of mutual trust, respect and love for each other. And can I make a deal with you Drago? If we all run away, our present and past and future infinite children and our family members will be part of 1 big family together, ok? Everyone taking care of everyone ok? My uncle Drago, we have a deal? And finally one more thing: Can we continue our orgy eternally infinity times having infinity children and stay locked in the ass to ass position eternally too even when we're merged with each other? (Your time — 17/09/2022 16:15 After that long breeding Drago was totally charmed by Kizuato that he hadn't any strength even to speak. That how he was tired after 7 hours of mating and those fusions. That was something special for him, even with Wavern Drago didn't do anything like this. All what Drago could now is sleeping. Just sleeping, being so tired and having so much pain in his tail hole, legs and even his dick. Being deep in the dreams, Drago was hoping that this strange experience will stop and he'll wake up in the Earth with Dan — 17/09/2022 16:30 After Drago wakes up, kizuato tells him that now is the time for his master's experiments. Drago, questions kizuato about the experiments. Kizuato tells him that his master will do some strength and endurance tests with all of them. Power and Strength: Using some of the forbidden cards only in kizuato. Resistance: Put armor on kizuato and Drago. Kizuato tells him that he will forever be in the butttobutt position with his entire family, putting all of the infinite eggs inside the incubator that they will use to get out of this place. And kizuato nuzzle Drago to comfort him. — 17/09/2022 16:34 Those tests were just a warm up to Drago, Kizuato and the other dragons. But soon, giving to them a little breaktime, Stygius called Kizuato, saying telepathy "Come to my office. We need to talk" — 17/09/2022 16:35 Ok master. Drago and the other ones, please don't say anything. * Kizuato goes to the office of his master, with the incubator locked eternally in his ass and vagina, while all the other stays in the ass to ass position eternally laying infinity eggs * Master i'm here. — 17/09/2022 16:40 Drinking a cup of tea, Stygius asked him Now we can talk. So tell me, escaping from me with all your family... is that true? Answer honestly, I want to hear it from you — 17/09/2022 16:45 It is true master, I will no longer serve you, and that is because you will use my family for your experiments against them and also against the others that I love as well. I won't let you get close to any of us. Kizuato says in a serious tone of voice, and with a firm posture and rigid body. . (Hi — 17/09/2022 16:54 Tell me, what benefit will you get from betraying me? If you're going to be my enemy, then why don't you come over and kill me? Asked him Stygius, being still calm and... apathetic? Yes. He was looking like he knew all along and he just waited for the further Kizuato's actions — 17/09/2022 16:59 If it's to kill you, I prefer to do it alongside my family with everyone. If it's just here just you and me. I know you would have your advantage, because as you said, you are waiting for it. And so I would be at a disadvantage. — 17/09/2022 17:04 Even if you'll go on me with all of your family, it's no use. Should I show you our power difference or let you run away as fast as you can? Tough choice... Asked himself Stygius, thinking about it — 17/09/2022 17:06 I prefer to 'run away'. You're are wrong to think you can win from all of us. Even if the experiments you had done with all of us, none of your data will help you defeat US. — 17/09/2022 17:09 Laughing a bit, Stygius replied Still... so naive. Why should I let you go when I can finish you off anytime? — 17/09/2022 17:12 You can if you want, finish me here and now, although i know you want to see my full power, so here's my 'proposal': You let us out of here now, and i will garantee to you a full demo of our power in a final battle. Says kizuato seriously — 17/09/2022 17:29 You said it by yourself Said Stygius, just looking at Kizuato, he made the last one paralyzed and pierced his chest by the energetic blade, which appeared in Stygius's hand, when he turned to Kizuato. Standing up, he added When you're trying to make some heroic actions, you need to follow one rule: less chatter and more business. Your family won't escape from this place, so your path ends here, Kizuato... or, maybe, you'll change your mind and keep serving me further — 17/09/2022 17:40 (Hi . — 17/09/2022 17:50 (Hello Haha, more action you said, ok? Come to the incubator chamber? Says kizuato to Stygius. (The mirage of kizuato disappearing from Stygius' office. — 17/09/2022 17:56 Then Stygius, sensing Kizuato's presence, he appeared just behind him, piercing his heart, this time, by the hand covered with lightning. Being an ancient bakugan who was advancing his skills more and more, such difficult tricks were nothing to him, this time not letting Kizuato get away Playing hide and seek, huh? I see, you are just as naive as ever... — 17/09/2022 17:57 Again you are self confident. Says kizuato piercing Stygius's heart. After another ilussion from kizuato — 17/09/2022 18:00 However, that was pointless because of his instantly regeneration, so he just sighed What did I just say? You can't hurt me. Hide with your illusions as long as you can, but it won't save you — 17/09/2022 18:03 Kkk enough of this hide and seek, says kizuato to him, and disappeared in a last illusion after saying goodbye my master, and devouring him. — 17/09/2022 18:06 It was no use, because, when Kizuato tried to eat Stygius, his head blew up once he touched Stygius's scale. This is the end for Kizuato, the end of his life once and for all... but soon, after the eternal darkness he woke up on the bed, like nothing happened to him. This dream was something and that's exactly — 17/09/2022 18:13 Lol actually I had devoured you in real life, but not before deluding you (dream of a dream) with a victory over me and my family, and in fact I'm really far from you. (thanks for letting me explore the base through my free time from experiments. (I then start to absorb all your powers and your soul to utilize your knowledge and powers on me, my family, my children and my eggs. Goodbye master, once and for all. — 17/09/2022 18:21 You're still a child... look around and you'll see that is all your dream under my illusion Letting Kizuato to know it, Stygius ruined the place around Kizuato and he could see the real picture; Stygius, sitting on the chair, was looking at Kizuato's eyes, while the last one had a bleeding wound on his chest, while Stygius said What are you trying to do? Seems, you need to wash your eyes better. I'm one of the strongest ancient bakugans, who had reaches the colossal powers for several millennia, sitting here and looking at the thirdrate bakugan, who hopes to kill me with some cheap tricks. Should I explain that whatever you do is pointless? — 17/09/2022 18:38 We will finally reach the climax point, says kizuato. Lights please. Stygius sees that he is inside Kizuato's stomach being digested, and having his last powers and abilities absorbed by all of Kizuato's family. And that actually before Stygius plotted his plan against kizuato, he had already told everyone everything. And they were in the court of elder bakugans. The most powerful where even Stygius' parents were also serving as judges. Kizuato says to stygius: you were convicted of mercilessly using bakugans for experimental purposes. (I condemn him to be devoured by his 'servant' kizuato for all eternity. While also all the elder judges and bakugans also stand in the tail to tail entwined position with kizuato in the ass to ass position having infinite more children as well. ( You can't go against your parents, and you may have learned your tricks on your own and also benefited from being one of the most powerful, but you underestimate yourself, because you yourself know you're not the only one.) Says kizuato finally undoing Stygius from all realities with the Judges giving their powers to Kizuato in order for him to eliminate Stygius from existence once and for all. — 17/09/2022 18:45 Yawning, Kizuato heard only one phrase "Idiot... I don't have any parents." After that strange scene Kizuato was falling into the eternal darkness without any opportunity to use any tricks or anything else to escape, to change his situation. And soon, Kizuato was again at the same office, lying down on the floor and bleeding, while he was losing his strength, Stygius replied It's no use. I won't repeat it, but if you think it helps you... go on. But then you will die. Trying to eat someone who's obviously stronger than you? How silly of you. — 17/09/2022 18:49 You're are the idiot Stygius. Says kizuato staying in his office. I will absorb more of your power Stygius, you can't kill me. — 17/09/2022 18:54 However, in several seconds Kizuato was lying on the floor again and his wound was bleeding more, to which he replied Keep talking... maybe, I should seal you into my little sphere while I'm busy? I guess I should, because, explaining to you that you can't counter or avoid THIS illusion is useless. Or, should I explain it? — 17/09/2022 18:56 No need to do this, i will go back to the mating and pregnancy and merging chamber, with your excuse, my master. — 17/09/2022 18:58 How can you go with bleeding chest? You don't even have any regenerating abilities... and you won't until you answer me on some questions Facepalming himself, Stygius turned to his desk and started searching for something — 17/09/2022 19:00 If i don't have 'any' regenerating abilitie how i'm not dead. Kkk. As i said before you don't know nothing about me. If you said you know, i want to know what you know about me now. Says kizuato healing all his wounds and staying in a mating position on all fours inside the incubator and inside the mating and pregnancy and merging chamber. — 17/09/2022 19:05 Because with such wound you can live for 5 minutes exactly. So don't try to play a superhero, who has some super powers just because you wanted, not earned by your sweat and blood. And you're no more than my pet. Said to him Stygius, staying calm, he just relaxed a bit, returning Kizuato back to the office by bringing him with the energy, Stygius added So I said you won't go anywhere until you answer me, pet. Or should I make you disappear? Hmm... — 17/09/2022 19:06 Ah ok, answer what? — 17/09/2022 19:06 Tell me, who is your master? — 17/09/2022 19:07 Stygius — 17/09/2022 19:09 Now you see the difference between us? You cannot defeat me just because you want it. If you wish to surpass me, then be original, let your mind be opened to something new. Now answer me, pet Asked him Stygius, coming closer to Kizuato — 17/09/2022 19:10 What do you want to know, my master? — 17/09/2022 19:11 I want you to answer on my questions — 17/09/2022 19:12 What questions? — 17/09/2022 19:14 Repeating for you: do you see how weak you are, compairing to me? — 17/09/2022 19:15 Yes I see — 17/09/2022 19:17 Standing up, Stygius came to Kizuato and... kissed him in lips, after this saying As a punishment, you'll stay with me here, You can take your eggs, but not their parents. Only you and no time tricks. If you agree, then kiss my hand — 17/09/2022 19:19 I will kiss your hand and your lips, if i can take my eggs and all my family too. And i will mate with you too and be your husband, and have YOUR EGGS, Master. — 17/09/2022 19:21 Only if I'll clone them and you'll give them another names. And, heh, don't try to dominate me. It's no use. Only if you're not going to lose everything you wanted  Clone them and let the originals under your spell in my ass and vagina locked with me, and merged with me, just don't hurt any of them, deal? I will let you have hybrids with all of them too and with me too, but only if all of us penetrate you. Deal? — 17/09/2022 19:27 No, the original ones I'll bring back to normal. You'll get only your clones. Besides, you're working to bring back your opportunities back because of your try to betray me. So don't be so greedy and obey my orders, if you wish to get your family — 17/09/2022 19:30 No good, because without the original ones the clones won't have any relevance to the newborn powers and abilities. Just let the originals locked in me under your spell and if any of us betray you again, the kill me right now. Final deal? The clones will need a reference, and that reference are the original ones. You speak so much to be the ancient the original and most powerful bakugan, i now you are betraying your own word. Final deal? Fine? — 17/09/2022 19:34 I'll leave the clones in you and take back the original ones. Don't worry, your babies won't leave you until you're serving to me. Or, maybe, I should leave it to you, while you're trying to accidentally kill them just because you don't know how to do it — 17/09/2022 19:39 Leave the originals with you and me locked in both our anus, and in our merge (with the originals and the clones) take control of them, with both of us controlling all of them. — 17/09/2022 19:41 You're a big pervert, aren't you? Asked him Stygius and he, showing the feet to Kizuato, said Now lick. Lick it all while I'm thinking about helping you. Go on — 17/09/2022 19:42 That thing you know, said kizuato licking his feet. — 17/09/2022 19:44 Watching for Kizuato's licking, Stygius was looking at him, with a little energy masturbating his dick, making Kizuato lick Stygius's feet more active — 17/09/2022 19:44 And with the originals and the clones in our anus and vagina and in the ass to ass position eternally, and inside the incubator getting pregnant with infinity childrens and merging with all of them. We will have total control of all of them my master. Kizuato says to his master, while licking his feet. Kizuato dick's starting to appear from his sheat. — 17/09/2022 19:46 Focus on your job, I'll decide by myself what to do. Lick it soft and long Said Stygius, rubbing his face by feet and kept reading the book — 17/09/2022 19:47 Ok... Says kizuato licking now both his master's feet. Althought i would like if you consider my last proposal: And with the originals and the clones in our anus and vagina and in the ass to ass position eternally, and inside the incubator getting pregnant with infinity childrens and merging with all of them. We will have total control of all of them my master. Kizuato says to his master, while licking his feet. . — 17/09/2022 19:51 Hmm... maybe, you should suck to me, but before clean up my feet, Kizuato. And you'll earn your first kiss — 17/09/2022 19:52 And my proposal? — 17/09/2022 19:52 Maybe, I'll do it as a little reward for your service — 17/09/2022 19:55 Kizuato's clean up both his master's feet. Sorry but i want a yes from you master. Says kizuato starting to blowjob his master cock, while inserting his tail in his master's ass and vagina to make him cum faster and then i get out of him. — 18/09/2022 08:32 (Can we continue our orgy? — 18/09/2022 14:28 Hi — 18/09/2022 16:10 Hi — 18/09/2022 16:43 Hello — 18/09/2022 16:43 sorry, I'm still busy — 18/09/2022 16:43 Ok Tomorrow? What hour? — 18/09/2022 16:44 I think somewhere in 1 p.m — 18/09/2022 16:45 Ok, 1 pm for you? — 18/09/2022 16:45 + — 18/09/2022 16:45 Ok Bye Can you publish the new chapter of your story with a merge of all the bakugans after their last evolution? — 18/09/2022 16:49 maybe — 18/09/2022 16:51 Why maybe? — 18/09/2022 16:51 why don't you see it by yourself when I'll reach 40 kudos? — 18/09/2022 16:53 Ok, but can you publish the new chapter before the 40 kudos? I'm really enjoying the story. — 18/09/2022 16:54 only for 1 euro. I've made my own page in patreon, where I'll publish one more episode don't worry, I'm not gonna raise the price, because it's just a little motivation for me to work faster and my story much better — 18/09/2022 16:58 I'm from Brazil, and I don't have enough money to convert to 1 euro, and i'm not good with international payment. — 18/09/2022 17:00 well, judging by the rates of banknotes, it costs to you 5 reals — 18/09/2022 17:01 Kkk I'll what i can do. I'll see* — 18/09/2022 17:01 but then you better find me in boosty ah, nah, that's a bad idea because there are only rubles — 18/09/2022 17:02 Rubles = russia — 18/09/2022 17:02 yep — 18/09/2022 17:03 Ok, i'll see what i can do. Until. — 18/09/2022 17:03 alright — 19/09/2022 08:31 Hi, can we continue? — 19/09/2022 08:50 maybe... once I'll finish the new episode — 19/09/2022 08:52 Ok — 19/09/2022 10:59 Hi, you will finish the new episode today? — 19/09/2022 10:59 uhuh — 19/09/2022 10:59 Ok With the new merge? And after that can we mate? — 19/09/2022 11:00 who knows... — 19/09/2022 11:00 Kkk We will continue from here, ok? Kizuato's clean up both his master's feet. Sorry but i want a yes from you master. Says kizuato starting to blowjob his master cock, while inserting his tail in his master's ass and vagina to make him cum faster and then i get out of him. — 20/09/2022 09:06 Hello . — 20/09/2022 09:15 We will continue from here, ok? Kizuato's clean up both his master's feet. Sorry but i want a yes from you master. Says kizuato starting to blowjob his master cock, while inserting his tail in his master's ass and vagina to make him cum faster and then i get out of him. Hi — 20/09/2022 09:27 . Hi — 20/09/2022 09:35 ? — 20/09/2022 09:36 Hi — 20/09/2022 09:36 hi what is it? — 20/09/2022 09:39 Sex? — 20/09/2022 09:39 later — 20/09/2022 09:40 Ok, in 3 hours? — 20/09/2022 09:40 maybe — 20/09/2022 13:32 Hi . — 20/09/2022 15:02 Hi Hi — 20/09/2022 15:13 Hello Hi — 21/09/2022 07:06 Hello — 21/09/2022 11:52 Hi — 21/09/2022 12:08 Hello — 21/09/2022 13:21 Hi — 21/09/2022 13:30 Hello — 21/09/2022 13:49 Hi Are you there? . — 21/09/2022 13:51 I hope I am — 21/09/2022 13:52 Kkk. Can we mate now? Master. — 21/09/2022 13:53 I think yes — 21/09/2022 13:53 We will continue from here, ok? Kizuato's clean up both his master's feet. Sorry but i want a yes from you master. Says kizuato starting to blowjob his master cock, while inserting his tail in his master's ass to make him cum faster and then i get out of him. (Your time — 21/09/2022 13:53 (Stygius hasn't vagina — 21/09/2022 13:54 Ok Kizuato's clean up both his master's feet. Sorry but i want a yes from you master. Says kizuato starting to blowjob his master cock, while inserting his tail in his master's ass to make him cum faster and then i get out of him. — 21/09/2022 13:56 You wish that so hard, huh? I see you're too persistent one... Said Stygius, putting he foot on Kizuato's back, he began to press him to me a little, breathing languidly — 21/09/2022 13:58 Yes, you know me my master. Said kizuato. Can we go to the incubator chamber and all of us will get in the ass to ass position through eternity having infinity childrens, with the original ones and with the clones too? — 21/09/2022 14:01 No. Answered Stygius, watching for Kizuato's movesI'm not really interested in baby making. Besides, why should I give you so much freedom? — 21/09/2022 14:02 So, Just with my family members, you didn't need to watch if you want. So much freedom = no more attacks, i promise. I know how powerful you are my master. Says kizuato, bowing to Stygius. Ass position Just with my family and the clones. Period. And my infinity childrens. — 21/09/2022 14:06 Yawning, Stygius replied How can I know you won't lie to me? Of course, if I'll... Looking at Kizuato's eyes, he started reading his thoughts — 21/09/2022 14:07 What do you see master? My eternal mating. Or i'm lying to you. — 21/09/2022 14:09 Hmph. You're so simple in your requests, even no sense about this — 21/09/2022 14:10 Just let me mate with my family. Or do you want a children too? — 21/09/2022 14:13 If that's all what you want. I'll let you and your family go, but in exchange if you leave Drago and the other original dragons here. — 21/09/2022 14:15 I have a better proposal. I will let you get all the data from us, and give to you a bakugan with all the powers we have. In exchange all my family, the originals and the clones too are free to go. — 21/09/2022 14:18 Hm... no matter. They're no match not for me, not even for my servants. However, make sure that none of your family, including you, won't interfere in my business, if you don't want to get the troubles. — 21/09/2022 14:19 Yes my master. Can i make a final request before i go? — 21/09/2022 14:20 What is it? — 21/09/2022 14:21 Can i mate with you? And have a children with you and in my womb, will everyone's powers combined? — 21/09/2022 14:21 Laughing a bit, Stygius replied No — 21/09/2022 14:21 Why not? — 21/09/2022 14:22 Why yes? Why should I let you to mate with me? — 21/09/2022 14:23 I love you. * says kizuato blushing * — 21/09/2022 14:24 Looking at Kizuato, Stygius laughed more and said Even if that's true... I can't let you do this. — 21/09/2022 14:24 Why not? — 21/09/2022 14:24 Why yes? I can ask you this question all day — 21/09/2022 14:27 Oh... ok. I'm leaving. Says kizuato getting ready to exit the base. I really love you, you raised me to be one of the strongest bakugan that ever existed. — 21/09/2022 14:30 Remember our deal: you can mate with your family, but in exchange I'll take their DNA and no one of them, even you, won't interfere in my business. Is it clear? — 21/09/2022 14:31 It's exactly what i said above, i can mate with my family, and you can take all the data you want from us. We have a final deal, my master? — 21/09/2022 14:33 Yes. But I warn you: if you'll break our deal, you'll lose everything and you'll never bring back to your normal. Understood? — 21/09/2022 14:33 Yes * kizuato Kiss his master's lips * Goodbye master. — 21/09/2022 14:37 after his kiss Stygius made a clone, who started taking bakugans's DNA, while the original one said Farewell, little apprentice — 21/09/2022 14:41 Farewell master. Says kizuato in a final bow. Then kizuato lick his master's ass in a final farewell, and says finally. Master, me, all my family, the original ones, and the clones, will not interfere in your bussines. Farewell master. Says kizuato leaving the base flying. (Hi — 21/09/2022 14:48 . . . (Hi — 21/09/2022 15:02 (Hello Master can i take the incubator with me? To lay my infinity children (eggs). Says kizuato with the incubator locked in his ass in the ass to ass position with all his family, his infinity childrens, the original ones and the clones too. (Now can we do a rp of the reaction of the brawlers with kizuato's arrival? — 21/09/2022 15:08 Do it. They're longer of any use Taking the DNA from all of original bakugans, Stygius's clone disappeared with their samples (no — 21/09/2022 15:09 Ok master. Says kizuato starting to fly back to the brawlers's group. Farewell master Stygius Master i have a final thing to say actually we had not 1, but infinity childrens from you to my womb. Says kizuato. Goodbye master Stygius. Make sure your children stolen from my seed won't find out anything about me. Farewell, little apprentice Said Stygius, closing his eyes, he felt into meditation Did I tell you that you can have a child from me? — 24/09/2022 17:33 I told you, we would have infinite hybrid children with all our powers combined. — 24/09/2022 17:36 So, even if did, do me a favour and make sure this inferior creature won't find out about his new parent. If you'll stay here one more minute, you'll forget about this idea — 24/09/2022 17:37 Why inferior creature, if they had all our powers? — 24/09/2022 17:38 With a sigh he only replied I told you more than I should. So go wherever you want — 24/09/2022 17:40 What do you mean, by ' i told you more than i should ' ? — 24/09/2022 17:41 With a snap of fingers Stygius made Kizuato disappear in the another unknown world with a huge metal cube which appeared next to him — 24/09/2022 17:43 What's now? — 24/09/2022 17:50 Master Why I'm in this new world? — 24/09/2022 17:52 (I fixed the post — 24/09/2022 17:52 Ok Master, why I'm in this new world? — 24/09/2022 17:54 But this time he hasn't any respond... — 24/09/2022 17:55 Master? * Kizuato then start to focus all of his powers, to talk with his master, and get out of this new world. * — 24/09/2022 18:37 (Hi — 24/09/2022 18:38 But it was pointless, like Kizuato was isolated and couldn't contact to Stygius anymore — 24/09/2022 18:40 Can you give me any answer master, even a tiny sinal. Signal * — 24/09/2022 18:48 No answer? Ok. * Then kizuato destroy the dimension he was locked, and rebuilt reality. * — 24/09/2022 18:49 (it's not a prison — 24/09/2022 18:50 No answer? Ok. * Then kizuato destroy the dimension he was locked, and rebuilt reality. * I'll still have my infinity family, our infinity childrens, but why you locked me? — 24/09/2022 18:52 There still wasn't any answer from Stygius, like he just disappeared — 24/09/2022 18:54 Fine. * Kizuato starts to redo all the multiverses, with all his and Stygius powers combined, and then he finally find Stygius reading a book * — 24/09/2022 18:55 There just as usual, Stygius was reading the book, sometimes drinking his tea or just yawning — 24/09/2022 18:56 Hi master. — 24/09/2022 18:57 Well, if it isn't time traveller? Asked him with a tire in his voice, even not looking at Kizuato — 24/09/2022 18:59 I didn't told you, our infinity childrens with our infinity powers combined. — 24/09/2022 19:05 So? And why should I care? — 24/09/2022 19:07 I was just curious about your answer to my question. Why do said before that i stollen from your seed. — 24/09/2022 19:15 I'm not interested to explain anything to you — 24/09/2022 20:04 Why not? Just explain to me and then i'll stop bother you. And can we finally mate properly my master, with you penetrating me. Why you ask? Because i learned so much from about growth, strengh, perseverance, and never give up from our family, and yes i deeply love you from the bottom of my heart, mind, body and soul. (Hi — 24/09/2022 20:10 Then tell me, little apprentice; how can I say I'm not interested in mating? — 24/09/2022 20:13 I would tell you exactly how you'll be interested in mating with me. Have infinity children with infinity power, with all the data then the brawlers wouldn't have any chance against all of us. Although preserving mine and our family, without any of us interfering in each other bussines? Deal? — 24/09/2022 20:18 You still don't get it... killing Brawlers has no meaning. And what did I just say? I won't give you any child from me. Don't even try — 24/09/2022 20:20 I'm not saying to kill then, just to win from them, and will let you in peace, then you can do whatever you want. — 24/09/2022 20:21 Laughing a bit, Stygius asked him Are you trying to say you can take me whenever you want, huh? — 24/09/2022 20:22 If i want it, i just would take you. Although i'm here talking with you. — 24/09/2022 20:23 Hmm... sometimes it's so nice to be forgotten for thousand years... Replied he with thinking — 24/09/2022 20:24 What do you mean? — 24/09/2022 20:25 Forget it. I don't think you'll understand — 24/09/2022 20:28 You can try to explain to me? — 24/09/2022 20:28 No — 24/09/2022 20:30 Ok And I'll have the new infinity childrens again and I will raise all of them. I just need your cum in my womb. — 24/09/2022 20:32 It's not my duty to do what you want. Besides, did I tell you to take your bakugans and leave? — 24/09/2022 20:34 Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. — 24/09/2022 21:17 (Hi Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. — 24/09/2022 22:23 (Hi — 25/09/2022 00:51 (Hi — 25/09/2022 05:20 (Hello Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. . (Hi — 25/09/2022 14:42 (Hi — 25/09/2022 17:54 (Hi Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. . (Hello — 26/09/2022 08:12 (Hi, good morning/afternoon. . Hi — 26/09/2022 08:23 Hello — 26/09/2022 08:46 hi — 26/09/2022 08:47 Hi Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. — 26/09/2022 08:48 You can forget about this strange idea Said Stygius and he kept reading the book — 26/09/2022 08:49 Althought you know i won't forget this. You know i can't forget — 26/09/2022 09:33 (Hi — 26/09/2022 11:10 (Hello — 26/09/2022 12:00 (Hi — 26/09/2022 13:14 (Hello Althought you know i won't forget this. You know i can't forget . (Hi, can we continue our rp? — 26/09/2022 14:02 (not now — 26/09/2022 14:02 Ok, so in 2 to 3 hours? — 26/09/2022 14:03 maybe — 26/09/2022 14:32 Ok In one hour, can be? Yes? + — 26/09/2022 15:06 (Can be in half hour? — 26/09/2022 15:35 (Hi, can we begin? — 26/09/2022 16:09 (Hello, Stygius. — 26/09/2022 16:13 (huh? — 26/09/2022 16:15 (Can we continue our rp now? — 26/09/2022 16:16 (only a bit. I'm gonna write the book — 26/09/2022 16:17 You can forget about this strange idea Said Stygius and he kept reading the book Althought you know i won't forget this. You know i can't forget (The New chapter? Can you put the New merge of all dragons evolved? — 26/09/2022 16:18 (you'll see — 26/09/2022 16:18 Ok — 26/09/2022 16:18 Then imagine it only in your head. Making me mate with you has no meaning — 26/09/2022 16:20 For me has a meaning. A family, and a way to thank you for all the gifts, like mating with my family and find and reunite all of them again, and a infinity family for all of us, master. — 26/09/2022 16:25 I don't care what does it mean to you. So should I make you leave by force or make sure that your dream won't come true if you'll keep bothering me with your pervert ideas — 26/09/2022 16:26 I just want to thank you my master, you give me a gift, I will give one to you too. — 26/09/2022 16:30 Then just leave a little present box on my table and go — 26/09/2022 16:34 You know i'm meaning another type of gift. A family. Why do you resist so much to have a family with someone. I know you don't have any parents (my illusion against you in our fight), but why you don't want to have a family like i have? I would be honored in get pregnant again by you, my master. * Says kizuato, almost starting to cry while bowing to Stygius * — 26/09/2022 17:03 I don't need anything. How many times should I say it to you? Getting tedious, Stygius yawned and added Stop forcing me to do as you wish and waste my time on some inferior creatures. This is the last warning — 26/09/2022 17:04 Fine, I just want a last thing from you? — 26/09/2022 17:04 Hm? — 26/09/2022 17:06 A Kiss and a final blowjob with cum, and I'll licking your ass a last time. — 26/09/2022 17:06 Without a cum — 26/09/2022 17:06 With cum. And then farewell — 26/09/2022 17:07 Or you can die with your dreams. Forget about getting my seed — 26/09/2022 17:08 I'm not forgetting it. With cum, or try to kill me. — 26/09/2022 17:12 Very well Piercing Kizuato's neck with a black energy from Stygius's index finger, the dark dragon explained a bit This time your tricks are useless. None of them. Even, if you'll try to make a time travel, make a clone or change the reality, you'll be back to this position, being pierced by my blade. You can't escape, Kizuato — 26/09/2022 17:15 Want to test me? Very well. * Kizuato then dissapear from a ilussion, and appears behind Stygius trying to paralyze him with his venom from his tail blade, and mounting his master, to put a toxine from his modified cum in Stygius brain. * While changing all the futures of this combat too * — 26/09/2022 17:17 ...idiot. However, as Stygius said, everything was brought back to the same and Kizuato was still standing before Stygius with pierced neck with a black blade, asking What did I just say? — 26/09/2022 17:17 I'm not that idiot Master. Look behind you. * Says Kizuato in Stygius's lab and in the evolution, mating and birth chamber * Absorbing all the knowledges from all Stygius's books too, and all the data of all his experiments too * — 26/09/2022 17:25 This was useless, because there was the same effect; bringing back to their positions, Kizuato's neck was pierced again, while Stygius said Are you totally deaf? Even, if you're somehow absorbing my knowledge and books strength, it's not gonna help you. — 26/09/2022 17:28 Really, how about we fight fire with fire. * Says kizuato, starting to merge with the lab, the experiments, and all the knowledge of Stygius, including other bakugan in the base, with the same serum of evolution, that Stygius uses in himself and on the other bakugans, to aprimorate the powers and abilities * And one more thing * Kizuato travels back in time, until the moment of creation of Stygius, interrupting the moment, for 1 second to paralyze all his functions in all timelines of the infinity multiverse, using the powers of Stygius against himself (Stygius) * — 26/09/2022 17:38 As Stygius said, all of Kizuato's tricks didn't work because of that black blade and everything what he did was in vein; while Kizuato was standing again before Stygius with a pierced neck by the black blade, he asked You should try to clean your ears, Kizuato. The abilities such as yours has no use on me, so, maybe, you'll stop these pathetic games? — 26/09/2022 17:39 Never. I really love you, my master. — 26/09/2022 17:41 I don't care your love. Do me a favour and leave until I'll make you disappear — 26/09/2022 17:41 If you want a eternal battle is up to you, my master. I simply can't die you know this. But I care yours. — 26/09/2022 17:44 Then you should know you can't hurt me as well. Piercing Kizuato's body with white blades, which didn't let him move and use any abilities, Stygius said I don't have time on you. Bringing bleeding Kizuato into the empty place to die, the dark dragon went back to his business — 26/09/2022 17:47 I can't die you know this. Says kizuato * Breaking from ' the empty place to die '. I'll put it simple, mate with me and then goodbye. I'll raise our children, and i won't interrupt you, neither your bussines. * Kizuato was seating in Stygius chair * — 26/09/2022 17:50 And even now, being pierced by the strange blades, Kizuato couldn't leave that place, so his acts were cancelled, while Stygius went for a walk in the another dimension — 26/09/2022 17:51 I have your knowledge, so i can destroy your blades. Says kizuato, doing a black entropy prison around Stygius You will never get out of there, now it's my time to play. — 26/09/2022 17:55 However, it's no use, because Kizuato was brought back at the same position at the same dimension bleeding from the blades, while everything he did was cancelled once again. Then Stygius asked him Even if you somehow have my knowledge, how can you be so stupid? — 26/09/2022 17:55 Look close to your body, and tell me if you're a bleeding? — 26/09/2022 17:57 You're a real dumb, if you can't understand that your tricks are useless Said Stygius, while he didn't feel anything, he left Kizuato to die from bleeding and paralyze Even if you're immortal, you can't move any longer. Stay here and wait for your end — 26/09/2022 17:59 Right, let's undo all the ilussions at the same time, to see who is right, ok? — 26/09/2022 18:06 (Hi — 24/09/2022 20:21 Laughing a bit, Stygius asked him Are you trying to say you can take me whenever you want, huh? — 24/09/2022 20:22 If i want it, i just would take you. Although i'm here talking with you. — 24/09/2022 20:23 Hmm... sometimes it's so nice to be forgotten for thousand years... Replied he with thinking — 24/09/2022 20:24 What do you mean? — 24/09/2022 20:25 Forget it. I don't think you'll understand — 24/09/2022 20:28 You can try to explain to me? — 24/09/2022 20:28 No — 24/09/2022 20:30 Ok And I'll have the new infinity childrens again and I will raise all of them. I just need your cum in my womb. — 24/09/2022 20:32 It's not my duty to do what you want. Besides, did I tell you to take your bakugans and leave? — 24/09/2022 20:34 Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. — 24/09/2022 21:17 (Hi Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. — 24/09/2022 22:23 (Hi — 25/09/2022 00:51 (Hi — 25/09/2022 05:20 (Hello Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. . (Hi — 25/09/2022 14:42 (Hi — 25/09/2022 17:54 (Hi Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. . (Hello — 26/09/2022 08:12 (Hi, good morning/afternoon. . Hi — 26/09/2022 08:23 Hello — 26/09/2022 08:46 hi — 26/09/2022 08:47 Hi Yes you said, although i really love you, can we do it just one and final time? And then farewell for eternity. — 26/09/2022 08:48 You can forget about this strange idea Said Stygius and he kept reading the book — 26/09/2022 08:49 Althought you know i won't forget this. You know i can't forget — 26/09/2022 09:33 (Hi — 26/09/2022 11:10 (Hello — 26/09/2022 12:00 (Hi — 26/09/2022 13:14 (Hello Althought you know i won't forget this. You know i can't forget . (Hi, can we continue our rp? — 26/09/2022 14:02 (not now — 26/09/2022 14:02 Ok, so in 2 to 3 hours? — 26/09/2022 14:03 maybe — 26/09/2022 14:32 Ok In one hour, can be? Yes? + — 26/09/2022 15:06 (Can be in half hour? — 26/09/2022 15:35 (Hi, can we begin? — 26/09/2022 16:09 (Hello, Stygius. — 26/09/2022 16:13 (huh? — 26/09/2022 16:15 (Can we continue our rp now? — 26/09/2022 16:16 (only a bit. I'm gonna write the book — 26/09/2022 16:17 You can forget about this strange idea Said Stygius and he kept reading the book Althought you know i won't forget this. You know i can't forget (The New chapter? Can you put the New merge of all dragons evolved? — 26/09/2022 16:18 (you'll see — 26/09/2022 16:18 Ok — 26/09/2022 16:18 Then imagine it only in your head. Making me mate with you has no meaning — 26/09/2022 16:20 For me has a meaning. A family, and a way to thank you for all the gifts, like mating with my family and find and reunite all of them again, and a infinity family for all of us, master. — 26/09/2022 16:25 I don't care what does it mean to you. So should I make you leave by force or make sure that your dream won't come true if you'll keep bothering me with your pervert ideas — 26/09/2022 16:26 I just want to thank you my master, you give me a gift, I will give one to you too. — 26/09/2022 16:30 Then just leave a little present box on my table and go — 26/09/2022 16:34 You know i'm meaning another type of gift. A family. Why do you resist so much to have a family with someone. I know you don't have any parents (my illusion against you in our fight), but why you don't want to have a family like i have? I would be honored in get pregnant again by you, my master. * Says kizuato, almost starting to cry while bowing to Stygius * — 26/09/2022 17:03 I don't need anything. How many times should I say it to you? Getting tedious, Stygius yawned and added Stop forcing me to do as you wish and waste my time on some inferior creatures. This is the last warning — 26/09/2022 17:04 Fine, I just want a last thing from you? — 26/09/2022 17:04 Hm? — 26/09/2022 17:06 A Kiss and a final blowjob with cum, and I'll licking your ass a last time. — 26/09/2022 17:06 Without a cum — 26/09/2022 17:06 With cum. And then farewell — 26/09/2022 17:07 Or you can die with your dreams. Forget about getting my seed — 26/09/2022 17:08 I'm not forgetting it. With cum, or try to kill me. — 26/09/2022 17:12 Very well Piercing Kizuato's neck with a black energy from Stygius's index finger, the dark dragon explained a bit This time your tricks are useless. None of them. Even, if you'll try to make a time travel, make a clone or change the reality, you'll be back to this position, being pierced by my blade. You can't escape, Kizuato — 26/09/2022 17:15 Want to test me? Very well. * Kizuato then dissapear from a ilussion, and appears behind Stygius trying to paralyze him with his venom from his tail blade, and mounting his master, to put a toxine from his modified cum in Stygius brain. * While changing all the futures of this combat too * — 26/09/2022 17:17 ...idiot. However, as Stygius said, everything was brought back to the same and Kizuato was still standing before Stygius with pierced neck with a black blade, asking What did I just say? — 26/09/2022 17:17 I'm not that idiot Master. Look behind you. * Says Kizuato in Stygius's lab and in the evolution, mating and birth chamber * Absorbing all the knowledges from all Stygius's books too, and all the data of all his experiments too * — 26/09/2022 17:25 This was useless, because there was the same effect; bringing back to their positions, Kizuato's neck was pierced again, while Stygius said Are you totally deaf? Even, if you're somehow absorbing my knowledge and books strength, it's not gonna help you. — 26/09/2022 17:28 Really, how about we fight fire with fire. * Says kizuato, starting to merge with the lab, the experiments, and all the knowledge of Stygius, including other bakugan in the base, with the same serum of evolution, that Stygius uses in himself and on the other bakugans, to aprimorate the powers and abilities * And one more thing * Kizuato travels back in time, until the moment of creation of Stygius, interrupting the moment, for 1 second to paralyze all his functions in all timelines of the infinity multiverse, using the powers of Stygius against himself (Stygius) * — 26/09/2022 17:38 As Stygius said, all of Kizuato's tricks didn't work because of that black blade and everything what he did was in vein; while Kizuato was standing again before Stygius with a pierced neck by the black blade, he asked You should try to clean your ears, Kizuato. The abilities such as yours has no use on me, so, maybe, you'll stop these pathetic games? — 26/09/2022 17:39 Never. I really love you, my master. — 26/09/2022 17:41 I don't care your love. Do me a favour and leave until I'll make you disappear — 26/09/2022 17:41 If you want a eternal battle is up to you, my master. I simply can't die you know this. But I care yours. — 26/09/2022 17:44 Then you should know you can't hurt me as well. Piercing Kizuato's body with white blades, which didn't let him move and use any abilities, Stygius said I don't have time on you. Bringing bleeding Kizuato into the empty place to die, the dark dragon went back to his business — 26/09/2022 17:47 I can't die you know this. Says kizuato * Breaking from ' the empty place to die '. I'll put it simple, mate with me and then goodbye. I'll raise our children, and i won't interrupt you, neither your bussines. * Kizuato was seating in Stygius chair * — 26/09/2022 17:50 And even now, being pierced by the strange blades, Kizuato couldn't leave that place, so his acts were cancelled, while Stygius went for a walk in the another dimension — 26/09/2022 17:51 I have your knowledge, so i can destroy your blades. Says kizuato, doing a black entropy prison around Stygius You will never get out of there, now it's my time to play. — 26/09/2022 17:55 However, it's no use, because Kizuato was brought back at the same position at the same dimension bleeding from the blades, while everything he did was cancelled once again. Then Stygius asked him Even if you somehow have my knowledge, how can you be so stupid? — 26/09/2022 17:55 Look close to your body, and tell me if you're a bleeding? — 26/09/2022 17:57 You're a real dumb, if you can't understand that your tricks are useless Said Stygius, while he didn't feel anything, he left Kizuato to die from bleeding and paralyze Even if you're immortal, you can't move any longer. Stay here and wait for your end — 26/09/2022 17:59 Right, let's undo all the ilussions at the same time, to see who is right, ok? — 26/09/2022 18:06 (Hi  — 03/10/2022 12:24 Then this child will die or I'll make sure he won't be a warrior — 03/10/2022 12:25 I'll take care of all of them. And they won't interfere in your bussines. (Infinity children again). Deal? — 03/10/2022 12:28 Laughing, Stygius replied I know soon or later they'll interfere in my business and I can't let them do that. If we'll make this deal, make sure that this child will never be interested in fighting. Or he's dead — 03/10/2022 12:29 Deal? Infinity children and it's finally over. Can we begin, my master. — 03/10/2022 12:29 Not too fast. Did you hear what I say? Repeat it — 03/10/2022 12:30 They won't be interest in fighting and they will not interfere in your bussines. — 03/10/2022 12:32 As a guarantee, I'll take all of their hidden powers and the child which will be made from me will be the weakest one. Then I can agree with your deal — 03/10/2022 12:34 A better deal, you maintain all of their powers and of my family members and friends too, and I'll erase all their minds about this day. So they won't know that you even exist. And we'll be in a constant contact (you and me), so of I violate our new agreement, you can punish me at will. — 03/10/2022 12:36 And another condition for our deal is the seal of an immutable vow. Give me your hand — 03/10/2022 12:37 So you agree with my new deal? * Says kizuato giving his paw to his master * — 03/10/2022 12:40 Almost. Let's voice our conditions of this deal Taking Kizuato's paw, Stygius made black threads binding their paws, and he started asking Kizuato Do you promise, Kizuato, to erase minds of Drago, Helios, Dharak and Wavern about the day they know you and how they mate with you and anything about me? — 03/10/2022 12:41 They are still my family, although yes i swear. — 03/10/2022 12:42 Do you promise, Kizuato, to make everything to not let your children to interfere into my business and be a potential threat? — 03/10/2022 12:42 I swear — 03/10/2022 12:44 Do you promise, Kizuato, to kill the child which will be born from my seed, if he'll try to find out who I am? — 03/10/2022 12:45 I won't kill my family, although I'll maintain a eternal link between our minds for any deviations of our agreement and then erase their minds about those thoughts of find you, my master. — 03/10/2022 12:47 Then tell me, do you promise, Kizuato, to make sure this child won't be interested in finding out who is his father? — 03/10/2022 12:47 I swear — 03/10/2022 12:48 Do you promise, Kizuato, to not contact me anymore and forget about entering into the New Vestroia? — 03/10/2022 12:50 I'll live with my family in New vestroia, although we'll maintain our telepathic link, for you to 'spy' me if I break any of your rules. — 03/10/2022 12:51 I don't need to spy you, because this seal is unbreakable and you will die, if you break any of rules — 03/10/2022 12:52 Ok. Although as I said now I'll live in New Vestroia. Although I won't engage against you. — 03/10/2022 12:54 You can live there, but then, do you promise to make sure your children won't go away from this planet? — 03/10/2022 12:54 I swear And do you swear, my Master, to both of us, to have each one infinity children in me and in you? — 03/10/2022 12:58 I'll tell you, if you won't interrupt me and let me finish. And... as I told earlier, I'll take all of their powers and make a child from me the weakest one. And you, Kizuato, do you promise to pay for this vow with a 40% of your powers? Don't worry, they'll be recovered in 20 years — 03/10/2022 12:59 40% yes. Although as I said, maintain all their powers, this was our new deal. Fine? — 03/10/2022 13:02 I'll take a pay from you and them and they won't be stronger than some weaklings like gurganoid. And you'll be the one who will carry infinity children — 03/10/2022 13:04 Fine, I'll carry both you and mine infinity children, so X 2. Ok. Although they won't be any stronger than me. If I can't win from you. They won't win too. — 03/10/2022 13:05 If they will somehow, take their powers and burn it out. Then I can give you my seed — 03/10/2022 13:07 I'll maintain locked in all of us with a magical lock. To no be used against you. Or I'll myself take care of deal with my infinity children, ok? And then report it to you. Ok? — 03/10/2022 13:08 And remember: even if I die, this seal can't be broken with any ways. Are you ready to accept this vow until the end of your life or the end of everything? — 03/10/2022 13:09 Yes. And you accept my conditions above too? — 03/10/2022 13:13 Voice it once again — 03/10/2022 13:13 Ok. I'll live in New vestroia, all of our children and my family and friends have all our powers intact. If our children find and/or rebel against I'll personaly deal with this. I'll carry both our infinity children (you and mine) in my womb. And to seal the deal, I give you 40% of my powers. Deal? — 03/10/2022 13:20 Do your best to keep this vow or you'll lose everything. Deal, let's make this quick Once the black threads disappeared, Stygius kissed Kizuato in lips and hugged him with one hand — 03/10/2022 13:22 Ok, so just me or can be both of us pregnant with our infinity children? And then your can transfer your embryons to me. — 03/10/2022 13:23 Only you will be pregnant — 03/10/2022 13:23 Ok. * Says kizuato starting to tongue kissing his master * — 03/10/2022 13:25 Kissing Kizuato, Stygius grabbed for his chest and began caressing his vagina — 03/10/2022 13:27 Ohhh, can we mate inside the incubator like this. With me jumping in your dick. So in a classical on all fours? — 03/10/2022 13:28 No, here — 03/10/2022 13:28 Where? — 03/10/2022 13:29 Here, in my cab — 03/10/2022 13:29 Really? — 03/10/2022 13:30 Is there something wrong? — 03/10/2022 13:31 I was thinking in a more open space. — 03/10/2022 13:33 It can be my bedroom, but nothing else — 03/10/2022 13:33 Ok. Let's go. * Says kizuato going to Stygius bedroom. * — 03/10/2022 13:34 With a snap of fingers they were already in a dark bedroom, where Stygius kissed Kizuato in lips again and he started pushing his dick into his vagina — 03/10/2022 13:36 Ahhh oohh, yes master fuck me. * Says kizuato starting to sit on Stygius lap, with his master's dick depply inside in his vagina * — 03/10/2022 13:39 Making his pushes faster, Stygius was doing it fast and tried to excite more, so he would be able to cum — 03/10/2022 13:40 * Kizuato then entwined his tail with his master's own tail, all the way until the tip * — 03/10/2022 13:42 Kissing Kizuato more sweet, Stygius continued to increase his pushes — 03/10/2022 13:44 * Kizuato tongue kiss Stygius tenderly too * Can I put our entwined tails on your anus just the tip, for you to cum faster? — 03/10/2022 13:46 No Said Stygius, pushing faster — 03/10/2022 13:47 Ohhh. Ok master. * Says kizuato starting to thrust back with full force slaping in Stygius's lap. (Hi — 03/10/2022 13:54 Slapping Kizuato's butt, Stygius made his pushes much deeper, and, judging by his vibrating dick, he's getting close to the orgasm — 03/10/2022 13:54 Let's cum together master. Alright... tell me, when you'll be ready for your orgasm — 03/10/2022 17:40 Now. Says kizuato cumming in his vagina, and on the bed of Stygius. Can you stay locked in my vagina with you in the asstoass position with me? — 03/10/2022 17:44 Huh? Asked him Stygius with misunderstanding, cumming in Kizuato — 03/10/2022 17:45 Staying locked in my ass in this position, like my family are with me now, will guarantee more chances of me getting pregnant by you my master. (Hi — 03/10/2022 17:56 Don't worry, you've already got one child from me. Pulling his dick out of Kizuato's vagina, Stygius stood up and said Now leave, as you promised — 03/10/2022 18:04 Ok, we'll know about my pregnancy in 2 hours based on your experiments, but one thing is sure, I'm now pregnant with our both infinity children my master. Thank you so much. — 03/10/2022 18:11 Now, do your part of the vow and leave this dimension once and for all — 03/10/2022 18:12 After the 2 hours, I talked about now. Ok? — 03/10/2022 18:12 Alright, but only 2 hours — 03/10/2022 18:12 Deal Give me the results in 2 hours. — 03/10/2022 18:13 Whatever. Stay here Then Stygius disappeared somewhere — 03/10/2022 18:14 Ok — 03/10/2022 18:22 Master? — 03/10/2022 18:26 When the 2 hours passed, Stygius appeared on the chair and he said Yes, you have 2 of your babies. — 03/10/2022 18:29 2 of our babies, all the other infinity ones of ours will be just mine, as we deal before, ok? — 03/10/2022 18:30 Yes, they are. Now leave, as you promised — 03/10/2022 18:31 Ok. Good bye master * Says kizuato, finally leaving his old master behind * — 03/10/2022 19:49 (Can you say bye to kizuato — 03/10/2022 19:50 Farewell, Kizuato. Never forget your promises — 03/10/2022 19:50 I won't my master. Farewell too. (during his tf after mating with his master): kizuato, summoning a version of neo dragonoid and phantom dharak, and also controls them to merge with me. Kizuato now spawns with 3 tails (kizuato, drago and dharak), the 3 heads of all dragons. 3 pairs of wings of the 3 bakugans and the body divided into sections: chest of dragon, torso of dharak, and part of the waist of kizuato. I also summon wavern, helios and naga to my body as well and their bodies merge with mine with the same attributes (adding my crotch and torso helios and naga, and my chest wavern), with the 3 more heads and tails as well. With all 6 attributes combined at the same time, I feel a small erection, as they come back into my body, and some cum comes out of my vagina too. And i summon alpha hydranoid too, with the same attributed in my body too. And merge with him too Can we do a new mating rp? — 11/06/2023 13:27 well, we can try to rp as Drago and Dharak — 11/06/2023 13:27 Cool You begin — 11/06/2023 13:28 first of all, we need to understand how should we start it — 11/06/2023 13:30 Ok what about after dharak regret all the things he had done in the past, he was accepted by drago, and both as hermaphrodites have a family — 11/06/2023 13:32 hm... — 11/06/2023 13:32 Any ideas too? — 11/06/2023 13:34 yep, because I was thinking about them meeting each other secretly from others during the war or that Dharak betrays Barodius when he tries to get the Code Eve after losing the duel — 11/06/2023 13:38 Or what about during some scenes of the exokor armor upgrade they had those secret encounters with the real sacred orb in Dharak's uterus, and when it's the time to betray Barodius dharak and Drago merge their bodies and destroy Barodius forever. — 11/06/2023 13:42 in which moment?.. — 11/06/2023 13:43 When dharak is getting evolved to phantom dharak and his Exokor armor is evolving too — 11/06/2023 13:47 then Dharak destroys Barodius and escapes with Drago — 11/06/2023 13:47 Yes Something more to add? — 11/06/2023 13:49 after destroying the lab Drago appears in his bakugan form from the sphere and still a bit unconscious so Dharak can grab him and fly away — 11/06/2023 13:50 Something more related to the mating scene? — 11/06/2023 13:50 guess there should be a lot of talking before mating and the main question is... who will be Drago and Dharak? — 11/06/2023 13:51 And about the mating ritual and scene especifically? — 11/06/2023 13:52 I don't think it'll be something unusual — 11/06/2023 13:52 Ok They can mate with their armor pieces in them, and with Dharak's battle gear airkor too inside the exokor while Dharak's evolving — 11/06/2023 13:54 nah, without the armor — 11/06/2023 13:54 We can do this later ok? I'll lunch now — 11/06/2023 13:54 ok — 11/06/2023 13:54 Ok But still inside the exokor and and Dharak's evolving Ok? . — 11/06/2023 13:58 alright Dharak leaves exokor when he'll be alone with Drago — 11/06/2023 14:03 OK, and sometimes they mate inside the exokor as it have the form of an incubator for their eggs — 11/06/2023 14:03 alright — 11/06/2023 14:05 Other ideas to add since we will begin tonight? . — 11/06/2023 14:23 only during our rp who will start? — 11/06/2023 14:38 Me as Drago At night ok? — 11/06/2023 14:55 we'll see — 11/06/2023 14:57 Ok until tonight And if you want to put the first line of our rp to begin you can. — 11/06/2023 15:04 to be honest, I was thinking about being Drago xd — 11/06/2023 15:06 Ok for me. But why? ^^ — 11/06/2023 15:06 Drago is something... comfortable to me — 11/06/2023 15:06 What about dharak? — 11/06/2023 15:06 I don't know — 11/06/2023 15:07 Ok — 11/06/2023 15:07 . Or better a first whole paragraph situating the story you can do it — 11/06/2023 15:10 I'll try it later — 11/06/2023 15:13 Ok Until tonight — 11/06/2023 16:19 I'm free during sometime now We can begin . Hi — 11/06/2023 16:47 Hi We can begin — 11/06/2023 16:51 yep, but I'm playing at the moment, so I'll be a bit slow When Dharak finally evolved, Drago was still unconscious in his sphere form, being captured by Barodius. And everything depends on Dharak, will he grab him now or follow the order of his emperor and go to destroy Neathia... — 11/06/2023 17:01 With Barodius looking at dharak during his evolution process, he had to be careful with his actions until he kill Barodius and reunite with Drago. Barodius: Dharak are you ready for the exokor integration? Dharak: Yes everything for you! — 11/06/2023 17:20 Drago was still sleeping, being as vulnerable as a child in such conditions. Trying to wake up, the pyrus dragonoid was walking in his dreams — 11/06/2023 17:21 Continue — 11/06/2023 17:26 And after all of those tests, when Dharak was ready to try his skills in real fight, Drago was slowly waking up through the headache — 11/06/2023 17:27 Put some dialogue with drago too. I will put dharak later this part — 11/06/2023 17:28 (eeh... what kind of a dialogue? (he's unconscious — 11/06/2023 17:31 With him waking up trying to figure what happened. Kkk — 11/06/2023 17:34 And when this time Drago was freed to fight Dharak 1v1, he was slowly waking up, trying to understand what's going on Huh... what... what is this place?.. — 11/06/2023 17:37 Dharak (telepathically): Hi my brother, you are in gundalia in a lab, I had evolved some minutes ago, and I fully regret about what happened during all this unfinished and nonsense fight — 11/06/2023 17:39 That voice... Dharak? Asked him Drago being surprised What's going on? Where are you?! — 11/06/2023 17:45 Dharak (telepathically): I'm at the evolution lab, planning to kill Barodius with the sacred orb and code eve together. Find me during my evolution and integration with the exokor — 11/06/2023 17:48 Are you serious? I can't... nevermind. I'll follow you, but help me to get up Dan as well Replied Drago and he flied to search Dharak How can I find the lab? — 11/06/2023 17:50 Follow my darkus energy flow, till you find my son kizuato, you will both reunited and find me at the exokor lab. — 11/06/2023 17:57 (how about to enter kizuato a bit later? only Drago and Dharak — 11/06/2023 17:59 (Ok for me. And how about to maintain kizuato as the son of both, after all those things above with stygius, ONLY MENTIONING (STYGIUS) OK?), (you will ask me why to mention stygius, just put that he requested the help of Barodius in some things only Ok?) — 11/06/2023 18:00 (I wasn't planning to add Stygius here — 11/06/2023 18:01 (Just mentioning ok. So kizuato won't coming from nothing Ok?) — 11/06/2023 18:02 (alright... but the base moments will be Drago/Dharak I don't understand... whatever. I'll just follow your energy. And help me to get my real form from the sphere, so I can help you to fight gundalians So Drago flew further and looked for Dharak's energy — 11/06/2023 18:06 Continue until the part of where drago finds kizuato. I will continue after this. — 11/06/2023 18:08 When he found someone who looks the same as Dharak, Drago asked him So you're the son of Dharak... help me to find him — 11/06/2023 18:09 He's at the lab, you have to mount me so be both can camuflate till we get there — 11/06/2023 18:10 Listen, just tell me where he is. I'll be able to find him by myself — 11/06/2023 18:11 I will escape with him too, so we're going together — 11/06/2023 18:16 Alright... then lead the way. Said shortly Drago and prepared to fly to Dharak — 11/06/2023 18:21 Kizuato then evade all the sensors and cameras of the lab, with drago mounting Kizuato to get camuflated. After 10 minutes they get in the empty lab where Dharak was inside the exokor getting electrified to have the combination accepted with exokor's DNA. Dharak was sensing painful eletrical shocks and pleasure as well the exokor war machine also he was inside serving as a nest and incubator for him also. — 11/06/2023 18:23 Getting stopped, Drago just hide in the closest box and watched Dharak, saying telephaticly to him "Hey, we're here. When will you start?" — 11/06/2023 18:26 I just started, those lightning bolts all around the chamber you're seeing serves as a 'code' modification for me to combine mine and exokor's DNA together, for us both get synchronized as we both follows each other's comands and not from Barodius. Come inside the chamber to have yours and Kizuato's dna in the exokor too.  I don't know, it kills me in a sphere form... how can I be sure I'll be okay? Getting to Dharak, Drago was being careful to not get noticed by gundalians — 11/06/2023 18:30 I altered the code of the chamber, also this isn't a 'prison' chamber, it's a evolution and combination chamber. You will be safe Drago I promise. My brother. — 11/06/2023 18:33 I will rely on you this time, Dharak. Don't betray me Warned him Drago, getting to him as close as he could, Drago entered to his armor chamber — 11/06/2023 18:34 I will let you hit Barodius first my brother. — 11/06/2023 18:34 No... we will do it together. You and I must end the war — 11/06/2023 18:34 To let your dna enter exokor you have to mate with mr As you wish drago... — 11/06/2023 18:36 Getting to his real form, Drago made sure nobody watches them and asked Dharak I hope your armor help us to not be noticed... — 11/06/2023 18:37 As long you are hiding close and inside of the exokor and my armor it wouldn't be a problem for any of us. (In which form is drago? In his real form.) — 11/06/2023 18:38 (not as a sphere Looking at the new body of Dharak, Drago said Hm... you're looking tough in this form. Is it because of my gene? — 11/06/2023 18:40 ( I mean neo dragonoid, Delta Dragonoid? — 11/06/2023 18:40 (blitz Dragonoid — 11/06/2023 18:40 Yes your form is as beautiful as mine. (Ok, I like his neo and Cross form) — 11/06/2023 18:42 Blushing a bit, Drago asked him and grabbed his hand Tell me, why are you refused to serve Barodius? What's your real reason? — 11/06/2023 18:43 To life the life I never had with my brother, my wife and my son Now I'm all yours. My brother... and son... Meanwhile kizuato just entered all inside the exokor to mate with his father also — 11/06/2023 18:45 Please, Dharak... I want to be only with you this time... I... I juat need you, only you... — 11/06/2023 18:46 Not even with my son... Dharak blushing so much that his dark and purple scales turned red as drago's — 11/06/2023 18:48 Only you... you and I, Dharak... I always wanted to tell how I love your muscles, your eyes, your being strong... and all of you, my darkus dragon... Said Drago, hugging Dharak gentle — 11/06/2023 18:49 Fine... kizu... stay inside the exokor and don't interrupt us in any hypotesis. Then kizuato enters completely inside the exokor and fucks dharak without pertubing drago's and dharak's relationship — 11/06/2023 18:52 When Dharak was free, Drago hugged him again and kissed in lips Oh, Dharak! You know, I wanted you to defeat me! Please, let me be your best prize! — 11/06/2023 18:52 Meanwhile dharak stays on all fours inside the exokor too preparing for drago's mounting and penetrating his anus as well Kizuato's also Go on my brother kissing him — 11/06/2023 18:53 Breed me harder, big Dharak... or, Master Dharak? Heheh... — 11/06/2023 18:55 You breed me first I want your DNA in the exokor too — 11/06/2023 18:56 Mh... alright. Just tell me when you'll be okay with my sizes... — 11/06/2023 19:00 We are at the same size know including our rumps, ass and vagina also. And will you begin in my male womb or my female womb? . — 11/06/2023 19:10 Um... I think it'll be in a male womb... after my first orgasm you'll take me... — 11/06/2023 19:13 Ok (You do the mating actions ok? — 11/06/2023 19:14 (ok, if I won't fall asleep — 11/06/2023 19:14 (I will do mine as I will be mating with you — 11/06/2023 19:15 (Stay awake we have a mating to do kkk . — 11/06/2023 19:25 Hi — 11/06/2023 21:38 Hi — 12/06/2023 07:21 Hi Hi Can we continue now . — 12/06/2023 07:30 Hi I'm free right now Hello — 12/06/2023 07:42 but I'm not — 12/06/2023 07:43 Soon? — 12/06/2023 07:43 in several hours — 12/06/2023 07:44 More or less how much? 3, 4, 5? — 12/06/2023 07:44 4 — 12/06/2023 07:44 Ok no problem. ^^ Um... I think it'll be in a male womb... after my first orgasm you'll take me... (You do the mating actions ok? (Just to know where we're. (In the mating — 12/06/2023 07:51 (alright — 12/06/2023 07:55 (Good — 12/06/2023 09:46 (Hi (Hi — 12/06/2023 10:01 (Hi — 12/06/2023 11:06 (Hi — 12/06/2023 11:07 (here i am — 12/06/2023 11:08 (Can we continue now? — 12/06/2023 11:08 (maybe — 12/06/2023 11:09 (Why maybe? Still playing!? — 12/06/2023 11:09 (of course — 12/06/2023 11:10 (Ok Um... I think it'll be in a male womb... after my first orgasm you'll take me... (You do the mating actions ok? (Your time — 12/06/2023 11:11 (but I warn you; I'll be writting really slow — 12/06/2023 11:13 (Fine, at afternoon I saw that you was quickly to type. So in a first moment, ok for me. So your time now. — 12/06/2023 11:14 Then Drago began licking Dharak's face and massaging his butt, looking lovely at the darkus dragon — 12/06/2023 11:16 Dharak retributes with a licking in Drago's face also, and entwined his tail with Drago's, and give a deep tongue kiss in his lips — 12/06/2023 13:40 (Hi — 12/06/2023 14:18 And Drago was slowly entering into his anus, pushing his dick gentle and slow — 12/06/2023 14:20 Dharak then feeling drago's dick in his anus, thrusts back to let drago's penis enter deeper (Your time ^^ Dharak then feeling drago's dick in his anus, thrusts back to let drago's penis enter deeper (Your time 🙂 — 15/06/2023 16:35 After a couple of pushes Drago began increasing his moves and he kissed Dharak in lips for bigger orgasm for them both — 15/06/2023 16:39 As dharak begins to feel their orgasm coming, he entwined his tail with Drago's own, as he kissed back Drago's lips in a deep tongue kissing. With him going to an all fours position, inside the exokor for a deep penetration too. — 15/06/2023 16:48 (Your time ^^ — 15/06/2023 17:01 (Hi — 15/06/2023 17:14 Soon Drago was so close to orgasm that he just grabbed Dharak, hugged him as tight as he could and began cumming inside of him, filling his stomach up — 15/06/2023 17:21 At the same time Dharak still in all fours mounts Drago's rump and penetrates him, while Drago's penis continues inside Dharak's male womb, getting him pregnant. After position himself in Drago's anus he penetrates Drago, with both in the asstoass position, with their tails still entwined too. — 15/06/2023 17:31 (Your time — 15/06/2023 18:01 (Hi — 15/06/2023 18:17 When Drago stopped pushing his dick in Dharak, he put out his dick from Dharak's anus and he was moaning from Dharak's pushes, feeling his dick a lot — 15/06/2023 18:21 As Dharak pushes back reinserting Drago's penis in his anus, he maintains the asstoass position with both dragons on all fours. — 16/06/2023 11:10 Hi 🙂 — 16/06/2023 11:13 hi, later — 16/06/2023 11:14 Got it. Until afternoon. — 16/06/2023 14:28 Hi — 16/06/2023 16:50 Hi — 16/06/2023 17:16 Hi ^^ — 16/06/2023 18:32 Hi — 17/06/2023 07:06 Hi — 17/06/2023 08:54 hi — 17/06/2023 09:39 Can we do it? ^^ — 17/06/2023 16:06 Hi ^^ — 17/06/2023 16:28 🙂 — 17/06/2023 17:09 Hi — 17/06/2023 17:09 not today, I'm busy — 17/06/2023 17:09 Ok See you later — 18/06/2023 10:07 Hello ^^ Can I ask what is this game that's showing under your username? Garry's Mod. — 18/06/2023 10:11 it's just a game — 18/06/2023 10:12 Ok, it's appearing all the time. Can we continue? — 18/06/2023 10:32 this time yes — 18/06/2023 10:33 Ok As Dharak pushes back reinserting Drago's penis in his anus, he maintains the asstoass position with both dragons on all fours. (Your time — 18/06/2023 11:00 Drago was getting more excited and he couldn't do anything, but moan as loud as he could. He was feeling Dharak's dick so much that Drago was losing his mind and reaching his orgasm — 18/06/2023 11:17 As dharak and drago was still in the asstoass position, they orgasm in each other's anuses and vaginas. — 18/06/2023 11:19 After their orgasms Drago pulled Dharak's dick out and lay down under him, letting the darkus dragon to grab him and be on top of him — 18/06/2023 11:21 In this new position, but still with their hindquarters touching dharak reinserts his dick in drago's anus, still with drago's penis in his own anus — 18/06/2023 11:22 Damn, Dharak... you won't calm down so easily, right?.. Asked him Drago and his voice was more soft and lovely — 18/06/2023 11:23 Not until we're both pregnant... my brother. He says soft and tongue kissing him — 18/06/2023 11:25 huh? how many little dragons do you want to get?.. asked him Drago again — 18/06/2023 11:25 All the ones you can give me... He says blushing — 18/06/2023 11:27 only if you're agree to stop the war... please, Dharak. stop serving to Barodius... then I can... be free to love you — 18/06/2023 11:28 We will kill him together my brother... I swear to you — 18/06/2023 11:29 then I'll trust you this time, Dharak... you and I — 18/06/2023 11:30 Well my brother, so let's kill him (Your time — 18/06/2023 11:36 only when we'll clean up from the mess we made... don't you think we'll go to kill him like that? heheh~ — 18/06/2023 11:37 Hehehe I have my own plans... (let's not extend the kill scenes too long and focus in the mating ok?) — 18/06/2023 11:39 (I'd like to focus on some dialogues and more romantic stuff — 18/06/2023 11:39 (Me too, specially in the mating scenes — 18/06/2023 11:40 (mating scenes can wait a bit — 18/06/2023 11:41 (Ok so what you have in mind for romantic stuff parts? — 18/06/2023 11:41 (well, I was thinking about expanding their backgrounds and finding some common feelings to each other — 18/06/2023 11:42 (Since they are brothers, that makes total sense (Let's continue As Drago and dharak continues in their 'mating chamber', they begin to plan a way to kill Barodius — 18/06/2023 11:48 Then Drago offered one plan I got it! How about to show up before Barodius, when you're holding me "unconscious"? And when he'll call you, you'll throw me to him and then we both will strike him down. What do you think? — 18/06/2023 11:51 That's a good plan, although he can't suspect of anything, he likes to vanglorius himself showing his War medals, and I plan to use the sacred orb to Imprisoned and kill him once and for all. What do you think? — 18/06/2023 11:52 No... that's too risky. What if Barodius will be able to use the sacred orb in his own way? We need to finish him right here — 18/06/2023 11:54 Right, but we have to Imprisoned him in some way also, at least his soul, so he won't come back never again. Agreed? — 18/06/2023 11:57 His soul? Is he the one who can spiritually travel or what? — 18/06/2023 11:58 We don't know if he can come back or not in some way, that's because I'm separating his body and soul. Understand. — 18/06/2023 12:01 Alright... then we will just capture him. Distract him first, then capture, got it?  And your part? My brother — 18/06/2023 12:03 We will do it together... brother — 18/06/2023 12:04 Ok As dharak and drago, get out of the mating chamber, they goes to Barodius room, arriving there, Drago in his ball form in Dharak's paws, as a War medal, is delivered to Barodius, meanwhile, as Dharak and Barodius are talking about rheir next invasion plan in neathia, Drago in his ball form inside a medal room, puporsely falls from the wall, dharak saying that Drago's is weak because of all those experiments he can't even stand in his ball form, as Dharak grabs Drago in his paws, he arrives close to Barodius for a close examination, then suddenly Drago opens from his ball form and kills Barodius with a combination of Drago's and Dharak's fire from their mouths and other bodies parts. — 18/06/2023 12:14 And when they finished with Barodius, Drago in his real form burned his corpse out to make sure he won't be able to reanimate himself. After a minute of keeping silence he came to Dharak, grabbed him for his hand and asked him It's over... now, brother, are you ready to become our new member of Brawlers? — 18/06/2023 12:16 Yes and have a whole new life with you and our own new coming family — 18/06/2023 12:16 Tell me, was it too hard for you to betray your master and join me? — 18/06/2023 12:17 Why are you asking this? — 18/06/2023 12:19 In our last battles you were serving Barodius with all your soul and you were ready to follow him wherever he went. But now, is love to me so strong? — 18/06/2023 12:22 (I will only mention stygius ok? As the same thing happened with my son kizuato and stygius, but after they agreed in not interfere in each other's lifes, and having a family together although with only kizuato raising them, with me and barodius if I didn't serve him he would kill my son and me, at least with stygius he gave to kizuato changes to test his loyalt, but with barodius were make one mistake and you're death. — 18/06/2023 12:25 (no mentions about Stygius (I told you he won't share his DNA — 18/06/2023 12:26 (It was just that time and no more interference in each other's lifes remember. That was our agreement, I'm not violating anything (Just this mention and it's over, agreement? Ok? — 18/06/2023 12:28 (only if there won't be any child from Stygius (he'll automatically kills him or her — 18/06/2023 12:30 (About that you remember that they wouldn't have any contact with stygius, no interference in his plans, and no any other thing, and only and only kizuato will raise them. My agreement part continues valid. ^^ (Yes they have children, after kizuato mating with stygius and after that kizuato goes away forever. That's all. — 18/06/2023 12:34 (only if THIS child will be the weakest (that's a final condition for our agreement — 18/06/2023 12:35 (That's exactly as we finished our rp — 18/06/2023 12:37 (just do me a favour and don't mention Stygius anymore — 18/06/2023 12:38 (Ok, but can you explain to me, in a calm explanation why you don't want anymore his mention to appear again? — 18/06/2023 12:39 (Ok ^^ — 18/06/2023 12:40 (there's only one reason; Stygius doesn't care about having any children from anyone else and letting it go as his potential threat of being detected too early. and this Kizuato's wish to collect every dragon's DNA spoils his plans — 18/06/2023 12:41 (And a favor from you also, maintain the family we created Ok? ^^ — 18/06/2023 12:42 (only as Drago and Dharak (these two I can handle — 18/06/2023 12:42 (I agree with you, my thinking in that moment was to have a deeper connection with Stygius, do you agree with me? — 18/06/2023 12:43 (no connections with Stygius — 18/06/2023 12:43 (I mean from stygius and kizuato also — 18/06/2023 12:43 (I can only play there as children — 18/06/2023 12:44 (No connection maintaining them hidden. And say nothing about stygius as if he never existed — 18/06/2023 12:44 (I don't understand... hehe — 18/06/2023 12:46 (anyway, no Stygius in this story and only one child from him will be very weak — 18/06/2023 12:48 (Ok only one from him will be very weak, and the other ones even more powerful than both kizuato and him. BUT NO INTERFERENCE AND NO MORE NOTHING OF HIM, ok? Everyone leaving your own lives and that's all. Ok? — 18/06/2023 12:49 (only if you'll make sure that nobody finds out about Stygius — 18/06/2023 12:50 (You have my word, I have yours? — 18/06/2023 12:58 (and this is the only deal — 18/06/2023 12:58 (Ok (Let's continue As the same thing happened with my son kizuato and stygius, but after they agreed in not interfere in each other's lifes, and having a family together although with only kizuato raising them, with me and barodius if I didn't serve him he would kill my son and me, at least with stygius he gave to kizuato changes to test his loyalt, but with barodius were make one mistake and you're death. Now you understand me Drago? — 18/06/2023 13:00 I see now... Said with a sad voice Drago, feeling how was it for Dharak — 18/06/2023 13:03 Dharak, climbs a little from the exokor to let kizuato get out of his mating position with Dharak, and then he sits back inside again. — 18/06/2023 13:04 Drago just sat down on the ground and he was just thinking about what happened and what to do next — 18/06/2023 13:05 Do you want to reunite with Dan now or get back to our mating? — 18/06/2023 13:12 I just want to be with you... only you and I, Dharak... — 18/06/2023 13:16 So let's continue our love mating... — 18/06/2023 13:17 No. Just let's rest... — 18/06/2023 13:24 Ok... So dharak just sit in drago's lap, for a close and more intimate rest — 18/06/2023 13:33 (Your time — 18/06/2023 13:40 ^^ 🙂 — 18/06/2023 13:56 Hi ^^ — 18/06/2023 14:10 Then Drago, looking at Dharak's eyes, just kissed him in lips and said Hm, you know what funny is? We both are like a light and dark, heh. — 18/06/2023 14:12 We truly are brother... we can't live without each other — 18/06/2023 14:16 Then how about to go somewhere together, hm? — 18/06/2023 14:22 How abou get back to our mating chamber? — 18/06/2023 14:26 No. I just want to walk around with you, brother — 18/06/2023 14:28 Come in... — 18/06/2023 14:29 But Drago just picked Dharak up on his hands, standing up, he said You're so cute like that... — 18/06/2023 14:31 You are more... He says blushing, and entwined their tails enhancing their union as mates — 18/06/2023 14:33 But tell me... who's gonna be mother and father? — 18/06/2023 14:34 Both as hermaphrodites ok, but to have a base drago is the female ok? — 18/06/2023 14:43 Will I be a good mommy for our babies, Dharak?~ — 18/06/2023 14:45 Yes my lovely brother... And me I would be a good father for them? — 18/06/2023 14:46 Sure! Kissing Dharak in lips, Drago let him go and turned back to him, saying Now, I'm excited for you enough... take me and just let me enjoy the peace we've reached together — 18/06/2023 14:50 Ok. Dharak mount and fuck drago deeper — 18/06/2023 14:51 (is it in rp or as a message? — 18/06/2023 15:44 Rp — 18/06/2023 15:52 (Hi, I was in my lunch time 🙂 — 18/06/2023 16:07 (Hi, we can continue now — 18/06/2023 16:08 (then we need to skip to that moment when Drago and Dharak flew away from Gundalia and came to the New Vestroia — 18/06/2023 16:09 (Ok Sure! Kissing Dharak in lips, Drago let him go and turned back to him, saying Now, I'm excited for you enough... take me and just let me enjoy the peace we've reached together Ok. Dharak mount and fuck drago deeper (Your time — 18/06/2023 16:11 After a couple of hours breeding, Drago and Dharak decided to go to the New Vestroia, where they could be alone. Appearing there in the forest, Drago said So this is my... homeland. How about to live here? — 18/06/2023 16:13 Isn't this place be to far away from your brawlers HQ? During our middair mating flight till here, we didn't see this HQ. — 18/06/2023 16:15 I just want to be here alone with you only, Dharak. Being your brother and wife is so nice for me...~ — 18/06/2023 16:16 The same for me, my red dragonoid — 18/06/2023 16:18 Then Drago, sitting before Dharak, grabbed his foot and began licking it — 18/06/2023 16:20 Sensing this, dharak began to lick drago's tail, descending towards his lower body and licking his anus, vagina and penis. — 18/06/2023 16:23 Mmh... hey, Dharak... — 18/06/2023 16:23 Mmmhh... what? Drago... — 18/06/2023 16:24 Will you stomp on me with your sweaty feet? — 18/06/2023 16:26 You like those things don't you?... — 18/06/2023 16:27 To be honest... yes. I like everything about you. But such things I like after fight with Helios — 18/06/2023 16:29 You even had a family with him... (I'm referring a story of noiresera of Drago and Helios having a family together, ok? — 18/06/2023 16:31 Huh? No, not really... we've become friends. But you're something magnificent, Dharak... Drago hugged Dharak's feet and lean to it with his face, licking it — 18/06/2023 16:33 (Just to let our rp more interesting ok — 18/06/2023 16:34 (then you'll also take Helios and both fuck Drago — 18/06/2023 16:35 (Ok, something more special to add too, I added now my new rp scenario, and you? — 18/06/2023 16:36 (actually, I was focusing on breeding here only (besides, I don't think NoiresEra will approve your idea. as a minimum, she's gone — 18/06/2023 16:37 (What? — 18/06/2023 16:38 (I mean about idea to copy her scenario with Drago and Helios (and it won't be logical — 18/06/2023 16:38 (Hmmm... The part of she's gone... you mean you know or not?  So Drago was licking Dharak's feet and he was getting under him Oh, Dharak... I love your smell a lot — 18/06/2023 17:04 Me too drago, as he continued to lick Drago's genitals — 18/06/2023 17:05 But Drago, standing on his fours, turned back to Dharak and showed his butt Will you defeat me in this brawl? I was wondering to be your trophy... — 18/06/2023 17:07 Dharak saying nothing, stand on all fours and mount drago's butt, entwining their tails and deeper penetrating Drago's anus — 18/06/2023 17:09 With a sweet moan Drago wagged his tail and he began enjoying Dharak's dick in him Ah, Dharak, come on! Breed me as hard as you can! — 18/06/2023 17:10 How many eggs do you want from me my lovely brother... — 18/06/2023 17:12 None of it... just fuck me. Let me feel your true power, brother! — 18/06/2023 17:14 As you wish for now... then dharak calling again his exokor adapted mating chamber, fucks dharak with all his strength as a certain of why he was now as Drago's brother. — 18/06/2023 17:17 All what Drago was doing is moaning loud and sweet from every Dharak's pushes, enjoying his moves — 18/06/2023 17:18 Then with all the exokor getting mounted to have a better thrust in drago's anus as Dharak's was getting excited and evolving again And at the same time darkus energy was flowing into him too, letting him in a new form: darkus neo dragonoid As dharak was cumming in drago's anus, he gets knotted one more time and goes once again to the asstoass position with their tails entwined again (Your time — 18/06/2023 17:26 After their orgasms Drago put out Dharak's dick from his ass and with a hard breathing went to the closest tree to rest from tough breeding — 18/06/2023 17:27 Do you liked your new body...? — 18/06/2023 17:28 (he deevolved Drago? — 18/06/2023 17:30 (I won't lie that I like this form more than the other ones, let's say Yes, although he will have 100% access to all his other abilities in his other forms. And can shapeshifter to his other forms at will. But this will be his new form ok? — 18/06/2023 17:30 (eh... — 18/06/2023 17:31 (Can we maintain as this? (With all the things above? — 18/06/2023 17:33 (I don't think I'll be able to do it — 18/06/2023 17:35 (I will help you. Ok? Our rp is going well. I like your ideas, you like some of mine, we agree with consents above. Let's go ^^ (Let's get going ^^ 🙂 — 18/06/2023 17:39 (I can't role deevolving — 18/06/2023 17:40 (Can we do an agreement. Last change of characters body type but with all the powers — 18/06/2023 17:42 (that ain't gonna work. only if we'll come back to the season 2 where Drago was Neo and Helios was Viper, but then also was Phantom Dharak, who'd stole Drago's DNA and fully dominates him in strength — 18/06/2023 17:45 (Good idea, let's do this, you initially rage at me as Drago because of the deevolving, we go in a friend combat, and dharak evolves to phantom dharak and still maintain as both lovers, but with barodius still dead. Fine? And maintain as all the things I said above: — 18/06/2023 17:46 (no deevolves. we'll just go back to the season 2 in that case — 18/06/2023 17:46 (He will have 100% access to all his other abilities in his other forms. And can shapeshifter to his other forms at will. But this will be his new form ok? — 18/06/2023 17:47 (or you need to explain more clearly how is that possible — 18/06/2023 17:47 So maintain as neo drago and that's all with my quote above (Ok let's go back to season 2, although our matings continues valid and Barodius dead ok. Go for the rage at me. Hehehe — 18/06/2023 17:52 Dharak... I can't believe you've betrayed me like that, just piercing the knife on my back! Getting angrier, Drago was going to attack Dharak with all his power — 18/06/2023 17:53 I like you my brother, let just say that we have to balance our inner lights and darkness. But we have a manner to fix this balance... Just mate with helios also one more time, and with me also, plus a dominance mating battle to equalize our transfer of energy and evolutions. (Your time ^^ — 18/06/2023 18:02 🙂 (Hi — 18/06/2023 18:11 (Hi ^^ — 19/06/2023 05:32 (Hi ^^ 🙂 — 19/06/2023 05:40 (Hi ^^ — 19/06/2023 06:26 (Hi (Let's go — 19/06/2023 06:39 ^^ — 19/06/2023 06:52 (Hi — 19/06/2023 07:12 (Hello ^^ — 19/06/2023 08:07 (Hi good afternoon for you. ^^ — 19/06/2023 09:31 (Hi — 19/06/2023 10:00 (not right now — 19/06/2023 12:00 (Hi can we do it? ^^ — 19/06/2023 12:30 😀 ^^ — 19/06/2023 12:44 (Hi — 19/06/2023 12:57 (Hi I'm free now we can begin ^^ — 19/06/2023 13:30 (Hi (Hello — 19/06/2023 14:52 (Hi (With all respect, can you stop playing a little so we can continue our rp? — 19/06/2023 16:13 (no — 19/06/2023 16:20 (Sorry being rude with you, seriously, although can we continue the rp — 19/06/2023 16:22 (I don't want it — 19/06/2023 16:23 (Don't want what? — 19/06/2023 16:23 (don't want rp — 19/06/2023 16:27 (Don't want now or anymore? We are doing good, I don't want to be rude with you — 19/06/2023 16:35 (Do you understand my point? — 19/06/2023 16:38 (I just don't want now — 19/06/2023 16:40 (Fine, but I'm gladly that you can understand my view.  So Drago was licking Dharak's feet and he was getting under him Oh, Dharak... I love your smell a lot — 18/06/2023 17:04 Me too drago, as he continued to lick Drago's genitals — 18/06/2023 17:05 But Drago, standing on his fours, turned back to Dharak and showed his butt Will you defeat me in this brawl? I was wondering to be your trophy... — 18/06/2023 17:07 Dharak saying nothing, stand on all fours and mount drago's butt, entwining their tails and deeper penetrating Drago's anus — 18/06/2023 17:09 With a sweet moan Drago wagged his tail and he began enjoying Dharak's dick in him Ah, Dharak, come on! Breed me as hard as you can! — 18/06/2023 17:10 How many eggs do you want from me my lovely brother... — 18/06/2023 17:12 None of it... just fuck me. Let me feel your true power, brother! — 18/06/2023 17:14 As you wish for now... then dharak calling again his exokor adapted mating chamber, fucks dharak with all his strength as a certain of why he was now as Drago's brother. — 18/06/2023 17:17 All what Drago was doing is moaning loud and sweet from every Dharak's pushes, enjoying his moves — 18/06/2023 17:18 Then with all the exokor getting mounted to have a better thrust in drago's anus as Dharak's was getting excited and evolving again And at the same time darkus energy was flowing into him too, letting him in a new form: darkus neo dragonoid As dharak was cumming in drago's anus, he gets knotted one more time and goes once again to the asstoass position with their tails entwined again (Your time — 18/06/2023 17:26 After their orgasms Drago put out Dharak's dick from his ass and with a hard breathing went to the closest tree to rest from tough breeding — 18/06/2023 17:27 Do you liked your new body...? — 18/06/2023 17:28 (he deevolved Drago? — 18/06/2023 17:30 (I won't lie that I like this form more than the other ones, let's say Yes, although he will have 100% access to all his other abilities in his other forms. And can shapeshifter to his other forms at will. But this will be his new form ok? — 18/06/2023 17:30 (eh... — 18/06/2023 17:31 (Can we maintain as this? (With all the things above? — 18/06/2023 17:33 (I don't think I'll be able to do it — 18/06/2023 17:35 (I will help you. Ok? Our rp is going well. I like your ideas, you like some of mine, we agree with consents above. Let's go ^^ (Let's get going ^^ 🙂 — 18/06/2023 17:39 (I can't role deevolving — 18/06/2023 17:40 (Can we do an agreement. Last change of characters body type but with all the powers — 18/06/2023 17:42 (that ain't gonna work. only if we'll come back to the season 2 where Drago was Neo and Helios was Viper, but then also was Phantom Dharak, who'd stole Drago's DNA and fully dominates him in strength — 18/06/2023 17:45 (Good idea, let's do this, you initially rage at me as Drago because of the deevolving, we go in a friend combat, and dharak evolves to phantom dharak and still maintain as both lovers, but with barodius still dead. Fine? And maintain as all the things I said above: — 18/06/2023 17:46 (no deevolves. we'll just go back to the season 2 in that case — 18/06/2023 17:46 (He will have 100% access to all his other abilities in his other forms. And can shapeshifter to his other forms at will. But this will be his new form ok? — 18/06/2023 17:47 (or you need to explain more clearly how is that possible — 18/06/2023 17:47 So maintain as neo drago and that's all with my quote above (Ok let's go back to season 2, although our matings continues valid and Barodius dead ok. Go for the rage at me. Hehehe — 18/06/2023 17:52 Dharak... I can't believe you've betrayed me like that, just piercing the knife on my back! Getting angrier, Drago was going to attack Dharak with all his power — 18/06/2023 17:53 I like you my brother, let just say that we have to balance our inner lights and darkness. But we have a manner to fix this balance... Just mate with helios also one more time, and with me also, plus a dominance mating battle to equalize our transfer of energy and evolutions. (Your time ^^ — 18/06/2023 18:02 🙂 (Hi — 18/06/2023 18:11 (Hi ^^ — 19/06/2023 05:32 (Hi ^^ 🙂 — 19/06/2023 05:40 (Hi ^^ — 19/06/2023 06:26 (Hi (Let's go — 19/06/2023 06:39 ^^ — 19/06/2023 06:52 (Hi — 19/06/2023 07:12 (Hello ^^ — 19/06/2023 08:07 (Hi good afternoon for you. ^^ — 19/06/2023 09:31 (Hi — 19/06/2023 10:00 (not right now — 19/06/2023 12:00 (Hi can we do it? ^^ — 19/06/2023 12:30 😀 ^^ — 19/06/2023 12:44 (Hi — 19/06/2023 12:57 (Hi I'm free now we can begin ^^ — 19/06/2023 13:30 (Hi (Hello — 19/06/2023 14:52 (Hi (With all respect, can you stop playing a little so we can continue our rp? — 19/06/2023 16:13 (no — 19/06/2023 16:20 (Sorry being rude with you, seriously, although can we continue the rp — 19/06/2023 16:22 (I don't want it — 19/06/2023 16:23 (Don't want what? — 19/06/2023 16:23 (don't want rp — 19/06/2023 16:27 (Don't want now or anymore? We are doing good, I don't want to be rude with you — 19/06/2023 16:35 (Do you understand my point? — 19/06/2023 16:38 (I just don't want now — 19/06/2023 16:40 (Fine, but I'm gladly that you can understand my view.  Drago in that form couldn't do nothing but painfully roar, being under Spectra's control. He was made to fight his friends against his will and his conscious was very foggy — 24/06/2023 12:36 (You will be spectra, and after drago returns to dan's hands will let helios mate with drago so both will have the children that are in Noiresera story, got it. — 24/06/2023 12:37 (eh, no. can you explain? — 24/06/2023 12:38 (You still want to be drago I think? Even he can't do nothing now, just following spectra's orders. Dharak evade the fireballs and mounts drago's anus, penetrating him, and doing a joined timeline with this original, preserving all the current events, just adding new ones. Now going back to the fight of spectra and dan with the darkus vexos neo dragonoid. Drago in that form couldn't do nothing but painfully roar, being under Spectra's control. He was made to fight his friends against his will and his conscious was very foggy While Drago wouldn't be able to control himself, Spectra was his puppet master, who was increasing his powers with forbidden cards and making Dan more mad Haha! How does it feel to fight your best friend, Dan? Come on, try and hit him! — 28/06/2023 15:31 Dharak's still mounted in Drago's anus, penetrating him, connected to Drago even in his evil vexos form, not giving a minimum to the weight in his back, rump and tail. (And our mating part? Can we still maintain that? You didn't answer this part. ^^ — 28/06/2023 15:33 (maybe, you're doing that already — 28/06/2023 15:34 (Oh ok kkk Dharak's still mounted in Drago's anus, penetrating him, connected to Drago even in his evil vexos form, not giving a minimum to the weight in his back, rump and tail. (Your time ^^ — 28/06/2023 15:42 And that was making Drago feel more pain what just made him a brainless beast with only one thing: destroy everything — 28/06/2023 15:45 (We can do the power up of powers in drago and dharak with the Forbidden Cards, what do you think?) (Want to add something new, we are in the incubator, and evolved, why not add the first egg laying also. ^^) (Your go. — 28/06/2023 15:51 (no, I don't think it can works — 28/06/2023 15:52 (Can we add at least?) — 28/06/2023 15:56 (okay. but then Drago will run away — 28/06/2023 15:58 (Hey, can we maintain him till Helios mate with him. Why do you want Drago for you? With all respect. ^^ Don't be mad please. 🙂 — 28/06/2023 15:59 (eh? I'm not mad, I'm just not excited for breeding — 28/06/2023 16:01 (But can we do it, and have visits of dharak and drago, during his abscence from the family. — 28/06/2023 16:02 (And why not, aren't you liking of our mating, or we can change something together in agreement. ^^ — 28/06/2023 16:02 (I want to skip it — 28/06/2023 16:04 (Ok, but can we maintain some visits between them. — 28/06/2023 16:06 (alright — 28/06/2023 16:07 (Ok ^^ let's put the egg laying and the mating part for helios Dharak begin to excited the male and female wombs of Drago, wanting him to lay their eggs. — 28/06/2023 16:09 In that moment those eggs were starting to coming out of Drago, who was moaning with roars — 28/06/2023 16:10 Then the asteroid sized egg comes out of Drago's anus, exploding with his son in his adult bakugan form, after that Drago lays more 5 eggs with more dragons bakugans like him and Dharak. — 28/06/2023 16:15 Drago after this could only lie down on the ground and just rest, while he has all that pain which was caused by giving the birth for 5 dragons — 28/06/2023 16:16 (6 actually) — 28/06/2023 16:19 Then the asteroid sized egg comes out of Drago's anus, exploding with his son in his adult bakugan form, after that Drago lays more 5 eggs with more dragons bakugans like him and Dharak. — 28/06/2023 16:22 Dharak still in Drago's anus, calls Helios, as he with his tail entwined with Drago's and Helios's own, grabbed with the tip of his tail, the vestroia X card, which raise their power, to recover them, and maintain their power to endure the other matings, of helios mounting dharak, Dharak mounting helios, drago mounting helios, and helios mounting drago. With that they had a total of 36 eggs layed. — 28/06/2023 16:30 (Your time ^^ — 28/06/2023 16:32 After all those breedings one day, when Drago would be able to get up, he just left that place, without any words. Being still vexos darkus, Drago at least could finally control his mind, his actions, that's what made him to be more free — 28/06/2023 16:34 Dharak and Helios still mounted in Drago's anus, continues to fuck him. As a form of celebration from the free of Drago's mind, giving more infinity eggs. Drago retributes in the same way fucking helios and dharak, and so on again and again... with all of them with infinity children — 28/06/2023 16:36 (how? he just went away — 28/06/2023 16:37 (So can we invert this last setence, and put above. 🙂 — 28/06/2023 16:38 (alright... but only last sentence — 28/06/2023 16:38 (Can I do a last mating? (With kizuato? — 28/06/2023 16:38 (no — 28/06/2023 16:39 (A last one. — 28/06/2023 16:39 (no (it takes too much time and I don't have a mood for that — 28/06/2023 16:40 (I will do that part myself quickly ok ^^ — 28/06/2023 16:40 (alright — 28/06/2023 16:41 Drago retributes in the same way fucking helios and dharak, and so on again and again... with all of them with infinity children, and as he looks to dharak, the other dragon nods his head. And inviting his own son kizuato to fuck all the three of them and after everyone mounts everyone they get pregnant with infinity children and infinity eggs, again and again... — 28/06/2023 16:42 (good. now can I do with Drago what I want? — 28/06/2023 16:43 (Just don't began with control and death all the time, like in our last rp, we can do an agreement and meet sometimes. — 28/06/2023 16:44 (Drago will just go away somewhere — 28/06/2023 16:45 (Ok, do what you want. I'm curious to see what is awaiting ahead — 28/06/2023 16:46 After all those breedings one day, when Drago would be able to get up, he just left that place, without any words. Being still vexos darkus, Drago at least could finally control his mind, his actions, that's what made him to be more free — 28/06/2023 16:46 (You can continue) Dharak waves a see you soon look, as well helios and Kizuato too — 28/06/2023 16:48 All what Drago could feel is a pain from breedings and confusion because of being betrayed and used as a mother for making babies. Ignoring everything, Drago just went further to the nearest river — 28/06/2023 16:50 But in the deepest part of his soul, he knew that he was loved by the 3 dragons. (Maintain this part please) — 28/06/2023 16:51 And that feeling was the reason of his inner confusion because he didn't know what to feel and what to do, so he could just be apathetic — 28/06/2023 16:53 Even confused after all this, he had his inner revenge resolved, against his brother Dharak, making infinity eggs in his in the same way he had made with himself. — 28/06/2023 16:55 All what Drago could do is just go away just what he did, trying to understand himself and his own feelings — 28/06/2023 16:57 Dharak, Helios and Kizuato all raised their family members, visiting Drago sometimes as well. — 28/06/2023 16:59 But it wasn't too long, because one day Drago just disappeared, trying to bring his strongest form back and his powers as well. He couldn't deal with his deevolving and he was looking for any ways to find it out — 28/06/2023 17:03 The only Drago founded to evolve again, but maintaining his second body copy, after that first one (of our rp with you know who, just mentioning not involving ok?) was to mate again and maintain all his current and old children intact, while breeding new ones as well. — 28/06/2023 17:16 And that thing just made Drago angry; why he must to be someone's sex toy for bringing his powers back? The best way for him was just an isolation from everything. So he just made a hideout in the New Vestroia where he could hide and not disappoint Dan and the other Brawlers with his weakness — 28/06/2023 17:17 (I want to let our rp more interesting kkk) — 28/06/2023 17:19 (it's his reaction on these news — 28/06/2023 17:21 (Kkk) But drago knows it's the only way to do that... so he... — 28/06/2023 17:23 He won't do anything. Drago doesn't feel anything and such a hopeless situation just makes him go into the deep meditation, cleaning up his mind — 28/06/2023 17:24 (Come on kkk... ^^ — 28/06/2023 17:30 Learning the only one thing to understand himself, Drago after some meditations went from his hideout to find Dharak. The one who betrayed him and made him give a birth to chilndren, hiding his aura to not get detected by anyone else — 28/06/2023 17:32 But Drago permits himself to be found by dharak for one more mating but obviously not his final one kkk — 28/06/2023 17:32 (try not to interfere in his thoughts (it looks like a rape already — 28/06/2023 17:35 (Sorry, one more this round, and the others when they are fine to see each other again — 28/06/2023 17:36 (just let me do whatever I want and everything will be fine — 28/06/2023 17:37 (Ok, a one more now, and the other ones when they are both fine with each other, and I will let you and me both Fine ^^ — 28/06/2023 17:38 (alright, only one So Drago was waiting for Dharak, staying quite and just waiting — 28/06/2023 17:39 (Ok? — 28/06/2023 17:40 (I said the last one and no more interferes in my role — 28/06/2023 17:41 (I said also one more when they are fine with each, and that's all, no more interferences in your role, ok? And you won't interfere in mine as well. Ok? ^^) 🙂 — 28/06/2023 17:42 (just continue this — 28/06/2023 17:44 (Ok for me and for you? 🙂 ^^ — 28/06/2023 17:44 (Ok, still friends, and more meetings soon ^^ Drago approaches Dharak, as he gets in position of all fours, he's mounted rapidly by his brother, as they entwined their tails, they breed even more infinity children and infinity eggs for all of them, reuniting also wavern, alpha hydranoid, helios and Kizuato as well  Doing it to bring his true power back, Drago didn't resist this time and waited when it ends, so he could be able go back to his strongest form — 28/06/2023 17:51 With Drago going back to his original form, and letting his other 4 forms intact, he finally says goodbye to his family. — 28/06/2023 17:53 So Drago just left them without any feels and trying to forget everything what happened Being all alone, Drago was practicing his new abilities and unlike the previous ones, these were more... frightering and bloody. Even his eyes stopped to be as beatiful as emeralds, but as creepy as an acid — 04/07/2023 17:07 Dharak approaches Drago with caution to not anger him — 04/07/2023 17:08 When Dharak was close enough, Drago just stopped. He stood on the ground and turned to Dharak, looking at him with apathetic eyes, asking And what did you forget here? — 04/07/2023 17:13 Just want to visit you sometimes. (Can Drago comes back to dharak. Please I will let you do everything with him, but maintain both together, as a couple, with esporadic mating, please. — 04/07/2023 17:16 (no matings Do I look like I need to be visited? Especially after what you did to make me be pregnant without my permission? Growled with more anger in his voice Drago, concentrating crimson energy in his palm Dharak counterbalance the energy from Drago, dissipating both energies — 04/07/2023 17:51 Since your betrayal I've just... broken. You didn't ask me do I want to have babies. You just used me with Helios! Do you really think I forget it so easy?! Drago grabbed Dharak for his chest and prepared to pierce his body with a hand full of energy and looking with eyes full of hatred — 04/07/2023 17:54 Dharak I know I had mistaken, but I want to show you something. Dharak then goes on a all fours position, his rump raised as he layed the sacred orb, saying: Half for you and half for me. Then with our powers combined I can truly be free from my most perverse sides. — 04/07/2023 17:58 Oh? Do you think if I'll rape you back, you'll get my mercy, huh? Don't act like you're my husband! Then Drago looked at Dharak with red eyes, changing from the green to red ones ...I wanna kill you so badly I can taste it, Dharak — 04/07/2023 18:00 If you don't believe me, prove that I'm wrong come on. — 04/07/2023 18:06 Then Drago kicked Dharak's butt and threw away the orb. Coming to him, Drago sat on his chest and prepared to smash his head with one fist You lying bastard! I will kill you first, then I'll haunt Helios and your children down!! — 04/07/2023 18:10 Dharak: That really hurted! But I will still maintain my position until you come and fuck me. — 04/07/2023 18:22 You are still to young to understand all the meanings of live drago, give him a final chance for him to prove the real family you both will have — 04/07/2023 18:24 Then tell me, did someone ask me do I want the family? Do I want to be a hero? Coming to the orb, Drago said NO! No one doesn't care about MY opinion! All of you are just using me for your games and I'm tired of it!!! — 04/07/2023 18:26 Then why you saved all the bakugan world with dan, did someone asked you to do it... Dharak now stepped in the most severly scar for Drago. — 04/07/2023 18:31 I was fighting for my friends and I had no choice... I never have a choice and no one asked me do I want it or not... I just need... Falling down, Drago just cried more and looked down on his knees — 04/07/2023 18:32 Now it's a new moment in your life after all those years and years of fight drago, it's time for a family (Serious I'm crying a little right now, I'm sometimes emotive seriously — 04/07/2023 18:36 But I can't be a father or a mother... I never planned to have a family actually! Replied Drago, while he tried to dry his tears out They won't be happy with someone who has no idea what does it mean to be a parent... — 04/07/2023 18:37 You won't know if you try... says wavern and helios, with tears as well. — 04/07/2023 18:38 I can't believe I need to do it against my will... because all of you! Said Drago with anger and sadness in his voice, looking at all of them — 04/07/2023 18:41 Sometimes we don't have any will... say Dharak, referring to Barodius would kill his son if he didn't helped him — 04/07/2023 18:45 This time I have a choice... just to refuse killing myself. And the world won't need any balance to be fine... Said Drago Just tell me... why are you making me to suffer like this? What have I done to you?.. — 04/07/2023 18:50 It it's exactly the opposite you had free me and my son — 04/07/2023 18:52 So what?.. — 04/07/2023 18:56 I want to retribute you with a family for us both, after all those years of battle — 04/07/2023 18:59 Why? I'm hopeless as a parent and you can't even understand my feelings. How can we be a family? — 04/07/2023 19:02 I can because we had our connection since the beginning in our father's womb. (They are herms) (^^ — 04/07/2023 19:06 If is that so, tell me, what do I feel Said Drago, grabbing Dharak for his chest and picking him up to make an eye contact — 04/07/2023 19:13 You feel all his emotions at the same time mixing, and you trying to see a way of meaning of life trying to assimilate all those things — 04/07/2023 19:15 In one moment, losing the sense, Drago just kissed Dharak in lips, while he felt Drago's tears on his face — 04/07/2023 19:19 Dharak steps back a while and tongue kiss drago's lips — 04/07/2023 19:20 Kissing Dharak, Drago hugged him tight and just lay down on him — 04/07/2023 19:24 Dharak repositions himself on all fours — 04/07/2023 19:25 So Drago just pushed his dick in Dharak's anus, making it rough and slow — 04/07/2023 19:30 Dharak thrusts back to meet drago's thrusts — 04/07/2023 19:32 So Drago began increasing his moves, pushing harder — 04/07/2023 19:40 Wavern meanwhile envelops drago in her wings and tongue kiss him, while helios fucks drago in his anus — 04/07/2023 19:42 however, it wasn't too long, so in 2 minutes Drago began cumming in Dharak, feeling his anus and Helios's dick at the same time, kissing Wavern — 04/07/2023 19:44 Dharak feels drago's cum in his anus and vagina, with Drago's double penis in him, the same with helios in Drago's vagina and anus. — 04/07/2023 19:46 When he stopped, Drago left the dragons and put his dick out, saying I did it only this time... please, don't rape me anymore... — 04/07/2023 19:48 I won't if it is to life as a family, let's respect and mating only when agreed for us both, but during mating season you know well that we can be savage kkk — 04/07/2023 19:49 Alright... this is your last chance, Dharak. Don't disappoint me — 04/07/2023 19:50 If I do this you can kill me and live alone — 04/07/2023 19:51 Drago just kissed Dharak, going to his groin, he began licking his bells — 04/07/2023 19:53 But during mating season you know well that we can be savage kkk. Dharak says still in all fours doing a blowjob in drago's penis and balls — 04/07/2023 19:54 But Drago didn't want Dharak to suck him, so Drago slapped his face by his tail and kept sucking to Dharak — 04/07/2023 19:57 Your... kkk Dharak maintains himself on all fours letting drago do what he wanted — 04/07/2023 20:06 But Drago refused, saying That's enough. Just let me be a bit more alone... — 04/07/2023 20:09 Dharak: I will let you rest for now... he says blinking an eye, and raising his rump to indicate that he will lays their eggs including helios one soon. — 04/07/2023 20:10 So Drago just went away where he could be a bit more alone and think about his actions — 04/07/2023 20:20 So Dharak, Wavern, Helios and alpha hydranoid goes to Dharak's incubator to rest and wait till they can lay the eggs (Just add alpha hydranoid to the mating above, I remembered him only now) (And can we do some merges like in your story new enemies too ^^ 🙂 — 04/07/2023 20:23 (later — 04/07/2023 20:24 (Later for both questions above? — 04/07/2023 20:24 yep — 04/07/2023 20:25 Ok, tell me when we can ok? Yep So Dharak, Wavern, Helios goes to Dharak's incubator to rest and wait till they can lay the eggs — 04/07/2023 20:40 (Your time ^^ — 04/07/2023 20:48 (^^ So Dharak, Wavern, Helios goes to Dharak's incubator to rest and wait till they can lay the eggs Dharak invited alpha hydranoid and Silent Naga to mate with Drago as well. Your time — 12/07/2023 21:03 Drago meanwhile was somewhere in the forest, next to the waterfal — 12/07/2023 21:04 Dharak arrives in Drago's location, saying that they will finally be a family, if Drago really wants it. — 12/07/2023 21:05 I don't know... I... I still feel like I fail your... our children... said to him Drago — 12/07/2023 21:06 You didn't fail with them, you're are my half Drago, equal light and darkness I will only include the children from our big rp of Stygius ok? Only add the children ok? Not only mentioning him ok? — 12/07/2023 21:08 just as I said, he can be, but as the weakest one. maybe, he'll be sick — 12/07/2023 21:11 Only put the children not even mention him. You'll see. — 12/07/2023 21:11 alright — 12/07/2023 21:13 Not even with our other ones and infinity ones also, even after they were raised only by kizuato after his 'solo' and secret mission. — 12/07/2023 21:17 Then Drago in one moment said Hey, Dharak — 12/07/2023 21:17 Yes Drago? — 12/07/2023 21:17 So tell me why did you here? — 12/07/2023 21:19 For us to finally have our family, together with Naga, Wavern, Hydranoid and Helios. — 12/07/2023 21:29 (I'll dinner now, we will continue soon ok? ^^ — 12/07/2023 22:20 (Hi can we continue? Hi — 12/07/2023 23:07 ^^ — 13/07/2023 06:39 Hi — 13/07/2023 09:10 Hello — 13/07/2023 10:38 Hi — 13/07/2023 14:49 Hello — 13/07/2023 16:01 hey — 13/07/2023 16:01 ^^ The first chapter of your story is coming soon? Do you have free time now? ^^ Hey 🙂 — 13/07/2023 16:05 yes, but not too soon — 13/07/2023 16:05 Ok, can we rp now? — 13/07/2023 16:06 slowly — 13/07/2023 16:06 Slowly? Why? — 13/07/2023 16:06 because I came from work right now — 13/07/2023 16:07 Ok So tell me why did you here? For us to finally have our family, together with Naga, Wavern, Hydranoid and Helios. — 13/07/2023 16:10 A family, huh? Said Drago with a bit confused voice — 13/07/2023 16:11 Yes my brother, with all of us. — 13/07/2023 16:21 (Your time ^^ — 13/07/2023 16:40 Hi — 13/07/2023 16:43 With a sigh he said I'm very bad as a parent. Trust me, I have no experience to it — 13/07/2023 16:46 How you can say that if you even hadn't tried yet? — 13/07/2023 17:12 I don't even know what to say to them or what should I do! — 13/07/2023 17:14 First of all try to be as good as you were with your children with wavern. In the time of stygius. (Only as a little plot twist, wait till the final okay. Don't be mad ok?) — 13/07/2023 18:54 (A plot twist where stygius and Kizuato come back together, with Kizuato and now Dharak and Drago joined him with all the DNA and other 1 million things stygius wants with the bakugan, and maintain Kizuato, Dharak and Drago's family untouched. Deal? ^^ 🙂 In one moment Drago just turned his look away and said I don't think I have enough experience to grow up the children... sure, I was dreaming about peaceful life, but not about having babies — 14/07/2023 19:34 We will talk more about that later Drago Soon, somewhere near to Drago and Dharak appeared a human who was hiding his presence and just watching them, when Drago said Tsch. Then our conversation is over — 14/07/2023 19:53 Dharak looks to a place as he smiles mischievous, saying not so fast my brother. I want you to meet someone first — 14/07/2023 19:54 Hm? Looked at him suspicious Drago — 14/07/2023 19:54 You can come, master. Says Kizuato (Your time — 14/07/2023 19:58 (Kizuato? (how and where he appeared? — 14/07/2023 20:00 (He was with them all the time during their mating he will join in a mating session with alpha hydranoid and naga soon, ok? We had left the mating aside for a moment to focus in the conversation part. — 14/07/2023 20:00 (why didn't you tell that he was here all the time? (what the hell? — 14/07/2023 20:01 (Don't be mad pls — 14/07/2023 20:02 (you know, it sounds like Stygius was fucking Drago's brains all the time and it becomes clear only now and no connections to this — 14/07/2023 20:03 (What? — 14/07/2023 20:03 (anyway, do me a favour and get mentions about Kizuato's presence, so it won't be a surprise for me — 14/07/2023 20:05 (I'm really sorry is that he wasn't mentioned as he was aside from the conversation as it focus more in Drago and Dharak, do you understand? (Let's back You can come, master. Says Kizuato — 14/07/2023 20:06 Hmph, I didn't expect meet you here Said Stygius, coming from the shadows — 14/07/2023 20:07 Kizuato says: And I wasn't expecting you here too master. What brings you here? — 14/07/2023 20:09 Searching for a new nest for myself — 14/07/2023 20:11 And what about your current base, and the all dna you had collected? Says kizuato. (Add that Stygius wants to work with all the dragons again for some time after an agreement ^^ — 14/07/2023 20:12 I have, but I need to make something different. Maybe, we'll meet again — 14/07/2023 20:13 Wait you need our DNA, or others specifics bakugans DNA's? (Add the agreement ^^ — 14/07/2023 20:14 I don't need anything of DNAs — 14/07/2023 20:15 (Continue with an agreement reuniting everyone ^^ — 14/07/2023 20:16 No, I can only invite some of bakugans on a teatime. There will be someone else — 14/07/2023 20:19 Can we all come? (Say Yes just for this time, and offer a base instalment with Stygius, and that we are leaving the battle brawlers. Ok? After that you can do Drago mad, but with him going with everyone and all the bakugan families together — 14/07/2023 20:20 (remind me, what's the sense to make Drago evil if he will have a family? — 14/07/2023 20:25 (Ok my bad, maintain Drago as he's right now with them joining Stygius side ok — 14/07/2023 20:26 (he doesn't know anything about Stygius — 14/07/2023 20:30 (He will know soon trust me ^^ (Let's Continue the conversation with a bomb revelation, that kizuato was serving Stygius and Dharak was experimented by Stygius in the past, and that Drago was a strong target for a new DNA combination — 17/07/2023 16:39 An agreement of the bakugans helping Stygius with his plans, and he not interfering with their bakugan family, this would mix in part with your story new enemies, if I'm correct about it. So after Stygius had agreed in form a new team with them they are all in his secret base getting their new DNA collected after their new evolutions after their all previous matings. So you as I know how Stygius is can lead them in a DNA chamber for more experiments and some missions — 17/07/2023 18:44 well, he can only use them for experiments, nothing more — 17/07/2023 18:47 And what about those missions he had send kizuato in our big rp? Can you stay online during the night too, I want to continue to rp with you. 😉 — 17/07/2023 18:48 Kizuato, as I remember, failed one mission, so he doesn't send him anymore — 17/07/2023 18:48 no and I warned you to not use Stygius in your story — 17/07/2023 18:51 In our rp it wasn't possible to continue without him, so forgive me about that point. Ok so in the DNA part is good, you can write your part — 17/07/2023 18:52 only about Drago's sadness — 17/07/2023 18:53 That's is what you write about? Or you forgive in that point too? — 17/07/2023 18:54 that's all what I can write. I don't have a mood for matings and other stuff — 17/07/2023 19:03 Ok, so maintain the DNA part mission of Stygius that I will take of the rest by now. — 17/07/2023 19:07 Drago was doing nothing all the time, when he was brought to the strange lab again, he was sitting in the corner and waiting when it's all over — 17/07/2023 19:08 Meanwhile Stygius was talking with Dharak and Kizuato. The other bakugans were waiting with Drago by his side — 17/07/2023 19:10 Then Stygius said I don't have a sense to continue this experiment. Or you will make Drago happy, or find the other scientist for that — 17/07/2023 19:15 Kizuato ask how Stygius can change from a Master that surbodinated his minions to someone with true sentiments as a family, Master what happened during this time say Kizuato with a big smile some mischievous also — 17/07/2023 19:17 Your socalled experiments with matings are useless wasting of time. It'll be easier to kill all of them and make their bodies do what I need. Said Stygius, going away from the labs — 17/07/2023 19:20 Hey wait if we make Drago happy... Kizuato is interrupted by Stygius who says (Do a good and unexpected proposal). — 17/07/2023 19:21 Just make Drago alive. Until you won't do it, don't waste my time. I have much more important things to do Said Stygius at last, then he just left the labs — 17/07/2023 19:26 Kizuato says murmuring you really found love won't you? (Add a sudden revelation with that, for Kizuato and Dharak) — 17/07/2023 19:27 (to who this question addressed? — 17/07/2023 19:27 (Stygius — 17/07/2023 19:28 (he left already — 17/07/2023 19:29 (They still can comunicate telepathically — 17/07/2023 19:29 (he'll just ignore him — 17/07/2023 19:30 (Do it pls +) (And why you aren't in the mood now? Just after Drago is happy? — 17/07/2023 19:33 Stygius just replied shortly I don't care, do the things by yourself. But if you'll approach me, you can forget about my assistance once and for all — 17/07/2023 19:34 (Add a sudden revelation, don't be cold pls — 17/07/2023 19:34 (who can Stygius love? — 17/07/2023 19:35 (You never thought about it? — 17/07/2023 19:35 (NO ONE (he's as empty as a nothingness — 17/07/2023 19:37 (Kizuato after so much time together in their relationship of Master and subordinate — 17/07/2023 19:37 (don't you get it? Stygius doesn't care (he's the one who stopped feel anything being an ancient bakugan, more ancient than anyone else (and besides, he has more pupils than just Kizuato — 17/07/2023 19:39 (Who are they those more pupils? — 17/07/2023 19:40 (let's say, they're or created by him bakugans, or very loyal comrades — 17/07/2023 19:40 (It's part of my strategy to have Drago happy again, you'll see soon, as you I have my manners too ^^ — 17/07/2023 19:42 (we'll see — 17/07/2023 19:47 (^^ So Drago what are your deepest feelings since all these madness? Says Kizuato — 17/07/2023 19:49 Loneliness. Said Drago, looking at the wall — 17/07/2023 19:51 What are you desires? — 17/07/2023 19:52 Freedom and leave me alone — 17/07/2023 19:53 And what you'll do after, die alone,what Dan would think? And what about your family with wavern and our new one with Dharak and Helios? — 17/07/2023 19:57 I don't care about them right now... just let me be alone, please... stop making me mate without my wish — 17/07/2023 19:58 This had take long enough so I won't wanted to do it, but it will be fast (Your time ^^ — 17/07/2023 20:10 Hi — 18/07/2023 10:04 Hello Hi — 18/07/2023 10:13 ^^ — 18/07/2023 15:02 boom — 18/07/2023 15:04 Hi Let's go This had take long enough so I won't wanted to do it, but it will be fast (Your time — 18/07/2023 15:12 Hi Hello — 18/07/2023 15:28 Why are you so persistent? Asked him Drago with anger — 18/07/2023 15:30 You agree if me, if wasn't for my persistence my wouldn't save me Kizuato says mounting Drago and with his penis in his anus, injecting a fluid that suddenly mix his appearance between vexos Drago and the original neo dragonoid. In addition to this, opens Drago's minds to a more introspective and reflective side of him not manipulating him or nothing of the genre, showing that what Dharak and Kizuato had done to him was wrong, and it wasn't a choice of any of them to break the family in pieces, with all the sides sad and hoping for a better future together — 18/07/2023 15:38 (I gave my autoreflection here admiting that I trespassed the things with Drago, now can you make Drago reflect and accepted his new family pls (You can continue ^^ — 18/07/2023 15:48 (guess you gave him no choice — 18/07/2023 15:50 (In last case kill Drago and our rp is done — 18/07/2023 15:54 (okay — 18/07/2023 15:54 (Really? — 18/07/2023 15:57 (I guess yes — 18/07/2023 15:58 (You really aren't going to continue our rp? — 18/07/2023 15:59 (to be honest, yes — 18/07/2023 16:02 (Can I know why? I'm getting boring to you? — 18/07/2023 16:06 (I want to rp it in a different way, with not too much porn — 18/07/2023 16:06 (And what about me? — 18/07/2023 16:12 (you're doing this rp in your way — 18/07/2023 16:13 (I know, you want to do one in your way? What the plot would be? Same characters or different ones? — 18/07/2023 16:14 (You're liking until a certain point, at the part of when Drago get raged. 🙂 — 18/07/2023 16:20 . — 18/07/2023 16:21 all what I want is to rp as Drago and Dharak, only these two no matings as crazy, no rapes, no other characters until I say and less matings — 18/07/2023 16:22 Ok ^^. Give me a moment After Stygius had called all the other bakugans to continue his experiments and after all of them let Drago and Dharak alone for a long period, they stayed liked this till a next reunion opportunity after a long time. With Dharak and Drago things were getting better with time, still with all of them as a whole family. In a moment after Drago get out of Stygius base for some days, he continued to stay alone letting himself rest from all those massive revelations in the past years.  As Drago was walking reflecting after all those years, Dharak comes behind him and stab his tail in Drago's core, and do the same with Drago's tail on his own chest, reuniting in the afterlife to redo somethings properly. (Now we can begin our new/continuation of the rp After they are ressurected... When they were resurrected, Drago appeared at the same body in fusion dragonoid, looking around at the empty beach, he didn't remember anything since his death, so he just sat down and looked at the sky With Dharak maintaining his phantom form Come on be happy some times ^^ I joined all in one, so everyone happy. Let's continue — 18/07/2023 18:35 Drago, coming out, was looking around and tried to understand what's going on and why he's here. He tried to remember at least something from the past since his death many years ago — 18/07/2023 18:38 Trying to understand how he get till here he will find dharak, for some explanations — 18/07/2023 18:42 However, Drago didn't remember anything, so he just went through the beach where he was reborn and he was looking for someone who can help him — 18/07/2023 18:50 So he saw a dragon meditating and decided to go there — 18/07/2023 18:50 Coming closer to that dragon, Drago called him out Hey! — 18/07/2023 18:53 Oh hello, how can I help you, he says smiling — 18/07/2023 18:53 Who are you? And what is this place? — 18/07/2023 18:54 (You prefer that I do the revelation now, or we can evolve the talk step by step? — 18/07/2023 18:57 (let's try now — 18/07/2023 18:57 (Ok as you wish ^^ — 18/07/2023 18:58 It's a transition between the life realm and the afterlife But you aren't death Not anymore I'm your brother Phantom Dharak, and I killed you to restart somethings but as you can see still maintaining somethings — 18/07/2023 19:06 (Your time ^^ — 18/07/2023 19:08 Why did you kill me? Asked him Drago, trying to understand what's going on — 18/07/2023 19:13 During our battle after I forced an attack beyond my limits we both get killed, Barodius is dead so don't worry with him, and it's just us both for now (I won't mention the family, neither the matings or you know who, so good for us both yep +) — 18/07/2023 19:21 (Continue ^^ — 18/07/2023 19:21 I... don't remember anything of it... Said Drago with a confused voice — 18/07/2023 19:23 (Until what time can I refresh Drago's memory in your opinion, I say how you too want our rp to walk? (Can you give me new ideas too, equal I saying some new ideas as well? ^^ — 18/07/2023 19:28 (well, I want Dharak to apologize before Drago for that, explain everything and tell about his true feels — 18/07/2023 19:31 (So you want Dharak to really say all that happened, although as I'm anticipating Drago will rage again and we will go back to that part again of him going far from everyone and we having to do all again, so how you will change this part when Dharak get to this point? Be sincerely pls. I want to know all before hand, before we really begin. So we won't have to fight all over again. Got it? 😉 (Ok? — 18/07/2023 19:39 ^^ — 18/07/2023 19:41 (just kiss him, when Drago will feel rage Well Drago we both get killed after that battle and we both ressurected here, this was after I fucked you at my primal and consciousness stage at the same time we both, Wavern, my son Kizuato, Helios, gave birth to our children, and joined with all of that my son was working with a Master called Stygius, he isn't a threat to us, since we had done an agreement of he doesn't hurt our families and we are living together. After all that during our mating you evolved and you raged so I had to explain all my real love to you, you're beginning to accept your new family, although you raged one more time after I joined all the explanations into a big one, so I had to kill us both in a battle to have a better talk. After that Dharak tongue kiss Drago in his mouth deep (Your time — 18/07/2023 20:02 When Dharak was explaining everything, Drago was slowly getting shocked and angry for what he did at the same time. But his kiss was so calming that Drago, blushing a lot, kissed Dharak back, giving him tight hugs — 18/07/2023 20:05 While Dharak was kissing Drago he was getting aroused until his penis get out of his sheat — 18/07/2023 20:07 Stopping the kiss, Drago just said I don't understand anything, but, looking at you, Dharak, I want just to kiss you — 18/07/2023 20:08 (Say that he at least understand something, nothing is too much empty for me (You will sleep now? I'm seeing the emoji of the moon in your status indicator — 18/07/2023 20:11 The only thing I got is... you're the one who wants to be with me so much that you've made such an insane thing, Dharak — 18/07/2023 20:13 I know I had mistake with you my brother and king, forgive me, he says kissing him one more time in a deep tongue kissing — 18/07/2023 20:16 When they stopped kissing, Drago licked Dharak and said So you're not only my beloved, but also my brother, right? — 18/07/2023 20:17 Yes, as well your queen/second king, and yes brother and husband (I'm seeing the emoji of the moon in your status indicator (You'll sleep soon? So how much time we have? — 18/07/2023 20:20 Then Drago just lay down before Dharak's feet and asked him Heh, I don't remember was I so soft or not, but let me be your queen a bit — 18/07/2023 20:22 As I say you are the king as well I'm since you, me and Helios can get each other pregnant through our male wombs ^^ — 18/07/2023 20:24 Hm... and Helios is one of the other husbands, right? — 18/07/2023 20:25 Yes, as well Naga too I forgot to mention him and Alpha hydranoid and of course my son kizuato that get me pregnant sometimes, and me let him too. And your wife Wavern And a secret that if I count it wouldn't be good — 18/07/2023 20:27 I must be honest... I still can't remember anyone of them. I can remember only you loved me in the past Stood up Drago and he became sad a bit — 18/07/2023 20:28 (Do you remember that my plan of Stygius I'm still maintaining that plan of a romance with kizuato, ok? Don't be mad, it won't be canonical in your new enemies story I promise ok? As brothers our relationship evolved to unprecedent stages — 18/07/2023 20:29 Please, Dharak... I need only you. Let's just stay here, my big dark brother... — 18/07/2023 20:30 As you wish Drago (Your time ^^ — 18/07/2023 20:32 Then Drago lay down before Dharak's feet and started licking it — 18/07/2023 20:32 (Do you remember that my plan of Stygius I'm still maintaining that plan of a romance with kizuato, ok? Don't be mad, it won't be canonical in your new enemies story I promise ok? — 18/07/2023 20:33 Don't stop please — 18/07/2023 20:33 (just rp further — 18/07/2023 20:33 Say Dharak moaning and roaring louder — 18/07/2023 20:34 Ok after we talk about it ^^ — 18/07/2023 20:34 Hehe, do you like when your feet are shining? Said Drago, licking it more — 18/07/2023 20:35 Hehe I like when other things are wet too, he says smiling mischievous — 18/07/2023 20:36 For example, me, seeing your muscles and your huge dick?~ Said Drago, rubbing Dharak's feet with his cheeks — 18/07/2023 20:36 Yes and our anus and vagina leaking cum too — 18/07/2023 20:38 Drago continued licking Dharak's feet and let his dick get erected from that — 18/07/2023 20:39 Dharak entwined his tail with Drago's and rubbed them in Drago's and Dharak's dick at the same time — 18/07/2023 20:41 Noticing that, Drago just lay closer to Dharak, grabbed his hand, then their dicks and began fapping it, doing it together Ah, brother... you have big hands and dick... — 18/07/2023 20:42 I know brother, he says it as he continued with their both tails entwined in their dicks. You like of tail sex? — 18/07/2023 20:43 Mmh... not really... just let's use our hands first... — 18/07/2023 20:44 Ok, he still maintain their tail in their dicks Dharak still maintain their tails entwined in their dicks — 19/07/2023 10:21 (Your time ^^ — 19/07/2023 10:27 Drago moaned soft and he kissed Dharak in lips again — 19/07/2023 10:39 Dharak kiss Drago again, while he positions himself on all fours Drago was losing the battle at the moment, with a shock of the electrified Dharak's tail in his head during a mistake moment during the battle he let the tail hit him and start to 'open' his mind. — 23/08/2023 10:45 Screaming from pain, Drago grabbed Dharak's tail and, standing up, tried to hit him with a fist in his stomach. But this punch was so weak that would make him laugh — 23/08/2023 10:48 Drago was so off of the situation of the battle, just thinking in a way to do his new and sudden movement. So dharak just entwined his tail in drago's hindquarters and launched him in the air, after he falls straight in the ground (I have a way to do this, like a comission I asked a friend of mine to do for me, and that I added in my story, I think you'll remember, of this part of mour first rp, where I put some vore to do the fusions, so that's why I'm asking you right now. Can I put the vore to do the merge? Drago was so off of the situation of the battle, just thinking in a way to do his new and sudden movement. So dharak just entwined his tail in drago's hindquarters and launched him in the air, after he falls straight in the ground Landing on the ground, Drago got another hit that he's getting worse and he's almost done. So he just collapsed and tried to get up on his feet Drago was still recovering from the impact when he feels the ground shaking announcing Dharak's arrival — 23/08/2023 11:03 When he saw Dharak's feet, Drago slowly stood up, with heavy pants looking at him You know... even if I lose, I'll die as a warrior... — 23/08/2023 11:05 Dharak says: Actually you're the warrior I need now! (He say opening his jaws — 23/08/2023 11:05 What?.. Asked him Drago confused — 23/08/2023 11:09 Dharak lowered himself on all fours, and said reaching Drago's ears: It's time Drago, I don't hit you for nothing, I seeing that Dan is in coma after crying thinking you're dead, and Barodius is laughing like no morning ahead. So are you read for our little show? It won't be funny for us both, but you thank me after. — 23/08/2023 11:12 Drago didn't understand what Dharak is planning to do and why he's actually offering such an unusual thing. Then he asked What are you planning to do?.. — 23/08/2023 11:13 Dharak says: You'll see when I finish, although you want the explanation now or after? — 23/08/2023 11:14 Tell me now... I don't understand anything... Dharak: The thruth is that I'm fucking tired of this War and as a pup of him I don't want to live as this anymore, I just want to be with you and our family (this part of the family even as we're doing a reboot right now, I'm maintaing all of them even from the matings above), the only way to kill Barodius is if I merge with you but not only our powers, our bodies too. — 23/08/2023 11:20 Then Drago replied to him, no matter that he still had doubts If it's truth and you won't harm anyone else... then I'm gonna help you. What do I need to do? — 23/08/2023 11:22 Dharak says: To be really direct with you I need to merge my body with yours, through me voring you. — 23/08/2023 11:25 Voring? Are you joking?! — 23/08/2023 11:27 Dharak says: To be honest you know to that's the most efficient way to absorb powers. (Put that Drago obviously know this) — 23/08/2023 11:29 Hmh... I see... alright, let's do this. But don't touch anyone else! Said Drago, letting Dharak to make a merge with him — 23/08/2023 11:29 Dharak says: We have a deal my brother. Get close to me please. — 23/08/2023 11:30 Slowly standing up, Drago just got to Dharak as close as he can and prepared for the merge — 23/08/2023 11:31 Dharak extends his wings and envelops Drago, creating a kind of cocoon and primitive chamber with his own body. As he entwined his tail with Drago's too Do the same Drago, says Dharak to him — 23/08/2023 11:36 Nodding to him, Drago just hugged Dharak and covered him with his wings, making a fusion to stop this war — 23/08/2023 11:39 Dharak then kiss Drago's lips with a deep tongue kissing, when he opens his jaws to the maximum and begins to vore Drago's body, beginning by his head, at the moment his head reach Dharak's neck, the protuded horn in Drago's face also appears slowing coming from Dharak's face. As he reach Drago's horns those same horns and spines covering Drago's back down to his tail appears in Dharak's body... (I'll continue just putting part by part to no be to long — 23/08/2023 11:42 All what could do Drago is just to trust Dharak and let him finish this merge, not only giving him the same view, but also a power of the Perfect Core and the stone appeared on Dharak's chest. And Dharak's body was becoming more athletic, but at the same time his muscles were growing and his scales were half red and half purple, just what happened to his spikes, but there were purple ones and gold ones — 23/08/2023 11:43 (Put some other parts you too equal you had done in storys, since mine are more detailed, but I want your contribution too (Your time ^^ — 23/08/2023 11:45 (there we go — 23/08/2023 11:46 (Thanks As dharak was transforming in a mixture of his and his brother's body, he also had access to his mind, so he picked up his most powerful conjunction and remodelate his body to the appearance of neo dragonoid merged with phantom dharak, and his own previous form before the forced evolution, as Drago was now being vored now by his hindquarters, the hips guards laminated appeared in own Dharak's legs, after his own leaf shaped retract inwards his own body, to come back above the new addition of Drago's body in Dharak's own legs (Your time ^^ — 23/08/2023 11:54 🙂 — 23/08/2023 11:57 However, Drago felt himself very strange in this moment, because he never did a merge with someone. So he warned Dharak, while he was trying to move with hands or legs So... is this how merge works? I must say this is my first time, so don't be surprised that I'll work slow — 23/08/2023 11:59 I'm seeing this my brother, continue to relax please, say Dharak, as Drago's body was arriving in his rump and hindquarters. — 23/08/2023 12:02 And, turning his head around, he noticed his reflection where was red and purple dragon with the ruby and emerald eyes. A perfect merge of Drago and Dharak, then also trying to relax more Will you help me? I still can't fight too much because of this final battle — 23/08/2023 12:05 Dharak say: You don't need to fight your instincts Drago just let me do the work for now. As he arrives in Drago's rump, Dharak clunches and growls his teeth in some pain as his anus were opening in two to form a vagina from Drago herm form, as an addition of a second tail coming out of Dharak's rump. (Your time ^^ add more merging details on your side too — 23/08/2023 12:12 And also the merged Drago had a golden horn as Drago had, and muscles on this body kept growing up more, so Drago/Dharak were feeling a lot of mixed powers — 23/08/2023 12:13 (Change your part as I didn't finish the merge ok. — 23/08/2023 12:14 (which moment? — 23/08/2023 12:15 (Your last comment, where Drago falls on the ground since he is still inside Dharak reaching his rimp, hindquarters and tail — 23/08/2023 12:16 (there you go — 23/08/2023 12:17 (And you give me an idea do a second joined in drago's body, you can follow my parts too, example as Dharak was pistoning drago's tail out of his anus, drago's doing the same with Dharak's own tail too — 23/08/2023 12:17 (Thanks — 23/08/2023 12:18 I'll let this part for you, think as two joined merges in one ok. (Go ahead do a double merge ^^ (Still Following the same body structure but you're free to detailed whatever part you want ^^ 🙂 Dharak say: You don't need to fight your instincts Drago just let me do the work for now. As he arrives in Drago's rump, Dharak clunches and growls his teeth in some pain as his anus were opening in two to form a vagina from Drago herm form, as an addition of a second tail coming out of Dharak's rump. So Drago wanting to have some fun... — 23/08/2023 12:23 (Ihm... I don't have ideas for that — 23/08/2023 12:24 (Follow my parts or do equal your merged part in your stories — 23/08/2023 12:27 Soon Dharak noticed how his armor was covering in a gold at half as well and his head was slowly changing on Drago's forms, too. As Dharak noticed, the dick became golden and purple as well, but also there was Dharak's width and Drago's length (is it over? (I really don't have ideas and wish to rp vore — 23/08/2023 12:28 (Just give one more try like your stories merge parts. I'll do the rest don't worry ^^ — 23/08/2023 12:29 (and what do you need? — 23/08/2023 12:32 (The tail and genitals part ^^, for Drago you can do equal as in your story example: as Drago and dharak merges he was now with tail of helios, rump of naga, eyes and claws of wavern, that way. I'm doing the more detailed and longer parts ^^ — 23/08/2023 12:32 (hmm... (her e — 23/08/2023 12:34 (^^ go ahead as I said — 23/08/2023 12:34 (I did — 23/08/2023 12:34 What? — 23/08/2023 12:34 (added the last post — 23/08/2023 12:35 (Ok, and the other part like the tail we can do this last part together — 23/08/2023 12:35 (then it's your turn — 23/08/2023 12:36 As he arrives in Drago's rump, Dharak clunches and growls his teeth in some pain as his anus were opening in two to form a vagina from Drago herm form, as an addition of a second tail coming out of Dharak's rump. (Your turn The second tail was the red one with pyrus symbol on its end. which means it belongs to Drago. The red and gold tail growned up and Drago was already in Dharak's body, making a full merge — 23/08/2023 12:39 As the second tail was coming out Dharak's rump, his anus was finishing his change with Drago's vagina... (do drago absorb Dharak's anus too), and were done with the merged part for only by now. — 23/08/2023 12:40 (how? — 23/08/2023 12:41 (The rump and tail was being absorbed, just absorb the anus and vagina too and make them appear in each other — 23/08/2023 12:42 (what the... (don't understand this mutating thing — 23/08/2023 12:42 (The tail hadn't just appeared in dharak...? — 23/08/2023 12:43 (argh, I'll just write it and let's finish the transformation And the last thing was Drago, absorbing Dharak's anus and vagina, appearing in each other, so the merge was finally done With dharak finally merged with drago, he was going with Barodius to get code eve, as an ambush from dharak against Barodius — 23/08/2023 12:49 Drago, seeing all of it, only said Tell me, when will you attack Barodius? We must stop it as fast as we can — 23/08/2023 12:50 Attack him now you be idiot and patethic, we need to take him unnoticed and when he last expect — 23/08/2023 12:51 Just don't miss this moment, please... Said to him Drago, waiting for that — 23/08/2023 12:51 I won't my brother As dharak approaches the code eve orb, he starts to absorb his powers, having by the new flux of powers awakened silent naga, wavern and viper helios, and Kizuato as he vore them all too, and 4 more tails pistoning out Dharak's anus, and 6 more heads growing from his shoulder laser blades, that closed themselves to form those new heads as they divide themselves, and creates those new mentioned heads too. As dharak approaches the code eve orb, he starts to absorb his powers, having by the new flux of powers awakened silent naga, wavern and viper helios, alpha hydranoid, dark Angel (Darkana), Crysalix and leonidas, and Kizuato as he vore them all too, in the dame he just had done with drago, some minutes ago, and 8 more tails pistoning out Dharak's anus, and 10 more heads growing from his shoulder laser blades, that closed themselves to form those new heads as they divide themselves, and creates those new mentioned heads too. Drago didn't understand what's going on, so he just felt another portion of pain from which he was screaming and couldn't even think — 23/08/2023 13:10 As Drago was in pain from the new influx of powers and new bakugans, dharak told him to relax — 23/08/2023 13:11 But it was impossible, so he just kept screaming, feeling how the muscles were like blowing up inside him because of another transformation — 23/08/2023 13:12 As he and the other bakugans senses each other's transformation in each other's bodies, as well the main one, dharak As dharak was still absorbing the powers of the sacred orb, he stabs all his tails in Barodius heart, after as he vores him, finally ending the Gundalian and Neathia War As dharak ended the war... Drago... — 23/08/2023 13:48 Drago was shocked by what happened, he even was separated from Dharak's body because of that heavy load of Code Eve's power. Just sitting on the ground, he was caughing and recovering his breathing Drago was shocked by what happened, he even was separated from Dharak's body because of that heavy load of Code Eve's power. Just sitting on the ground, he was caughing and recovering his breathing As Dharak has sensed Drago's separation of their merged bodies, he notice that he and drago are still with each other's combinations, even now separated. Looking at Dharak, then on himself, Drago tried to understand what happened and with a shock on his face asked Why... why I'm still in this form?.. We'll always be connected even as he were separated. I see that you're horny. Looking at Dharak, then on himself, Drago tried to understand what happened and with a shock on his face asked Why... why I'm still in this form?.. We'll always be connected even as he were separated. I see that you're horny — 31/08/2023 12:22 (is it really necessary? — 31/08/2023 12:26 (Yes, for our rp and my story, that as I said more above, 1 I don't want to extend those dialogues till we both get tired and fight. 2 I want to join in my story — 31/08/2023 12:33 (Ok? — 31/08/2023 12:35 (I don't think I can help you with your story — 31/08/2023 12:37 (The story is still in the base of our rps (Ok? (Can we continue our rp? ^^ (^^ — 31/08/2023 12:48 (Hi (Are you there? — 31/08/2023 13:00 (Hey... ^^ — 31/08/2023 13:49 (I'm thinking — 31/08/2023 13:50 (Ok... — 31/08/2023 13:57 (^^ — 31/08/2023 14:01 (anyway, if you want it so much, fine. but there's another question; are you planning to include Stygius's child as well? — 31/08/2023 14:02 (Yes, and as the one of the weakest Alright (So you will join me? — 31/08/2023 14:03 (and he's mine — 31/08/2023 14:03 (Ok — 31/08/2023 14:03 (I'll continue rp — 31/08/2023 14:03 (Thanks Kiss me... This will activate your long memories... — 31/08/2023 14:04 Hm? Long memories? What are you talking about? — 31/08/2023 14:06 Well, my son, me, and the other dragons that you had know have mated with you. And we all get pregnant from each other — 31/08/2023 14:07 Do I really need to bring back to it? What if I'll lose Dan and my whole past life?.. — 31/08/2023 14:11 And how many times I said that you and my son can lige their lifes as they are right now, just don't interfere with the Master and it will be alright — 31/08/2023 14:11 And who is this "Master"? — 31/08/2023 14:13 You really want me to take you there? — 31/08/2023 14:14 I just want to know will be everything alright and who is this "Master" you're so scared of him. Nothing else — 31/08/2023 14:17 I'm not scared of him, it's just we don't see each other so much — 31/08/2023 14:18 Fine... I'll do it. But only to find out who is it — 31/08/2023 14:19 Ok, so follow me... He says flying again — 31/08/2023 14:28 Then Drago without words followed Dharak — 31/08/2023 14:29 After 4 hours of flight they finally arrived in stygius quarters — 31/08/2023 14:36 But there was no one and all what Drago felt is an ice cold in his soul, saying Uh... we better leave this place out... — 31/08/2023 14:40 (Just skip this part with Drago of the kill and ressurection of both dragons since although this is a 'new' beginning in our continuation of our rp, I don't want to redo and explain the part of death again — 31/08/2023 14:40 Let's get out of here, Dharak... Said Drago, grabbing Dharak for his hand and going away (and which voice is this? — 31/08/2023 14:40 (Let's maintain as fine, as both are ressurected and it's ok ^^ — 31/08/2023 14:40 Stygius — 31/08/2023 14:41 I told you to not rp as Stygius he's only mine — 31/08/2023 14:41 Ok so you continue from this part ok? — 31/08/2023 14:42 then delete your last post — 31/08/2023 14:43 I want to maintain as it's linked with our last rp as a continuous story — 31/08/2023 14:44 delete your post with Stygius's respond — 31/08/2023 14:44 So how we're going to maintain what is said? — 31/08/2023 14:48 delete this one and I'll write my own post — 31/08/2023 14:48 Maintain what is said please — 31/08/2023 14:49 I won't maintain for what Stygius wouldn't say in my style — 31/08/2023 14:50 So put it in your form — 31/08/2023 14:52 Oh? So that brave little dragon preferred to break our deal? The cold voice made Drago and Dharak feel an unusual fear which was making them to get out, about what Drago said Forget about it... let's run away! — 31/08/2023 14:52 (Want to me to rage? — 31/08/2023 14:53 (I'm not in a mood for that (if you'll insist, I won't hold back — 31/08/2023 14:55 (I just wanted to maintain a timeline, but you want to change it with your dark voice of Stygius, the deal is still VALID understand that, I'm just coming back to him, WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. — 31/08/2023 14:56 (the deal was simple: if Kizuato and his husbands won't try to find Stygius, everything will be fine (what's your fucking problem to stop Drago in time when he wanted to find out who is Stygius? — 31/08/2023 15:01 (The deal was still valid... no interference in his works, just a mere fucking visit, equal that one above where all the bakugans, viper helios, leonidas, drago, dharak, naga, wavern, alpha hydranoid were all inside stygius's base talking friendly... After that to reset the memory of Drago, Dharak had to killed both, now after that with all progressing to an agreement of everyone well together, you decided to reboot the part back to Barodius death after Drago's and Dharak's fight, I agreed and now I had come back to that exactly same point, where everyone get reunited again. But you aren't letting me proceed. — 31/08/2023 15:03 (what am I not letting you to proceed? what are you planning? (you said with the kiss Drago will restore his memory, but you've agreed to show him Stygius's place for..? (and besides, I wasn't planning to add the previous rps to this one, but because of your persistance you've added it (none of the damn logic! — 31/08/2023 15:07 (You wanting it or not all those things are still valid... — 31/08/2023 15:09 (let me remind you the conditions of that deal between Stygius and Kizuato; Kizuato can live with the babies from all of those merges, even one from Stygius, but in exchange don't interfere or try to find Stygius anywhere. so Dharak, who knows somehow about Stygius's hideout, came to him and violated the deal (and I don't understand why didn't you stop Drago or kiss him to unblock all of his memories (ah, about reboot: when I said I want to rp for Drago and Dharak, I meant to not include the previous rps — 31/08/2023 15:16 1 I know about the deal I didn't forget instantaneously. 2 Let me arrive in stygius base so I can explain why I had done this 3 my point is still valid, it's all a big one shot sequence — 31/08/2023 15:19 (then what the fuck you forget in Stygius's hideout? — 31/08/2023 15:20 (Can I continue to show to you? — 31/08/2023 15:21 (if you won't take Stygius in your own — 31/08/2023 15:21 (Thanks, you can do him, and at the same time invite for a tea and conversation ok? — 31/08/2023 15:22 (no — 31/08/2023 15:23 (Ok As dharak and drago approached Stygius's base, he contacted his master telepathically — 31/08/2023 15:25 (I said "no" and you stepped in his base — 31/08/2023 15:26 (So put stygius out of the base and let's talk — 31/08/2023 15:28 (he isn't in the base (it's his shield to not let intruders to come in — 31/08/2023 15:29 (Ok so introduce him please — 31/08/2023 15:33 (for what? — 31/08/2023 15:34 (For me to talk with him about why I had broken the deal — 31/08/2023 15:34 (he warned Kizuato that violation of the deal means to be killed — 31/08/2023 15:35 (I know, let at least he talks — 31/08/2023 15:40 (the conversation won't be too long — 31/08/2023 15:41 (Ok — 31/08/2023 15:43 Then Dharak and Drago heard that voice once again And what you two forgot in my place? To which Drago said Uh... first of all, who are you? To which he has no respond what was even scary a bit for Drago — 31/08/2023 15:48 He's the Master of my son, we just wanted to know how kizuato was, and our joined children that he had made with you. The others are well too, thanks. As for the other bakugans I know that they too have regularly passed through here too. — 31/08/2023 15:53 He's not here, look for New Vestroia. I bet you can find there something else. Now leave before I lose my patience... heheh. Then Drago preferred to leave the base, saying Alright... let's get out of here, Dharak... — 31/08/2023 15:55 I know, like the others bakugans, you, him, me and my son are on there missions, we'll talk again don't worry, so just say in which part our joined children are and where Kizuato's too. — 31/08/2023 15:56 In the New Vestroia you'll learn the answer. Leave for 5 seconds before I'll kill you Said to him more cold and evil voice, warning Dharak to go away — 31/08/2023 15:58 If he isn't there, we'll see each other again master. He says going away in 4 seconds — 31/08/2023 16:00 Never, or you'll be dead. Added Stygius in the end, so Drago just ran away from that place — 31/08/2023 16:01 Hey Drago stay calm please... we're out now ok — 31/08/2023 16:03 No! This is... something what we can't handle!! — 31/08/2023 16:05 We know now where my son is... — 31/08/2023 16:10 So you can find him and don't come here anymore... just not to see THAT... — 31/08/2023 16:12 It's has better days with him since that deal — 31/08/2023 16:18 Don't come to him! Yelled at him Drago Don't go back to him, do you hear me?!  Drago kissed Dharak in lips, but he said I just wanna say one thing; losing to you, I lost my title of the strongest bakugan to you... will you be my strongest bakugan? — 31/08/2023 20:38 Yes I will — 31/08/2023 20:40 Please, accept me not as your trophy slave for winning, but as your wife Then Drago hugged Dharak tight and kept kissing him in lips — 31/08/2023 20:41 (if you keep making me to do as you want about Stygius, rp vore with me and adding another child from Stygius, using Stygius in your stories... that all I will do, but as we agreed above we will continue our rp. ^^ as you said okay and I said thanks for understanding me. ^^ — 31/08/2023 20:42 I accept you my brother and husband They entwined their tails too — 31/08/2023 20:43 (okay. My darkus brother... Said Drago and then began licking him Drago sensed Dharak's getting aroused... (put your part and you can slepp. Mmh... Dharak? Looked at him Drago Dharak kiss Drago in the lips, getting aroused too and starting to penetrate his brother. — 17/09/2023 03:35 WWait! Drago stopped him in one moment, putting his hands on Dharak's chest — 17/09/2023 03:36 Want to go more slow? Said Dharak stopping kissing Yes... be gentle After this Drago hugged Dharak with his hands and legs, letting the darkus one to continue — 17/09/2023 03:43 Wrapped by drago, Dharak begin to slowly insert his double penis, in drago's vagina and anus, while hugging him too with his hands and legs, entwining the tails, and doing a coccoon with his wings — 17/09/2023 03:45 While they were breeding, Drago noticed how cute Dharak can be when he's kind and so... close. Then Drago began kissing with Dharak, using his tongue to make their kiss hotter — 17/09/2023 03:47 Dharak too go deeper in his tongue kiss in Drago's lips, escalating the thrusts with all the love he feels for his pyrus brother. (^^ Drago kept kissing his darkus brother and, feeling the incoming orgasm, he began making his caressings and kissing more sweet and soft — 17/09/2023 04:02 Dharak keep increasingly getting more and more fast in both Drago's vagina and anus until, he puts the knot inside his brother, and cums inside, while in a powerful flowing, Dharak undo the coccoon, and reposition himself to get in the asstoass position with their tails still entwining with their vaginas and anuses touching Dharak keep increasingly getting more and more fast in both Drago's vagina and anus until, he puts the knot inside his brother, and cums inside, while in a powerful flowing, Dharak undo the coccoon, and reposition himself to get in the asstoass position with their tails still entwining with their vaginas and anuses touching — 17/09/2023 04:14 After one minute of intense pushes Drago felt an orgasm and how his dick was cumming, making a mess. So he just lay down on the ground, releasing Dharak from his hugs and said through panting Mmh... alright... that was nice, Dharaky... — 17/09/2023 04:16 Hehe, are you feeling more then well my brother, since even by the mess we're doing now, I have remanaged your double penis in my anus and vagina too.] Of course my brother, it would be a long time for us both to free each other's penises, so don't care to stay in this position on all fours? Dharak said with a tenre smile although still with a mischievous grin — 17/09/2023 04:24 No, that would be too uncomfortable... Replied Drago, lying down on the ground, he began closing his eyes — 17/09/2023 04:25 Good dreams my brother, Dharak too close his eyes Next morning: Dharak slowly opens his eyes, feeling immediately that his double penis are still stuck firmly inside his brother's vagina and anus, the same for his brother's double penis in his own genitals, after Dharak and Drago have come back from their recent mating, Stygius finnaly accepted that he would finally bear a child from Kizuato himself, still with the first condition of the first child between him and Kizuato that those children would be the weakest of all of them, to not be a threath to Stygius own business. 20 years after Kizuato's departure, although with him knowing that Stygius was with their agreement valid for all their lifes, the purple and dark dragon was now living in peace in Bakugan City in New Vestroia, having his uncle Drago and his father Phantom Dharak as the kings of this realm/city. The love flourished for Kizuato again after he mated with Saphir, daughter of Drago and Wavern, which Helios and Dharak agreed to let both the original Perfect Cores of New Vestroia, have their own love moment, and from the mating of Saphir and Kizuato borned Aurora, who was a red wine color female Dragonoid with a mixture of both parents, and too Kizuato after a successfull auto-induced pregnancy since he was a hermaphrodite, was born a male Dharaknoid named Asriel. Drago and Wavern had too one more child named Dargo. And 5 more years later, Drago and Helios had more 5 children named, Sasha, Ichigo, Coco, Erigor and Drael. With Kizuato ending his flashback he told Ilia about another recent mating he had with another friends of him too: Drake and Kizuato (after Kizuato finding about their old friends visiting him): All the characters have consensual encounters, with all being over 16 years old and above. Drake and Kizuato chapter 1: With another school week having come to an end, Drake, Jake, Alex, Crystal, Sean, and Sean's younger brother with 17 years old, Tim were ready to begin their weekend at the house of the Flamel family. The five teenagers had planned a get together after school where they would play a new game that Jake had just bought, a game that was based off a favorite anime of the six kids: Conqueror's Gun, and since Lucas wouldn't be able to pick up either Sean or Tim for at least another two hours, the group figured this would give them ample time to try out this new game and determine if they would want to buy it eventually. Once they were about halfway home, Drake yawned loudly. He rubbed his eyes with his index fingers before yawning again shortly after. "Aw, man, it's so much easier to fly home or get a ride or somethin'..." the half-dragon teen complained. "No kidding," agreed Jake. "We go straight from taking the rail train, taking a bus, and we've still got a ways to go." "It's not any easier for us, you know," said Crystal. "Half of us here don't have wings like the other half." "That's true," Drake said. Looking at Alex, Drake noticed that his adopted older brother was starting to look sluggish as well. Alex was walking ahead of the group though with how long they had been walking for, he was beginning to slow down just like his friends and younger brothers. Alex didn't have his driver's license yet. In fact, he hadn't even attempted to get his permit despite being old enough to drive which none of the rest of them were. Tim was only nine-years-old and Drake, Jake, and their friends would have to wait another year before they could try and get their licenses. Not that they themselves were in any particular hurry to drive given how rough traffic could get, but they still felt it would benefit them to be able to have a license, especially in situations such as this where they wouldn't be able to fly home as they normally would. "Hey, Alex?" Drake asked in an exhausted tone. "What's up, Drakon?" asked Alex as he swung around, walking backwards for a few feet and getting a good look at Drake before swinging back around and walking normally. "Do you plan to get your license eventually?" asked Drake. "Yes, I plan to get it eventually," said Alex in an annoyed tone. "Could you do it soon? Then we can just drive home after school and we don't have to walk too far?" whined Drake who was sounding more and more exhausted. "Geez, Drake," said Sean. "I thought dragons were supposed to be tough. Aren't you a half-dragon after all?" "Yeah, but I'm also half-human, remember, Sean? My body still gets tired like a human's since it is mostly human," Drake testified. "Right, Jake? Alex?" Jake and Alex giggled. "Sorry, Drake, you're on your own for this," said Jake, grinning at Drake. "Yep. It's all you, Drakon," Alex teased. "Oh, c'mon, you guys! Team Half-Dragon? No?" said Drake, looking around at his fellow human/dragon hybrids. Both Jake and Alex shook their heads. Drake groaned. "Great. Abandoned by my own species. My own brothers," Drake said sarcastically. Jake, Alex, Sean, Crystal, and Tim all enjoyed a soft, quick laugh, and while Drake sulked for about three seconds, eventually, he too found himself joining in. As he enjoyed laughing with his closest friends, he nearly forgot about how tired he was. The only things serving as a reminder being how sore his legs felt and the glistening sweat that ran down his face, some of which he found getting into his eyes which he ran the palm of his hand over to wipe the sweat from. After wiping the perspiration from his eyes, Drake glanced around at Alex and Jake, a plan forming in his mind. He couldn't allow this betrayal he had just experienced go unpunished and so, with Alex and Jake focused on walking, Drake was ready to put his plan into motion. He snickered under his breath, holding his middle and index fingers as well as his thumbs up against his torso, a devilish grin on his face. Slowly, Drake turned to look at Jake. His grin growing wider, he reached over and pinched Jake's arm. "Ow!" exclaimed Jake, rubbing the area on his arm that Drake had pinched. "Conqueor's Pinch!" said Drake as he ran past, making a pun on the anime Conqueor's Gun. Before Alex could respond, he found himself pinched by Drake as well. "Yeow!" cried Alex. "ZenoPinch Stories!" Drake said as he darted past Alex, this time making a pun on the game series ZenoSword Stories. "Hey, get back here, Drake!" Alex demanded. "C'mon, Jake! Let's get 'im!" "Yeah!" agreed Jake. Payback time!" The fully human members of the group watched as the two half-dragon brothers chased after their third brother, catching up to him at the street corner. Alex grabbed Drake by the back of the shirt as Jake came up to Drake and prepared to give Drake a pinching he wouldn't soon forget. Crystal, not wanting to miss an opportunity to have something to tease her friends with, reached into her pants pocket and pulled out her phone. She quickly punched in her password and went to the camera app. An "ow!" was emitted by Drake as Jake pinched his brother's right arm. As he got ready to give Drake another pinching, Crystal began recording the three half-dragons, Sean and Tim gathering around her as they watched from her phone as Jake pinched Drake again. "Welcome back to another episode of 'Half-Dragons: Just Like Us...Only More Dragony'. I'm your host, Crystal Silvers and today we observe the half-dragon in his natural habitat: middle class suburbia. To a half-dragon, brotherhood and loyalty are concepts that are just as important to them as they are to a full human or dragon. Watch what happens when one half-dragon who tried to pay back his brothers for not taking his side in an arguement is forced to undergo the same punishment he had inflicted onto them," Crystal narrated in a soft, Australian voice. She zoomed her camera in as Alex got a turn in pinching Drake. Drake laughed, let out another "ow!" and demanded that his adopted brothers quit it, attesting that he had gotten the point. "Well, actually, you got the pinch, Drake," teased Jake. "Oh, ha! Ha! Ha!" Drake replied sarcastically as he rubbed the areas on his arms that had been pinched by Alex and Jake. "Truly a breathtaking sight. No longer able to withstand the barrage of pinches, the half-dragon who was on the receiving end surrenders to his brothers, defeated, drained, and no doubt sore from being pinched all over his arms. This brings this episode of 'Half-Dragons: Just Like Us...Only More Dragony to a close. G'night, everybody," Crystal concluded her short documentary, ending the recording and saving it to her phone. The fully human members of the group ran over to the ones who were half-human. Though finished with her "documentary", Crystal still held her phone up in front of herself as though she was still filming her friends. "Aaaaaaand cut, aaaaaaaaand scene! Nicely done, crew!" said Crystal, slipping her phone back into her pocker. Drake, Jake, and Alex stopped messing with one another and glanced towards Crystal, Sean, and Tim. "Did you just film another half-dragon documentary?" Drake asked. "What does that make now, five episodes?" "Uh, about two or three," Crystal answered. "I mean, hey, if we want people to know about half-dragons, this is a good place to start." The three half-dragons looked at Crystal with blank expressions on their faces. "By filming us...pinching each other?" Alex asked confusedly. "Why not? It helps to show humans and dragons that you're people just like them," Crystal testified. "Yeah, but...us pinching one another?" Jake asked. "Hey, I bet your parents are probably home right now. Didn't you say your dad was going to pick up your mom from work, Drake?" asked Crystal. "Umm...yeah, but that–" "Well, then we should get going. They'll be wondering where we are if we take any longer," declared Crystal as she marched ahead of her friends. The six continued down the street, making their way to the Flamel household. Drake asked Crystal to please not put that video online, to which Crystal declared she made no promises. The half-dragon brothers sighed, fearing she would hold that over them should she choose to. Continuing along their path, they eventually made it to the block that the Flamel family lived on: Anglewood Boulevard. It was a quaint little neighborhood where the unusual yet loving family lived in their cream colored two story house which was the fourth house down on the right side of the street. A white picket fence surrounded the family's front lawn with a walkway that led up fifteen feet to the house. Coming up to the house, the six kids saw Titus and Sarah standing by the former's car and talking with one of their neighbors: a twenty-three year old young adult male by the name of Andrew. He was a tall man with black hair and brown eyes. "Mom! Dad!" Drake called out to his parents as he approached. Titus, Sarah, and Andrew all looked over at the six kids who were coming up to them. The mother and father of Drake, Jake, and Alex smiled warmly at their children and their friends as Crystal, Sean, and Tim greeted them. "Hey, you guys," Titus said. "We were just shooting the breeze with Andrew." "Hey, Andrew. Been a while. What's up?" Drake asked, grinning widely as he walked up to the twenty-something, holding his fist out. "Not much, kid. How've you guys been?" Andrew asked as he and Drake bumped fists. "Not bad. Just hanging out, school stuff, gaming, watching movies and anime. You know," Drake said. "The teenage life," said Andrew. "Hasn't been that long and I already miss it." Andrew was one of the Flamel family's next door neighbors. He had lived on Anglewood for about the same amount of time that the Flamels had and in that time, he had become close to them. When he was a teenager himself, Andrew would often look after Drake for Titus and Sarah whenever they had errands to run or urgent matters to attend to that Drake wouldn't be able to be a part of. As Andrew would continue to babysit Drake and on occasion, Sean and Crystal, he would become closer to the half-dragon boy, his family, and his friends, even becoming someone Drake looked at as a big brother figure. But then, after Andrew graduated from high school, Drake would end up seeing less and less of him as he worked to earn enough money to attend college. Because Andrew stayed on campus, he wouldn't often come around the neighborhood except for rare instances such as if he needed to help his mom with anything or if he had off. But one day while chatting with his friends and Jake, Drake hears the doorbell ringing. Drake goes towards the door, and opens it to see the incoming visit. "Hello, Drake! It has been a long time since we last saw each other!," said Andrew. "Yes, it has! How are you?," said Drake. "I'm fine, and I want to show you something! You and your friends can come to my home, the back garden there is bigger than yours!?," said Andrew. "Of course! Give me a minute please!," said Drake. "Ok my friend!," said Andrew while waiting for Drake and his friends to come. Right after Andrew, Drake and their friends arrive at Andrew's house, they go to the garden behind the house, where Andrew tells everyone: "Okay, I know Drake and Jake are half-dragons, I'd like to show them my dragon form too!" "Go ahead Andrew," Drake and Jake say at the same time. Then Andrew begins to undress, leaving only his underwear, and thus begins his transformation. Andrew's body starts to grow, then his little finger melted back into his hand, the purple and black scales that covered his hand, now reached his shoulder and started to move down towards his feet as they covered his chest in a slightly darker color scale, so you feel a bulge growing in your underwear. The underwear begins to tear only at the back, and a huge hole appears, with a gigantic tail, but the underwear stays intact. When the purple and black scales reached my feet they and my leg started to change digitigrade posture. I saw my fingernails and toenails turn white as they lengthened and sharpened into claws, as giant wings grew from my back. Scales began to cover my face and it seemed to be pulling my face outwards in the shape of a snout as two giant, purple horns grew from the top of my forehead. Andrew had turned into Kizuato. Kizuato, then summons a version of neo dragonoid and phantom dharak, and also controls them to merge with him. Kizuato now spawns with 3 tails (kizuato, drago, and dharak), the 4 heads of all dragons, 3 pairs of wings of the 3 bakugans and the body divided into sections: chest of dragon, torso of dharak, and part of the waist of kizuato. He also summons wavern, viper helios and silent naga to his body as well and their bodies merge with his with the same attributes (adding his crotch and torso helios and naga, and my chest wavern), with the 3 more heads of all the 3 dragons and their tails as well. Then other transformations started to appear in his body. He soon rose past the 100' marker, before other things about him changed as well: his frame became ever so slightly wider, and his comparatively short arms extended and thickened to take on a more humanoid look, while retaining the claws and superficial blue plating. Those same arms then proceeded to swell and thicken, rapidly filling out with brawn that seemed to come out of nowhere. All the while he moaned and chuckled in intoxication. His chest beefed up, the green v-shaped visor-like structure on top of it got pushed outward by his developing pecs. The dragon's eyes glowed a sick shade of royal purple. He stopped soon after at 150' tall. The golden spines along his hide, including his horn, retracted inward, while he seemed to grow once more, from 150' tall to 165' tall. The golden spines that had vanished from Drago teethed out of his own backside, and a third golden horn appeared between his original pair. And more changes occurred: the vaguely wing-shaped structures on his upper back started to lengthen and mutate to the sound of bones popping and reshaping: dark blue webbing came to be. Those were wings he was growing, moulded after Drago's wings. They went on to expand until they measured one and a half times their owner's height, which again surged to 180'. The dark Bakugan roared, his purple aura flaring with more violence, purple arcs of energy crackling around his form. He grew again, passing 200' in height, gaining a second tail, with a tree-pronged barb on its tip. The leaf-shaped blades on his thighs retracted, allowing a pair of armored hip guards to grow out, and then reappear, sharper than before on top of those armor plates. He roared, and perhaps involuntarily firing out a column of fire in ecstatic rapture. Dharak blinked once but immediately afterwards he roared again, the energy arcing around him began to flash more erratically, white cracks in the black. He scaled upwards, to 285' tall, the barbs on Naga' shoulder pads grew on his own shoulder guards, while a row of blue spikes knifed out of each of his outermost wing-fingers. A second pair of horns protruded out of his skull, just as a second set of glowing eyes broke open beside his original one. He trumpeted out a roar of challenge yet again, even deeper and more ear-splitting than it was previously. Dharak evolved again, increasing in size from 350' to 400' and kept going, entering a new transformative phase: feather-like quills appeared between the two rows of spines on his nape and back, a third feather-tipped tail pistoned outward. His musculature blimped larger still thanks to the immense energy of Wavern's Infinity Core. He gained a grotesquely ripped ten-pack, veins thicker than trucks snaked around his swelling quads and hamstrings. His biceps got so big he couldn't manage to bend his arm at an angle greater than 90°. His snout stretched longer, his fangs enlarged and his claws sharpened in turn. From the back of his head came a pair of black quills like those Wavern possessed. A hurricane of euphoria exploded inside Dharak, whose frame pulsed larger yet, saturated to the absolute max with atomic energy. One second later he was 900' tall, and the one after that he was 1100', soaking up more and more power with hedonistic abandon. His neck extended, becoming twice as long as his widening torso, another pair of horizontal shoulder guards jutted out of his shoulders, as his original ones metamorphosed into a second and a third head to match his trio of tails. A second pair of barbed wings grew just below the OG, and as he matched, no, overtook his opponent in the size department, Dharak smiled smugly, draining whatever scrap of G-power remained in the Infinity Core, mushrooming at a truly ludicrous pace to 1600'... 1700'... 1800'... 2000' tall. What followed suit was a multitude of final changes: the veinlets on Naga's body went on to appear on Dharak's, though his were white, and pulsed with all kinds of power. Onto his chestplate, the Silent Core manifested, and on each of his three heads a third pair of bony horns protruded out. One final spurt left him at infinity' tall, and at this point, both the Silent Core and the Infinity Core inside him reacted, bestowing upon Dharak the power of all six attributes. His eyes glowed white, his entire self was overfull with titanic strength; he cackled wildly in his nightmarishly deep voice, flexing his muscles as arcs of elemental energy flashed around his hands, merging with other infinity dragons, and characters. From the street, a red car was driving up the block to where the large dragon was emerging from. The driver stopped at a stop sign and took the opportunity to get a glimpse of the large dragon. "Yep. That looks about right," he said to himself before continuing up the street. The man parked in front of Dharak's house and stepped out of his car. His eyes focused on the massive dragon who towered over his own house, he walked around to the back where he found Drake, along with Alex, Jake, Sean, Crystal, and Tim, their backs turned to him, all staring up at the large, impressive form of Dharak in amazement. Never before had the six kids seen a dragon who towered over them or frankly, anything else for that matter as Dharak had. All the other dragons they had encountered throughout their lives were easily dwarved in comparison. For the man who stood by the fence that led into Dharak's garden, however, this was a sight he was all too familiar with. He opened the fence door and stepped into the garden. "Hey!" the man called out to everyone. Drake, Jake, Alex, Crystal, Sean, and Tim turned to face the man as Dharak lowered into a quadruped stance to allow himself a better look, his heads still elevated. "Who's that?" Alex asked. "No idea," said Drake. Walking over to the kids and the gigantic dragon, the man extended his hand out to allow Drake and the others to shake it. "Hey," he greeted with a smile. "My name is Jonah. Or at least, that's my human name. My real name is Darkana. I'm an old pal of this big guy," he said, pointing his thumb up at Dharak. "Drake Flamel," Drake greeted as he shook Darkana's hand. "Jake Flamel," Jake greeted next. "Alex Flamel," said Alex. "Sean Lloyd," Sean introduced himself. "I'm Tim Lloyd," said Tim. "And I'm Crystal Silvers," Crystal said. "Pleased to meet you," Darkana said with a smile and a nod as he shook each of the kids' hands. "It's nice to see you too, my mate Darkana," Kizuato said. "Kizuato!" Darkana exclaimed. "You ever consider transforming somewhere more discreet? I mean, I get this is your backyard and all, but don't you think your neighbors or, heck, anyone for that matter might freak out at seeing an infinity ft. tall dragon just chilling in someone's backyard?" "You are right Darkana, I was stupid to not think of being seen, we are going to my tf chamber, follow me please." Kizuato said opening an automatic secret vault to his tf chamber. After some minutes of walking, they arrive at the tf chamber. "And here we are, here is the tf chamber were I prepare my body to evolve in preparation for the incubator part, and the laying of our eggs, on the other side of the room we have our armor to protect our body from any damage during our pregnancy, and finally we have the incubator room." Kizuato exclame. "Dude, you built all this underground?" asked Darkana. "Yes Darkana, so no one, unless I know them, can see all the process!" said Kizuato. Shortly after the introduction of the facilities, kizuato removes his underwear, and begins to mate with Marcos, his other mate that was waiting for kizuato inside the facility, a hybrid Dragonoid and Dharaknoid, while he is fertilized by Ame, Crysalix, Shen and Phoenix, meanwhile starting to adjust his body for his subsequent fertilization and Marcos, while he puts on his armor to protect their bodies and future eggs, while also entering the incubator with lightning around them and hitting them, and the incubator to give their future children and eggs and their parents, the necessary amount of energy to lay those eggs and birth the children, continuing the mating for 3 hours without stopping, after which Ame puts himself in a 'waiting' position while his knot continues in kizuato's vagina, and shen and Phoenix also stay inside kizuato, where they stay inside kizuato for 1 whole week, impregnating him with their future eggs. Then Darkana starts his transformation process, in which the scales begin to grow on his hands, but keeping the 5 fingers, with black and purple scales in my hand, then starts moving down towards his feet as it covers his chest, and his back in the same black and purple scales. He felt a bump growing in his pants. The pants then started to tear when this happened. He looked behind to see that he had a black purple scaly tail growing from his ass. As the scales reached his feet it changed to a digitigrade stance like a reptile's back feet. He saw his fingers and toe nails turn white as they lengthened and sharpened into claws, then his back started hurting and two wings burst from it and tore his shirt into pieces. The scales started to cover his face and it felt like it started pulling his face out with 3 horns coming out of his head. As he now has armor in his body. So Darkana without saying a word, gets down on all fours and walks to kizuato, when he mounts him and begins to penetrate his anus and vagina, because of his double penis. After 2 hours of mating, he dismounts from Darkana, and turns to the butt to butt position, along with Marcos, Phoenix, Shen, Darkana and Crysalix, while they all impregnate kizuato, and while in the butt to butt position, Kizuato remounts everyone one by one and impregnate all of them too, after that coming back to the position, while all of them are inside the incubator, with only Kizuato, Ame, Phoenix, Shen, Marcos, Darkana and Crysalix are adjusting their bodies for the laying of the eggs, while inside the incubator. After 1 week has passed all the layed vesta asteroid lava sized eggs start shaking, and explode inside the incubator revealing all of the unborn children of all of them. Their names are, Kizuato jr., Marcos jr., Darkana jr., Chrysalix jr., Phoenix jr., Shen jr., Shine, Dharak jr., Braveheart Neo Infinity Vexos Dragonoid jr., Purgatory Helios jr., Wavern jr. Silent Naga jr. Alpha Hydranoid jr. Royce, Snerrot, Garion, Shiron, Fred Nerk, Jake Long, Nofre, Trevor, Layden, Leonidas, Exodus, Genesis, Aurora, Asriel, Dargo, Saphir, Sapphira, Din, Dan, Midday, Midnight, Black Heart, Kim, Herio, Amelia, Xeforix, Galactica, Mirvela, Dawn, Hope, Kin, Jade, Ilia, Sasha, Cocoa, Drael, Erigor, Ichigo, Havok, Val, Celg, Seralg, Lumiella, Sunshine, Sugar Silk, Lexus, Pyronoid, Arandrerra, Rory, Airus, Levidra, Aurelius, Deathdranoid, Cazzy, Scarlet, white helios, dark helios, infinity helios, viper helios, Esc, Del and Shira. After the first fertilization occurs, kizuato remain inside Darkana while Crysalix, Marcos, Ame Phoenix and Shen, reposition themselves to penetrate Darkana, after aligning themselves all enter one at a time, until after another 4 hours of mating in total, all they have their knots locked in Kizuato and Darkana's anus and vagina, because of their double penises. 2 weeks later: All eggs hatch revealing their future children that in an act of love and protection, merge with their father / mother kizuato. Kizuato then summons a new version of neo dragonoid and phantom dharak that merges with all the 75 children, and characters too, and also controls them to merge with him. Kizuato now spawns with 75 tails (kizuato, drago, and dharak), the 75 heads of all characters, 75 pairs of wings of the 3 bakugans and the body divided into sections: chest of dragon, torso of dharak, and part of the waist of kizuato. I also summon wavern, viper helios and silent naga to my body as well and their bodies merge with mine with the same attributes (adding my crotch and torso helios and naga, and my chest wavern), with the 3 more heads of all the 3 dragons and their tails as well. Then other transformations started to appear in his body. He soon rose past the 100' marker, before other things about him changed as well: his frame became ever so slightly wider, and his comparatively short arms extended and thickened to take on a more humanoid look, while retaining the claws and superficial blue plating. Those same arms then proceeded to swell and thicken, rapidly filling out with brawn that seemed to come out of nowhere. All the while he moaned and chuckled in intoxication. His chest beefed up, the green v-shaped visor-like structure on top of it got pushed outward by his developing pecs. The dragon's eyes glowed a sick shade of royal purple. He stopped soon after at 150' tall. The golden spines along his hide, including his horn, retracted inward, while he seemed to grow once more, from 150' tall to 165' tall. The golden spines that had vanished from Drago teethed out of his own backside, and a third golden horn appeared between his original pair. And more changes occurred: the vaguely wing-shaped structures on his upper back started to lengthen and mutate to the sound of bones popping and reshaping: dark blue webbing came to be. Those were wings he was growing, moulded after Drago's wings. They went on to expand until they measured one and a half times their owner's height, which again surged to 180'. The dark Bakugan roared, his purple aura flaring with more violence, purple arcs of energy crackling around his form. He grew again, passing 200' in height, gaining a second tail, with a tree-pronged barb on its tip. The leaf-shaped blades on his thighs retracted, allowing a pair of armored hip guards to grow out, and then reappear, sharper than before on top of those armor plates. He roared, and perhaps involuntarily firing out a column of fire in ecstatic rapture. Dharak blinked once but immediately afterwards he roared again, the energy arcing around him began to flash more erratically, white cracks in the black. He scaled upwards, to 285' tall, the barbs on Naga' shoulder pads grew on his own shoulder guards, while a row of blue spikes knifed out of each of his outermost wing-fingers. A second pair of horns protruded out of his skull, just as a second set of glowing eyes broke open beside his original one. He trumpeted out a roar of challenge yet again, even deeper and more ear-splitting than it was previously. Dharak evolved again, increasing in size from 350' to 400' and kept going, entering a new transformative phase: feather-like quills appeared between the two rows of spines on his nape and back, a third feather-tipped tail pistoned outward. His musculature blimped larger still thanks to the immense energy of Wavern's Infinity Core. He gained a grotesquely ripped ten-pack, veins thicker than trucks snaked around his swelling quads and hamstrings. His biceps got so big he couldn't manage to bend his arm at an angle greater than 90°. His snout stretched longer, his fangs enlarged and his claws sharpened in turn. From the back of his head came a pair of black quills like those Wavern possessed. A hurricane of euphoria exploded inside Dharak, whose frame pulsed larger yet, saturated to the absolute max with atomic energy. One second later he was 900' tall, and the one after that he was 1100', soaking up more and more power with hedonistic abandon. His neck extended, becoming twice as long as his widening torso, another pair of horizontal shoulder guards jutted out of his shoulders, as his original ones metamorphosed into a second and a third head to match his trio of tails. A second pair of barbed wings grew just below the OG, and as he matched, no, overtook his opponent in the size department, Dharak smiled smugly, draining whatever scrap of G-power remained in the Infinity Core, mushrooming at a truly ludicrous pace to 1600'... 1700'... 1800'... 2000' tall. What followed suit was a multitude of final changes: the veinlets on Naga's body went on to appear on Dharak's, though his were white, and pulsed with all kinds of power. Onto his chestplate, the Silent Core manifested, and on each of his three heads a third pair of bony horns protruded out. One final spurt left him at infinity' tall, and at this point, both the Silent Core and the Infinity Core inside him reacted, bestowing upon Dharak the power of all six attributes. His eyes glowed white, his entire self was overfull with titanic strength; he cackled wildly in his nightmarishly deep voice, flexing his muscles as arcs of elemental energy flashed around his hands, merging with other infinity dragons, and characters. After the matings were over, and the dragons, wolves, birds, and griffins removed their penises and knots from their respective partners' anuses and all returned to the classroom, before the teacher returned, Trevor already being pregnant and still in his hermaphrodite form, asks both Ilia and Shinee: Ilia and Shinee, would you mind telling me about your parents' mating? Well... With both being hermaphrodites, I was curious about the process. Ilia promptly responded, going to Trevor and with one of his claws pressing lightly on his forehead, and intertwining their tails, he made a mental connection with the silver dragon, allowing Trevor to see Ilia's memories (POV in third person): "Hmm.. He seems to be able to resist still. Increase the hormone level..! And why not let the two others at him as well... Foursome sounds like perfect activity for him...!" The sick scientist grinned. "Yes sir! Releasing the Darkus and Pyrus subjects!" And something got targeted to Dragos leg, and it fed more hormones into his already over drugged body. "Gaaarrh! N-NNNGGGHH..!" And as he didn't have his hands full fighting off of the Aquos dragonoid, now inside came Darkus and Pyrus as well. Same unsettling look in their eyes, Drago felt now beyond uncomfortable. There was no way he could let himself be violated like this..! But his body didn't respond that well any longer, getting messed up by the drugs that were being injected into him. He couldn't resist much longer...This had gone out of hand and fast! While he was backing up against a corner, the three others surrounded him. He's sore hand tried to find a way out, hoping a magic door would open and save him, but no such luck. Tears welled up in his emerald eyes as he knew what was about to come next. "Noh...Please, anything but this...!" The Aquos one that had fought with him, had sprained Drago's ankle while he's chest and neck were burning with pain. The Aquos dragonoid got to him first and pulled him against he's body, frapping his strong tail crushingly against Drago. The Pyrus one went behind him and sinked his watering mouth on Drago's side neck. The darkus one crawled from the left side trying to get his tongue to connect with Drago's, but with with his last powers to resist he tried to turn his head away. The three were too strongly on him to be able to move anywhere. Six hands, three tails and three tongues all over his forcefully exited body, he had no fight left in him. He moaned and cried, and his small wiggling only seemed to make the other three more excited. Than he felt one of the hands raising his tail and touching his untouched hole. He jerked violently and only heard no no no bouncing in his mind. But the drugged dragonoids weren't able to hear it, or if they were, it only twisted to them as a pleaning. So one of the claws entered inside of his unprepared ass, and Drago's throat dried up. He only was able to cough, but soon he couldn't even scream, because the next one wanted a piece of his lips and tried to bite his tongue. He felt how the painfully long nail wiggled inside him, opening him up from the inside. The pain was miserably cruel. When his crawler finally pulled out of him, Drago thought is was over. He was already bleeding and shaking. But what came next unwarned, had only started his nightmares. He felt pulsing, huge member enter him and start ramming in and out way too soon, way too quick. It felt like someone was shoving a roll of sandpaper in his anal. And that wasn't all, apparently one of the other two tried to rub their cock's against Drago's vibrating dick as well. The third one suddenly decided to pull them all against the cold hard floor and push his own member inside Drago's mouth, so he would give him a blow job. Drago's hormone filled mind worked like on instinct and he licked the tip of it before start sucking the actual organ with his shaking head. The dragonoid moaned pleasingly and pushed it only deeper making Drago gag. While on his rear side the other two tried both entering in him at the same time! That was way too much for him and he cried his eyes out while trying to wiggle away without success. The other two bite each other, clearly realizing this won't work and tried to decide which one was to rape this poor dragonoid first. The darkus one won and he pushed the aquos one out and put his claws on Drago's hips and pulled him closer while starting to thrust in him heavily. Drago couldn't even see clearly anymore. He once tried to call out for help with his voice, and pretty much all hope, already gone. There was no one coming. He had disappeared in mid sleep and had already been here for ancients knew how long... Maybe he should just face facts. There always wasn't a hero coming to safe someone...Before the damage was done. Here he had done nothing but to help others with good intentions and pure thoughts and now the evil karma had come and fucked him right in the ass. It was like the cruel world showing its middle finger to him. He was so much in pain and drugs that he thought already for just to close his eyes and let it all go... Maybe in the morning Dan would finally notice that he was gone, but it was too late already. Why not let them just abuse the life out of him and accept that no matter how hard he tried, there was always someone, who would just come after him next with the same evil and harmful intentions. He was never going to find peace and his happy ever after... "It seems they finally got to him..." One of the assisting doctors said while observing the monitor. "Good. Seems that Darka is the one... Let's see how his body will react..." The evil man just looked through the glass Drago's agony and the others passion for mating with him. He had an evil grin, with most sick mind. "Alright, he released, sir." One of the scientists said from the monitor that observed this whole freak show below them. "Do we let Aqua and Fire seed him too?" "Why not. Oh, hmhm! Seems like they're going for it anyhow!" The Professor grinned, while pushing his glasses up with a twisted smile. "T-Then should we remove Darka?" The assistant asked. The doctor turned to look at him with the creepiest of looks: "You wanna get in a cage full of horny agressive dragonoids? Be my guest, but that sounds a bit of a death wish. No, we leave them be, until their done. After that, separate the Core dragonoid. I need to scan him immediately!" The Professor ordered, while looking at the charts. "Yes sir!" Drago was panting like he had flew and run at the same time. He thought for sure he would get a heart attack. But just after he felt a warm substance spraying on his insides, he felt the pain as well as the wrong pleasure. Unfortunately he didn't get to rest nearly long enough when the next one stated repeating what the first one had done. "NNNNGGHHHHJJ!!! M-Makeh.. I-ith stoooophh..!!" And he closed his eyes while the pyrus one ravished his already torn up body. Drago looked up and for some reason, Helios' face appeared for a second in his vision. "Heli-oos... ! P-Pleaseh... He-Help meh...!" Drago muttered struggling to keep awake. "How long is this!? We'll be at New Vestroia's center at this rate!" Dan said. "Can't be long anymore! Just hold on!" Spectra said as his fluffy hair flowed everywhere but Dan didn't mind in fact. "Hah! Not long at all!" And Helios' flew right through the heavy metal doors, halting for a second as he saw a big loading hall ground. When their eyes had adjusted, they realized they were looking at cages and containment terrariums. But not just small lizards sides one's, big ones, like for Bakugans. That's when their horrors were confirmed. "So it's true then...! They didn't stop the kidnappings..." The blond thought while observing them. Surprisingly good luck there didn't seem to be anyone at the docks right now. So they landed to take a closer look. "This isn't abandoned, but quite rarely used, it seems." Spectra observed out loud. Dan turned to look towards the halls end where there were double sided metal doors locked up. "They must be taking them through there...!" And his hand glanced on to fist. "Helios can't sneak around in this form, so there's only one way to get through this place!" Spectra said and hoped back on to Helios, "Even better! Let's make them a new hallway!" He grinned. "Well, what are you waiting for, invitation? Come on Dan! We got a Bakugan to rescue!" The blond smiled and the brunet jumped aboard as well. "Yeah!" After the last dragon was done with already over exhausted Drago, the Professor separated them, before the over horny dragonoids could go for a round two. He put the bruised, abused, and drugged dragon in a examination table and took the sample of Drago's every fluid that had been released while analysing it. "The others didn't even last this well. He sure has potential... Perhaps we could use his seemen to make the Superior dragonoid..." The doctor murmured as his hand was flying across the keyboard. Drago was barely conscious and looked at the white ceiling with tear blurred eyes." H-He-li-os..." He whimpered, and just before passing out he heard from a long distance a familiar roar. The Professor would had loved nothing more than to almost unfold all the juicy secrets in Drago's mysterious body, but a loud rumble and wall collapsing put an end to that peaceful night. "DRAGOOOH!!" Everything stopped in the laboratory as Helios simply crashed through the concrete wall among the confused scientist. In the sea of hundreds of white jackets, Helios only saw a blur of red from far back side of the huge facility and charged at it. "Drago!!" "Whatta?! How did that Bakugan get loose?! Stop it immediately!" The leader shouted, while waving his right arm. "But sir, it's not one of our subjects! It came from outside the facility!" One of his underlings responded while trembling. "Well don't just stand there, do something! Shoot it down!" He ordered while the scientist tried to shoot Helios with the small doses of the stunning substance. The raging dark dragon just slapped them away with his tail and burned to the ground beneath him, making the machinery explode. "It's no use! Our weapons are useless against him!" The professor looked fist clenching how this Bakugan destroyed everything, as he flew over to where Drago was. But then he saw the two boys on top of him. "They must have come to rescue their partner..." He thought and since they didn't have such good defending ability inside the facility, it would had been pointless to waist resursses on this. For more importantly he concentrate on not losing the most important stuff. "What do we do now?" One of the helping doctors asked. "I don't know how this could had happened, but evacuate for now! Safe all the data and make your way to the emergency exits! Quick!" He ordered and his men worked like said. He turned to look the red dragon as the darker one landed to take him into his arms, ripping all the tubes of his skin. "I'll come back for you later. I still have some use for you, Core Holder...You cannot ever hide from me anymore." The Professor's whispered grinning planfully, before disappearing into the nothingness he had came from. "Dragoh! Drago can you hear me?!" Drago was out cold but all that it mattered was that they had found him, but he was a horrifying site. But the gas leaks were a whole different concern, and Spectra thought better examine him later in safety. All the doctor's were already gone and there was nothing but gas filling up the laboratory. "Let's get out of here, Helios!" He said hopping back on to him. "Gladly! This stench is making me feel nauseous!" Helios growled and shook his head. "Double ability activated: Maximum Quasar + Lacuna lock canon! FIRE!!!" And Helios made a double shot to blow the roof as they flew up and out, sinking the lab in sand behind them. "Let's take him back to Vestal destroyer! We can check him over in my lab!" The blond said, as he took the mask off, becoming Keith again. Dan hadn't even noticed Keith getting dressed at any point. Well, Vestals were Vestals. "Okay...Thanks." Dan said completely distracted while looking at his partner, who had been badly beaten up. He had never seen Drago like this and it made him feel even worse for not getting a good look at the one, who had been behind his after all... Helios felt the same, but the thought of going back for some beat down vanished, when he felt how Drago's body was shaking and he pushed his face against the cyborg dragonoids metal chest. He was gripping hard on Helios' shoulders. The ruby red one was in shock what ever had been done to him, but he seemed to recognize that who was carrying him, nonetheless. "Don't worry Drago. This time, I got you 100%." He whispered quietly and with surprisingly soft tone. Keith noticed this and smiled faintly. "He must sense your scent. That's good. Hopefully he will stay calm till we get him to the ship...Just keep a grip on him." Despite the situation, Helios blushed from the thought. Drago knew his sent and analysed as safety? That send a whole new train of thoughts into his mind, while they flew across the sand dymes. Never the less, this rescue mission had been fairly easy. A bit too easy. Why did they give up so easily? And what had they been testing the poor dragonoid for? What ever the answers, they had to wait for now. It was the smallest thing in a scale to world, but the biggest progression in the two dragonoids relationship. An actual kiss! Drago couldn't describe how long he had earned to feel this. But now finally, this wasn't a dream, this was happening. Right here, right now. To Helios, it was the first time to feel something so warm, pleasurable, and pleasently exciting in his life. His body stirred up as he gently but slowly bite Drago's soft sweet tasting lips. All the wonders and rumours of how amazing the first kiss felt, did not describe the actual feeling in the moment. Or maybe Drago just had a power to make everything feel 100 times better to him. After the long lasted contact was broken, the both gasped for air, and open their eyes to look each other. This felt so right, for both of them. The growing curiosity and slowly flaming passion in them took over and the repeated the act, only this time more deeply and closely. Drago pushed his aching body fully against the others and wrapped his arms around Helios' strong neck. The cyborg Bakugan lifted his arms to support the other, and felt his ever so smooth but hot scales on his body. Their lips brushed against one another in the heat, and soon their tongue tips found their way to each other as well and with small taps and licks, got to know each other's shape and form along with the taste. Drago moaned a little in the middle of it all and Helios groaned deeply, throat rumbling softly. Both of their hands carefully traveled from each of their shoulders to the lower parts of their bodies, going carefully thought every scale, twist and turn. It felt like magic. They didn't say a world during all this, feeling it would ruin the mood. Besides,they didn't need to ask permissions. They simply made eye contact. In that moment, their bodies were talking to each other, not their heads. By some point, Helios had carefully pushed Drago to lay under him on the hospital bed and it wasn't till his hand reached Drago's under belly that made the other cry out a bit louder. Drago covered his mouth and was partly brought back to this planet and he looked around them. Helios stopped as well and looked at the closed door, but only a split second. Than right away his focus was back on the other dragonoid. "I don't care if the world is ending around us, I'm finally gonna make you mine." Helios purred lowly and took a deep breath. Drago got the warm shivers and he wrapped his arms around the bigger dragonoid: "I'm ready for you, Helios." "I'm pleased to hear that, but before you start roaming those soft paws all over me, you should know that my body mind not react as well as yours. Let alone my more intimate parts. I don't know how much of it I will be able feel..." Helios said and lowered his head a bit disappointedly. Drago blinked once, but wasn't faced at all. He nuzzled his mate's attention back to him and smiled in warm way while saying:"Guess I'll just have to give you my all to find out now, won't I?" Helios' heart skipped a beat when he heard those words. He felt a completely different kind of power floating through him, and it was all because of the dragonoid under him. How long had he fantasized about this beautiful moment? Too damn long. But now that it finally happened, he didn't wanto dissapoint the other, even though this was he's first time. He was so nervous that he's limbs were shaking, but Drago's soothing touches all over his back and the attention seeking tongue certainly made the cyborg dragonoid calm down soon ennough. Helios moved his hands carefully through Drago's sensitive body, feeling every blood vessel and pulsating aorta in there. How soft scales he had, and how warm and smooth they were to the touch. Drago moaned softly, relaxing completely. He' body reacted better that he had feared to Helios' touch, after so long without close contact with anyone. But of course what he had with Helios now was something that he hadn't had with anyone else before. It wasn't unheard of two male Bakugans being as a couple, but if you had heard of Helios and Drago's past, you would be quite surprised to hear next that they had started an intimate relationship. Then again, dragonoids were known to play a bit rougher love games than any other species. But Drago wanted none of that. He wanted to be caressed in way like Helios was right now. And the other dragon learned this quickly, after next trying to bite Drago's neck. Even if it wasn't with a force like trying to snap his neck in half, but still enough to make Drago cry out of pain instead of pleasure. "Kkhhh!! N-not so hard, Helios!" He hissed trying to pull away. Helios with a quick jolt pulled back regretfully. "Sorryh..!" Maybe in way back he would had liked to hear that kind of growl, but not anymore. Everything had changed, for the better in his book. And he wanted to keep it that way. "Do you want me to continue?" He asked horns folding downwards a bit, blushing by his own gentleness, but Drago relaxed after this and nodded. "Yes, please. Just no biting. What you were doing before felt irresistible... " Sighing a bit, the topping male went with baby steps. So, he carefully tried to lick the ruby red ones neck in different spots, searching for something. He tried to see what area made Drago let out the sweetness of sounds, in order to find his sweet spot. Which was also known as the marking spot. Drago was turning his head in all directions under the other pyrus male. He guessed what he was after but didn't want to spoil it. Besides, this felt way too sweet to be interrupt right now. Finally after getting to the left side, just in the middle of his side neck, Drago was practically yelling from pleasure. "Aahaaahh.. T-Thereh.. Right thereh.. Aahh!" He purred and showed his neck to the other to be caressed. Helios smirked and just had to say: "You just keep that voice in that note and I just might go of the rim a bit early.." And he immediately started licking and sucking the spot, which made the under one wiggle from the sensation and he grabbed Helios from his shoulders. Drago started licking his lovers neck back eagerly, and tried to search for his spesial spot aswell. "Hmh, good luck with that. My neck isn't as soft and sensitive as yours." He said in joking tone, but was actually quite disappointed by it. In truth, he couldn't feel half of Drago's attempts to please him through the metal armour, confirming his previous fears. If they ever got this far, Drago would had a hell of a time trying to physically please the other dragonoid. This really saddened the half cyborg, but he tried not to let Drago notice. He didn't want to say anything about the other more depressing issue and ruin the passionate moment. He was able to at least feel Drago's desire, and for now, that's where the ruby eyed dragon wanted to concentrate on. But it was good point thought. Helios's body's all the under side was covered in metal. And from his back side he had sturdy and rough dark scales with venomous spikes on them. This made it harder for Drago to even find spots where his touch would be able to reach him. Still there was at least one. His long pointy ears, that also happened to be his horns. Especially the base of them... Feeling Drago's warm tongue and soft lips all over them made Helios growl in a way that the emerald eyed one couldn't had never imagined. The higher purring/growl was the softest move he had ever seen from the ultimate cyborg Bakugan. He would had never guessed even in his wildest fantasy that Helios could make such noises! But now that he knew, he had got to had more of it! Drago's tail caressed Helios ribs and went slowly towards his back over to his legs. His muscles really were impressive, and they were addicting to the touch. Drago had no idea he did enjoy caressing muscles like this, but every dragon has it's secrets. Helios of course paid no mind to the attention, and instead went with his big fingers over Drago's every scale, wanting to claim every single inch of his lovely and flexible body. Drago did not have half the mass as Helios did, but what he lacked in that, he won with his beautifully bending form. He's softly downwards ending cute nose, his light coloured scaling running down his middle body, and how the perfect core jewel shimmered on his middle chest like a big piece of jewelry. He's protective armor scaling on his shoulders and thigh's just made him look perfect in every way. Soft, beautiful and sweet. But also a fearless, strong dragonoid with a charisma like no other. Helios had never described any Bakugan by using those words. Only Drago managed to pop them in his mind with a single look. "Dragoh... I'm my eyes, you are the perfect dragonoid. To me, your everything, to your personality to your looks... Your just purely perfect." Helios said and his crimson eyes locked with Drago's emerald ones. It meant so much more when it was coming from Helios. Drago gasped and the redness covered his cheeks and he answered: "Helios, you make me feel so...open. Looking at you makes me want to open my arms and legs and pull you into meh...I just wanna surrender to you completely. Let you take over meh. No other Bakugan has ever made me feel like how you doh...!" He said and on instinct Drago wiggled his hip to the other and eyed him all surendedly. Helios couldn't help it any longer and he leaned in to lick his cheek and ask: "Dragoh, would you let me touch your-?" Helios didn't even need to finish, when Drago shamelessly pulled his hand over the right scale over a lump and said: "Please doh...! If I may do the same for you?" Helios blushed from such braveness and said:" It's all yours, My lovely dragonoid." Drago couldn't help but to blush hardcore as well, hearing such words from the all badass bakugan. Regardless, he carefully pulled his hand lower and caressed the specific scale. As they were Bakugans, they like any other beings had their intimate parts, they just were hidden a bit more better. Dragonoids had on their stomach side large scales, and right under their stomach the next scale lower usually had their goods hidden underneath it. It was surprisingly flexible unlike all the others, that would make them snap and fall off, but not this one for that specific reason. It was often referred as in-scale, that both the dragonoids were now carefully lifting to open so their private area would be exposed. This was handy for the males, because their erections couldn't been that easily spotted thanks to this. Both males jolted a but now hitting the realisation what they were actually doing. Drago didn't even know what to expect, seeing that half of his lovers body was covered in metal. But Spectra wouldn't had gone that far, wouldn't he? Only one way to find out. Drago felt the others intimate organ, and gasped for air. Helios immediately was alarmed and looked at his mate and asked: "Is something wrong? Do you wanna stop?" Drago snapped back to reality while blushing madly and shook his head. "N-no it's not that. I-It's just.. I-I've never done this with another male before..." He admitted while realising it. That made the other let out a sigh of relief. "...I haven't either..." Hearing the truth from each other, made them feel a whole lot better about whatever was to happen. Helios went to lick Drago's face while his fingers caressed his length. "We don't have to go any further than what were not comfortable with. I can restrain myself if that's what you want..." He said, mindful of what Drago had endured barely two weeks ago. "No, I wanna do this. I'll admit, I've been wanting a contact like this with you for a long time now. I just mind be a bit rusty, but it's only because it has been so long, not because of you. I wanna feel you Helios, more than anything in the world..." Drago whispered tail tip wagging calmly as he licked and kissed Helios passinedly. "Don't worry. I understand completely. And you can touch me, as much as you please. I guess you're not the only one with desire's here..." The other said in soft tone while looking at the red one, his long tail caressed Drago's own from everywhere. When Drago looked Helios' expression, It was so honest and caring. He saw that Helios clearly put a face for the others still, of course it was completely different from the powerthirst, confused, fed with nothing but anger one, but still not wanting to show the more soft side of him to the them. That was completely ok with Drago. Because he and the others knew that in time, even he would come more around, but it was after all that had happened. But, time intended to heal the best. "Thankyou, Helios. I'm so glad that things turned out this wayh..." Drago said while gasping as he felt how the bigger males hand took more form hold of his crotch. "Mmmhhg... Me too...Baby." The other whispered and licked his ear. Drago blushed yet again and turned his head to face the other. The darker one smirked and blushed a bit too and asked: "Is that too cheesy?" "No, I-I just... have never hear something like this from youh.." The other said back. It was new, but he didn't mind it at all. Quite opposite. He was going to remember these specific pet names he kept calling him by. "Well prepare to hear it more in the future. Seem's to make you even redder than you are and I enjoy seeing that." He grinned and kissed him lovingly and Drago couldn't help but to enjoy it. He felt like Helios flamed him up in a whole new level. So thought his dick, because he instantly felt himself getting more aroused by this. Helios noticed for sure and kept caressing it more intensely, up and down for all the way possible. Drago halted and let out more loud moaning but tried at the same time caress the others manhood. Helios had a bit of an advantage because his human like hands, so got a better grip no problem. Drago however his wings being connected to his hands already, had a bit more difficult time getting the job done, but Helios pushed himself a bit more up so he's lover was able to reach better to his intimate parts. Drago silently appreciated the gesture and was able to wrap his three fingers around Helios' length. It felt just like he himself. Long and thick. Over all massive and impressive... Drago had an odd wave of need rushing over him. He wanted to do something he had never thought of doing to anyone beside's the dragonoid on top of him. He's emerald eyes looked him with lust, and he tried to push Helios' head out of the way and slide under him and push him more up. Confused, Helios stopped what he was doing and looked under him at the red one instead. "Where are you going and what are you doing?" "I wannah...Taste it..." Helios didn't have much time to particularly prosses this, when he felt Drago's soft tongue push the tip of his member and start going over his glens. Having never felt something like this, it made the bigger male jump in surprise from the new sensation, and started purring and groaning. He spread his muscular thighs wider so his mate would fit better. Just when he thought Drago was the shy one, he always managed to surprise him in every way. "Nngghh... D-Dragoh...!" Helios groaned pleasingly and closed his eyes, as his hands gripped hard on the mattress. He straightened his back, and his nails went straight through the sheet. He felt how his blood started rushing down and he's whole body was felt like it was slowly catching fire. Drago was igniting him at a whole new way. Drago got a whole new feeling and a wave of confidence. His dominant side creeped in, and he somehow was able to flip the more muscular dragonoid to lay down instead for him. Drago's eyes changed into a hungry look that send shivers down on the other dragonoids spine. Drago's own hands went over Helios' legs taking their time with every muscle curve, while spreading them apart more. He started to dip the others erected dick in between his lips and teased the other like that for a while. Helios' body twisted and he's back curved upwards as he made the sweetest of sounds. This felt like nothing the cyborg Bakugan could ever even imagined. Drago give out the impression that he was pro at this, but he had said otherwise. Maybe he was just naturally good with blowjobs then? Helios wouldn't be surprised. His tongue was even softer and warmer than it looked. He's sucking force was powerful, just like his hold. This moment was going down as the most pleasurable moments in the darker pyrus Bakugan's life. But after a while, Drago raised his head tiredly, and panted a bit. Helios had said earlier that even though the rest of his body reacted to something intimate, his private area mind had not as well as the rest. I took the certain climax off of it, but seeing Helios' red sweating face panting for air, was enough satisfaction for the other. He went to his level and looked at the other while licking his lips. "Was that good?" "Ghhh.. Youh... really are perfect Dragonoid. I just can't stop saying it..." He said purring and pulled the other into a kiss. While getting the other distracted, he switched their positions and went back on top of the other again. "Mmhg..?" "Mind If I try?" Helios grinned licking his lips and crawled lower. Drago body jumped and he's mind went millions of miles in hour, but he didn't say no. Helios didn't waste any time and went right to it, and pulled Drago's member halfway in, while letting his tongue at the vibrating organ. Sweet moans escaped from the others lips as he spread his legs apart and they found a way to get on top of Helios' shoulders, and looked him in more deeply. Drago tried to hold himself, not wanting this to be over before it even started, but after so long without having any kind of close body contact... And now with someone as attractive as Helios, it was too much. He let out a high pitch moan of pleasure and his seeds shot right to the others mouth. Helios closed his eyes and purred while savoring the sweet taste in his mouth. He licked his member thoroughly and went back up to his panting partner. "How was that then?" "Aahh... Ih... I want moreh...! I know it sounds sudden, but...Helios I want you all the wayh!" Drago moaned and waved his hips to him and nuzzled him, with hormone filled scent lingering around them. Drago was lost in ecstasy by this point. Helios watched the panting pleaning mess under him and in truth he was just as wantful. He purred and nuzzled him back and whispered: "Are you sure your ready so soon after that...incident?" He had to try and make sense hit him as well before they would go too far too soon. Drago however nodded after the fact was let out and said: "Nothing of what your doing has reminded me of that so far, because I know it's you. And I know you would never hurt me anymore. Besides I want you, and only you. I've been over with this in my mind already, and I decided if there was ever going to be a question who I would allow to do it, it would be only you." He said looking him in the eyes passionately. Helios' horn tips twitched and he just realized something. "You have been...Thinking about this before..? About me??" He asked, cheeks heating up and Drago nodded carefully. "In fact, I've dreamed about you... How it would feel, how it would be like. But your no dream, I'm not making this all up. I feel you here and now, on me. I hear you saying all the sweet things, and feeling your touch all over me. I want it with you, and only you, Helios." After hearing all this, the frustration and feelings were too much to bottle up anymore. The passion bloomed to the max, and Helios went scale to scale on top of the slimmer Dragonoid and kissed him, tongue searching for his. It didn't take long for Drago to respond and give his own for Helios to be licked with. Helios pulled his hand to a part that he hadn't touched yet, close to Drago's tail. When it made contact with Drago's rear, the shivering was so uncontrollable, That it even shook Helios. "Hmm, extra sensitive, huh?" "Gghh... Or then its just your touch..." Drago said eyes half closed with pleasure and excitement. "Hmh. Flattering, Dragih..." No matter what the case, Helios carefully started to caress the hole he was supposed fill. He was extra careful since it had just been healed from the incident well over a week ago. He tried carefully pulling one of his fingers in, while licking Drago's neck. The other gasped and it didn't seem to inflict any pain so he carefully added another one. Drago practically purred and kept wiggling his rear needly to the other and Helios felt something wet making contact to his fingers. He pulled his finger out and watched the other dragonoid. The see through slime run down to the others tail base. "I think your more than ready..." "I've never felt more ready in my life...!" He said and tried push his butt against the others dick making the point clear as crystal. Helios took this is the final approval and carefully pushed his dick up onto the others wet entrance and it opened carefully for him. It was all the invitation he could ask for and he started to carefully pull in the others tight spaced rear, which made Drago jolt and grap Helios from the back and push his body completely against his. "Are you alright, lovely?" He purred. "Gghhh... Y-yeah... J-just... Aaahh!! I-It feels soh... gooodh!" He moaned and shook from everywhere. The other smiled and whispered: "That's all I need to know." And he started to slowly trust in him with calm pace. Drago had heard that this hurt first time like hell, but he felt more pleasure now than any of their precious activities. It felt so smooth, so soft, so right. He didn't know how to describe all of it, but he felt himself letting go completely of everything else, and focused only on the handsome hot male dragonoid on top of him. Helios had never done this to anyone, but he felt like no matter if he could screw with all the best kind of female Bakugans, none of them could compare to what his dick was sliding in and out right now. It send such strong pulses through him, that he felt his machinery even having a hard time keeping up with his body temperature under neath. Perfect had a whole new meaning to him after this. He groaned rhythmically and humped him a little faster, and in process Drago moaned more arousingly and pulsed his body against Helios' as his tail slowly went out of control. Helios captured it with his own before he would knock some of the medical equipment down and everyone would rush in to see what was going on on and ruin this perfectness. "Ggrrhh... Sharing your body like this.. It just feels incredible...!" The darker one groaned. "I-I've never felt anything so perfectly pleasing in my lifeh..!" Drago moaned in the prosess, tears forming in his emerald eyes. At some point Drago's legs had locked themselves over Helios back and Helios had wrapped his hands on Drago's shoulders preventing him from slipping away. It wasn't till Helios rammed into a one particular spot that Drago lost it completely. He's moans had became screams and he could hold it anymore. He felt another orgasm coming and he felt how Helios member inside of him started vibrating almost electricity. "Gaaaahh...!!! HELIOOOSS!!!" Drago screamed from on top of his lungs, and eyes blurred with tears of joy. But just when Drago cummed from inside out, Helios stopped. He saw how turned on Drago was, how beautiful site it was, he only wish he could fully fulfill that desire for him. A cold shiver ran up his neck as the sad truth hit him again. This was as far as they could ever go. He's partner breathed heavily under him, but after he noticed that Helios' body stiffened, Drago turned his gaze to his lover. "What's the- hhg... Matter? Why did you stop?" The other dragonoid looked Drago, his eyes full of something that made Drago's chest suddenly hurt. He had serious gaze on them, and after breathing out, Helios pulled out of him suddenly. "Gaaahh..! Helios? What is it?" "I can never fully fill you..." Drago tilted his head. "... Fill me?" The other repeated tilting his head to the side. Than Helios looked his manhood, and bit his lip. "Since my altered body, I haven't got a full orgasm...I don't think I'm able to ever fully claim you..." He said regretfully but Drago slowly sat down and circled his tail around him and pushed his neck. "I don't care about that. All I care is that what we already have. Final or not, your no less of a man in my eyes. Erection or no erection..." He said and nuzzled him. "But I do!! There has gotta be a wayh..!" Helios said hitting his fist onto the mattress. He was already annoyed enough about that he couldn't feel his precious Drago's touch everywhere he wanted, because of his mechanical parts. But, for big achievements, there were always sacrifices... His mate could feel his pain, knowing what he truly meant. He could only imagine how painful this must had felt for Helios. Now Drago was kinda able to guess why had he been struggling to bring up the start of an intimate relationship with him. But Drago didn't want him to go through yet another depression because of it. "Have you talked to Keith about this? If you haven't, you should. Who knows, maybe he mind had and idea how to help." Drago suggested. "... There's no way-" Helios was already about to shut it down, but Drago cut in between with such serious stare that Helios didn't dare to look away: "Don't say that until you've even asked! Keith is a genius, he already made so many improvements to you by what little time and resources he had! If you won't, then I will! I can't stand to see you struggling more than you already have! Either you do it or I'll do it for you! Now get up, find him, and TALK TO HIM! Before this turns into yet another soap-opera!!!" Drago hissed rather sassily, leaving no options for the bigger dragonoid. "Allright, alright! I'm going!!" Helios jolted up and went towards the entryway, but turned to look to the bed where Drago made a dragon curl and puffed some smoke out of his nostrils. "I'm waitiing!" All Helios' brain thoughts were that Drago was so damn cute when he took control like that. Being commanded didn't even bother him that much anymore. But, if he's beau started doing it too much, Helios just had to show him who was on top of this volcano. Still, as he exited through the door, he just then prosessed what had happened between them. And he couldn't help but smile all the way while walking through the hall ways. He had finally claimed what he had desired for so long. And he felt more accomplished now than ever in his whole life before. But once again Drago and Helios both ended up sleeping till the next day, than finally around two o'clock in afternoon, Helios opened his eyes. He felt itchy everywhere. There was stinging pain all over, like he was covered by little needles. Just then, he remember why. The surgeon. He really wanted to see himself. First of he needed to get up, so he slowly rotated his body toward the edge of the bed. After getting that part done he swinged his leg over to the other side to get up. He was sore for sure, but alive nonetheless, after another body moduling. After getting to the mirror, he carefully unwrapped the bandages on his face, and was able to see himself and he original warm dark grayish scaling, with his own two cheek spikes on each side of his face. Taking a bit more off down to his neck, he saw the orange spikes in pairs running down his back, and the deep red stomach scaling going down all the way to his tail. He couldn't believe it. Keith really was and angel of miracles. He didn't feel as powerful without the extra fire power, but hell, did he feel so much lighter and free. And most of all, he was able to feel touch where he previously wasn't. He felt like had been in someone else's body this entire time, just been borrowing their equipment. In the end, a bakugan could only get stronger through one's own natural evolution. But now, Helios wasn't as thirsty to get it anymore. He was ready to work for it, and wait however long it may had took to happen. The more pressing reason here was that this was what he truly was. He had grown up in this body, to be like this. A flash of red and green flashed through his mind. An excited smile formed on his lips and he couldn't wait to see the other dragonoid's reaction. He slowly walked over to the door, and to make the travel more easier, changed into his ball form and went to the hospital front desk and asked: "Excuse me, but could you tell me which room Drago is in?" Drago was still sound asleep, hugging the dino plushie Helios had given him after the first cutting operation. He had grown so attached to it that he had started to call it Terry. He just felt so good hugging something tiny and soft like this. At least till he heard his door opening. Than he heard footsteps approaching his bed. He wondered if it was iitu, but after feeling someone coming to the bed and leaning to touch his elbow smoothly with their warm fingertips, his eyelids opened. "Damn you look cute when you sleep...Still holding onto that?" Said none other than his lover. But when he saw him his jaw dropped. He didn't expect to see those curvy dark scales, deep red front scaling and stunning pair of spikey wings in front of him. More than anything, he's both ruby eyes looking at him admiringly. "I-It worked?!" He asked blinking and rubbing his eyes so make sure he wasn't dreaming it. "Heh, of course. It's Spectra after all... So take it all in. I won't get tired of you looking at me." He grinned as Drago slowly reached out to touch his cheek, which didn't have the metal pipes anymore, but his own cheek spikes, that responded to the soft touch by folding down a bit. "It's just like it used to be..." He murmured hazily and caressed his head as well. "Yes, only this time, I can actually feel all of it. Your every touch like I'm supposed to..." He said and pushed he cheek against Drago's warm palm. Drago couldn't lie that Helios looked more attractive to him in this out of all the other forms. He went closer to nuzzle his mate and inhale his own pure scent, without the metallic and oily one. "Please don't change yourself anymore, especially for someone else's sake." He pleaded emerald eyes locking with the ruby ones. Helios placed his hand softly on Drago's chin and kissed him on the lips tenderly, while whispering:"I promise. From now on, this is me...The real me. Evolution or not, I feel more stronger than ever before. Because now, I actually have something to really fight for..." He said looking Drago and held him rather protectively. The red dragonoid smiled, understanding what he meant and kissed him back softly before saying:"And I'd fight for you in a heartbeat. And just between us, I think on the inside, you have evolved more than I ever have..." Hearing this, made Helios smile and purr, as he licked Drago's nose and caressed his smooth arms. "Thank youh, you don't know how much that means to me..." Drago automatically purred back and looked the bigger dragon up and down and couldn't help but to say: "Y-your soh... Handsome, hot, attractive, lovelyh..." He blushed getting slightly dreamy from this as he caressed his muscular chest, as Helios leaded in closer and whispered:"-And hard." And he kissed him this time deeply, while trying to push him below him on to the bed. Drago was surprised by the sudden heat change, but couldn't help but to return it. For some reason, he couldn't shake the odd lust feeling Helios had triggered in him couple days back. Only now it was stronger than before. He had even dreamed of the other pyrus male, only to find him self soaking turned on. But this was no day dream. He caressed his mate carefully from all over, because altered or not, he still must had been healing. Now that Drago thought about it, was he actually even supposed to be up yet? "Mmh... Btw, did the doctor give you a permission to get out yet?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Hmh, don't worry, I'm good, as soon as I get this huge pressure in me released into something warm and wet..." He purred rubbing his body against Drago's pleasantly. "Gghh... Ouh? Ah- And what's that?" He asked tail wagging excitedly. "That sweet red ass of yours, baby." He grinned and caressed his rear arousingly while sucking his neck softly. Drago was under his spell again and couldn't do nothing more but moan and open his legs, more needy than ever now. He wanted to blame this new (original) body of his. "Aaahh, Heliih.. I'm already-gghh! I-It's ok, you can just start alreadyh..!" Helios looked at him with the most charming look and asked: "Are you sure, sexspeeder? I want you to feel even better this time.." He said and tried his hole with his finger but it had already opened and was indeed went and pulsing ready for him. Now that he payed attention he had never seen Drago's pupils so wide and deep. Deep with lust. The dragonoid under him moaned pleasingly and wiggled his body and tied to caress Helios' member. Like in one touch, Helios was ready. He's length pulsing towards Dragos ass, as if it knew where it wanted to get to. The darker dragon looked at the ruby red one and asked: "What do you desire, my Gurrganoid?" He asked almost teasingly while licking his lips. Drago couldn't hold out, and showed his rear to him and looked him in the eyes pleadingly. "Please, Helios! I-I can't wait a one more night..!" And there wasn't much more needed to be said as Helios pushed himself into him and started to trust him fulfillingly. The red one felt a wave of pleasure run down to his spine. As unbelievable as it sounded it did feel even better the second time. Helios was so irresistible already, but now he was even more irresistible than before. Not only because his devilishly good looks, but because of how he felt. The hard cold metal was gone, and instead he was now full of soft warm scaling that felt ever so good against Drago's own body, that he didn't even know which way to turn. All he could keep doing under him was moan and turn his head and body all over with pleasure. He felt Helios' member pulsing, and hardening even more while it grew in between his walls, with every thrust he made. He felt the pressure building up. Since Drago felt it this clearly, he knew what was coming. "Gggaaahh! Quick, hardeer Helioos! Deepeerh..!" Drago began to work his hips and pulsate them against his lovers crotch and once more wrap his legs all over his warm muscular back. Helios did as was planned with pleasure, and Drago's voice chained into more high pitched one again, just as Helios' glen touched the special spot. Drago was practically howling, but his grip tightened so much, that even Helios was in a bit of pain by it. "Hhhgg, haardeer Heliih!!" "Gghhh...! How's this then, huh?" He grinned and his dick started to vibrate rapidly inside him, as Helios pushed it against Drago's sweet spot multiple times. The red one couldn't hold it anymore and he moaned towards the ceiling, screaming his lover's name. The darker dragon couldn't hold him self either and finally felt how he released his love seeds inside the other warm inviting tailhole. A complete satisfaction. The center of ecstacy... Drago gasped for air as a trail of saliva dripped down his cheeks and his warm breath hit Helios ear. "Youhr...Gonna kill meeh..." "Hmh. Hope not, then we can't do this lovely activity anymore." Helios grinned and licked the others trail of saliva and his curious tongue followed it all the way in to the others mouth. Ingating another tongue act, their teeth changed a bit against one another as they are jaws were fully open, in order for them to get all the way around each other. Was this what heaven felt like...? For these two, it was something way better. As Helios was about about to pull his dick out, Drago suddenly stopped him. "Noo! N-Noh.. Not yet..." He said and licked his face. "Stay a bit longer.. It feels so goodh...Pleaseh?" The other purred, practically begging, as the runy eyed dragonoid looked at him softly. "And how am I supposed to say no to that? I'll stay as long as you want, my Dragobaby." "Mmmhh...Thankyouh... My lovely Viper." He smiled and kissed him as Helios let his tongue out and caressed it with his. His long tail coiled itself around Drago's tail lovingly. The bigger male nuzzled Drago's soft, warm, still panting face and looked him in the eyes. "You look so beautiful like that... Almost makes me want to do it over and over just so I could see that lovely view..." He whispered huskily and kissed him again. "Mmhh... And you're so handsome that I just wanna glue myself onto your body and never be ripped from it." As even he's own words surprised him. "Or I can just keep complimenting you, get another erection, and get to do that all over again." The other grinned and laid onto his side carefully, as Drago was still glued onto his stomach side with his. "As arousing as your voice in fact is, I think just by looking at you I'll get warmed up all over again." Drago admitted and wrapped his hands around Helios' neck and his leg caressed his ass a bit that made the other jolt and blush. "I've been dreaming of you so long now... To have this all with you...To have you to myself." He purred and licked his cheek. "And now you do... Just like I'll have you-" He said hardening his grip. "From now on, we won't be apart from each other, or let anything come between us." Helios said holding his boyfriend while his tail tip was wagging. "At first I was afraid that you would shut me down because I'm the same gender.." Drago huffed and looked him seriously. "That's the last thing I look. What I'm looking is the heart of someone, and what they are on the inside. Appearances is just something no one can really do anything about. You mind look at someone and not like their attribute or color one bit, but on the inside, they mind be your soulmate, and just because how they look, you don't even take the chance to properly know them, let alone talk to them." Drago said. And Helios pieced something together. "Is that why your so friendly to every Bakugan? Even your enemies?" He asked curiously, full focus mode on. "Well, that and for the reason that sometimes we stray from the path we choose, and we need someone to pull us back before it too late. I think everyone who really try, should be given the benefit of the doubt." He said eyes looking with Helios'. "Sound familiar?" He grinned and licked his nose, a little amused how focused he seemed to be. "Hmh. Yeah ok, you have a point... But sometimes, people won't change, and are just dead set on making others suffer. To kick anyone weaker than them down and take everything they have away from them...! And to be left alone to die..." The darker dragon said looking into someone's others eyes then Drago's, someone buried deep in Helios' past. Drago's mood changed into a worried one. He must had been talking about himself right now... He saw the fear of something in his ruby eyes and decided to snap him out of it. He licked his face and the burn marks carefully below his eyes. "If you feel comfortable, you can tell me about it someday. But tonight, I want to just sink in your warmth, and wrap you into mine." He said warmly and nuzzled him and caressed his back. "Mm... Alright." He whispered and swallowed something back into him. He wanted to stop thinking about it now anyway. Drago's offer sounded way better. And he was happy to answer to it. The red dragonoid just had this calming effect on him, almost like he read his thoughts. Regardless Helios couldn't be happier about who had ended up being his partner in love. Everything about Drago just made him so secured and happy inside. "Alright, I'll go wash myself before I'm actually stuck inside you." Helios said and carefully took his organ from his mate, and Drago instantly felt this odd feeling. "Ghhhg..!" Helios made a 180 degree turn and went back to Drago. "What's wrong? You alright?" "Ghh.. Yeah, I'm fine. Just soreh.. Go on, I think I can manage five minutes without you at least." He said smiling adorably. "Hmm... You roar if something else happens." He said as he went to the door. "Mmh... Sure sure. And you, watch where you going!" He said as his boyfriend kept his gaze on him and walked backwards up the door. "Ou but I just can't get my eyes off of you." Helios smiled back with that sexy as grin of his. Drago blushed and turned to his backside and covered himself with his wings. "And what will you look now, huh?" "Don't worry, I got it in the back of my head." He answered. "Oh good! Then you'll watch that instead of upcoming doors and walls!" Drago said rolling his eyes. "Precisely!" "Heliooos!!!" "Ok ok, just don't you move before I get back!!" He yelled. "Hmh. I'm not going anywhere. " He said and finally Helios magaded to leave for a moment. Drago winched and hugged his middle area. "Not that I think I can even walk the rest of the day...I had no idea he could be so goofy...Even weirder, I didn't know I could smile so much... but it's his fault for being so..! Everything..." He smiled yet again and blushed. He thought about his warm muscular body, but then he's gaze hit the spot where they had laid and the sheet had burn and had claw marks all over it. The red one sighed and face palmed. "I guess we need fire-and claw prove beds..." "Gaah, ggh... Why is it still aching?" Drago wondered licking his stomach, while Helios came back to him from he's shower. "Missed a spot?" And he pushed his head past Drago's hands and licked warmly his stomach and thighs. The red one's muscles shivered from pleasure and he couldn't help the blissful moaning from escaping his lips. "Naaahg, nnoh.. I'm just a bit sore, that's all..." "Hm. Then why don't you use this?" And Helios had a familiar looking container and he inhaled the sweet perfume like scent. "Heh, finally found the source of that irresistible sent you always have..." "My scale scrub? How's that gonna help?" Drago wondered how had Helios even found it. "It has a calming effect, doesn't it? Its worth of try." And the darker dragon took some of it on his fingertips and gently scrubbed it on Drago's middle body. He let out a relaxed sigh and layed down for him and curled his tail around his body. Helios shifted his gaze to the open dragonoid under him, and it seemed like his mind couldn't get enough of Drago's beautiful curves. Helios lowered his head to lick Dragos lips, making the red dragon winch and open his eyes but slowly re close them after the sudden but welcomed contact. He licked Helios' maroon tongue back, escalating yet another tongue fight. The teasing dragon had a a small smile as his hand ventured back to the more feminine dragon's rear. That made Drago jump slightly and open his mouth fully, granting an entrance for the darker one to come in. "Gaaahh!! Ghhhf, H-Helioos-!" "Oops, how did that happen? Hmhmh!" "Khhhhgghmmff! AAHH! Y-You did that on purposeh!!" And soon Drago was all heated again, his body begging for more attention. Helios had no problem obeying, so he climbed easily on top of his mate and pushed his body against the hot vibrating one. "Haah, ready for round two?" The Viper dragonoid asked feeling his dick hardening once again, not that he's desire had vanished at all to the begin with. Drago felt the stiff organ against his already leaking entrance. "Hggh... What are you waiting for?" And the emerald eyed male spread his legs for his lover to fit in better. Helios' eye shined with lust and he started to hump him rhythmically. A synchronized growl of pleasure echoed from both dragonoids and Drago felt the instincts kicking in again. He pushed his head back to the blankets and crabbed Helios' warm, strong shoulders, while Helios in turn pushed Drago's ass furter up to get his cock fully inside. "Gghhh... Graaahhh!! Youh... Feel even better than the first timeh!!!" Helios purred and fastened his pace, making Drago scream even higher. "You feel even bigger than beforeeh..!" The other one moaned blissfully and tightened his hold. "Heheh, maybe you're growing meh, hotshot." He grinned flashing his nail sharp teeth. To Drago that was no longer a means to prepare to fight for his life, but to make him open from inside out. He automatically pushed his bottom against his partners crotch. The aching he had had was gone completely, and replace with rapid blood pulsing through his veins. His tail was swinging in every direction, and he's jaws were getting tired for being open so wide. But there was no helping it. He had never felt such massive wave of pleasure in his life. It was like Helios had been made for him. Helios had really never thought about mating with anyone in general, but now he only devoted those kinds of fantasies for Drago. There was no other word to describe this incredible action, other than perfect. They were in sync, like drum and bass. After altering his body back to his original form, he truly could feel Drago's every touch every movement on his actual skin. All that pain and suffering, it had been worth it to feel something so amazing and unique. Drago just made him feel in whole new levels of right. "Mmhhgggrrh... You look and feel like the sexiest thing I've ever held before!!" The darker dragonoid purred, feeling Drago's chest from all over while nibbling his neck softly. How his hips moved back and forth under him... Helios couldn't resist to lay his hands all over them. How muscular and perfect shade of crimson his hips were, how his lovely tail would swing along his ass... How those perfectly shining soft shaped claws would push into his back as he made his dick slide in and out of his tight wet hole... Helios couldn't stop purring and thanking Drago inwardly for being his partner. "Gghh...Here it coomees..! You better be readyh!" He groaned and fastened his speed and Drago felt how he's pulsing inner walls felt something pumping hard in between them. Right towards his stomach. His voice got higher, but that only seemed to furter excite the other dragonoid, as he's groans got louder. Drago felt his whole body trembling under Helios, as much as he tried to hold him still. The topping male released his warm seeds right into Drago who was panting like he had just ran for his life, but smiled happily nonetheless. "I-It's so good...! I-Ih need moreh, Helios!" Drago begged and wiggled his butt to him. Helios was a bit out of breath as well, but had the same desire as his lover did. He positioned himself and breathed warmly onto Helios. "With all the pleasure there is..!" He said as he started to trust in him once more and he's member pulsed even harder than just few seconds ago, like it was literally ready to explode. Drago felt like he wasn't even in this world anymore, but in a paradise far far away, like stranded in an island of their own, with no others, no enemies, just the two of them in the wild. "I wanna get stranded on an Island with you...!" He exhaled out loud, as Helios give all his left energy and filled Drago to the point that the white slime was over flowing backwards to there it had came, and pooled under Drago's ass. Helios through his own ecstasy was barely able to hear the words his lover had just murmured, and asked: "Haah... You wanna strand me where?" "Hmh! No! Us, on an island... Than to just slip in a paradise with you and no disturbance from anyone or anything." He said and tried to steady his breathing. "Hmmh... That doesn't sound so bad. We could built a castle or a hut, whatever you prefer...And just live there till were old. " The other said smiling to him and caressed his jaw, while licking this beautiful face. "I've never thought about it, but I think I'd wanna be surrounded by nature. And ocean...Where there is warm and the wind blows calmly..." He visualised and even seemed to be dreaming about it. "Hmh. And the sunset's are different every time, with no one to steal you from me. Just you... and me...Forever." Helios added and was able to see it as well. It sounded like heaven. His only wish now was to someday find such a place. And out of nowhere, he jolted up and said:"Let's go look for one!" Drago jolted from the sudden disconnection and then just as fast re connected by asking: "Huh? You mean out in New Vestroia?" "Where else? We haven't even been to everywhere, especially over the sea!" He said smiling with a determination. It also was the perfect private little vacation they needed after all the Reboot's attack's. Drago more than deserved a break by now! "So my ruby scales, you up for a little private adventure?" He grinned to his lover playfully. "Hmh. I'm always up to anything with you." Drago looked at his mate while wide smile appeared on his face and his tail tip waved back and forth. Helios felt the excitement flowing through him and his long tail began to wave happily. "Hmh! Well then it's decided!" Helios got to announce, until his boyfriend spoke up again. "Just one question: Could we leave tomorrow?" Drago asked. "Hmh? Sure thing..." He said, sounding a bit questionable, as Drago let his body drop on the mattress exhaustedly. "Good. Because I can't walk let alone fly at least in next 12 hours!" Helios rolled his eyes. "Hmh. Oh I'm sorry, your soreness. Maybe you should get in some ass training than, unless I'm too much for ya?" Drago blushed and made a face to him. "Well excuse me for not having this active relationship in few years!" And Drago carefully turned to his other side, clearly watching his lower back. Helios grinned, but was a little disappointed by it. He would had wanted to leave right away... But while he waited for his boyfriend to take a nap, he could make the preparations for their little journey in the meanwhile. He saw how tired his beau was, but he for some reason wasn't. So, the bigger male carefully pulled the blanket over the ruby red one and kissed him on the cheek softly. "I'll be back soon." "Mmh... Soon, as in like today still?" Drago murmured, only peaking with his other eye. "Yeah, I promise... You cutie wiutie." He whispered as Drago closed his eyes softly, sure that no one had called him by THAT petname, and least of all Bakugans u'd expect to hear it from. *yawn* "Very well...Just be back soon, love." He said whole being half asleep already. Helios just smiled to him before closing the door and said: "Hm. What do you think? That I actually could stay more than five minutes away from you? Dream on, gurrganoid." But it was true. Right now Helios didnt wanto be anywhere besides to be tangled with Drago's soft warm body, but he had to go and inform their partners about their little plan. Meanwhile Helios transformed to his ball form, and flew across the hospital, mission to find Keith and Dan in the meeting room with others. They all looked quite surprised to see Helios like this again, and gasped. "H-Helios? It is you isn't it? And not a spy from the Reboot trying to in person Helios and get to Dragi?!" Preyas said fight ready face. "W-when did you get back like that?!" Ingram asked surprised, clearly not buying the aquos bakugans conspiracies. "Yeah I thought it was impossible once he had been altered so many times!" Marucho exhaled. "Heh, are you really that surprised? My master Spectra can do anything he puts his mind into!" Gus smiled proudly besides him. "That's correct and you brats better not forget it!" Helios added, landing onto the blonds shoulder. "Well hello. I've been wondering where you took off while I turned my back for a mere snack break." He asked petting his little head. "Hmh. Where do you think? Besides, I was feeling better already." Keith's look totally changed from the usual calm one into a surprised one. "Really, already? Nothing hasn't broke apart?" "Of course not! It's your handy work after all, and this time he didn't wreck it, rather embraced it." Helios grinned, happiness leaking through voice. "Hmh. I'm glad to hear that." He said meaning it with all his heart. Why hes angsty growling killer machine had turned into a flirty, relaxed, purring reptile. If he kept this up in public, he would start to get hug requests, rather than brawling challenges. Now Helios seemed somehow different than how he had been through all his previous evolutions and the others noticed it too. "Wow Heli, you seem to have whole new flame with edge on ya!" Preyas said. "Yeah not to mention you look a lot happier too!" Elfin came to and while circling the pyrus bakugan. "It's like someone wiped out that fog of uncertainty from you." Ingram said while floating closer. "It seems that the fire has its good flames on..." Nemus said. "It's like they say, two flames shine brighter than one..." Percival grinned and Helios blushes through all this. "Hfp! So what? I can't be happy for once, is that it?!" "Hah! He admitted it!" Elfin giggled and everyone else had a short laugh as well. "Grrrr...What ever! Mind your own business!" He growled back but couldn't deny it. He was truly happy. And not because he had gotten some new battle gear update or a crazy new weapon to play with, but because he made someone else happy. Someone that meant world to him. That's all that mattered. Thinking of whom, he remembered why he had come in the first place. "Keith, Dan, me and Drago are going to leave for a while..." Both looked at the pyrus bakugan with surprised expressions, but the brunet just smiled and said: "That's great! Do you know how long your going to be out?" "...Couple of days? I don't really know yet. Depends if we find something or not..." He said thoughtfully. "Hmm? Wait, your not gonna go after the Reboot scientists, are you?!" "No no! We just...-" *siiigh* Helios struggled to find the words without blurring out anything too detailed. He couldn't say they were just going for a exploration, because the others would probably want to be a part of it. Nor did he want to call it a date either. "-Want some private time." Keith finished. "Yes!" He exhaled, thankful of his partner's sharpness. But of course there was now the threat from the suspicious organisation that Helios still wanted to let his rage rain upon for what they did to Drago. Keith read his partner all too well and said to him: "Don't worry. The whole Vestal government is trying to track down any leads to their organisation. It's pointless to go on a wild goose chase. They know how to hide themselves and they are probably trying to track down Drago the best they can..." "...So, is it a good idea to actually let these two go alone somewhere? What if they get attacked and were not there to help? I won't take a risk like that ever again!" Dan said worriedly. "Don't worry Dan. Doctor Malcom and Iitu are preparing the machine that can help with the tracking and transporting as we speak. That way they can avoid the danger and just teleport back here if anything goes wrong." The blond reminded. "So can we go or not?! Or is it too risky?" Helios asked all confused now, getting a headache. He really wanted to just take his dragonoid and go! Drive away like two young teens on a honeymoon. But if it was a matter of Drago's safety, he would definitely do anything to insure it. He really couldn't see what was the big deal. Did they think he was weaker just because he had gone back to his original form? Just who did they take him for?! "When are you leaving again?" Keith asked turning his head towards his partner. "Tomorrow morning." That information made the blond feel a lot better. Maybe if he would go speed the tracker building, they mind make it before dawn. That way the fresh couple could have their day off without delay, but they would still show in their radar no matter how far they went, without actually disturbing them. Dan seemed thoughtful but give his final aproval. "Alright, but can you come and say goodbye before you go?" He asked the pyrus bakugan. *Sigh* "If that's what it takes, then yes." He said a bit frustratedly, but Helios felt exhausted all of a sudden. All this back and forth going reminded him of how a child begged permission for their parents for something. Maybe it wasn't so bad idea to nap the rest of the night hours after all... "You look tired. Why don't you go to bed and we pack a snack for you both?" This Vestal awareness always surprised him. "Since when are you able to-? You know what: Ok, I'm too tired to even question anymore!!" The pyrus dragon said and just dropped his little head in defeat. "Hmhmhm! Alright, see you both in the morning!" Keith smiled as hes partner turned to leave. "Sleep well!" Dan added as the pyrus bakugan struggled to keep his eyes open. "Yeah yeah. You too or sum..." *long deep yawn* And the little pyrus ball started a journey all the way back to Drago's temperarely bedroom, in half awake state. He almost flew to a wall from dozing off in a midflight. Thankfully, there was no one to see that. The hospital seemed surprisingly calm at the moment. And finally after many half awake turns and staircases, he reached he's destination. He opened the door with a bakugan desinged lock, and went back to his big form and to the familiar bed where the most beautiful dragonoid in whole New Vestroia was curled up, sleeping like a princess in a fairytale. Helios went to lay behind him, and carefully landed his hands over Drago's warm chest to pull him against his body, while wrapping his leg around Drago's ever so silky thigh, and the other responded with a purr and pushed back to the familiar muscular body behind him, knowing that everything was as it should be right now. There was also one thing he had noticed. When he went to the others, he automaticly had he's guard up, hardening his out appearances like usual. But instead with just Drago around, he felt so much more relaxed. He didn't need to put up a face for him anymore, or try and prove or impress him. He could be he's true self without care, tell thing's he never would had thought about telling anyone. And Drago was more than happy to listen and be with him, just as he was. And that was something Helios wanted to hold onto and protect, with all costs. So he gently nuzzled the other one and wispered: "No matter what happens, I'll always be by your side. I swear on my life." And he landed a kiss to Drago's unbeliebly soft lips, while the other seemed to smile almost in the dark, and pushed he's head towards the familiar voice and warmth. Helios did the same, and hoped that the morning would come soon. How ever, he saw a very odd dream that night. It felt so real that it could had been a memory. He was small, younger, in way way back. He saw white above him, like mist, or clouds, covered in purple red glow. The ground was a solid rock, almost felt like he was on a mountain. He saw something large and long in front of him. For some reason he wasn't afraid but curious about it, so he followed it. The small taps from his feet echoed through the high walls. Than he heard a deep, but calm voice: "Hmh. Up finally, are we?" Then the long thing pulled him towards the light, there a cold moist air hit his small almost scaleless body. Apparently it was a tail...Of an even bigger dragonoid. He heard the voice on the other side of the cave saying: "Come, Helios. I wanna show you something." Curiously, he started his little journey and went through some muscular well spiked and scaled legs, seeing a deep red under scales, a chest armor with more and more twisting spikes that glowed like a flame, and two strong hands coming down on both sides. Than he looked up, and saw what he thought of the most comforting, scarred, but trustworthy face of all in the existence. "There's the sun of my life." Helios felt like going closer and embrace this comforting warmth with all his might. That earned the most loveable licks and purring he had heard and he turned over to surrender to it, while giggling from the tickling sensation. He looked at the scars on the others black muzzle and licked them off, while getting cleaned by the bigger dragonoid. "Are these never going to heal?" "No, they are gonna stay on my face as long as I'll live." "Good. Because I think they make you look though!" The bigger one smirked warmly, amused by the little ones comment and looked at the smaller one: "Hmhmhm! I'm glad to hear that. Life is scarring, and you have to show it that you won't bend, no matter what it throws at you. You just push it back and say 'You mind think your though, but you haven't seen what I'm capable off! Now watch me as I burn everything you dare bring me down into a nothing but pile of ashes! I'll never give in, because I am a true dragon! A Steelfang!" And Helios heard the roar of god himself, as it echoed through the mountains far somewhere else, into the white abyss. Of course he couldn't disappoint the one he looked up the most, so he had to give his own voice a go. In all honesty, it was quite pathetic squeal compared to the giant one above him. But the elder smiled to his little one and said: "Don't over burn your throat. One day it will be just as pure and loud, that your enemies will frighten and be pushed back by it. As you let them hear who's the king of the fire ring." Getting to feel a bit better about himself, Helios asked looking at his head high up: "Daddy, will my horn ever grow as big and threatening as yours?" The bigger one grinned and said: "Of course it will, just like the rest of your body. But it will take some time and practice to get them worked up to that point." "Thm! I hate waiting!" The smaller one growled and the larger one hymned, and had a wise kind of grin: "Well, try to imagination if we could just get powers, our evolutions instantly right now?" He asked while hes long armored tail wrapped around him. "Awesome!! I could finally back drop ya!" The little dragonoid said puffing his chest and let some smoke out of his nostrils. "-Without even having to work for them? Now wouldn't that make you feel certain emptiness?" He asked. The smaller one pulled his head back and sank deep in a thought. It reminded him of this one time when he had tried to climb to the next rock level all by himself. He's father had always carried him over before, but when he had climbed it all the way by he's own strength, it had felt like a win of a great battle. Was that what he was referring to? If so, he slowly understood and nodded: "Yeaah... But it's gonna take forever! And I don't even know how or where to start! What if you get in trouble and I can't help because I'm not strong enough?!" He panicked, as he's small pointy back horns pinned down. He's father looked at him with his strong yet gentle gaze and said: "Don't worry. I'll be there to guide you. But the most important thing is that you keep your head focused, and trust you inner fire." "Trust my...Inner fire?" He slowly repeated. "Yes, feed it, embrace it and one day, it will make you bloom into a dragon like no one has ever seen before." He's father whispered and nuzzle the little one who was holding his little nose against the bigger ones. "Lord Herio!" And suddenly, he jolted to turn away and Helios's view of him was fading. "Your leaving again... But youl'll come back, right?" The little viper said barely loud ennough for it to be a murmur, as his guardian took off into the mist, and he felt the lonelyness hugging him once more. Tears formed in his crimson eyes, as he wimpered, trying to hold the cry from surfising:"Why do you always leave meh? Whyh..?!" Helios woke up and felt the tears running down his cheeks. Than his sense of realism came back. He was in the Baku hopital, with his spesial dragonoid still calmly sleeping next to him. It was just a dream...Thankful for not accidentally waking Drago up, he wiped his eyes, and went to lay back down next to him. There was still few hours till sun up. He just wish he didn't have to see that anytime soon again. The memory was one off the most painful ones he had. Not because of what it was, but because who was in it... When the sun was about to rise, the two pyrus Bakugan's woke up. Somehow they had just magically knew the exact second to wake up and they opened their eyes the exact same time. "You ready?" Helios asked grinning. "As ready as I'll ever be." His beau answered with excided smile on his ruby red scaled face. To that Helios could really get used to waking up every morning. But as they got up, Drago was falling towards the wall. Helios catched him quick rather surprised:"Are you ok?" Drago pressed his head and shook a bit and said: "Yeah yeah, I just.. Got up too quick I think.. Anyways, let's go!" Trusting Drago and not thinking too much of it, Helios went after the other, thinking that maybe someone wasn't such an early bird as they claimed to be. The two young dragonoids went to the big entrance hall and as promised Keith and Dan were already there, except the brunet seemed to be half asleep still, eye lids struggling to not drip all the way down. Amazed that hes partner had gotten up at all, Drago said as stern faced as he could: "Morning." "Nnhh...Morniing...Did you sleep well?" "I did, but you look like you could still keep sleeping." Drago replied, as he's partner almost dozed off. "Yeah, I will. Just wanted to send you off, buddy." He said and petted Drago's ankle since he was on his full dragon form right now, so he really couldn't just hug him as easily as in ball form. "Were gonna put this on Drago so that we can see all the time where do you go. And if you detect that something off, just press this and you'll be able to teleport here right away." Keith said giving the ruby red dragonoid a golden bracelet, that had a diamond in the middle. It was surprisingly light so that Drago barely even noticed it. "Is this just meant to match on him or was it an accident?" Helios asked as it really did suit with his whole appearance even the perfect core. "Maybe, maybe not. It's meant to be light weighted and unnoticeable." The young Vestal replied, while adjusting it to the right size for the dragonoid's wrist. "Well I like it. Heck, I mind even start wearing these more often." Drago smiled to himself, watching the satisfying golden shimmer. "Hmh. As if you weren't an eyesore to look at already..." But hearring Drago say that give Helios and idea for later purposes. None the less, they give the harnessed bag to him so that they had some food and water to go along the road, or sky. "Ok, you all have everything and ready to go?" The brunet questioned, while looking at the duo that looked like they were about to go to some hiking trip. "Yes finally." Drago said satisfyed. "Just be careful, ok? And keep and eye out for each other." The blond smiled, putting his hands on his hips. "Hm. I'll always have my eyes out for this one!" Helios huffed. "Don't sweat it, were gonna be fine. Now lets go, I wanna see the sunrise." Drago said spreading his wings, tail tip waving behind him. "It's way too early to have that much energyh..." The other pyrus dragonoid yawned and instantly regretted for not leaving in the afternoon. "Oh come on, where's that excitement from last night disappeared to?" The emerald eyed one poked back while rolling his eyes. "Ghhh...I'll take it back, I'm not a morning person." Helios admitted while turning to face the other way. "Huh, another interesting side fact of you..." Drago grinned to himself. He on the other hand was and loved to watch the sunrise every morning. "Alright, we'll be back soon, promise!" The perfect dragonoid responded to his partner, while taking off from the docs. "Take care and safe flight!!" Dan yelled, as they waved their partners off into the beautifully multi colored morning sky. As the two dragonoids flew across the country towards the sea, they got to see how quiet and beautiful the main land was. There wasn't too many other bakugans in site yet, and the calm wind was a good blessing for the journey ahead. There were few ripped clouds on the horizon, colouring them from purple to all the way pink as the sun kept rising up. They were over the sea as the golden rays touched their scaling. Helios couldn't help but to yet again chance his mind by what he saw in front of him. Drago, who was gently floating above the morning breeze, whose ruby red scaling was now a bright soft neon red and his amber under belly looked like it had been wiped with a golden paint to just make him even more precious looking than he already was. Helios got into almost dreamy kind of state once more as he watched his glorious mate flying infront of him. "On second thought, I don't mind the morning flights as much anymore..." He thought to himself and made a twirl and flew above Drago. Since he had the luck of having his wings separate from his actual hands, he could easily run his fingers along Drago's back while flying. Drago jolted, but purred as he felt the sweet gesture going along his body. "You are a sight to behold, babyh.." After hearring that, the red one blushed and turned to look at his mate and said: "Why don't you let me admire you as well? Not fair you to have all the best viewing." Helios just smirked back and slowed down a bit and said: "Go ahead, golden prince of Vestroia." And Drago rised above the other dragonoid to have a handsome view of his lover as well. His scaling got to a beautiful dark brown shade. Drago had no idea of this before, but he really liked the darker shade. It made Helios look even more sexy than he already was. Honesty, the ruby red one didn't wanna admit it out loud, but Helios looked in his Viper form the most attractive as he could for sure. The red dragonoid just loved his wave like scale formation and how he could see his deep red underbelly with his protective scaling on top of his legs and spikes...The impressive and attractive muscular build up of his body. Orange was one of Drago's favorite colors, so the fact that Helios had a whole line of spikes coloured like that going down his back, all the way to his long lovely tail, just made the red one purr and spin in the air and nuzzle him while flying. The Viper one hymned while nuzzling the ruby red one back and asked:"Hmh. Got enough?" Drago looked deep in his eyes almost wantingly and said: "I could never get enough of you..." Hearring something like this just made the Viper one's day. He licked Drago's cheek, while it was conveniently pushed right to his and the other closed his eyes. He dived down a bit and circled the bigger dragon in the air. Now this kind of life Drago had yearned to live. Being the center of Helios' attention. Making him purr and smile, feeling like there was no one else in the world... As the two most likely in heat dragon's kept flying forward, the morning went by fast. The refreshing wind just stopped to nothing more but unnoticeable draft. The higher the sun rised the hotter it got. Now even if Drago and Helios' attribute was fire, it didn't mean that they could just endure infinite hotness either. They got dehydrated and their scales reacted to sun light, just like any other dragonoids. And after flying about six hours in straight sunlight, the couple was seriously starting to be in a need of a resting place. "Do you see anything?" "No. Just sea upon sea..." Helios groaned and added lazily: "Grrh, if I can't soon see anything else but blue, I'll blast the whole damn ocean off!" The darker one growled, clearly about to just drop down and make the ocean their holiday spot for now. Maybe if they waited long ennough, an island would rise beneath them. That idea started to be more plesant by the second, as Helios could had swore that his scales started to rip apart for frying so long in the heat. "Calm down, I'm sure there's at least one land spot somewhere close by... this isn't a water planet after all. " Drago said trying to keep the other's optimism up but right after finishing the sentence, he heard a loud roar behind him, followed by a loud splash. "Nose diving now, are we?" Drago asked halting for a moment to look should he just pick him up and carry him till they found a land spot. But the other dragon simply looked too comfortable in the water right now. Floating on his back, while giving his sweating wings some much needed refreshment in the cool water. "Mmh This actually ein't that bad..." He murmured while closing his eyes as the nicely refreshing waves cool down his sun scorched backside nicely...While completely forgetting the fact that he couldn't swim a single stroke. Just when Drago was about to stop and have a break himself, he saw something in the horizon. Like the was a wide figure above the sea line... "AN ISLAND!" Helios lifted his head instantly and was actually able to see it as well. "YEES! About damn time...!" "You think you can fly there, or should I carry y-" But the big bad dragon wooshed past him faster than speed of light. "IN YOUR DREAMS!!!" Went the roar from this fire breathing hornet and was off to the horizon, like a vicious bullet. Giggling to himself, Drago flew after him, while the idea of getting a bridal style hold of his boyfriend was quite tempting. As they had talked a bit more, gladly Helios and Leonidas came well along to Drago's relief. He surely had good laughs while the two kept on chatting and joking of whatever. But Leonidas also wanted to go and show the sites for them quickly, before the two pyrus dragonoids decided it was time to leave and continue their own journey. As they were standing on the cliff that was perfect for take off, the darkus dragonoid was there to send them of. "Thankyou again for everything! It was so nice to catch up!" "Likewise, and was awesome meeting you, Helios. Hopefully you didn't get too terrible impression of me?" "Hmh. Can't be worse that what you have heard of my and Drago's first meeting!" "Ah, flame at the first site! Broomantic, I'll say!" The two just laughed off and made a fist bump. "Your cool, Leo." Helios smiled to his new friend. "And your hot and spirited! Just how I like my brothers!" Yet another chuckle escaped from Helios. "Ok, your starting to be too much! And were losing daylight..." Helios said as the sky started clouding up and wind picked up. "He's right. Fly safely now!" "Thankyou for everything! See ya!" They waved of and they took of and flew side by side as the darkus dragonoid waved for them. "It's nice to see Drago so happy. Well I'd be too if I'd have someone as entertaining Helios by my side. I just hope those odd boat's aren't there anymore..." Leonidas thought, as his two friends flew beyond naked eye. The two pyrus Bakugan's didn't even get far, as the wind really started to push them back, and they felt few droplets coming down. The thunder begun to rumble not far in the distance. "Yeah, a good refreshing storm, just what I needed! I almost got sunburned back there!" Helios said. "Ou, I thought you wouldn't get more darker?" "We'll see after summer's over if I'm just full on black or not!" He barked back as a lighting hit ahead of them in to the sea. They both jolted a bit, but Helios quickly made a good comment:"I'm glad I'm not half way covered in metal anymore..." "If that would be the case, I would check the weather report everytime you leave somewhere." Drago remarked. "Better if I go first. I don't think your body can take any extra crispiness at the moment...Your still recovering." The darker dragonoid said flying ahead of the red one. "Alright then..." Drago couldn't argue the truth. He just hoped Helios knew where he was going to. The darker dragonoid watched at the red one and nudged him on the muzzle:" No, your right. I am stubborn. But that's the way I was raised to be." Drago looked at him with questioning expression, and Helios felt like it was as good time as any to tell him. As the storm rampaged outside, they stuck in a cave on an deserted island. "Way back when I was small, there was two dragonoids who took care of me. Novle was a blade warrior dragonoid, who was gentle and teached me way differently. He didn't wanna push me more than it was necessary. Said that in time I would find my own path and strength... But Hara was a whole different story. He didn't hold anything back. He trained me to be hard and ruthless, no mercy. "Because your just gonna regret it later, when they come after you for letting them live", he said. They often argued about teaching me. They were scared for my future... But in the end, our Empress decided that they shouldn't be bothered about each others teaching methods, only that I would learn how to control and use my powers. But not too long after that, without warning, the neighboring tribe of dragonoids broke our 100 year peace and attacked us. I was with Hara at the time being, but we were surrounded. He tried to fend them of and get me some time to go and make a run for it. But as fool as I am, I didn't listen and came back to help him out. Their general surprised me and almost took my head, but Hara took the blow instead. There was nothing more to be done. Covered in my own master's blood, I came back to what was left of my city. The dragonoids that least liked me, were of course among those who had survived... But Novle was there as well. I tried to tell what happened, but the elders only saw my shock state muttering as a time stall of how I could cover a lie. The accused me and wanted to get me back from it. But before I had time to convince them, their blades were turned on me. Novle however shielded me, grabbed me, and used his last strength and threw me through a dimension portal. All I heard was his screams of agony as I fell, unable to do anything. Both who had nothing but good intentions towards me, threw their lives away, to protect a weakling like me... That's when I swore I would get stronger than anyone one else, harden myself so that no one would get close to me... Mad with myself, I wanted to burn my eyes out, just so I could stop seeing their dying eyes looking at me, to stop seeing the nightmare over and over again, giving me hope to life happily... I stopped believing that good friendly attitude could ever be source of true power. That only gets you killed, no matter how hard you try and be a saint." Helios finished tightening his fist. Now Drago had a completely different view about his lover. So Helios hasn't even been born on New Vestroia but from somewhere else? And he had grown up in a colony filled with dragonoids, that had for whatever reason turned their back against him? It pained him to hear such crucial thing, making his eyes tear up. It felt sadly familiar. "Helios...I'm sorry to hear that. I had no idea...Thankyou for telling me. I knew there must had been something that made you act the way you did, but deep inside, I see a part of something that's not heartlessness. It's there, but it's buried deep. And hard to draw out..." Drago said touching his lover's cheek gently. "-But you did draw it out." Helios said back, locking eyes with him, and showed that rare smile of his and kissed the others soft lips. Drago felt the calming effect and kissed his dear pyrus dragon back gently, while letting his arms travel over to his strong back, and up to his neck scales, carefully avoiding the venomous spikes. Drago was grateful to hear that somehow he's actions had indeed had an effect on the other dragon over time. Of course at first he had never thought that it would lead to something this deep. But bakugan's changed. And so could their hearts. It only depended on their own will power to make that change. "But, that's also why I keep telling you everyone's tiniest problem is not your concern, damn it!" Helios growled. "I don't want you to get killed by someone's lost puppy, that turns out to be the newest world dominating machine!" He said and nibbled his cheek horn, kind of as like a nose pinch. "Ahgh..! I won't, I promise! Besides, we still have our own war to win. This isn't over yet. And I don't like the fact that I'm feeling like I'm getting weaker... I hardly can have one night peaceful sleep. I don't want it to get to me like that, but I... I can't escape it. It's swallowing me..." Drago said clutching his hand into a fist and pulled his head low. But Helios raised his chin up and looked him right in the eyes and swiped his falling tears with his fingers. "If you won't let me be consumed by negativity, then I won't let you fall either. Or by anything else, besides me... And my undying love for you." And Helios kissed his mate passionately. Drago couldn't resists, but to answer to it with his own passion and take a hold of Helios' strong buff shoulders, and pull him into a deep embrace. Both dragonoids tail's began to wave rhythmically as their tongues twirled together between their lips. Their hands went from each others shoulders to all over their fastly heating bodies. The rain pattered calmly on the cave's roof, and few lightning strike's made most impressive light show outside. Otherwise, the sky was pitch black. "Hmmh, looks like we'll be here for a couple of hours..." Helios said but didn't sound too disappointed, when he felt his lovers hands adventuring down to his waist. "I don't mind. In fact, even if we spend the whole night over here..." "Hmhmh! You know what, I was just thinking the same thing." The darker one grinned back and his big hand grabbed Drago's thigh, as he lifted his leg up and turned him to lay down, as he climbed on top if him, licking his nail sharp teeth. "I think I'm a bit hungry...for some dragonoid ass..." blushing by this statement and the way he felt the Viper one dominating his body again. "Aahh, Helios.. It excites me when you talk like that..." the more feminive dragon admitted and he felt the jolts of pleasure already. "Hmh. Then Imma keep it up, and see what happens to that sexy body of yours~" And the topping one started to caress Drago's mid stomach and the in-scale, making him moan louder. The darker one lured his dick out in open, while Drago sucked Helios' tongue arousingly. The other let out a deep purring sound, as he felt how his mate's warm palm was caressing his quickly arousing member. But before he seemed to be getting too into it, he stopped and said: "You wanna feel something new, babe?" Drago stopped and had to admit that he was curious so he nodded to him. Helios grinned and pushed Drago's ass closer and aimed his vibrating member's tip to press against Drago's, so that they were glans to glans. The second Drago felt it, he moaned so highly that Helios thought that he had for sure dropped his balls. Nonetheless, it earned a new points to his dominant side to want to make him moan like this again. Drago felt like he was gonna explode. He automatically tried to back off, but Helios pushed his legs above his own to raise his ass up. "Breathe, silly. Just relax...And cum to me." And with Helios' deep demanding voice Drago for sure thought he would faint. He tried to take fast breaths, but it only made the blood pump faster, making him dive closer to the climax. "Aaaahhh, GAAHH-AAAAAAAAAAAHH! H-HELIOOOOSS!!! "He howled as he felt the orgasm coming, but in a whole new level. There wasn't much Drago could do besides let the overpowering new wave of pleasure take him completely. Never having felt anything like this before, it was hard to resist. At the same time, they both shot their seeds at each other, making a hot mess between them. Panting, they looked each other in the eyes. Drago's were teared up from the pleasure, and Helios' were glittering from the lust. "I need youh..." "Just what I was about toh sayh.." Drago said taking heavy breaths and spread his legs wide and tried to pull Helios in with them, as his mouth and tongue searched for his. Never having anyone wanting him so much, Helios felt his heart melting. He wanted Drago just as much, so he lowered his member to be positioned to the already wet tail hole and started thrusting in. Drago wrapped his legs onto Helios warm muscular back and pulsated to him as his tail was wagging pleasingly with Helios'. The more heated up passion between them burned brighter than ever now and they were 100% in sync this time. Making it much easier for Helios to hit the other's sweet spot. For Drago this felt more perfect than any of their previous mating sessions. He felt no pain, only how Helios was bringing his every sense alive, and giving them the caressing of his life. "Haaah, hardeer please..! Helios, give me your all..!" Such request made Helios grin the most seductive of ways, and he whispered: "Than praise yourself, my dear Dragonoid. Mind knock the soul right out of you." Now if they would had had a bed under them, It would had been destroyed. Helios' every muscle flexed, giving Drago even more arousement that he already was in. Shaking his ass like a cat that was about to jump, Helios felt how the erection of his life spreaded it self in Drago's warm shaking butt. Both panted, their bodies relaxed in each others warmth. "Mmmmhh.. You reeally know how to shake it so I just loose all sense in my head.." "And you knowh... how to make me literally beg for youh to give it to meh..." Drago said lustfully and wrapped his tail around him. Just when Helios thought that Drago couldn't make him feel anymore better of himself, he always topped it. Purring lowly, he sucked a bunch of dragon hickeys on his amber shaded neck and Drago slowly drifted back to his paradise. After catching his breath, the red one looked at the handsome dark dragonoid and said: "You really are special..." Drago exhaled and nuzzled him. "Because I have an automatically vibrating dick?" He grinned and Drago blushed and shook his head: "No, well, that too of course..." He said, while trying to clear his throat. "But you always just manage to make me feel something new. Feelings I never thought I even had in me... But I love it. Like I love you." He said and kissed him. "Well apparently your a Helios magnet as well as trouble magnet." He grinned back as he give few licks to Drago's lips. "Oh great, so are all the Vipers gonna come after me?" The red one asked sarcastically and playfully rolled his eyes while caressing Helios' spiky chest. "Hah! Let them try, I won't let ANYONE touch you! Viper or otherwise..." The other defended instantly, as an image of two other Vipers he knew full well flashed in his mind. "Hmh. So tell me, when did I become so attractive to you?" Drago asked smiling, speaking of attractive, he was the definition of one. "You always have been. You just haven't noticed before..." Helios said looking deep into his glorious emerald eyes, expression softening. Drago loved to see these not so common faces on his lover and he pulled him close against his chest again. "I only need to be attractive for you. That's all I want." Drago whispered pressing his head against the darker scaled one's and licked his burn marks tenderly. "Mmh...Don't worry. Even if you tried, nothing you do could make me be disgusted by you." He confessed and licked his mate's neck back. Drago purred and sank his face into Helios' chest as their bodies twirled together all the way to their tail tips. Helios watched him and decided to broke the silence and asked with a very soft tone: "Your not hurt as bad as the first time, are you?" "Mmhh... No, all you make me feel now is pure bliss." Drago responded hazily, while inhaling his lovers scent, that reminded him of summer sunshine. Oddly enough, he had never felt so needy before. It was like Helios had just finished, but Drago was ready for round two right of the bat! It was like he was possessed by his body... But he had to control his lust and give Helios some rest. He has just gotten his own body back. He didn't wanna push him too far too soon. But it didn't stop him from practically worshiping it and let his hands roam all over it, through every muscle and scale. "I wanna be with you forever, till the end like this..." He murmured dreamingly while closing his eyes piecefully. That made the other smile and clean him with his tongue, while thinking about their future. What a lovely view it was... but then he saw something else that made him automatically think of an topic they hadn't touched yet. He looked Drago's calm purring face and decided to go for it. Taking a deep inhale, he asked: "What do you think about kids?" Drago stopped making any sounds and slowly opened his eyes to look Helios rather surprisingly. A blush spreaded on his cheeks and Helios carefully added: "Meaning could you ever think of having some, IF it was possible..?" Drago turned to look at the rocky ground and was silent for a while. But there was something in his emerald eyes that kind of told Helios the answer before he even replied:"I have, and the truth is, I'd love to have some, if it could be possible..." Helios' horns folded back a little and pressed his muzzle against his and licked Drago's reddening face. "How many?" He pressed softly. Drago blushed even more from Helios' curiousness by this subject. He surely was fast forward, or his imagination was... "Even one would be wonderful... But, what brought this up?" He asked tilting his head. "It's been on my mind for a while, but I was nervous to bring it up. Or for that matter finding the piece and privacy to ask.. " He said a bit regretfully. "I understand. But now, there's no one but us here. And we have all the privacy we need..." Drago said and kissed him once more passionately. Drago was able to understand where he came from, but in reverse, he was curious about the darker ones opinion on the matter. "Would you?" The red one asked in return. There was something so emotional in Helios' eyes at that second, like there something he had kept bottled up in him for good amount of time now. "Yes, and that they would get a proper childhood, true parents, for as long as they need..." Helios replied touching the burn mark on eye. Drago looked at them and carefully asked: "Did you ever have a chance to meet your true parents?" Helios turned his head and said: "I did, for a while. My father, who was also my mother. He was an extremely powerful dragonoid, some even referred him as god, so if he wanted and successor, he had the power to just make it on his own. I only remember it veighly, but one day when he left out, like usual... Promised to come back for me, and I waited, and waited, and waited... He never returned." He said biting his lip. Drago slowly started to get the whole picture of unfortunate events on the other pyrus Bakugans life, and could help but to feel bad for him. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Helios. If I'd ever known, I-" But the other just stopped him right there by saying:"But you didn't, so it's alright. Besides, it would had come up sooner or later. At least now you know..." The fear or someone dear leaving him again was most scariest thing for the darker scaled dragon. Kinda also the reason why he wanted to be so close to the other pyrus dragonoid and not let him out if his site. That and also because he had this bad habit of always getting himself into other people's problems. Helios noticed that his lover had teared up again and the wave of regret rushed over him. "Hey I should be the one weeping, not you! Cut it out already!!" "But-That's so horrible...! Why would he just leave you like that? What happened to him? You deserve to know the truth! Surely he must be alive somewhere? If you never saw his body, then how can you be sure he's dead? Maybe he's in serious trouble, held up somewhere!" Drago said, clearly not taking the news so easily as he had. Helios let a heavy sigh before replying:"No, I didn't, but it's just easier to believe. And it's not like I can even return back there now... The portal only works one way. Once you leave, you ein't coming back." The darker pyrus Bakugan said, while turning to face away from the other, trying to recall the foggy memories from that time in his life. "What was it called? Can you remember?" The ruby red dragon asked, slightly turning his head while furrowning his brows. The other male dragon kept a long pause, and consentraided his eyes on the ground, like the answers were magically gonna appear on the dust. "No, it's all so fuzzy. It's like something is eating my memories of it..." He said rubbing his forehead. Drago sighed and smiled a bit while saying: "Well, at least I'm happy that you got to this world. Otherwise, we might not have ever met..." And he nuzzled him softly, making the other purr deeply, and returned the sweet gesture. "Hmh. Yeah, there's that. Nor would have I met Keith..." He said thinking how far and long way they had come together. He surely wouldn't give up all those golden memories for anything. "Exactly. Which is why I believe everything happens for a reason." Drago said back with a confident smile. "And yes, if we ever someway COULD get children, we would make sure that they can live in a safe world, have the best parents and chance to live freely, as who they are in it." Drago answered while closing his eyes, already imagition it. While the ruby scaled dragon was having a moment, Helios moved into the next step and begun to caress Drago's back and waist smoothly, while imagitioning something else and grinned:"Hmh. I'll say you surely would have the hips for it..." Drago awoke from his daydream and jolted a bit. "Mm! T-To what?" "Nothing." Helios replied turning his head, avoiding the others emerald gaze. "Oh come on, tell me!" Drago insisted and tried to bite his neck to tease it out of him, but he wasn't even faced. "Naah, I forgot already." The bigger male grinned, still looking up to the cave ceiling. "Helioos..!" He growled more annoyedly by the others teasing, pouting at the same time. "Damn your cute when you growl like that..." Helios responded, while his long tail was making twist's in the darkness. "Nggg...! Alright, two can play this game." And Drago changed tactics and went down and tilted his head making rather cute expression, which make Helios turn his full attention to him. "No, don't you dare-" "Pleease Heli dear, with sugar?" He begged emerald eyes glittering. "Ou you dared." He couldn't resist seeing Drago all cute like that, easily with pleaning look. He licked him from neck and face, pretty much all over where possible. "Stop being so goddamn cute all the time!!" He growled and Drago started to purr and said: "Then can you stop growling so sexily with that hot voice of yours?!" They both stared at each other for a while, before sweat dropping. "I will never ever in million years hand you over to anyone else." They said at the same time, making one more stare down. "Hey get out of my mind!" Drago snapped. "You get out of mine! You crazy dragon... " Helios said and then, couldnt help but to land a peck on Drago's cheek once more. The other hymned, and blushed a bit before murmuring back:"You can't, even if you wanted to. Your stuck in me. Quite literally..." Drago said looking below between their stomach's, still remembering they were still in coitus. "Huh... No wonder I felt so nice and warm..." Helios grinned and pulled out, taking the breath out of Drago at the same time, while he leaked from all the extra seemen. "Is your 'cream' over flowing again? Lemme fix that." The other grinned and went down to clean his under dragon up. Drago could help but to twist and turn from the extra sensitive bath he was receiving. The rain had stopped, and the stars had come out with the moon, to light up the clear and beautiful night sky. Inside the cave, gleamed a red light all around the two dragon's. They opened their eyes, only to see how the red crystals around the walls shed a warm light all over them. The view was so magical, that either of them said a word, knowing that they wanted to remember this as one on the most perfect nights of their lives. "Something like this..." Helios murmured to himself while thinking a place where he would settle down one day with the love of his life. Slowly after admiring the romantic scene, Drago's head started nod from him dozing off. After few times, he just gave up and turned his head back to Helios and decided to let the dream world take him. And for once, he didn't see any nightmares. The other pyrus dragon slowly doozed off as well, curling his body tightly around the others, sharing their body warmth. There sure was the good sides dating the same attribute. Not only was there the element, but that in tag battle, you could automaticly give eachother full G-points back. It sure was nice to find out something more about your mate everyday as going along. However what either of them didn't notice from all the romantic scenery and eachother, was that the perfect core in Drago's chest pulsed lightly with a warm glow. The perfect dragonoid was laying on the bed while feeling his stomach with his hand. It didn't feel that huge yet but in time, he knew it would start to show the evidence more clearly. He and Dan had not talked about that subject yet, nor had Drago yet revealed it to any other Bakugan than Percival, who came to see him everyday. He sighed heavily, while he's thoughts were mostly wrapped up with the future. This was a new and very stressful thing for the young pyrus dragonoid. Iitu had done every day a check up on him, as she wanted to keep an close eye on the dragonoid's condition. Drago was already a special case for one, but this state was the rarity of a Bakugan lifetime. It had been ions since the last produce. So what the soon to be parent of a dragon had done on his free time, was reading of every possible pregnancy related book. Before he could even dream of revealing it to Helios, he needed himself to be on top of this. It made no sense to make his already flammable nerved boyfriend have a panic attack by every single side effect that mind occur during it, or how the symptoms would get worse as the time passed on. The latest thing he learned, was that it was possible if the birth took too much out of him, he could die. Knowing all the risks rather than not knowing anything, definitely made him felt better and more confident about the situation. But he was a though dragonoid. That much had been proven already. If no cores of the planets or termination systems aren't able to kill him, than what chance did a newborn baby have? So with the ruby red one being pretty well occupied during the whole week with studying, Helios got to continue his project in complete peace and quiet. As the six days and night had went by, he looked at his progress, and put his hands on his hips while huffing: "Okay, I think it's starting to be presentable now. I hope I haven't done this all for nothing...Now the only thing left is to bring him here, and he better like it or else I'm gonna eat my own tail!" The viper dragonoid got more and more exited the closer he flew back to the baku hospital, to show his present for his lover. Drago was as expected in his room, cuddling Terry while softly snuffling. Helios went by him and thankfully didn't notice the book Drago had accidently dropped on the floor, as he had dozed off. The bigger dragon climed up to lay on top of him, giving him the best wake up call ever, by taking his lips onto his, and kissed them warmly. Drago moaned softly in his sleep, so Helios decided to pull his other hand to Drago's soft waist, and slide it towards his ass. Now the red one had bit more of a reaction and he let out a louder surprised moan, and carefully opened his eyes to see his sexy lover on top of him. "Mmhh..! Well hi! I-is it morning already?" "No, but it doesn't matter. Can you come with me somewhere?" Drago blinked couple of times and rubbed his eyes while letting out a deep yawn. "To where exactlyh?" "Hmh! It's a surpriise~" The darker one said with a wink. "Come on, we mind make it there by sunrise!" Helios said getting off from on top of him with a jolt, clearly showing that he was fired up over this. Then he gave his hand to the other dragonoid, so that he would take it and help him get up. The confused Bakugan didn't have much else to do, than obey his mate and get satisfaction for his curiosity. "Show me the way." But Helios stopped him there already. "First, I have to blindfold you though." Drago fully opened his eyes in confusion and asked: "What?" "I can't let you see it early! I want you to see it when we're all the way there." Helios stated firmly, as Drago sighed and knew there was no point arguing back, when he looked in his determined eyes and answered with an obvious eye roll. "Okay, I'll trust my life with you..." Helios kissed him and grinned: "Naturally." What Drago hadn't had any clue of, was that they would be flying the whole way there. As he was blindfolded! This had disaster written all over it. "How much further?" The red dragonoid questioned, after it started to feel like they had been flying half of a day. Helios looked over his shoulder, while making sure with his long tail that Drago didn't diverged from the current. But of course as a side effect Drago now and then got nice little brushes from it, when the viper dragon stroked his chin in to the right direction with it. "We're almost there, promise." "I feel like you have said that 10 times now..." The ruby red dragonoid groaned back, the frustration leaking through his voice. "Exactly as many times as you have asked before." The darker one countered calmly. *sigh* "But I've asked about an hour ago!" He said back while rolling his eyes that Helios couldn't see now, so he made a pouty face. Unable to hold his amused laugh, while flying a bit closer to him and nuzzled him: "Don't worry your 'hurriness', I can already see it. Just few kilometers and prepare to land." Drago swallowed nervously and said: "Are you sure this isn't just your pay back for me coming to the facility? Besides, I have barely seen you in the whole week! This feels more like a start of a torture time for me! When you said date, I really thought of something else..." The red one murmured, but couldn't lie when he said that. He had actually missed Helios during this time, but when he had asked about it from Keith, he said he had not seem him either around lately... So no one had a clue where he had gone off to during week, but as long as he came to sleep and eat, no one had not looked too much into it. Helios had another snickering out of the red one's bizzare guessing game. He couldn't blame him though. "No, you crazy dragon! Why would I secretly make you a torture time, when I have all needed for that right here, if I ever WOULD WANT TO torture you?" He asked sedusingly and half sarcasticly, while purring and licked his cheek, and brushed his muscles against the other dragonoid's body in a exiting manner. Drago let out a low purring and his body responded automatically, and he just wanted to push his body against the other dragon's warm bigger one. "I've been missing you so much..." He whispered to him. Helios give the other a kiss on the lips while pushing his head against the golden horned ones, and responded: "Mee too, love." Despite the blindfold, Drago's blush was able to show under it. Now he would had wanted nothing more but to throw himself in the others arms, but just in time Helios slowed down and said: "Leg's up front and lower altitude, please!" Drago had never performed such landing, but he had surprisingly good balance, and he nailed it. Well despite few lurches, but he was on solid ground in one piece. "Can I look already?" "Noo, just a bit further." Helios said, and Drago's was able to tell that he had smirking. Drago let his shoulders drop and he took a deep inhale. He had to stay calm. But it sure was hard after flying blindly somewhere all morning, without a single clue. Besides the ocean waves and seagulls. But that could had been anywhere! Just what could had Helios possibly have in store for him? The viper one kept slowly leading him into somewhere, where there were apparently rocks and climbing, and Drago was so close on tripping to them more than couple of times even though he was holding Helios's hand. "Come on, Helios! This is getting dangerous...!" "Well I haven't had time to clean up all of the yard yet! just few more steps..." Now Drago was truly puzzled. Yard? Just where in New Vestroia were they??? "Helioos...! Come on, not even a clue? And why would you need a yard full of rocks? And seriously, blindfolded all the way? Please let me look already! I'm totally lost!!" The red one pleaned. "Oh you think your lost now? Just wait until you see the whole place! But how about first just the main living quarters?" Those were the words that got the red dragonoid even further confused, but Helios lifted his tail of from his curious eyes. What Drago couldn't help but to notice was that his voice had an odd kind of echo, like they were inside somewhere hollow... And indeed they were. Drago's jaw dropped all the way by what he saw in front of him. It was the very same island they had visited just a week or two back, except the cave had changed a whole lot! The entrance was a lot bigger, as was the usual crawlspace inside. Somehow, it had been carved nicely out in a perfect open shape, that made it feel like a actual living room. On the right there was couple of carved hollow spots, just like cabinet levels and a nice big wooden table with few water bottles and snack bags on it, making it shadow a kitchen of sorts. And on the left, Drago saw another doorway to the outside, and realized that it had been made as a balcony area. In the middle of the room, had been left a perfectly round shaped area, almost as to make it look like a dining table. The red crystals had been put in a great use as well, since apparently Helios had found a way to make them work as brightly as lamps, that shed a warm coloured lighting to all over the comftrable home. "I didn't have time to figure out the furniture yet too much, but I got us enough food and blankets to spend the night atleast. So, what do you say? Good enough for your majesty?" He grinned and Drago was frozen to the spot. Had Helios made all this by himself? That sure explained why he hadn't seen him awhile. "H-Helios, i-it's..!" Drago was trying to form words, but all that came out was deep breaths and wide eyed staring. "Yees?" The darker scaled one asked, while trying to stay positive. Drago's face was giving very mixed signals to him. Until finally after what seemed like eternity to him, came the answer:"I-It's...The loveliest surprise I've ever seen! I would had never guessed...!" Drago said, his emerald eyes tearing up. This much time and effort, just for him? Drago had no words from this overwhelming emotion. He was about to take a step inside, but turned to look at his beau questionably. "Hmh! Hey, the lava is plenty below us. It's safe to walk!" He said, thinking deeper that lava wouldn't actually even hurt him. Regardless, Drago went in further to circle the whole place. It felt like a dream. "Are these for-?" He asked, stopping on what seemed like a desk area carved on the side of the wall. "Like said, I haven't had time to buy much furniture yet, but for cabinets, yes. And I still have to get the warm water running, so we can have other than cold sea baths. Especially at winter." He said and Drago went into the other side to look at the open balcony as there was beautiful site of the whole island spreading beyond them. "I thought this would be a nice place to watch the sunsets, as we have something nice to drink...But again, I don't know what kind of porch you wanted, so I left a good amount of space to figure that out." Helios said and went to stand besides him and circled his hand around Drago's excitingly shaking body. "Y-You did all this... All by yourself??" The emerald eyed dragon asked in amazement. Helios simply shrugged his shoulders and replied:"Yeah, so?" "Why? Why didn't you let me help you?! Now your back's probably broken from carrying all those boulders out! I could had helped you if you'd just asked!" The red one said, eyes full of too many emotions to pick just one. Helios sighed and closed his burned eyelids. "Because, I wanted to do this plan of mine all by myself. I wanted to surprise you in someway. And you haven't even see the best part yet. So hold your rambling, sugar, and follow me." He grinned. In truth, Iitu would had death stared him down if Helios would had even suggested a project like this right after the final battle. So it was best that he had kept this all to himself, till now. Helios leaded his confused dragonoid into the deeper area of the cave, and brought him in front of a curtain. There was a sweet scent lingering from behind it and Drago lost all his frustration and inhaled it. There was something familiar about it. "Are you ready?" The darker one asked tail tip wagging. "Foor..?" Drago was a bit scared. All this had been breath taking already, but now what he saw topped all his every expectations. There was a sweet little bedroom, with extra amount of crystals all over the ceiling, and padded round bed with petals and fire lily's all over the floor and even couple of scented candles. "You.. y-you have been reading something..!" "Maaybe, the mind of my lovely dragonoid?" "Mm- Helioos...!" Drago couldn't hold himself anymore and embraced him lovingly while twirling his tail around Helios'. Just when he thought the surprises would end, the edgy dragonoid kept topping himself over and over. Drago felt like he just fell more in love with him as the time passed on. The ruby eyed one responded heatedly back, and let his tongue hunt down Drago's, as he pushed him under him in the middle of the beautiful romantic flower bed. Drago would had never expected to experience anything like this in his life, but here he was, experiencing it with the most unexpected mate. After all the effort Helios had put in this, Drago couldn't help but to feel bad that he had not yet given him anything back. He wanted to do something nice for him next time for sure. But now, it was time to enjoy this present first. "This is our home. A place where no one or anything will come to disturb us. And finally, we can start living the life we have been wanting all this time..." Helios purred as he caressed Drago's ribs and waist in a relaxing way. The ruby red dragonoid's hands went onto Helios' back and he give him a lovely back caressing while responding:"Helios, you have no idea how long I've wished for something like this..! A safe haven, for both of us. A home." He said while looking around the crystal walls, feeling like a royalty. "Well, home sweet home, baby. And I was still going to make an upstairs area too... Just in case." He grinned and let his hand wander slowly over Drago's stomach, to his rear. Drago had a new kind of shiver, wondering what did he mean by it. But he didn't have much time to think, when he felt Helios taking a hold of his dick, and he started to stroke it slowly. Drago was already aroused, in fact he had been feeling not only lonely but needy the whole week. Iitu had said that the hormones mind also make him feel that way even though there wasn't any particular triggering around him. But now that there was, he felt hot faster than Helios. The other didn't mind it the slightest, as he felt Drago's other hand wandering over his in-scale, and taking his member out to be pleased as well. The two dragonoids had an intense tongue fight, as well as fastening stroke session in the proses. What Drago noticed however was that his lover's sacks felt extra filled for some reason. Drago un did his tongue from around the others and asked:" Is it just me or do your feel like your packing for something?" The others lust filled ruby eyes looked at him and he said: "Haah, maybeh they areh... 'For something'..." He said and felt Drago getting close already so he went below and took his member in his mouth, while watching his teeth to not inflict damage to his precious organ. Drago gripped onto the mattress, and howled towards the ceiling with pleasure, and his tail wrapped itself around Helios's long one. It had been over a week since these two had made love, so both having a build up frustration in them, it didn't took much to make their seeds burst out. Panting a bit, Drago looked at his mate and said: "Youh... Didn't spray any extra hormone triggering in here, did ya?" "No, just the trigger of you sweet sounds and godly body is enough for me." The darker one purred and went up and touched Drago's tail base, that was already asking a wet entrance in itself. Helios loved how easily Drago was ready for him, making it truly feel like they were made for each other. Looking in the most beautiful emerald eyes, while tapping his glens to the others entrance teasingly, as to go in or not. Of course Helios had to had a bit of fun, as needy as he was himself. "Gghhh, Helios pleeaseh..!" "Hmh. Now there's the magic word!" And the more masculine dragon started thrusting in him while taking a firm hold of his butt cheeks as Drago's tail swung back and forth and he let he head drop down onto the soft padding. The moans that expanded from both of their lips echoed settle on the walls, making it truly feel like a love cave. The two dragon's responded to each others lust, and took a tight hold from one another and even panted in rhythm. Helios trusted faster by the closer he felt he was getting and he looked Drago's stomach determinedly the whole time. This of course didn't go unnoticed by the other pyrus Bakugan, as he circled his legs over to Helios's ass and watched his sexy dragon, giving him the love making of his life. "I can't help but wonder... If that crazy Vestal wasn't lying..." He murmured with deep voice and Drago focus shifted fully on him. "Huh?" His gaze met Helios'. "About the producing... If I could make you pregnant after all..." Drago's mind froze on the spot. Did Helios just really say that? That he wanted to make Drago carrying? All the excitement kept bubbling in, but Helios hitting Drago's sweet spot made him fall back to ecstasy and Helios started the final fast humping, as he felt like his dick was about to burst. Drago whole body shook and he couldn't even keep up with the pleasures he was feeling. He just grabbed hard on Helios as his tail held on to his, before fully filling Drago's ass with his seeds. Both breathed hard as sweat kept falling from their foreheads. As trying to catch his breath, Drago though that it was now or never time to reveal the secret to his lover. He didn't know had the mood just been set up for this or was this the universe telling him to go for it. Either way he was gonna do it, no matter what reaction, no matter it the ceiling would fall on them, it was here and now, or never ever. "Actuallyh-" He started and took a deep breath while trying to encourage himself to say the unbelieable words: "I-I'm already pregnant." Helios stopped everything, even breathing and lowered his gaze slowly to the lovely dragonoid panting under him. His pupils smallened and he looked at the other while asking shakily: "Wh-whh-...! WHAAAAAT?! A-Are you being serious with me now?!" A deep breath before the red one answered with shocking calmness:"Yes. Remember when I wasn't feeling well last time we were here? Apparently it's called morning sickness. It's normal when expecting." He explained as Helios slowly sifted his gaze at to the other dragon's stomach. He carefully felt it with his hand, and seemed to focus intence on something. If one didn't know better, it looked like the more muscular pyrus male was trying to summon a flame on the other's belly. The ruby red one understood what he's mate tried to do, but since it was so early yet, there wasn't much difference. However he remembered something Iitu has said. "Here, put your ear against it." He said lowering his head and the bigger dragonoid did just that eagerly and concentrated fully on it. And surprise surprise: he was able to hear and feel the faint but fast heartbeat. And since it was his stomach he was listening, he knew it couldn't be Drago's own pulse, not that he even was able to breath that fast without his heart exploding. "You feel it?" Helios looked back to Drago while slowly nodding and asked: "How long have you-" But he chanced that sentence. It didn't matter how long had he known, so he asked instead: "How long have you... carried?" Drago looked at the side a bit. "According to Iitu, 10 days now..." He blurred out blushing and his tail made slow waves back and forth. "A-And how long does it take to it be ready??" Helios blurred out still staring blankly at Drago. "We have no idea yet. But at least few more months. It's not instant..." He explained and tried still to read what was Helios's opinion on this. "Well what do you want me to do? Keep it or not?" But the last part was a bit more fractioned. He really wished Helios wouldn't choose the latter... The ruby eyed dragonoid got brought back to this planet and for he's serious gaze, a bit puzzled as what to say. "S-Shouldn't that be up for you to decide? Why wouldn't you though!? Isn't this what you wanted? What WE wanted..? Hooolyh, wait a sec-! I-It is mine right? It's not someone else's, right? RIGHT?!?" He asked eyes on fire already by the mere mention of that. "No, you silly! Of course it yours. Whos else's would it be?" He asked tilting his his head amusedly. Although he understood why he had asked that. He had been skeptical too. But Helios looked at the side with furious expression. "I'm gonna make a bacon out if that darkus-!" "No you won't! Don't even think about it, fire breathing oven!" Drago said pulling him back to the bed as his hot tempered boyfriend was already getting up. Helios stopped himself next to Drago on the bed and had a blank stare at the ceiling. He took a deep breath as to calm himself down. Drago certainly could blame him for it. Why they even had similar reactions after first hearing the news. The ruby red one waited patiently, till Helios re collected his thoughts. But slowly, he turned to look his tummy again, and he petted it gently. Drago had a warm shiver from the sweet gesture and slowly, a smile appeared on the viper dragonoid's lips. "Well, guess that's accomplished now after all. Not that I was about to super seed you for getting you into that state one day..." He admitted and Drago had an excitement going through his mind. "Is that why you felt so full?" Helios grinned softly, as to answer to his question. "So, you're ok with this?" The golden horned dragonoid asked having his eyes shining. "Drago dear, why the hell wouldn't I be? One other reason I wanted a big house, was that we would had plenty room for brats one day. Just... didn't think it would happen so soon. But of course I'm gonna stand by you. Besides, it is YOUR body. You decide all the things to do with it, no matter what anyone says. So, do YOU wanna do this now? I'm with you no matter what you decide. I just want you to finally be able to control your own damn life and future for once without the world depending on it... And most of all, you to be truly happy." Helios said, while hugging the red one, that came into his arms to be snuggled. "H-Helios, I dont think I'm able to do this without you. That's my only way to get through this! I'm still scared of what mind happen, or what's gonna come in front of me... Even though I know a lot more now than about a week ago. But still, I can't do this all by myself! I need youh by my side..!" The other said tearing up and lowered his gaze, but he's lover lifted his face back up and said:"That's not something you need to even worry. I'll be by your side, always. No matter what... I'll love you till the end, and nothing can change that anymore. Your stuck with me ror life, silly dragon." He smiled trustingly, while they locked gazes and kissed deeply. That was all Drago needed to make his decision." Thankyou Heli. I love you more than you know..!" "Same goes to you, my lovely gurrganoid~" He purred and held him against him. This actually explained what Drago had said to him before he and the others had left for the final mission: "I need you now more than ever" Of course. Now he knew full well what he had meant. And he made sure he would have his full support on this. The two had a calm moment and some much needed cuddling time, as Helios thought things out now fully. Drago seemed to be thinking as well, thought hes expression made it a bit more obvious. Not after long, Helios asked Drago while calmly stroking his smooth scaled head. "You alright?" A deep sigh before the words:"Yes, just...Thinking." Drago said turning his head on the pillow slowly to his lover, who turned to lay towards him. "About?" He asked, licking his lover's adorable consentraded face. "Now that all this is over, what's Keith gonna do?" Drago asked and Helios looked between them and said: "I don't know, but I think he wants to go back in Vestal for a short visit." He said looking at the red dragonoid. "What about you?" The viper one asked as the faint light from crystals illuminated the room. "I...I don't know..!" Drago said pulling his head back, but Helios kept his eye on him firmly. "Yes you do." Drago lifted his head to meet Helios's gaze. "Just say it. What do you wanna do." The ruby eyed dragon said and after a bit of searching, Drago's eyes started to shimmer: "I don't wanna be apart of you. I just.. Wanna be with you, Helios! That's all I'm asking... But I can't just abandon Dan like that! That would be..." The other stopped, while looking at the side shamefully. "Selfish?" Helios finished. Drago looked at him questionably, but sighed. "Your gonna say it's stupid, huh?" "No, I'm saying you should do whatever you wish. Even more stupid is to lie about it. Tell Dan that this is what you truly want, and I promise he won't be mad. Besides, we have something to start taking care off..." Helios said looking at Drago's stomach. He blushed and curled his tail up. He knew he's lover was right. "Right... *sigh* I'll talk to him when we get back." He said and rested his head against Helios' soft shoulder. "Hmh. I'm telling you it's gonna go just fine. He cares a lot about you, and your happiness is what he wants the most. Is what we all want, Dragoh..." Drago couldn't help but to blush from the heart warming words. How did he get blessed with such a great family? And such understanding beau out of everything. Drago pushed his head against Helios' while purring deeply to him and licked his face warmly: "Your the absolute greatest Bakugan I've met in all my life." Helios nuzzled him back and grinned: "Hmh. And you the absolute sweetest Bakugan in my life." He said and kissed him deeply and softly, as to demonstrate it perfectly. The ruby red dragonoid much enjoyed it and closed his pretty eyes, while relaxing on the most safest spot in the universe. After a while of tongue dancing, the dominant pyrus dragon pulled his hands lower to caress his mate's tummy. It felt so soft and warm, it wasn't easy to believe that there would be a little Bakugan in there feeling even more comfortable. "Guess...Were having a baby..." Drago said as he got hard blush on his cheeks. "Guess soh... Crazyh, huh?" Helios gasped and looked at his mate surprisedly. "It is... I-I mean...Wow! I-I can't believe it...! We just talked about this, didn't we? I didn't think... It would just magically happen like this..!" He said between breaths while looking at his down where his dominant dragon was touching. "Hm. If I've learned something with you over the past year and half, it is that nothing is impossible with you." The darker scaled male grinned. "And I that once you make up your mind of something, is nearly impossible to turn it back around." Drago said back slyly. Both males hymned and nuzzled eachother. "Is gonna be fine. I just know it. You're not alone, finally I can be a part of your life as something bigger. And not as enemy, but as...something bigger." Helios said softly, while looking at him. "Btw, I was thinking, the island we first run in to Leonidas, there were quite many furniture shops there... Would you wanna go-" But Helios didn't even have chance to finish when Drago jolted up and said: "Yes! Can we go today?!" He asked excitedly and already got half way up. He didn't know how, but Helios had made a perfect distraction for Drago's brain over filling with the horror birthing scenarios and sympthoms. He had yet to see Drago getting so excited from anything and he didn't dare to give him another answer than: "Sure thing, crazy cutie." Since it was still early in the day, the two got a nice idea of having breakfast in town, and going around the mall looking things for the new house. Of course Drago had an idea strait away of what kind of shelf and cabinet would fit perfectly in their cave. Helios didn't care as much, as long as it didn't go too extremely colorful, but thankfully, Drago had his eyes on the best possible option. A dark red oak. The seller even give them a varnish that made it stand heat and not to burn, even if they catched on fire. Since they were living on top of a volcano, a very flammable environment. Next they went in to a fabric shop, but the subterra fox tried to shell them a white laced silky fabric. "We're dragon's! You think some thin laced sheets are gonna stand our heat?" Helios grunted for her as he crossed his arms over his spikey chest. And she was suposto be an expert...Drago desided to step in before this would end up banding them from this part of town and said with a bit kinder tone while hiding his ticked off beau behind him: "I'm sorry, what he means is that we'd hate to buy new bed sheets every week. Do you have anything stronger, like spike or fire prove?" As Drago's charm was the strongest card to play, the shop keeper looked much more happier to conversate with this dragonoid. "Ouh, hmhmh! I'm sorry! You know what, your timing couldn't have been more perfect! I just got some new material delivered this morning and I think it's perfect for you two!" And she brought them a dark red silky looking sheet, that seemed quite strong already by first glimpse. "Here, this is material can't be cut, because it dull's any other blades, besides these special kind of scissors." She explained and demonstrated by trying to cut them with normal scissors, that did nothing, and even let Drago try it out, but nothing. Than he took the special ones and showed it with them and it did nothing but blunting. Than he give him the other ones and it cut through like butter. Drago seemed amazed by this and looked at Helios impressedly. "We'll take them." After getting the material for curtains, bedsheets and such, they had to fly for good two hours to get back to their island. Plus the fact that they had a headwind. Drago wasn't able to fly as fast because of his condition, so he had to stop few times. No matter how many times Helios offered to carry his groceries, Drago was persistent and insisted on doing it by himself. Helios had to respect his strength, but few months ahead, and he bet that Drago couldn't carry anything that was even half of his own weight. He had plenty to carry as the fetus would keep growing. "Now as you seem to be quite the hot musculed reptile, I think you need something to hold all that in you, like these." Helios turner his head to look at every angle and seemed quite pleased. "Oh yeah, just like me. Or wouldn't you say?" He asked turning around to look at his lover behind him, while posing a bit and flexed his biceps to him. Drago could feel hot shivers through all over his body as he laid his eyes on his boyfriend. "I have never seen you more good looking." "Or sexier..." As Drago's mind wanted to finish his sentence. Helios smirked back to him and said: "Well I guess that's decided than." After thankfully quick shopping, the two dragon's were ready to relax a little. The house looked even better than before, as the living room was finally in order, and the kitchen cabinets had some food and plates and such in it. Helios had figured out how to make a stove as well for them to just warm up with their own fire. And for the winter, they had even a furnace now. It seriously started to look more homey already. "Aahh, tonight I'm too tired to hang the plants anymore, but tomorrow it looked like it mind be a rainy day, so then I would have some time.." He thought while looking the boxes next to their wall. "Yeah, and get that curly mat all around the kitchen table." Helios added while caressing Drago's tail with his own. "Yeah, sounds perfect." He yawned and started walking towards their bedroom already. "Ah, just as I'm getting a bit chilly... Mind doing something about that, hot wings?" He said purring and went after him. "Hmh. You mean-" And Drago pulled he's glorious golden ruby winds open, with the unique shape of them showing. "These one's~?" "Yes, those exact ones... That compliment the shape of your body puurrfectly..." He said and went behind him and grabbed his waist and licked his neck on the soft spot. Drago let out a deep purring sound and pushed his body against his mate, while getting closer to the bedroom. "Mmhh... Suddenly, I'm not as tired anymore..." The viper one whispered and slid his hand down Drago's chest eroticly. "Mmh...Yes, it's like some triggered something else in me than tiredness." Drago murmured and turned to face the other, while caressing his neck scales. "Well, I'd love to find out what turned on exactly. Wouldn't you?" And there was the all so irresistible grin again... And Drago felt his tail making coils behind him. "You look soo readyh... To find out, that is..." Drago said while licking his lips slowly as Helios tried to catch his tongue with his own, before it disappeared back in between his lips. Drago moaned from it and gladly give his tongue to him to be sucked and they went to lay down on the soft red bed. Helios gladly went on top of him, and caressed his thighs and rear. "Gaahhrr, your touch just feels soh... Right!" The red one moaned and waved his hips while grabbing Helios from the waist and pulled him against his body. "Ghhh, and you feel so good to be touched...I can't stop once I start..." And the ruby red eyes locked into the emerald ones. "No one wants you to stop, my sexy dragon." Drago said back and kissed him deeply and give some much needed attention to his already aroused cock. Helios felt the wave of pleasure going through his whole body and next thing he felt was Drago switching their positions sudenly. "The only thing I want right now-" And those sweet red thies pushed on top of Helios', locking him in place. "Is you. Dominated." And Drago touched his tailhole, and carefully wiggled his claw into it. The voice difference that happened to Helios was unbelievable. Where had this came from? He suddenly felt like panic kicked in, but Drago completely distracted him, and he started to caress his member at the same time. Helios' brain couldn't keep up how to turn this back to other way, because deep in his mind, he had wondered how it felt to be seeded. But there was no way HE could had just asked that with a straite face from Drago. But the red one knew him better already. He knew Helios was curious of new things, and to be quite honest, he had wanted to get up on him for a while now. And now that he was, he noticed something while touching his krovarg's ass. "It's just as soft as it looks..." Helios had never blushed so much in his life. He tried to move, but Drago had such warm and strong hold that he couldn't even lift a finger. He surrendered completely to what was about to happen. "D-Dragoh... just...Y-you know what your doing, right?" "Trust me, I know how to handle you, control freak." He said with voice that send shivers to Helios' very core. He didn't even notice when the red one had gotten two of his fingers in his hole, and he could barely keep his eyes open. He's breaths were shaky, and he felt something dripping down his tailbase. Drago took his fingers out and licked them. "I knew you had sugar inside you..." "Ghhmmhhrrh! Realyh?" He asked his horns pinning down a bit. "Now, you know what you need to do...Or should I do it for you?" And Drago slowly spread the darker scaled dragon's legs and positioned himself in a right spot and pushed the tip of his dick in between the others cheeks. The dark one howled loudly, and he couldn't help but to grip on the mattress. Only this time it didn't rip open, thanks to the special fabric. The emerald eyed one saw how his lover held his breath and stared straite at the roof, like he someone had paralysed him. "About the breathing, my love?" Drago reminded and Helios gasped air in his lungs and tried to relax his body again. But as soon as he did, Drago pulled deeper in, knocking the air out again. The topping male went slowly at first, remembering his first time, but this felt exciting in a whole new way. Feeling Helios like this really made the feelings go in a new height. He hadn't even gotten this far with Wavern, so in a way, this was his first time. But he wasn't scared. He only needed to concentrate on how Helios opened and relaxed himself to know how and when he could move deeper again. Helios on the other hand had been surprised completely when Drago suddenly has decided to do this now, but then again, why not? Here, miles away from other Bakugan's, he could scream as much as he liked, and only Drago would hear them. So he just fully laid back and relaxed himself. Feeling Drago's sweet, throbbing member going slowly all the way in him certainly was something he wouldn't had expected to feel. "How do you feel?" Drago smiled while licking his neck sweetly. Helios looked like he absolutely didn't want to open his eyes, but Drago had the front view of the panting, blushing, ears down, helpless looking Helios. "Y-you can moveh...I-I'm readyh." He said and wrapped his arms around Drago's body. The dominating one did as requested and humped him lovingly and couldn't help but to speed up to the rising excitement. This felt better than he ever could imagined! His mind was not on this planet anymore, as his mate's unbelievably cute hisses and roars filled the room. "Gaaaaahaaahh!! Ih-Ihm..gonnah.. Dhhjj-die from youuhh!!" He yelled and wrapped his legs up at Drago's lower back and kissed him deeply while pulsating his ass back to his crotch. Their emotionally out of control tails swinged all over the hallway. Drago felt like something in him just activated and he let the instincts completely take over him. It had been so long since his dominant side had come up like this. He enjoyed both positions to be honest. He felt like he could had done this all night, but his body and the built up pressure needed to release. He couldn't hold the overflowing pleasure a second longer, and he cummed deep in his lover's tail hole. Helios sure moaned unlike ever before, that Drago wouldn't mind hearing again. He panted hard, and his jaw was aching for keeping his mouth so wide open for so long. "Ghh...Soh, how was it?" He asked of the panting mess under him. After getting his breathing in check again, he replied hazily:"Okayh..I'll admit. That... wasn't anything like I'd expected...It felt so much better. I think.. I have new addiction." He murmured while covering his face and Drago giggled while seeing Helios look like he had been schooled by a love god her self. As the two finally got to bed, Helios just dive inside the silky velvet blanket, and climbed on top of Drago, while taking in all the warmth. "Hrrrhh, Your juust the perfect temperature for meh..." He purred while rubbing his head against the ruby red dragonoid. The mood in their bedroom seemed to always be perfect, especially if the two of them were there together. "Hmhm. Glad I'm not ventus, huh?" The emerald eyed one grinned and surrendered completely to the pressuring but safe feeling. "Yeah, too much air flowing." The dark grey answered while pulling his hands besides Drago's head. "Then how about aquos?" He continued. "All talk, no action." "Haos than?" "Need permission on every single breath!" "Darkus?" "So damn dark that you can't even keep up whatta hell is going on!" "Subterra?" *sigh* "Too dry and claustrophobia in some tight underground tunnel, where the dirt comes up on every hole! That's why pyrus is the best. Just the right flow at all times and things keep escalating at the right speed, with some warming fun with it. Hell, we're basically the heart of romance." The ruby eyed dragonoid exhaled, while he's tail made a couple of wipes and the arrow shaped tip of it caressed Drago's golden spear like one. "Ouh thats funny, because I just remembered when you said way back when that you weren't a romantic type, yet look at you now!" The ruby red one smiled deviously and pushed his head against his krovarg's warm one. "Hmhm. What can I say? I've had some good and teaching experiences, from the best..." He said and pulled him self over to hover his lovely dragonoid and as soon as he ran his hand over his waist, as an erotic moan escaped the red ones lips. Helios opened his eyes to look at the green ones, that just begged for more and he was glad to continue the action. Drago couldn't hold his growing lust and he pushed his diamonded chest onto Helios' and reached to lick his neck. "How is it that your hip is so goddamn sensitive?" "Gaaaahh..! I-I don't know...But it is...but only because you're the one touching it." He said and Helios' tail waved itself in between Drago's legs and brushed against them, going more up each time in a teasing manner. "Well, I certainly don't mind that you have more than one turn on buttons." Drago's back curved and he just pulled Helios hand over to his crotch. "I know you like to teaseh, but I...I need you in me already! I wanna feel your thickness between my cheeks..." The other begged and tried to grab his member and start caressing it. "Otherwise I'll have to put this elsewhere..." Drago grinned and licked his lips and rubbed Helios' glens with perfect circling tactic, that sent shivers all over the bigger dragonoids spine. "Gghhhr, you know what: Since you don't seem to wanna take no for an answer, I'll make you scream your lungs out, make you feel so good that you're gonna lose your mind, I'll fuck you senceless..!" Drago just smiled widely and hymned. When Helios' tail was wagging besides his head, he bit it and nibbled it playfully, while keeping the deep lustful look on Helios' ruby red eyes. "No one turns me on like you doh...!" And he stretched his arms up, and bended his other leg, making him the sexiest thing Helios had seen in a long time. And that devilishly teasing smile...This couldn't possibly get any better! Or so did the darker one thought for a split second, till he felt Drago's tail twirling between his legs, caressing his balls, making his dick even further erected than it already was. "What furter invitation do you need? Or did I freeze you as stiff as your dick?" He asked teasingly, getting a new kind of powerful feeling by his own brave actions. Helios was about to lose his own mind. And he was supposed to be the dirty one? Then who was this, teasing him to the brink of orgasm under him? Drago was rarely this playful, but it rather set a whole new feeling to the other dragonoid, fully enjoying this strongly erotic atmosphere. But he was done playing around. He pulled his member tight through the other ones anal. A satisfying deep moan escaped from both. They immediately looked at each other and let the fire of sexual frustration loose. Twisting their opened limbs around each other and getting lost into the fast back and forth humping. Helios groaned deeply while rapidly pulling his member back and forth through Drago's slimey hot entrance. He's back ached and he felt pressure building up to his lower stomach, knowing what was coming soon. He looked at the panting, moaning, courageous mess under him, and leaned into him: ''I'm never giving you up for anything. I've come way too far to just lose you over to someone else. No one knows you like I do... And no one knows me like you do. It's so unbelievable how you seem to know every time what I want or what I do... You're the only one for me, my baby dragonoid." He whispered and Drago had warm shivers all through his aching body, that was pulsating rhythmically towards the source of all those warm words. He remembered the first pet name that Helios had given to him, making it more meaningful for him, no matter how classic it was for all the couples. To him, it had been the beginning of something that he thought was lost forever from his life. "Aaaahhgg! GHHH...! Y-you wanna know something? You complete meh. Your rash and forward action just makes me feel stronger and more confident inside. I never would have dared to leave Dan on my own, and move out back to my birthplace. But thanks to you, I had the courage to do so... And open my heart to someone again. I've never felt more free than this..." He said back while nuzzling his head against him, as he felt his wet walls tightening together, and squeezing the much needed orgasm out of Helios' dick. "Gghhhh, Oh Dragoh...! Ga-AAAAHH!!!" And not even three seconds passed, when his hot seemen spreaded all over Drago's intestine and his body went stiff as a dead for a second. After filling his beau up for probably hundred time, he pulled out exhaustively and squeezed his panting sweaty lover under him. That may have seemed like a violation from an outsider's point of view, but it wasn't with a suffocating force. Drago just purred enjoyingly, loving the feeling of being pressed down like this. "Hmh. Since when did you know you liked to get pushed so bad?" The topping male asked amusedly, while licking the calm and joyful red face of his lover. "Hhrrrr, I don't know... But I doh... Very much... By you sexy as body..." He said and licked Helios' maroon tongue with his amber one, and in no time, they got tangled together, trying to lick each other's every single sugary saliva drop. "Hhrr...I still don't know is it your good boi attitude or what, but I can't stop licking after your sugary ass." He purred deeply, and went down to make the point more clear as he licked Drago's cum filled tailbase. Grabbing onto the sheets, He made such a sweet and helpless sounding moan, that Helios decided to take his time. Watching him squirm from the pure pleasure, he took a hold of his waist and made a deep rumble: "You know you can't escape if I got a hold of you, so don't even try...sugarbutt." "Gaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! Nnhhgghhh... Ah, H-Heliih, I-I need... A-Ahh-A breakh-!! I'm gonnah-!!" But before having the time to warn, a small squirt made it quite obvious. "Hmh. Oh please, cum all you have in ya. In fact, how dare you hold back on me? This is not pleasant enough for you, huh? I won't let you beat me in this game, babe." And just when Drago thought he would stop and come back up, he felt that something slithered into his tailhole, making him tear up, and let out such high pitch roaring, that the pyrus crystal shook. Drago would have run through the wall if he could. Oodly enough, this act they haven't performed yet during their many intimate actions. And it certainly made their bedroom a lot louder. Drago should have just stopped expecting that there was everything in the world they had already done. But no, Helios always surprised him with something new and more insane. "And you, you have not only slowed me down, you have made me see that there's so much more in life, than just being the most powerful and baddest there is. Something that I almost gave up on...I don't know why I had such a hurry to almost die..." Helios murmured and finally came up when his tongue got tired, and went to suck Drago's side neck, till it had a purple marking on it. After Drago had calmed down that he was able to breath again, he rotated his head towards his lover and asked: "How would I slow you down? Or at least I hope I'm not. But for me, I wanted to settle down. I feel like since that last incident, I'm done for life getting into situations like that again..." Helios completely understood that one. That had been the most ever situation as he could imagine. And a one that he wished would never repeat itself again. "So doesn't it make you feel better that you're with me, in our own home, island even, with security like no other?" He asked wille caressing his chin and looked trustingly into his eyes. "Yes, it certainly does...you, out of all those things..." And Drago closed his eyes as he settled himself comfortably on top of Helios. "You, more than anything, make the difference. Because there's no one like you, Helios. No one, that could even begin to make me feel this way." He said eyes glittering, and caressed his burned cheeks. "Dragoh..." With such a deep emotional voice, Helios felt his own heartbeat spiking up after a long while. Drago knew just the right words to make him feel so special, and happy that he was alive today. He purred to him sweetly and pulled his head on top of Drago's warm one, and managed to fall asleep peacefully, all cuddled up together. At the same night, the two pyrus dragons flew back home, as northern lights danced above them, lighting their way home. Keeping Ilia and Sasha in their little blankets, with even an extra blanket from the hospital, that had wind protection, and being pressed against their fathers warming chest, they had their first flying trip. Drago felt much better, but the homesickness became too unbearable. He just had to get to their 24/7 cozy home. As they got back, everything was exactly as they had left it. Last Crhistmas, after they left for the workshop party. Even the baby basket was right there, ready for its sleeping guests to be passed in. When Helios peaked through the layer of blankets, he saw that the two were fast asleep. He carefully setted them down on it with their little blankets, as they cuddled each other for warmth. "Hmh. Just... Too perfect." Drago whispered and leaned on to his krovarg who kissed him gently and said:"Our two little futures...I think we have earned a bit if time for us two, what do you think, my spicey hot buns?" The black and red dragon purred as he tried to get a hold of Täthe ruby red one in order to carry him to the bedroom right next to the living room, but Drago prevented him from proceeding with that, and instead, leaned into him, and made their lips contact. Slightly surprised, Helios responded to this sudden kiss, but Drago did something even less what he would have expected. He made Helios walk backwards, as Drago steered him right to the bed, and pushed him on it. Helios didn't have time to ask, when he felt being held down from his arms and legs, as Dragos tongue made its way into his own mouth and began sucking his own with passion. Helios just closed his eyes to let him have him. To be honest, he rather missed this, and Drago was the best at both:Submissive, and Dominating. When finally Drago give the fierce tongue tango a break, feeling something bulging from within Helios in-scale, he said with a drop of saliva between them:"Youh... Have become 10 times hotter..." He murmured as he watched his black shiny scales admiringly, while running his hand over them, as Helios pushed his head to his hand. "Hmh. So you admit that you're attracted to the darker side?" Helios tried and start a tease, but Drago just pushed him to the matress and said with an erotic yet exitingly demanding tone:"Shut up and bend over." To that, Helios just had a warm shiver all over, and he couldn't resist when Drago let his tail coiled around his legs, and caressed his in-scale, while feeling his body pushing him against the bed. He let a deep moan out, as he nibbled his loves neck scales heetingly, and caressed his thick red ass. "Gaahh..! Hh-ggh, I don't know how did this get started, but I kinda like it..." Drago slowly lifted his gaze, as he stopped what he was doing. "You WILL love it, once I'm done releasing it all..." Drago said with a low voice, making it even more exciting for Helios, as he wished to hear his voice rise up the more pleasure he inflicted upon this new hot body of his. He begins to caress his private area, as for Helios, it had been so long since he had felt Drago caress him in such a way. His fingers slipped into his inscale as he began to caress his already erected member rhythmically. "Ahh, you know what, I think you have grown bigger..." He said grinning, as he felt all of him and cupped his balls, making Helios moan louder and stretch his body. Drago liked that, as he made warm licks at his neck, it relaxed his krovarg even further, as he began to purr, and tried to free one of his arms from under Dragos hold, but he prevented it, and said: "How about you just enjoy the treatment this time, dear?" And Drago sealed his lips with a passionate kiss, as he began to caress his thighs around the many spikes in his armor. All though, there was one part from Helios that was free. His overly long tail, that even now coiled its way up to Drago's ass, trying to catch him off guard. But this time, Drago did not get faced, he just grinned and said:"Hmmh, doing this the hard way, are ya?" And he pulled his tail away from distracting him, as his own in-scale began to bulge. "Or, are you getting desperate for me?" He said with a low warm voice, and caressed his tailhole, feeling it moistening already. To Helios, it was too much to resist anymore. He tried to push his crotch against Dragos, while nibbling him on the neck scales. "Gghh!! Y-yeah, pleaseh Dragoh...! I-Ih want you in meh...!" He said submissively and licked his lips while spreading his legs under him. The emerald eyed one looked wantingly in the red and orange ones, as the others mirrored his. "I'll gladly grant that wish for you, since you asked so nicely." Drago whispered, and then began to enter into his lover after a long, most unwanted pause. Helios let out a high but undoubtedly blishful moan, instantly pushing closer to his red warm mate, whose body had returned now to the old slimmer one. He caressed his sides and hips while pushing his ass towards Dragos in order to get deeper in him. Drago felt the need from his movements and voice, so he went all in, not being able to play around and sucked a hickey on his neck, making the other male purr from pleasure. "Haahh... I thought... Ih'd never get to feel your lovin' again...!" The other moaned and looked at the others' passion ignited emerald eyes with admiration. "It came close... So let us not let it come that close ever again. I can't lose you, I just can't... You're all I have left to lose. You just worked your way through all my defenses... And now, I can't imagine a day without you." The ruby red one said, hitting the ultimate pleasure spot in the other dragon's body, making him grip hard on his back as he yelled his name in ecstasy. Drago was too deeply twisted in love, and he felt himself releasing himself into his demonic krovarg. Drago had claimed his new body as his right of the bat. After the sweet abundant release, came a lovely high moan, and the feeling of that relaxing sensation, with a lot of panting. But still, Drago's breath felt warm, so what was this extra chill than? "Aahh...Y-you feel a dwarf?" Helios asked while trying to peek over him. Then Drago too noticed what his lover was meaning, so he looked at the side and to the doorway, except- "THE FRIKING DOOR..!" And both faces were palmed. "First world problems yeah, I know..." Drago sighed heavily. "Oi, I'm more than happy to have a door rather than a cannibal tyrant baby to be scarred for being introduced to porn under aged!" That's when Drago pulled out of him, and just sat down on the floor and smiled. "Haah... Weh- Were really back home? Our home? It feels like a dream..." Helios felt a bit stiff now, but managed to roll over to his stomach as well, while answering:"Yeah... Odd though, I thought there would be more dust here if we haven't been here in a year..." He said looking at their floor. "Well the food cabinets ain't looking too hot, so I wouldn't celebrate yet, honey!" Drago remarked looking at the cabinets and over year expired cans and packings. A frustrated grunt:"Well I ain't flying ANYWHERE today anymore. I'd rather eat snow!" He huffed, trying to get up. *sigh* "Grocery shopping it is... Thankfully, they gave us enough for tonight to eat from the hospital." Drago said, looking at the bag Helios had also carried. This made the demonoid one wonder to the baby crib, looking at the two fast asleep babies. Not even their little noisy love making hadn't woken them up. Helios looked over at their little dark girl, who then creaked her eyelids, and reached her tiny paws in his direction and squealed a bit. "Hmhmh! Somehow, I have this suspicion that she will be Daddy's girl." Helios lifted out one of the little quilts, that had a pretty cardinal red plaid one, with hearts on every other plaid. He carefully pulled it over Sasha's body for her to stay warm. The other one was orange with white plaids and stars on it. That was to be Ilias, who had wrapped it well around himself. Somehow, Drago had guessed the color combination perfectly even for their scales. Shinee following Ilia, did the same actions with Trevor in turn (POV in third person): Once the dark one caught up to the haos one, and had entered the same bedroom, he closed the door behind him and said with an exciting tone:"Haah.. Do you always get this primal when foreplaying?" The haos one was standing just before the bed and and turned to look over his shoulder to his dark chaser and said almost purringly: "Hmhm. Maybe...Why do you ask?" That's when the dark one moved closer and placed his hands to rest on the other male's hips. "Because it seems to be surprisingly effective." The darkus one confessed, as he felt strong pressure under his in-scale. The crystal scaled one happened to look at him in that area and he had such a mischievous grin, while saying:"I wanna feel just how effective, so why don't you come closer?" He said, and went to kay on the bed exposedly, while having his ice blue eyes purposefully on the other male. That was the most cajoling thing the darkus male had heard any dragonoid say to him in his long life, and with a lightning speed, he was over the haos one, while having his arms around his neck, and his body pushed on top of the white one excitedly. Crysalix shivered warmly, and embraced the midnight scaled one and finally connected his lips with his, and softly bited his contact seeking one's. It was just as sweet as the first time. Maybe even sweeter, because now, there was no one watching. It was the two of them, in peace, in their own castle. How appropriated for the two of them with both even realising it... The haos one started moving his right arm towards across the darker males chest, over to his stomach. He found the more elevated scale, as his fingertips found the twisting point, and released the other goodies from under it. Both moaned into the kiss, but as Crysalix began to stroke it, he suddenly turned the dark one around, getting on top of him. He saw the bit surprised expression on the others face, which only made him grin that much more. "If our poor handsomeness has been locked up for ancients knows how long, then I can't even imagine how long it has been since someone had given you some of this pleasing act..." And before he knew it, Angel felt how his member's tip got surrounded by something warm and moist, as he felt the haos one began to lick and suck his glans most pleasingly, and slowly roll down his foreskin. Curving his back upwards, Angel pushed his body to the deep soft mattress, and let such a deep satisfied moan, that the haos one thought he was cuming already. But not quite that easy. The darkus one gripped onto the sheet, and moved his head left to right, as his eyes struggled to stay open from the pure bliss of this love act. It indeed had been quite many painful years since he had gotten a blow job. And this is good for that fact...And even back in the good youthful years, not this good, ever. It was a miracle how the haos one knew just how much to suck and when to make his tongue top dance along his length to make it feel so damn good. No matter how much he tried to delay he seet climax, he couldn't resist too long under the others' caressing. He felt his underbelly twisting, and the sweet release right into the haos one mouth. He panted, and had completely relaxed, and let his guard down for a full five minutes after so long. And that had felt unbelievably good. "Alive still, are we?" The crystal scaled dragonoid purred and licked his lips pleasingly, as he came more up to check on his darkus lover. "Haah...Aahh...Y-youh... Are the eight miracle..." Was what the other whispered between breaths, as his tail tip wiggled back and forth outside the bed. The haos one blushed and looked away shyly. "Now you're over exaggerating..." But seeing darkus of his dreams looking so relaxed and somewhere between this world and another, he had to believe him. Which then made him smile, and kiss him to the lips softly. "Glad it satisfies you, my love..." That's when the dark one grinned and had a whole chance in his limb body:" Oh, but I'm far from satisfied, my dear!" And before he had time to ask, Crysalix felt the other males had over his private area, and then began to stroke his member in an exciting manner. A loud moan escaped the others lips, as he felt the other changing their positions on the bed. The feeling of being pushed down was one of the haos males biggest weakness. Which the other soon discovered, feeling how his heart rates spiked up and how he's soft smooth thighs pushed against his body, Angel grinned and looked at him. "So you like to be pushed, do ya? Excellent piece of information..." He murmured. And licked the others neck and pulled his cheeck scales in an erotic way. Moaning from even higher frequency, the haos one felt the other stroking him faster and tighter, really making his blood pumping. His tail wiped all over, as he felt how the other had led him unbelievably well. "H-Hardeerr pleaseeeh..!" He moaned and pushed his lower body closer to the other males. "Hmm, and what if I go slower instead?" The other teased and did just as he said he would, not being able to resist the curiousity. This activated something totally differently haos one. He wouldn't even let out words, but a begful/impatient noise that sounded closest to a cat. As his pupils were so wide that it looked like he was on drugs. This completely surprised the darkus one, never having to see the haos like this. But it only made him that much more wantful. "Let's see if all of you taste as sugary sweet as ur lips..." And he went lower, and did the same the haos one had done to him. This was the last tik for the haos one. He moaned so pleasingly that the action, that the dark one felt a whole another shiver of erection go through his body. At the same time, the haos one felt a shiver go through his whole body, and he knew he couldn't hold it anymore. He orgasmed with warm seeds within the other's mouth. He had guessed exactly right...He honestly couldn't tell if it was cum or sugar frosting in his mouth right now... But that was no matter to complain about, quite far from it. The darkus one then let his hand caress his white beautys perfect waist line. It was unbelievably feminive... That's when he actually realized that his hip bone actually was quite wide. A chromosome mix, perhaps? While the other was stuck in this thought, the haos one looked at what the other was looking so intently and then said blushing: "My waistline is quite curvy, I know..." When Angel was done 'cleaning' the other's member, he lifted his head up and said: "Hm. Why do you say it so negatively? I adore your shape, love. Besides, it's a good thing if you have a wider hip bone..." The other murmured, while licking his stomach up to his chest. "What?!" The other asked, not sure if he had heard right what the other murmured. "Hmh. Nothing. Besides one question... But you remember that you have the right to decline...I hate to be the one to rush, but you, my dear make me feel better than anyone ever has... " The darkus one said, and looked in the other's eyes with a serious look. Crysalix's ears perked up, as Angel asked with a quite literal angelic voice:''Would you let me furnalize you?" Now the other felt yet another jolt between his legs. However, the answer came soon, when he spread his legs apart and pulled his tail out of the way and nodded while softly pleaning: "Please...do." But that's when the dark ones' already soft look softened even more. "And I mean here..." The dark one specified, and did not touch his tail hole, but the little secret spot before it, that males were not supposed to have. The haos one felt cold sweat running down, as the uneasiness and nervousness took over"Y-Y-You knew...A-about it?? Why didn't you say beforeh??" "I waited for you to explain yourself. But now as we have progressed thus far, I had to ask more properly..." The other said with a calm tone, feeling how the other's pulse jumped again and that he was a nerve wreck from inside. He began to shake and covered his face with his hand:" "They didn't know what to do... My father tried to find a doctor who could operate on me... But I couldn't. He blamed my mother for it for a long time... Maybe that was why I didn't have siblings, because he was afraid that rest wouldn't be fully gendered either. I just had to hide it and learn to live with it. That's why every time there were male visitors in the castle, I couldn't be too near them or too long with them, so they wouldn't catch it from my scent. Still, I was always addressed as the son of Lumiella family..." The other told as Angel listened, while slowly caressing his chest and the many crystals on it. "But, what would u really like to be addressed as?" "He. I think everything else would just get confusing...And besides, that's how I've been called all my life, would be odd for that to get changed now..." And he finally lifted his arm from his already puffy eyes, as he locked them onto the darkus one and asked:"Y-You don't despise meh because of it?" Angel rolled his eyes and then smiled at the white one:"Whatever gives you that silly idea? Listen here: You're not any less of my Crysalix, even if you have a bit of extra feminive parts in your body. I love every scale, crystal and body part as you are, love." He said, kissing him deeply in the lips. Crysalix felt like dying from relief. There was no way anyone could have been this understanding. But Angel hadn't even batted an eye from the fact. He kept looking at him just as lustfully and lovingly. It made the haos one wanto cry from sheer happiness. He tightly embraced the darkus handsomeness above him. "H-how can u be soh... Angelic!?" The other hymned, and said:"I was simply born this way. Where do you think my name came from?" He grinned, and purred and tried to caress the haos one's soft face. He love-bite him on the cheek scale, which at this point only made pleasure shivers run through Angel's body. "You silly dragonoid." The haos one whispered. "I blame the strong feelings you have triggered from within me." That made the haos one whine, and kiss him deeply once more, and he wrapped his arms around the others neck. Just then, Angel felt his still very erect penis making a vibration against Crysalix's, like reminding him that there was still the question in the air. The haos one got brought back tight into the middle of ecstasy and he looked at the dark one. "So, my love, as you heard from my excited organ, will I have the pleasure?" Crysalix's tail wiped couple of times and he pulled his legs apart and said:"Yes, but just so that you know, it's my first time..." "Duly noted, luv. And felt as well..." He grinned as he felt the other labia was very wet. "Just say if it comes painful, or u have second thoughts." He said as the haos one nodded and circled his arms fully around the other males back while trying to suck his neck. But that soon got interrupted, because he felt the others dick entering his most sensitive secret. Thankfully from his experience though, the other male nothing, besides the first stiffness, before getting used to the others' length. And after getting started, what a bliss it was. The one moaned towards the ceiling, and clued himself on to the other male. Angel, never having had an intercourse with this unique kind of dragonoid, felt how in the prizes the other males dick rubbed his lower stomach, at the same time as he got to thrust the most pleasure-chilling body of his life. Not even comprehending how fast he had fallen for the haos one, he was so glad now that the history get rewritten by the young Braveheart. Tonight was the best night of both dragonoids lifes. The haos' tail twisted itself completely around the dark ones, as he crossed his legs over his lower back and pulsed his lower body against the dark one. "This... will be dangerous.." The dark one said, realizing something. The haos one looked worried for a second, and was alarmed that something was actually wrong:"W-what do you mean?" "I'm afraid I might get addicted to ur love..." The haos one grinned and tilted his head to the side. "And that's a bad thing? I could do this all night..!" He admitted and pushed his rear deeper against the other dragonoids crotch. This only made Angel thrusting faster, as he felt that he couldn't hold all the pressuring pleasure inside of him. Now he was really hitting the other in the base of the cervix. The other curled up, feeling the slight pressuring pain from it. The other slowed down and looked at him:"Too much?" "Nhhg...N-noh, keep going... Please!" He asked and took a hold of Angel's hips and pushed forward to him. The darkus one trusted his lover and made a mental note to find some pain killers for him. But for now, he went faster like the others wanted, but kept a close eye on his expression. "Faster?" "Faster!!" "Still faster?" "AS FAST AS U CAAN!!!" The other screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure. So the dark one did as requested, and actually broke sweat from the physical stress. As in fire as they were, the old bed actually wasn't, and couldn't quite handle all the intense activity, and the fresh couple just heard a loud creak, and felt the matress lowering from under them. Both got terribly spooked at first, but then they realised they were on floor level, they looked at eachother couple of seconds, and couldn't hold the snickering, and burst into laughter. "Hmhmhmhm, well now, I guess she couldn't hold it any longer..." "Ohh my god...! Sheesh, I believe we were too much?" "Quite possible..." The haos one however now felt the darkus one dully within him, as well as how he had released into him. That made him let out a high shriek of pleasure, as he wiggled his lower body pleasedly. They rested on top of one another for a while, and cathed their breaths after all the laughing and love making. "Haahh...My ancestors are probably turning in their graves..." Crysalix said, feeling nice after the blow. "Hmh. Some of mine might probably as well. There was actually a rumour that if one would fuck a haos, they would switch atributes." Angel told, as Crysalix's head turned to him. He snickered at the mere idea of it. "W-who told you that silly idea?!" "Well there were all kinds of rumours going on...Since we are dark one didn't get to be with other bakugan's but kept to ourselves mostly...Even as a royal bloodline, we couldn't leave out that much." Now the crystal scaled one had a surprised face, as he realized something:" Wait, so you are a royal blooded as well? I KNEW IT!! I could just sense that someone as well mannered and glorious couldn't be just a butler!" He grinned, and nudged him on the cheek. "Hmh. Sharp instincts, I see... All though, all my kind has perished, so I think that makes the last of my kind. It has no meaning anymore anyhow..." He murmured and looked at the side. Once again the sad fact hit him, and he realised how much he missed both of his families... The haos one had an sympathetic expression and he nuzzled his lover and said:" Even so, highly doubt all of your kind has vanished. Remember what I told you about my past belarng? She was a dark one herself. Said that they had a small colony in the far region of Darkea." as the haos one said this the dark one raided his head towards him and asked:" Can you recall her last name?" "Mirvela. Lydia Mirvela..." Angel had a thoughtful expression. He had heard it before... He didn't know the family directly, but had heard his father talking about it with other darkus'. But the memories were so hazy...Still he believed when his belarng had said that he was the last one. Who knows, maybe in dramonesia there were a bunch of dark ones hiding in the shadows. But, he didn't want to return there any time soon. As he believed that Crysalix wouldn't either. "Well, be that as it may, I want to be right where I am with who I am with." And he gave a kiss on the other pale nose tip. Oh, I think you might want some vacation from me, when a certain time of moth hits, just a friendly lil warning ahead of time, I can gwt quite 'pissy'."The other said turning over to his side, but the dark one came to embrace him from behind and said:"Your pleasantly attracting features couldn't keep me away even if I have a blind fold on..." The dark one purred and licked the other males neck, while caressing his stomach region. "Hmmh. Well, just remember there's always a next time, and might want to release something on ur dark bottom..." The haos one grinned while closing his eyes, feeling the tiredness consume him. The dark one had a faint blush on his cheeks but couldn't help but to get comfortable right on him, while holding his warm body under the covers. "We will just have to see about that. " Any and all characters that I do not own belong to their respective owners. All the characters have consensual encounters, with all being over 16 years old and above. Kizuato, belongs to Fusion-Drago020. Shinee, Sugar, Ilia, Trevor, Layden, Nofre, belongs to Noires-era The other Ocs are mine Bakugan belongs to Spin Master Drake is a oc from animeboye 0.txtExibindo 0.txt.

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