☁️Emunene - We're...cats?!

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This is silly. I loved the 2dmv so much
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"Emu please don't tell me we're going to go in the middle of the woods with nothing just because you dreamt of meeting a witch..."

Nene vaguely remembered saying that, her words now down the drain as they were face to face with a witch. She for one couldn't believe she agreed to this and two couldn't believe the witch was real?! Nene tried to warn Emu, but she was so oblivious to her obvious nudging. Emu was annoying the witch way too much to the point of anger. Now here they were, cats. Yep, their curse was to be cats.

Nene looked at Emu with mild disappointment, "I told you."

To Nene's surprise, which she shouldn't honestly be surprised at this point, Emu was happy. She cheerfully trotted around as a cat and started meowing.

"Seriously? Emu, what are we going to do?" The situation was slowly sinking in. She wouldn't be able to sing, talk to her friends, and she'd be treated as an animal. Worst of all...she couldn't play video games anymore. Oh who was she kidding, she cared about the others too.

Emu went up to nene and put a paw on hers, "Nene, i'm sure it'll be alright if we become friends with the witch! We can give her a performance that'll make her heart go sparkle sparkle and then she'll forgive us!" Emu attempts to give her a hug, and before Nene can even respond to her ridiculous hopeful thinking, they toppled down. Emu laid on top of Nene and started to purr.

Nene couldn't even be mad or upset anymore. This was adorable. Nene purrs as well as they snuggled together there. It was a little silly, forgetting about their situation to take a breather like this, but it helped.

After their kitty cuddle session, Nene felt a lot calmer. She took a second to calm down and spoke with her voice coming out softly. "Thank you Emu, let's try your idea."

She didn't know why she agreed to this whole thing, but seeing Emu happy made her happy. Her smile could probably light up worlds. Maybe the witch might let them go seeing that cute smile while being a cute kitty.

They walked into the witch's house again and Emu walked up to the witch.

"Oh, Miss witch, please, listen to us!"

Wait what? Oh no...where was Emu going with this...

The witch somehow listens to Emu and sits down. This...doesn't seem real.

Emu started singing the opening to 'Once Upon a Dream' and glanced at Nene. Once again, Nene questioned the situation before giving in to sing for the witch. Might as well try their best. They sang through the song while Emu kind of made up her own choreography. Nene made gestures with her hands to fit in with Emu. It was a silly looking show with them both as cats. Hopefully the witch had a soft spot for things like this.

Eventually they finished the song.
"I'm sorry Miss witch." Emu bowed her head down and Nene supposed she should as well.

This probably wasn't going to work.

"Okay. Abracadabra!" The witch blurted out and they were suddenly human again. Emu jumped up and down and hugged Nene.

Okay...something was up. Was this real? Wait...they don't even have a forest nearby. Where is this?

Then a thought brought her to her senses. This was a dream! Of course! Why else would they sing 'Once Upon a Dream' if she wasn't trying to subconsciously warn herself? It all made sense now.

Just like that, Nene instantly woke up...feeling something warm and fluffy around her? Her covers maybe?
No. During the summer she used the thin blankets.
A plushie? Yeah. Probably. Nene wrapped her arms around the plushie.
No. Way to big to be a plushie.

Nene opened her eyes to see...pink covering her vision. She moves this pink thing off of her eyes to see Emu...cuddling her. Oh right. They ended up cuddling together because Emu wouldn't let her go because 'she needed to protect Nene from the witch.' Oh. That explains the cuddling and the witch that showed up in her dream.

Nene let out a big breath of relief. That was a silly dream.
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714 words

Nyan nyan nyan

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