☁️Ruikasa - Stray cat adventure!

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This is a request of my friend teehee shoutout Renan 🤯🤯🤯  This is silly and fluffy btw. I was being a silly fella when I wrote this.
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"Rejected again..." Tsukasa muttered under his breath. He was exhausted, who wouldn't be? He was just a stray cat and he originally went to this fancy place for a nice and hot gourmet meal. But alas ended up hanging out with this cat named Nene.

Of course, he was out for romancing too, I mean..life isn't just food, right? However, it was utterly ridiculous how many times he's tried to flirt with these girls...The last one he met was a pink cat named Emu. He's been trying to flirt with wealthy cats. Not because he's a gold digger! It's just hitting two birds with one stone. Food and comfort plus romance! But these girls aren't worth it...they're always so picky. What else was he supposed to do?

Wait, did he even have a good attempt with these ladies? Oh yeah..probably one. A stray cat. Her name was Minori..but they just ended up being good friends instead. Damn it. ...wait!

Maybe the problem isn't me. Maybe rich cats are just too stuck up for someone as great as me!

Tsukasa trotted hopefully as he concluded that he needed to go for stray cats instead...they're a lot more fun!

However, his hope was immediately extinguished by a low growl from his stomach. He should probably focus on getting food first.

Tsukasa hungrily roamed the streets.
"Damnit..everyone's probably asleep now.."

A soft and glum sigh escaped his mouth...looks like he'd have to eat in the morning and settle down in some alleyway. He searched around and found a dark alleyway it seemed dark enough...he didn't want some random human kicking him.

So, he curled up in a small little spot against the side of the wall until he felt a soft poke in his side.
Startled, Tsukasa meowed.
Taking another look, he realized it was another cat..with longish hair. A girl? Actively trying to communicate with him? The cat nudged him with a small box of French fries. Tsukasa gave this cat a tilt of the head. "For me?"

The other cat gave him a quick nod in which he gleefully thanked this cat.

Tsukasa happily ate his food, the fries were a little cold but it didn't matter.

When he was done, the other cat came close to his face. Woah. Was this girl gonna kiss him??? How lucky was he?

He stared deeply into these uniquely yellowish eyes. Man...this girl had pretty eyes. Tsukasa decided he would make a move, suddenly curling up against this cat. She tensed up, making Tsukasa nervous that she would reject him, but the cat slowly relaxed against him. This was such a nice feeling..cuddling against a girl like this...he must be the best at flirting ever.


Tsukasw awoke feeling warm...what? Warm? He saw a cat curled up against him. This girl was already up and was looking at him. Hey..wait..this girl looks weird.

"Good morning." A deep voice spoke, he was not expecting it at all. Wait..this isn't a girl???? A guy?! Wow! Okay. Wait.

"Wait..you're..." Tsukasa began, an expression of bewilderment passing his face.

"Rui...pleasure meeting you."


Tsukasa didn't mind this...HE was a pretty pretty cat. And...he has taken a liking to Tsukasa. Maybe this is why girls never liked him.

"Tsukasa," He spoke up. "My name's Tsukasa, nice to meet you Rui."

Tsukasa took his confident stance, beginning his preformed introduction. "I will become a star one day! A cat is known to all! Pega-"

Rui came close and nuzzled his cheek, slowly rubbing against Tsukasa.

He froze, looking at Rui in awe, he couldn't even get mad at being interrupted.

"Come along, let's go get some breakfast my star."

Rui walked away and onto the street. Tsukasa might've as well exploded. He was in love. He couldn't believe this Rui had him wrapped around his finger...or paw...just like that.

Rui leads him to a fancy restaurant. "I'll treat you and you get to have your first debut! Go ahead, entrance these people." Rui motioned to the people standing in front of the restaurant. He could do this.

He started his practiced act, as it was rather ridiculous, and the employees laughed. Rui exited from the restaurant holding a bag of food and then the employees noticed. "Hey wait! That cat stole some food!" Rui ran away and Tsukasa ran after him.

"Thanks for distracting them!" Rui smiled at him.

"Wait a minute, distracting? No! I was entrancing them!"

Rui seemed to ignore him and they both ran until they were completely out of sight to enjoy their meal.

Tsukasa thought to himself while eating and looking at this gorgeous cat next to him. This..was all he had ever wanted.
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827 words :P

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