☁️Ichikasa - Childhood crush

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This is really short sorry lol
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"Icchan wait up!" A familiar energetic voice stopped her. She turned around to see her friend, Saki Tenma.

"Eh...saki?" Ichika raised an eyebrow as Saki handed her a fancy pink letter. In pink glitter ink, it read 'sleepover at Tenma's invitation.'

Ichika smiled and opened it up. "Tonight? 8 pm? I'll ask my parents."

Saki lit up and nodded vigorously. "Got it! Bye bye Icchan!" Saki ran off.

"Heh.." Ichika chuckled, this would be fun.


Her parents had allowed her to go! After being dropped off at the Tenma household, saki's big brother, Tsukasa opened the door.

"Ah! Ichika! Welcome in! As this will be the biggest and best sleepover of the century!"

Ichika walked in. "Thank you."

She could barely take off her shoes before Tsukasa grabbed her jacket for her and Saki yelled across the house for her.

The Tenma's are such lively people.

Tsukasa outstretched a hand to her. "Come in" Ichika felt her face heat up as she took Tsukasa's hand...why was she blushing? She always held Saki's hand so...

Her thoughts were interrupted once again, by Saki pulling her away abruptly from Tsukasa.

"We have all of our friends!" Saki pointed to Honami and Shiho and the singular friend Tsukasa brought, Shizuku. Ichika always wondered if Tsukasa actually had any other friends. Maybe they were busy?

"Okay, guys! Since everyone is here what do we play?" Tsukasa spoke up.

"I vote for house!" Saki raised her hand.

Honami did too with a smile.

Shizuku raised her hand and Shiho's while Shiho begrudgingly went along.

And Ichika was the final one in which she raised her hand too.

"It's been decided!" Saki exclaimed.

Saki pointed to Honami. "Me and Hona will be the older sisters! Tsukasa and Shizuku will be the mom and dad..."

Shiho sighed. "Hold on Saki, Shizuku wants to be the cat again."

"Meeeoww?" Shizuku was on all fours, smiling at Shiho.

"Oh okay! Ichika will be the mom and Shiho will be the little sister!"

Ichika froze for some reason. Why did that make her blush again? It's not like she would actually be like a couple with Tsukasa but still...thinking about it made her heart warm.

Shizuku kept meowing and Shiho looked embarrassed to be around her. "Shizuku quit it."


With a tentative hand, Shiho reluctantly pet Shizuku. Saki ran up to Shizuku and pet her as well while Honami watched the amusing scene play out.

Ichika and Tsukasa were left alone and she looked up at him. "I'll fix dinner for the kids." Tsukasa spoke in his best fatherly tone. He was an 'actor' so it's expected of him. Ichika almost forgot the setting but she seemed to remember in time.
"R-right," Ichika nods and looked around, "I'll clean then." Before she could leave, Tsukasa took her hand and kissed it. "Okay. Let's hope these kids don't get out of control."

Ichika's blushing face was present once more as she nodded and sped walk to the brooms.

She noticed Honami giggling at her before turning back to the group. Ichika pretended to sweep and clean and ignore her feelings..but her heart felt like it might explode out of her chest.

After playing and eating dinner, Honami, Saki, Shiho, and her were setting up sleeping bags in Saki's room. Lights went out and Saki's flashlight went on, grinning at Ichika.
"Icchan! Do you like Tsukasa?"

Honami let out an amused giggle and even Shiho seemed to lift her head up in interest.

"I saw Tsukasa kissing her hand and holding it"
"No way really?"
"I saw her blushing a little."
Ichika clasped her hands over her cheeks, embarrassed as ever as they continued.
"Icchan can I design your wedding dress and be the flower girl pleeeaase?"
"Saki, I do not trust you to design anything."

"Aww..but Shiho!"
Ichika hid into her sleeping bag, hiding from the teasing. Gosh..maybe she did have a crush on Tsukasa. Just thinking about it made her heart warm and fuzzy.

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674 words

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