Capítulo sem título 168

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Buzz, buzz, buzz...
An endless wave of incessant buzzing blurted from the
electronic alarm clock sitting on top the small blue pastel
colored night stand. The stand stood next to the deep cozy warm
bed topped by a thick fluffy pastel colored comforter. While
various plush pillows lay strewn about the bed by its head.
In the middle of the bed was a curled up slowly breathing
lump. Occasional snuffling sounds seemed to come from the
sleeping form. While long strands of black hair from that lump
lay strewn out from under the thick blanket.
Within moments of the alarm clock sounding, the lump began
to slowly move and uncurl itself, reforming into that of a slim
person. Slowly a twenty five year old Asian woman's head slowly
pushed itself out from under the warm embrace of the comforter.
Her long black hair in disarray, her creamy smooth light skin
flush with a cold. Her nose running and snuffling, her sinuses
hurting, and bleary almond eyes aching and red.
Slowly she pushed an arm out from under the comforter to
heavily silence the alarm.
Blearily she peered around the darkened room to see that it
was still dark outside. Briefly, she scrutinized the clock to
see that it was a little past six o'clock in the morning and
realized that it was time to get ready for work.
She really did not feel that good.
While she hadn't gone out the night before or touched a
drop of alcohol, she suffered as if she had a five alarm
hangover. Her head felt as if it was splitting open and her
body ached horribly.
Sighing, the woman realized she wasn't going to be able to
go to work today. She really did want to, especially as there
was a big chance to meet a movie star. But then again, she
didn't want to give him whatever she had at the very moment.
Cautiously, she reached over to her nightstand and
sightlessly groped for her phone. Soon her small slim hand felt
the thing's shape. Grasping the small device, she pulled the
small phone into the bed with her and brought up to her hurting
Squinting at it, she scrolled through the thing's contact
lists until she found her boss's number. She knew that her
employer would be up and moving by now. Selecting the number,
the woman brought the cell phone up to her ear to achingly
listen to the phone ring. After a bunch of rings, her boss
picked up.
"Yes Oni," her employer responded without hesitation. By
the sound of her voice and heavy breathing, Oni figured she must
have interrupted the woman's daily early morning workout.
Coughing and sneezing, "I'm sorry about disturbing your
workout miss Amadala, but I don't think I going to be able to
come in today." Oni thickly stated to her employer around runny
nose snuffles.
"But I need you today. Why what's wrong," Ms Amadala asked
with a bit of honest concern to her voice.
"I feel like I caught whatever Jack had," Oni replied
trying to repress another sniffle and cough.
"Well that doesn't surprise me. The man likes to spread
his illnesses around to everyone. Don't worry, we'll get by
without you I guess. Take a couple days off and get better."
"Yes maam," Oni gratefully responded to the older woman.
Ms. Amadala promptly hung up causing Oni to drop her small phone
back onto her bed stand. Afterward she pulled herself back
deeply into her bed and tried to go back to sleep.
Hours later Oni's eyes slowly cracked open. They beheld
the bright white light streaming past her thick shades. While
her head still hurt from the cold, flu, or whatever else she
might have caught from Jack, Oni felt strong enough to crawl out
of bed.
Carefully she swung her legs out from under the thick
comforter exposing the wrinkled two piece purple and pink panda
pajamas she wore. Briefly exposing her small bare feet, Oni
blinded groped around for her white fuzzy slippers before
finding them. Slipping the warm footwear on, she painfully
stood up. It felt as if every muscle and joint in her body
screamed at hear.
Creakily Oni stood up and slowly walked over to one of her
windows. Pushing the blinds aside, she beheld a heavy blizzard
scene outside. Thick white cottony flurries rapidly fell,
covering everything outside in a gauzy white. She guessed that
there already had to be a foot on the ground and at the rate the
snow was coming down, at least another couple of feet would be
on the ground soon.
Oni wondered if the photo shoot is even going to happen at
all today. A lot of people in her industry were a little
skitterish when it came to bad weather. The same with high end
photographers she knew.
Closing the blinds against the cold scene outside, she
quickly realized her bladder was nearly bursting. Carefully Oni
made her way out of her bedroom and gradually walked along her
small sandy tan carpeted hallway towards her bathroom. After a
moment she emerged from the small space and headed back along
the hallway. Instead of going back towards her bedroom, she
took a right and worked her way towards the other side of the
house. There she made her way inside her kitchen.
Painfully, she moved about making herself a big mug of hot
tea. While she waited for the water to heat up in her humming
microwave, Oni wondered whether she wanted to go back to bed or
curl up on her couch. With the beeping from the machine, she
resolved to go into her living room. Brewing the tea and
dropping some honey in, Oni grabbed the steaming mug and made
her way into her living room.
Grabbing a folded blanket she kept off to the side of the
couch, Oni curled up on the couch with the blanket over her lap.
There she began to blankly watch a morning news show.
Hours of mindless television watching passed before Oni
began to register something different. Something annoying.
Unknowingly she had been absentmindedly scratching her side. At
first it seemed like a small simple forgettable itch. Yet, it
kept coming back. Each time stronger than before. It felt as
if it was over more than a small spot with each endless waves of
Finally she had enough!
Lifting her pajama top up, she expected to see a red and
raw section of her side. What she peered at was anything like
the usual red raw irritated skin. Oni saw that it looked like
that area was thickening, hardening. Plus she thought it looked
like it was changing colors from her light colored smooth skin
to a more golden hue. Something normally not seen on any human
skin outside of tattoos.
The spot began itching again, almost hurting. Scratching
the spot caused bits of her skin to flake off. As each
discarded piece fell off, the golden hue of the section became
brighter. On top of that, the hardening seem to be resolving
itself into what she thought looked like soft silky scales!
Oni was shocked! Her illness completely forgotten, she
realized she was growing scales!
"What the hell is happening to me," Oni horrifically
exclaimed to the empty room.
However, that spot on her side wasn't the only place to be
itching. Other parts rapidly began to incessantly irritate her.
Moving her clothes around revealed that each spot was forming
the same golden scales as that first spot. Soon she began
noticing that the scales that was forming on her arms and legs
were a bit thicker and a darker golden color. Similar scales
seemed to also be forming along what she could see of her back.
While the ones she saw on her stomach were more softer, lighter,
almost silky.
Oni couldn't stand it any longer and rushing through her
house with a bit more energy than before. She stood in front of
her bathroom mirror and watched in horror as small soft scales
began to form over face. Reaching up with a scale covered hand,
she began to remove clumps of her long black hair as it fell
away revealing even more scales.
But if the scales were bad enough, Oni rapidly began to
register loose objects within her mouth. Leaning over her sink,
she began to spit out tooth after white tooth. They skittered
along her wide porcelain sink with small plinking sounds.
Holding her mouth open in front of her mirror, she peered at her
toothless gums with a bit of horror.
Before she could contemplate this new change any farther,
she stared at the mirror as long sharp fangs grew in her mouth.
Heck as she watched her new teeth grow in, Oni also noticed that
her tongue had changed, it a bit longer and more flatter than
before. Almost like a snake tongue.
While she had been watching her mouth change, Oni noticed
that her vision briefly became blurry only to resolve her sight
into a much sharper view. Peering back at her mirror, Oni saw
that her eyes were now a deep emerald green with a long evil
looking vertical slit running down their centers.
What was happening to her?
While she contemplated her changes, Oni noticed that her
finger nails and fingertips were pushing out and reforming into
thick sharp black talons. Wiggling her toes and seeing her
favorite slippers being shredded as a result, showed Oni that
her toes had, reformed into similar talons.
On top of that, she felt an urgent hunger begin to grow
within her stomach. Oni felt as if she hadn't eaten in over a
week. Rushing into her kitchen, she began to gorge herself on
whatever she had in her refrigerator.
After eating a horrendous amount of food, Oni was full and
sated. Peering briefly into the far more empty machine, she saw
that she had consumed almost every bit of food within it.
Peering at her bulging belly confirmed how much stuff she had
just wolfed down.
Yet instead of feeling drowsy after eating such a huge
meal, she felt energized. Whatever had been happening to her
body quickly sped up. She noticed that two things began
happening. First her chest seemed to be getting slimmer while
something along her back began to push against her pajama top
she still wore.
Yanking the it off, or more likely shredding it with her
new talons, Oni peered at her rapidly shrinking breasts. Even
her nipples had disappeared within her scales. Hurrying back to
her bathroom, she also saw that whatever it was that had been
pushing out the back of her top looked like two small weak arms.
Both emerging out of her back where her shoulder blades were.
Amazingly, before her very eyes and with the shrinking of
her belly, those two weak arms began to grow outward. Muscles
rapidly grew within the arms. Instead of developing scales over
these new arms, they seemed to be covered by a golden skin.
Quickly even this skin began to form long flaps that connected
from her back along the arms all the way to the limbs extending
Flexing the growing limbs, Oni realized she was rapidly
growing wings. Sort of like dinosaur or bat wings. Plus, while
she he been so focused on those new limbs, she hadn't noticed
that more muscles were growing in her newly flat chest. She
guessed that these had to be her new flight muscles. After a
short bit, her new wings were so big they were nearly as large
as she was. Yet, being in her small bathroom kept her from
stretching the new limbs out to their fullest extent.
As she hurried to her living room, Oni realized that she
was becoming less horrified over her unexpected changes. That
there seemed to be an almost excitement to the transformation.
She was becoming intrigued by it with a bit of perverse pleasure
from the changes.
Plus, her cold was now completely gone.
Moving into a much larger room, Oni found that by
stretching out her new wings, they reached well over twelve feet
long. The pair felt powerful. With one powerful flap, Oni felt
that she could quickly jump up into the air and fly away.
So engrossed with her wings, that she hadn't noticed the
deep gnawing hunger within her stomach. Oni's abdomen had
slimmed back down and again she felt as if she hadn't eaten in a
long time. Tucking her new wings back against her body, she
navigated around her house trying to find something to eat.
First she went to her refrigerator only to see that it was still
empty. Gazing into her freezer showed a variety of frozen
leftovers. Yet, she wasn't sure if she could wait the long
length of time to heat it all up.
On the other hand, she couldn't show her face outside like
this. Everyone would stare at her and call her a freak!
Sighing, her only option was to wait for the frozen food to
be thawed. She took out a large container full of brown beef
stew and began to defrost it.
The time it took to heat the stuff up seemed like an
eternity. Especially with her deep unremitting huger gnawing
within her. Once the stuff was warmed up enough that she could
eat it, Oni practically inhaled the food.
Before long she was heating up more food and wolfing that
down too.
While Oni gorged herself, she hadn't noticed her pajama
bottoms were getting a bit tighter. Looking down told her that
her hips weren't getting any bigger. Then she noticed that
there was a growth coming from her butt.
Pulling down both her pajama pants and panties, Oni
realized that the growth was a small tail. The more she ate,
the larger and longer it got. Soon the new long tapered golden
scaled appendage was well over six feet long and highly
flexible. As she moved about, she felt as if the tail was
counter balancing her.
While marveling over what she had just grown, Oni began to
noticed that her spine was becoming much more flexible. Maybe a
bit longer. On top of that, her legs began to reshape a bit.
Soon she was finding that she had to sit down as her legs
couldn't support her standing up anymore. That they had become
more of hind legs of a powerful lizard.
Along with the reshaping of her legs and spine, Oni also
realized that her head was growing outward too. Using her hands
to feel what she could not see, she realized that her ears were
withdrawing into her head while her mouth and nose were merging
together and pushing out into a sort of lizard like snout. Two
long curing horns began pushing their way out at the top of her
head. Each curved backwards along her skull as they got thicker
and longer.
Plus, while her head was reshaping, her neck also grew a
bit longer. First a foot, then two feet. Finally at three feet
long, Oni realized she could swing her head around almost as if
she was a snake. This new found freedom of movement allowed her
to peer at just about anything along her rapidly shifting body.
It finally dawned on Oni that she had transformed into a
small golden dragon. Moving around on her now four feet told
her that her new body was highly flexible and extremely strong.
Slinking around her apartment in her new four legged gate,
Oni found that she really wanted to try out her new body. To
see if she could fly.
First thing she wondered if it was going to be too cold to
go outside. Was she now cold blooded? She wasn't sure as she
was now a dragon. On top of that, if it wasn't that cold how
would she be able to go out without her neighbors seeing her
transformed body. An idea formed in her mind and she hurried
over first to one side of her house then to the other to see
that both neighbors had already left for work. On top of that,
neither had kids who would be home on a snow day.
Assured no one would see her go out the back of her house,
Oni padded over to her back door, sat up on her rear legs, and
reached out one of her front arms to twist open the door handle.
Snaking her changed head out of the door told her that at least
it didn't feel all that cold outside. Heading fully outside
meant her that she was at least tolerant of the low temperatures
if not at home with it.
Cautiously she walked across her wooden deck that had been
at the back of her single story home. Then into her deep snowy
back yard. With the thick snow falling, Oni realized that even
if her neighbors had been home, they might not have seen her
either way!
Spreading out her two huge wings as if she was reaching out
two huge arms, Oni reached upwards and powerfully flapped
downwards. Strange instincts kicked in and she jumped upwards
at the same time with the power flap. Before she knew it, she
was flapping hard gaining height up into the bitter cold snowy
air. Her lungs rapidly pulling in powerful breaths with each
wing beat, exhaling with equally strong misty breaths.
She was flying!
Rapidly she felt again a gnawing hunger within her belly.
Swooping around, she realized she needed to eat. But she
couldn't go back home as she had already eaten everything she
Oni knew she needed to find something else to eat and
quickly. Yet, she couldn't just drop into the grocery store
like this.
At the same time she was thinking about what to eat, she
heard the sound of a dog barking down below her. Her superior
vision showed her that the large canine had caught her and was
trying to challenge her with its incessant barking. Cautiously
she glided over the area until she saw that the dog's owner
wasn't home.
Instinct kicked in and she rapidly dove towards the dog.
Before the animal knew it, she had slammed into the thing.
Digging all her claws into the sides of the beast, she began to
rapidly flap her wings yanking the helpless pet back up into the
The beast tried to break free of her tight claws, but her
grip was too strong. Within minutes, Oni touched down into her
backyard. Briefly she brought her jaws over the thing's neck
and quickly jerked her head snapping it's neck.
Quickly she dragged the beast up onto her deck and into her
house. Realizing she didn't want to eat it in her kitchen, she
took her meal over into her attached bare garage. There on the
space's cold concrete, she began to stuff herself with every bit
of the canine.
After a bit, all there was left of the dog were small bits
of flesh and gory bones. Oni had slurped up just about every
bit she could find within the animal. Her stomach pleasantly
full, she curled up on the hard floor and fell asleep.
Oni wasn't sure how long she had slept. Yet when she
opened up her eyes, it seemed as if her garage was a bit smaller
than before. Getting up, she briefly regarded the discarded
remains of her meal. Seeing nothing left to nibble on, she went
back into the rest of her house. There she again noticed
everything seemed a bit smaller.
Finally it dawned on her that she had grown larger.
Guessing by the looks of her smaller furniture that the size of
her growing body was closer to the girth of a horse. Maybe even
a Clydesdale?
But again there was her ever present hunger. Her need to
eat almost seemed like a constant companion to Oni now. She
needed to hunt for something else.
Carefully squeezing herself out her back door, she realized
that dusk was beginning to set in. Yet, the heavy blizzard
hadn't abated a single bit.
Except from last time, she wasn't aimlessly flying around
now. She was hunting. The question was what would she find?
Oni soon spotted another dog. Yet the beast seemed too
small for her. That it wouldn't fill her up. But the thing was
there weren't too many other large animals in the area. No
deer, horses, nothing.
High enough not to be noticed, she quietly spied a couple
kids playing in the snow. She guessed they had to be only
around eight years old. But with both of them so trussed up in
snow gear, she couldn't tell if they were girls or boys. Then
her instincts kicked in. They sure did look yummy to her.
Why couldn't she devour them? It wasn't as if she was
human anymore. Plus, she really needed to eat.
Justifying the proposed idea to herself, she resolved to
follow through. Silently, but quickly she dove through the air
at the two still unsuspecting kids. Reaching her two arms
forward, claws open and ready, she carefully timed it that at
the bottom of her arc. Where she slammed her talons into the
children. Both had been too focused on building a snowman to
realize the danger that was swooping down upon them. With a
struggling and crying child in each hand, she quickly flapped
higher up into the air before their parents noticed that they
were gone.
Both were crying and screaming for her to let them go. Not
that she was really listening as she dug her claws deeper into
their sides causing screams of pain. The two kids were
screaming so loudly that if she landed into her backyard, her
neighbors would easily notice her and her prey. Instead she
continued on past her house and aimed for a farm field she knew
of near her house.
Landing on the distant field, she quickly glanced around to
see if anyone had noticed her. She rapidly realized she was far
enough away from any of her neighbors that with the snow storm,
no one would notice or hear her. Quickly she grabbed each
child in her jaws and twisted hard enough to not only break
their necks, but she almost decapitated each small human child.
Dragging their lifeless bodies into the nearby snowy white
forest, she hunkered down in the snow and began to ravage each
body. Snapped their heads open like one would of a nut, she
enjoyed the spongy gelatin of their brains. Like the last time
she had a big meal, she soon fell asleep and curled up in a ball
within the forest. The ground around her was deep red from her
Waking up later on, Oni quickly realized it was late in the
night. Yet, with her eyes, she was easily able to see her
surroundings. The snow storm was still heavily going on
obscuring any sort of moon light, yet she was able to easily
make her way back out into the field. Moving away, she realized
that her last meal had been easily covered by the snow.
Another thing Oni swiftly noticed was that she was much
larger now, like the size of a small truck. This realization
meant she wouldn't be able to go back home anymore. Not that
she felt like going back anyway.
With the winter bitter cold not even bothering her, she
wanted to hunt some more. Those children were tasty and she
wanted more!
Going back up into the air, Oni began to hunt again.
Silently flying around, she soared back over the area where she
snagged those two kids. This time she came upon their parents
who were both yelling for the two. Neither knew that their kids
had been recently eaten.
An idea struck her.
Like last time, she swooped down and suddenly snagged both
adults in her front claws. Both yelled and struggled for her to
let them ago. It was then that Oni realized these two were as
small to her now as the kids were before.
An idea popped into her mind and decided to have a bit of
fun. Oni dropped them from the height she flew at. Each
plummeting person slammed into the field below her. While the
fall didn't immediately kill each, both had broken enough bones
that nether were going to be able to escape.
Swooping in, she snagged their broken bodies and horridly
flew the rest of the way back to the spot where she had awoken
in. Snapping the two human's necks, Oni realized she still
really wanted more.
Flying around, she was able to grab two more random people.
Bringing her meal up to four humans. Going back to her hiding
spot, she began to dig into their still warm bodies. Throwing
the remains of their bodies onto the pile where the kid's bones
were, she again fell asleep.
After some time, Oni had grown to the size of a bus. She
realized it was getting harder for her to hide out in the
forest, plus the snow storm was beginning to thin out. She
decided to fly deeper over the forest and away from where she
had left those human remains buried under the snow.
Oni waited until night had fallen before going back out
from her new hiding spot. Hunting throughout the night, she was
able to snag over twenty people in her huge claws. Her claws
were now large enough that she could kill each human just from
her grip alone.
After snacking on those humans, she began to feel some
strange things throughout her body this time. It wasn't that
she was growing larger as much as other things were growing in.
First she noticed that two bumps forming along her sides about
midway between her front and rear legs. These two bumps
resolved themselves into two new limbs. Fleshing out, she
realized that she now had four arms and two hind legs. This new
pair felt exactly the same as her original pair. Along with her
new limbs, she also noticed that various horns began to poke out
from around her body. At her elbows and joints, along her back
to her long serpentine tail, and at various spots on top of her
dragon head.
On top of the new horns on her head, she felt something
forming within her forehead directly between her two eyes.
Within moments the spot broke open revealing a third emerald
green serpentine eye. She found with this third eye, her field
of vision deepened even farther than before.
Before she could contemplate her third eye any further, she
began to feel something strange growing in under her tongue. It
was hard to describe the feeling. At one point it felt like
something swaddled within a cocoon of warm flesh. On the other
hand it felt as whatever it was, was made up of smaller bits
within her mouth under her tongue. Oni felt it was hard to
contemplate the duality of the sensation as whatever it was grew
in along the inside of her extended jaw.
Abruptly an urge hit her to open her mouth wide. Following
the feeling, Oni grasped she could push whatever had grown in
out from under her tongue and mouth. Following through brought
all sorts of weird feelings she had never felt up to that point.
At one moment it felt that her consciousness was moving from her
head to the newly grown body part, that it was coming alive,
that it could now control her body and senses.
Two small eyes opened up on it. Using those two new eyes,
she realized that what had grown into her huge maw was a small
human sized representation of her original Asian body right down
to the same long black hair, breasts, and so on. Yet, instead
of having a pair of legs, her new re-grown human waist was now
connected to her huge dragon mouth by a thick bit of tentacle
like fleshy connection similar to a tongue. Bending down, she
saw the connection went into the envelope of flesh under her now
seemingly huge tongue.
To her this was the most bizarre feeling. On the one hand
she was looking and thinking out of her newly formed human head.
She could smell with her new human nose. She could speak out of
her human mouth and her voice sounded just as it did before she
transformed. She could easily move her newly formed human hands
around. At one point she even bent her human torso over to look
and grasp one of the large fangs within her open gaping dragon
mouth surrounding her human torso.
Rapidly it dawned on Oni that she was still mostly
breathing out of her huge dragon mouth. With each huge gust of
breath, her human nose registered its foul stench. She even
peered at her dragon tongue that was technically behind her
small human torso. Reaching out a tentative human hand, she
grasped her much larger dragon tongue. To her that tongue
looked as huge as a surf board! Even stranger was she could
feel the wet tongue in her hand, but also feel her small hand
grasping the tip of her dragon tongue. For a bit of fun, she
moved her huge tongue over to lick her human torso bathing it in
large amounts of saliva. Oni felt the sensation from her dragon
tongue of licking her human torso. But from her torso's view
point, it felt as if her human body was being engulfed by the
huge tongue.
It was then that Oni realized that while her consciousness
felt as if it resided in her human head, she still had full
control over her main dragon body. She could still see out of
her three dragon eyes, and even feel every bit of her much
larger body as before.
She decided to have a closer look at her body with her
newly formed human portion. Carefully she closed her dragon maw
so that her human torso stuck out as if she was sticking out her
tongue. Then using her flexible neck and tentacle connection,
Oni began exploring her huge body. Looking at her scales. Each
scale now looked to her as her as large as a hub cap.
Then an idea hit her. Opening her dragon mouth back up,
she brought her human arms back against her bare human sides.
Then just as if she was pulling her tongue back into her mouth,
she pulled her human torso back into its tight warm soft pouch.
As soon as her head dove inside the skin pouch under her dragon
tongue, her consciousness went back to her main dragon head.
Yet, when she pushed her human torso back out of its pouch, her
thoughts went back into that small human head.
Oni was absolutely fascinated by this. When she wanted to
focus onto something small or do something as a human, she did
it with this small torso. Yet when she wanted to fly, eat,
hunt, and so on, she withdrew that human portion protectively
back into her mouth.
This was a strange but fascinating way to live!
Yet, as much as she had been focusing on her newly formed
human torso, both her human mouth and her dragon mouth began to
salivate with hunger. She needed to eat again.
Withdrawing her human side back into herself, she leapt up
into the air to go hunting again. Her tri vision gave her an
excellent view of the grown speeding below her. Soon she had a
human grasped in each of her four hands which by now were small
enough that she popped each struggling human into her huge maw
then swallow.
As she was stuffing each tasty morsel into her large mouth,
she felt a nagging feeling. Something that seemed to be tugging
her somewhere. Ignoring whatever may have been happening below
her, she softly banked around and began to fly away from the
That feeling seemed to be directing her away from her home
towards somewhere to the west. The thing she found herself
flying towards felt like a beacon of some sort. A thing she
really wanted to go to.
Being as large as she was with as wide of a wing span, Oni
found herself traveling hundreds of miles with ease. At first
she thought of flying day and night. Then something told her,
maybe an instinct, to hide during the day and fly during the
Doing as the instinct told her, she soon flew for over a
couple days crossing America. After a while her excellent
vision showed her the huge rocky mountains way off in the
As Oni approached the mountains, she began to see small
objects circling a distant deserted portion of the huge jagged
mountain range. She had no idea which country or state she was
flying over. Just that the area where she saw those objects was
a bit distant from any sort of human habitation.
Coming even closer, Oni resolved that the objects she saw
fluttering about mountain range were just like her. That they
were as huge as she was. There were all sorts of dragons. Yet
a few dragons had a similar arrangement like her: six legs, two
huge wings, and long necks and tails.
When they saw her, a few broke off and flew towards her.
While they looked similar, each had a different color or shape.
One was a more orange brown and the other was a deep blue. Both
angled themselves in the air to fly besides her, each peering at
her with their piercing dragon gaze. Both roared a greeting
that she returned. It almost seemed as if both were escorting
her home.
Her heart leapt at seeing everyone. As if she was coming
come. Rapidly she joined the much larger group of dragons who
flew in one huge flock deeper within the mountain range. Soon
they came to a wide expansive snowy plane. Large enough for all
of them to settle down onto the ground.
Once relaxed, like Oni, each dragon yawned open their
mouths to push something out. Again each thing they pushed out,
like Oni, was a nude wet glistening human torso. Carefully
each dragon got up and walked forward until they were able to
angle their human halves close enough to talk with each other.
The first thing Oni noticed was that each dragon human half
looked no older then thirty. Some were Asian like her. Some
were Caucasian of whatever region they used to hail from, and a
few were either African American or Native American. Yet all
were attached to huge dragons and each had a pleased smile on
their human faces.
One female dragon angled herself closer to Oni, "welcome to
the flock sister," the dragon greeted her in a pleased tone.
Her long brunette hair fell across her freckled shoulders and
seem to accent her huge red body.
"Um, thank you," Oni hesitantly replied.
"I'm Angela," the brunette dragon said extending her hand.
"I'm Oni," she replied reached out to grasp the proffered
hand. Yet, instead of shaking her hand, Angela pulled Oni's
human half into a warm hug. Oni's skin came into contact with
Releasing the slightly embarrassed Oni, Angela gestured to
everyone gathered around them, "welcome to your new family."
"Um, thank you." Oni hesitantly replied before everyone
around her began introducing themselves.
Oni relaxed her main body back a bit. Let her six limbs
splay out underneath her huge body while she curled her tail
around towards her front. Meanwhile she moved her neck, head,
and essential human torso tongue closer to the other dragons to
join in the ongoing discussion.
Everyone seemed to be introducing themselves and trying to
figure out what was going on. Each one she spoke to all
mentioned how they woke up a short bit ago just like her. Then
they slowly changed into their present form. Neither could
explain it or what they all were supposed to do. Just that
everyone felt that she had to be there at that spot.
"You know, I spotted a huge herd of bison back east," one
of the other dragons hopefully suggested.
Oni's stomach rumbled a bit, "sure why not." She agreed
with a few others. The group, all withdrew their human torsos
back into their mouths and got up to fly out. One thing they
realized was that the only way they could speak to each other
was through their human torsos. However, they could gesture and
grunt enough to make their intentions known.
Running alongside them, Oni flapped her powerful wings and
leapt back up into the air. Then the four of them began to fly
south east enough that they soon came over a huge herd of
stampeding black and brown bison.
It was too easy for her as she grabbed a struggling hairy
beast in each hand. Once they all held a bunch of bison, they
quickly flew back to the same home she had arrived at recently.
Once on the ground, she began to tear into each cattle in two to
three large bites. They were far more tasty than the skinny
humans she had eaten earlier.
Seeing the group come back from the hunt caused others to
leap up into the air off on their own hunting trips.
Oni felt safe there. Felt great being around others who
felt the same things as she did. While none of them knew why or
how, each found themselves pleased in their new forms.
After a while Oni decided to curl up and get some sleep.
Withdrawing her human torso back into her mouth, she soon began
catnapping. A thought passed through her head, who else changed
besides the group around her? If there were others who did,
what did they become? Why did it happen and if she could hunt
some more humans.

bakugan orgy - book 14Where stories live. Discover now