☁️Shihosaki - Skincare!

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Req for my friend arrow.

Update two days later:
I wrote this when I was sick I'm sorry I was actually sick as shit I woke up in the ER after a good hour or two of writing this. It's not the best and is obviously rushed
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"Shihooooo!!!" Saki barged into Shiho's room with a big bag of chips as well as her pink backpack.

"Saki, for the love of god, keep it down." Shiho muttered while taking off her headphones. Saki giggles mischievously as she suddenly grabbed Shiho's hand and pulled her into the bathroom.

"Woah woah woah! Hold on a second Saki!" Saki didn't listen, putting a little hello kitty headband on her head to keep hair out of her face. Shiho tensed up immediately. Oh god..what was she doing.

"Shiho! Stay still! We're having some girl time!" Saki turned on her music, playing it on shuffle. Turning back to Shiho, she grinned at her dejected look.

"Girl time...? Seriously?"

"Yes seriously! Now sit down!"

"Fine. If it'll make ya happy I guess." Shiho sat down and prepared herself for this 'girl time.'

Saki hummed to the song. "Skincare time!"

Shiho let out an audible groan and then immediately tensed up at the cold sensation of the cleanser being applied to her face. Even so, Saki seemed to be enjoying herself, so Shiho let herself relax. The experience of the eye cream, rollers, the face mask, everything, was surprisingly comforting. When it was done, Saki pulled the headband gently away from Shiho's head.

Shiho spoke in a calm tone, "That was nice."

"Oh wait, I forgot one more thing." Saki kissed her cheek and then giggles as if she couldn't contain her giddy excitement.

Shiho quickly stood up and walked into the other room, the kiss obviously affecting her.

Saki whined, "Awww! Shihoooo!" Saki ran after her, hugging her from behind.



"...Can you let go so I can hug you back?"

"Ehehe! Sure."

Shiho gently hugged her compared her Saki's tight and loving hugs. Shiho always seemed to hug or give affection gently when it came to physical affection. It was almost as if she was scared to hurt Saki. It was sweet in a way.

"Welp! I'm eating all of the chips!" Saki said as she let go.

"Sure, go ahead, just don't eat too much at once." Shiho replied.

Saki was already stuffing her face with chips and finished them in a flash with crumbs all over her mouth. Shiho rolled her eyes and wiped away Saki's crumbs for her.

"Ugh...my tummy hurts now." Saki said in a whiny voice while clutching her stomach.

"Told ya."

"Shiho!! So meaaann! You big meanie."

Then Shiho had a crazy idea, nudging Saki, "Hey, I know what could help you relax."

"Hmm..?" Saki raised an eyebrow.

"I can do that skincare routine you did for me."

"Ehhh? Shiho? You'd do that for me?"

"Um, yeah, sure."

"Yay! Yay! Shiho you're the best!"

This is stupid. Shiho thought while trying to repeat the steps Saki had done. Cleansing her face...wait how long was she supposed to scrub? She just guessed it, as well as the other steps. She didn't remember the order, but Saki seemed to be enjoying herself so she assumed she was doing something right. When she was done, Shiho stepped back while Saki beamed, feeling her smooth face.

"Ehehe, Shiho, you messed up! Everyone knows you put primer before moisturizer."

"Oh...really? But you seemed fine."

"You silly goose, it's because you're actually doing this for me."

A small smile crept on Shiho's face "Oh..."

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565 words
Sorry this was short but I am way too exhausted to keep writing rn.

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