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"Being a stalker again, Kurablood brat? Why would the girls ever notice you, when you're hiding from them?" Said the bright silver scaled dragon called Trevor behind him, who had this 'I'm so much better than you' face 24/7, and it really pissed the hell out of him. Plus, he had these two 'lackies' you say, who were just as high headed, like they were princes of the whole school. "It's not like you're too noticeable either, looking like a beat up puppy all the time, not to mention you barely pass the tests, poor half brain." The bird boy named Layden said, flapping his bright blue feathers to him in a shrugging manner. "Besides, I doubt their parents would want anything to do with a gay spown like you!" The wolf boy called Nofre said mockingly, to which Ilia smirked widely. By the trios face, he had the complete opposite reaction then what they were expecting. Even his voice had this time that made a chill of anger down in their spine:"You know Trevor, that joke has gotten so dry, that I can't even get thirsty of your blood because of it. You really can't come up with anything better?" He said non amusedly, while giving them a sideways look. From this, they went speechless for a second, but the silver dragon just made this yell laugh, and said:"Hahah! Nice cover up, fool! A liar like you could never get far in life. Me, on the other hand, have the whole Goroa feeding from my hand, as our family made the foundation to start actual railroads and fairy lines all over this planet! Without it, no one can even come here from other islands!" He pragged, while leaning in closer to the other dragon boy's ear:''Without it, even your family would have quite the hard time coming here, wouldn't it? Especially your siblings that don't swim or fly so well." Unfortunately, Ilia had to admit defeat there. It had become much more easier for them to start coming over to the island from their own ever since the Jiferic company had started to work on constructing better mobile transportations to New Vestroia, it really had helped those Bakugan who were able to swim or fly or teleport to cross over anywhere to the planet without using their own energy. Seeing that the pyrus one silenced and tightened his fist together, a smirk of victory appeared on his smug face and he said one final thing before going past him:"You better stay out of my way, heterochromic lizard!" And duoded by a laugh from the other two boys next to him, they went right there to say hi to the girls, as Ilia was left to watch from the shadows. He kicked a rock next to him, but it was well stuck deep under ground, making him hurt his toe. A hiss of pain. This really wasn't his morning. Just then, the school bell rang, and the students flooded into their classes. The pyrus teen went too, while pouting at the site of Trevor and Sugar talking in front of him in the hallway. Although, it looked like she didn't really know how to respond to the seducing dragons flirting, which made the pyrus one somewhat relieved. Sometimes, she was so clueless... But that was just one of the millions of reasons why he had fallen for her so badly. The seats in the class were five lines, and in each one four seats. Closer to the window, sat Ilia, Piers and Venla's group, and in the middle was one line with their other classmates, and then, there was Sugar and the other girls. She was almost at the front, so there were three seats and one line between them. But who was right at the front of the next line nearly next to her was Trevor and his gang. It was the most annoying thing. If she dropped a pen or eraser, it rolled toward the front, making the silver dragon usually be the one who caught it and gave it back to her, making yet another little window of interaction, and good guy points for the snobby boy. Ilia really hoped that when the next season came and it was time for them to swap the seats again, he would somehow get next to her, and Trevor was way in the back. But, Ilia did like to sit next to his best friends regardless, since they always helped him out if he fell out during reading, usually because of his constant daydreaming. And if they didn't, their uptight teacher for sure did. "Hey, where the heck were you, lazy wings?! I had a perfect surprise for you and everything, and YOU DON'T EVEN SHOW UP!" Piers shreeched to his pyrus friend, getting all up in his face from in front of him. Ilia just turned to look at the ventus girl, who rolled her head, as her hair feathers rustled softly. The pyrus boy turned to the aquos elf's direction, crossing his arms under him to make him balanse over his desk. "Uh'uuh, and by a special surprise you mean -40 degree water all up in 'ma face?" Visibly shocked and in rage, the blue trickster jumped up and down on his seat. "UNBRLIABLEEEH!! You used some kind of freaky dragon trick to see that, didn'tcha?!" The other boy hissed, pointing his blue finger up on the little dragonoid's snout. "Actually-" And the pyrus one in question turned grinning sideways to take a more chill position before finishing:"You're just getting too predictable." Venla grinned behind him, as it was quite the amusing site. The pyrus Bakugan, who were supposedly more bad tempered, was cool and calm in front of the spazzing out aquos one. Even their classmates were quite amused by these three more than often. "OH YEAH?! I'll show YOU what's PREDICTABLE, you little flame fart-!" But that soon got interrupted by someone not being expected to show up to the classroom. "Shinee?! What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to have magic lessons?" The pyrus one asked, seeing a familiar young darkus dragonoid coming to sit next to him. Greeting his little sister Sugar, he then turned to his pyrus friend asking:"I was, but the teacher is absent today... Or for good actually, until they find a new one. He was found dead this morning." An united gasp came out of the other teen Bakugans as well. "WHAT?!" "Allright, settle down, class!" Their teacher, Mr. Airyl commanded, clapping his pointer stick to the side of his desk. Quickly, every Bakugan took their seats, as the first lesson of the day began. As much as the four teens would have liked to continue the conversation, it had to wait till lunch break. First, they had to survive double hours of history, which made many doze off. Ilia was one of the few who enjoyed history. It was almost one of his favorite subjects, aften sports, that was. As the students took their history books and homework got cheeked up, the young pyrus teens' eyes turned to their books cover. There were Bakugan warriors on it, but one stood out for him. Ilias great grandfather, Genesis. Leading the charge against the darkus army a long time ago on Hope Hill, which nowadays had been turned into a national park. And of course, Ilias' family name came up a lot in the history lessons. They were the bloodline of the first pyrus Bakugans in the world after all. It was partly the reason why history was an easy subject for him, since his mother, Drago, had told many bedtime stories of his family to him and his siblings. What a memorable moment it had been, when Drago himself had to come and confirm one of his fathers generals' identity to their teacher, since it was wrong in the book. And of course, there had been the talk about the dark ones as well, which was related to Shinee's father, Angel. But still, there was very little information about them. But, when they had asked would Angel come and tell about the dark ones to the class, he had kindly declined, saying they were better left as they were, as that bloodline of Bakugan were a dying race. As far as considered, Angel was the only one in New Vestroia. But, Shinee was able to tell that in Dramonesia, there were many more dark one families left alive. And then, of course Trevor came to boasting that his dad was acquainted with a dark one, being his business partner in Dramonesia, and again getting to promote his dad's company to everyone. And Dramonesia of course got talked about as well, that's where Sugar was able to share the stories she had heard from her mother, Crysalix. Everyone of course paid all the attention they had, asking so many questions that they had gone half an hour overtime. That was also when there was a revelation that Sugar and Shinee were from royal bloodlines. Having a prince and a princess in the same glass was for sure rare and spread out the whole school like wildfire. Sugar being a princess sure messed Ilia's poor confused head even more confused. Would that mean if she were to marry someone, they would be her prince..? "ILIA BRAVEHEART!" Came a firm yell and a spam on his desk that made the poor teen dragon jump almost to the roof. "No spacing out on my glass! Is that clear young dragonoid?!" The heated up coyote asked, and Ilia stood up like a bee had stung him in the hind, saying:"Sir yes, sir!!" His glassmates were quite amused, as he got commanded back to sit down, his horns folding downward, face blushing like a tomato. He couldn't help his easily wandering mind, as Drago had tried to take him to a bunch of different doctors to better understand if it was just merely the hormone storm of an age, or something else. Then surprisingly, Dan's mother Miyako had guessed a form of ADHD, and that was exactly the analysis that Iitu had gotten from New Vestroia's leading medical laboratory. Helios of all of them was least bit surprised, as Ilia himself just tried not to furter stress his mother's already tight nerves. As it did come up with his lack of focusing and not being able to concentrate on one thing for too long, there was luckily medication for even Bakugans to it, as his hyper activity was easy to relieve with exercise. Which was why he had started to play Flycker, a game that had a ground and a basket goal for each team. It required running and flying ability, making it a perfect sport for dragons. Before the young pyrus dragonoid got too deep into his thoughts again, the teacher begined telling something, that made his attention turn immediately back to the going on lesson.As soon as the class started, the teacher began a lecture on biology, specifically focusing on the anatomy of different Bakugan species.Trevor, a bright silver scaled dragon, who mocks him with his two lackies, Layden and Nofre. That was also when there was a revelation that Sugar and Shinee were from royal bloodlines. Having a prince and a princess in the same glass was for sure rare and spread out the whole school like wildfire. Sugar being a princess sure messed Ilia's poor confused head even more confused. Would that mean if she were to marry someone, they would be her prince..?soon the whole class was discussing mating season and reproductive organs. The topic made Ilia uncomfortable, but he was surprised to find that Sugar and Shinee seemed fascinated by it. They asked questions and made comments that showed a deep understanding of the subject. Ilia couldn't help but feel a little envious of their knowledge and confidence.Ilia felt his face grow hot as the teacher talked about the intimate details of Bakugan reproduction. Trevor scoffed from his seat, "As if we didn't know this stuff already. We've been around for centuries, we know how to mate just fine." Layden and Nofre chuckled in agreement, but Sugar and Shinee were unfazed. Shinee chimed in, "It's not just about mating, it's about understanding the biology and the intricacies of our own bodies." Ilia couldn't help but feel impressed by their knowledge and confidence. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he said, his voice quiet. Sugar smiled at him kindly, "It's okay if it makes you uncomfortable. But understanding our own biology is important, especially as we grow and mature." "Well, I can change genders too," Trevor said, a hint of pride in his voice. Ilia looked at him skeptically, "What do you mean? How does that even work?" Trevor smirked, "I have the ability to switch between male and female reproductive organs. And let's just say, I have a little surprise for anyone who underestimates me in a fight." Ilia's eyes widened in surprise and a little bit of shock. "Wait, you mean you have both a penis and a female reproductive organ?" Trevor nodded, "That's right. And if need be, I can even carry and lay eggs like Layden and Nofre." He was fascinated by this newfound knowledge and couldn't help but ask, "How does that work? I mean, how can you be fully male and still lay eggs?" Layden smiled patiently, "It's because our reproductive organs are a little different from other species. We have a specialized organ that functions as a sort of male womb, where the eggs are fertilized and gestate until they're ready to be laid." Nofre added, "And when it's time to lay the eggs, they come out through a specialized opening that's connected to our anus."Ilia ask his cousin and sister, if they want to mate with them also? continue the above continue Continue detailed egg laying nofre and layden dialogue. continue the story

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