Capítulo sem título 142

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"That I think I know who the rest of you are; The black and blue is Scales, the black and red dragon with 4 wings is Wyraach Ur, the gold and silver dragon naga is Conner, the gray one standing on all fours is claw, the dark red one with green scutes is Ian, The blue dragon with red wings is Jake and Farm is the red dragon with gold markings. Which by the process of elimination means the light blue dragon with purple scutes and feathers on the leading edges of the wings is Zilla "I'm about to turn into a dragon and I want pictures of my transformation and it would not be pleasant for my feet to change while in steel toed boots" I said as my hands started feeling really hot. I felt the heat spread over my entire body. As it did my skin became orange in color. I remove my t-shirt and shorts (but not my underwear). While I did this I started feeling a prickling sensation in my arms and hands. When I looked at them I saw copper colored scales growing in. The scales started spreading over my body. Large Cyan V shaped plates, scutes, started covering my chest. My finger nails grew into cyan colored claws. Moments later I felt my neck become tight then pop as it grew longer. More scutes covered the front of it. I felt my toes merge until I only had 3 toes per foot the nails grew in to talons. Immediately after that I felt some pops in legs, as they became digitigrade. The shift made me glad that I now had scales and scutes because, it caused me to loose may balance and fall onto my chest. Right after that I felt a pressure at the base of my spine which meant I was now growing a tail. I felt more scutes cover the underside of it. Then I felt 2 new limbs grow from my shoulders. The digits of these new limbs grew really long and I felt a membrane growing between them. I realized that these were my wings; at the same time I felt 2 fins grow on my tail near the base and 2 more grow near the tip. Next I felt my mouth elongate into a muzzle and felt new my pointy teeth replace my human ones. I felt my tongue grow longer and the tip fork. I felt my ears become pointed and 2 Sharp pains on the back of my head told me that I now had horns. My eyes started to feel like they were burning so I shut them. Moments later I felt what I guessed were frills grow along the length of my spine. After that I had a weird feeling in my chest like my insides were getting overhauled. Finally my mind felt like it was transferred from an emulator to its native hardware and that a bunch of disabled drivers were enabled. I just lay there for a moment, thinking about what I would say to Harvey to prove that I kept my mind. I heard him call my name and ask if I could hear him. I opened my eye and looked at him. It looked like he was keeping himself some distance from me. "Yes I hear you, and why are you standing there looking so nervous it's me Wattojawa." I replied. "How do I know it's still you in there?" he asked. "My birthday is March 1st 1988, my parents have 6 cats, I collect vintage ceiling fans, my first car was a dark green 1996 dodge grand caravan which and an engine failure in 2008, so I replaced in with The Sandcrawler and you came up with that name." I replied then asked, "Do you need more proof?" "As soon as you mentioned ceiling fans I knew it was you." he replied. "Glad you're satisfied now how do I look?" I asked. "You look like a dragon" he replied. "Gee thanks I never would have realized that" I replied sarcastically. "No really what do I look like?" I asked giving Harvey my best attempt at an un-amused Toothless face. "I would say you look like a mix fo an Eastern Dragon and a Night Fury." he replied. "What about my colors?" I continued. "Copper scales. Cyan Wing-membranes, tail fins, horns, scutes, claws, and you have cyan frills running down your back." He answered. "What about my eyes and hair?" I asked. "Your eyes are cyan as well. Your still have dark brown hair, but it's longer. Also you have cyan whiskers. Do you think you can stand?" he said. "I think I can." I replied. I slowly stood up on all fours. I knew that I should be able to walk this way but I wanted to make sure I could still stand upright first. I used my hands or I guess now paws to push myself upward and transferred all my weight on to my legs. I had to use a digitigrade stance but my tail made balance easy. In fact I found it easier to keep balanced now than when I was human, not that it was hard to remain balanced as a human mind you. I carefully took a few steps and found that, even thought I had never walked this way before, it seemed natural to do so. I guessed I was about a foot taller than Harvey now. "Harvey can you grab the tape measure out of the garage, I want to know how tall I am?" I asked. "Just give me a minute" He answered. While he looked for the tape measure I decided to look myself over. The first thing I noticed is that I could see every thing in much greater detail than before. I could also tell that my sense of hearing was better and I suspected that my other senses were better as well. I looked at my hands and was glad I still had opposable thumbs. I noticed that, unlike most dragons, I had 4 fingers plus a thumb on each hand. All 5 digits had cyan claws that ended in sharp points. I looked downward toward my feet and realized that, while I was technically naked, my scutes hid everything indecent. I had the normal number of toes for a dragon 3 per foot each toe had a talon on the end. Like my claws these were cyan in color but they were longer. "I found the tape measure" I heard Harvey say. "Good, It will be easier to read it if you grab the step stool that is in my house." I replied. "Okay where is it?" He asked. "In the master bedroom's closet, the front door is unlocked. Can you bring out a mirror as well; I want to see my face?" I answered and asked. "Give me a few more minutes." He answered. As he walked into my house I noticed that I had rotated my head 180 degrees to answer him. Now I was curious about the range of motion that my neck allowed. I found that I could turn my head to about 210 degrees and that on all fours I could easily look down my back. While looking down my back I saw that I had a series of small round cyan frills running down my back. The last of them was located just in front of my tailfins; I guessed they ran up my neck too. I got back onto 2 legs and felt the back of my neck; there were more frills on the back of it. I turned look at my back again and realized that I had not examined my wings. I stared to open them as I did I saw my tail fins open as well. My wing arms and the spars, I guess I should call them that, of my tail fins were copper and the membranes of both were cyan. My wing arms had 4 digits. There was also a spar that came out of the elbow of my wing arms that helped suppot the membrane. Both it and the "fingers" ended in cyan spikes that were even longer than my talons. The membranes of my wings stopped just above my hips. I heard Harvey come back outside. "I got everything now what?" he asked. "Start by measuring my height." I answered. He brought the step stool over, used the tape measure and said "You are 7 feet tall" I dropped to 4's again, extended my neck forwards, and answered "Good now measure my length. I also want to know how much of it is tail." "You are 12 feet long and about 7 feet of that is tail." he replied. I brought my neck back up, fully opened my wings and asked "what is my wingspan? I also want to know height to the top of my head while standing on all fours" "You wing span is 16 feet, the top of your head is 4 feet above the ground." He answered. We also measured my tail fins. The fins at the base of my tail had a 32 inch span and the ones near my tail tip had a 2 foot span. After that I walked over to the mirror and decided to do that on all fours as I had not tried that yet. I found walking as a quadruped just as easy and natural as walking as a biped. "Why are you walking like that?" Harvey asked. "I wanted to see what it's like." I answered. By now I was at the mirror. I looked at the reflection of my head noticed that it was not as tall as before. That did not surprise me since it was longer. I observed that my muzzle was narrower than farm's especially near the tip. I opened my mouth and saw that most of my teeth were pointed, but I had molars near the back. My eyes were a bit farther apart than before and they were now cyan in color the pupils were silted lake a cat's. My ears were longer, pointed and located higher on my head. The bases of my horns were located between my ears, the actual horns starting just behind my ears. They angled back instead of up and were cyan colored. I had hair in between my horns. There were also 6 small triangular frills on my head 2 on either side below my ears and 1 on the base of each horn. My ears and frills had a rage of motion similar to Toothless's. I backed up a bit so that I could see my whole body in the mirror. Now that I could sell all of myself at once I had to agree with Harvey, that I did look a bit like a Night Fury and I told him that. Then just for fun I decided to se how many of Toothless's expression I could imitate. After doing that I had Harvey take several pictures of me in various poses. After that I asked him to turn it off my camera and put the mirror and step stool away while I put my engine and tools away. As he walked into the house I rolled the engine back into the garage and I hit the doorframe because I forgot that I was now 7 feet talk and needed to duck to go through it. Then I cleaned up my tools and this time I remembered to duck before going through the doorway. Godzilla99: How tall are you wattojawa? I am 9 feet tall 17 feet long. Wattojawa: well I am 7 feet tall on 2 legs, 4 feet tall on all fours, 12 feet long, about 7 feet of that is in my tail, and my wing span is 16 feet from tip to tip Oh and my forward tailfins have a 32 inch span tip to tip and the back one have a 2 foot span tip to tip Gryphon-guy: So your on the short side then but your wing span is greater than normal and so is the length of your tail compared to you total length. Wattojawa: David I think those are both Night Fury traits. Godzilla99: I don't think that his large wingspan is just a Night Fury trait as my wing span is 24 feet Balckminorscales: I am an 8 foot tall dragon-taur and my wing span is a foot less than your's wattojawa Fireflash-rainclaw: Well I am 9 & 1/2 feet tall on 2 legs or 6 & 1/2 feet tall on all fours, my length is 20 feet and my wing span is 24 feet. wattojawa: Farm is 8 feet tall on 2 legs, with an 8 foot long tail and both his total length and wing span are 14 feet right. Farm-Fresh: Correct wattojawa. gryphon-guy: I am 7 ft 6 in tall, 10ft 6in long and my wingspan is 14ft tip to tip SnakeKing: Well height is some what irrelevant to me as I am a Dragon Naga but my length is 20 feet

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