💔Shihosaki - Meteor Shower

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MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH and like murder bc yeah death bam bam bam suicide too
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Saki had always loved the stars. So had Shiho, it's unfortunate they both had to be ruined for them...

Saki was the princess of the light kingdom or princess of the Tenma's. She was close with her friends Honami and Ichika.

Ichika, her personal bodyguard and Honami, her personal maid. Saki never made them work though, in fact, she would try her best to do stuff for them. She wasn't always the best at helping but she had always tried.

Saki had another close friend, untrusted knight. They were part of the light knights but nobody accepted them. Shiho Hinomori, former knight of the dark kingdom. Shiho wasn't a bad person, she knew that. Shiho was kind. She was generous. She wasn't meant to be bad, she knew that. Shiho didn't deserve this.

Saki was a good person too, or at least she had always thought so. However, good people always find themselves trapped in these bad situations. Saki Tenma was held against her will to be a secret spy for the dark kingdom.

Her task was to eliminate the traitor, Shiho.

Tonight, the night of the biggest meteor shower of the century would be it. It was perfect, Shiho would definitely be watching. She would be alone, being a loner and all. And everyone would be too focused on the meteor shower to question anything like this happening.

Saki had specifically lied to both Honami and Ichika beforehand that she would be "confessing" to Shiho and she didn't want them to be there. Truth was, she did have some kind of secret crush on her, so it wouldn't be too surprising for the two girls. Now, she wouldn't be bothered.

The meteor shower was beautiful, Saki watching from the shadows at Shiho, propped up on the roof while watching it. She would give Shiho give one last moment before her death. It would be a shame to kill her during such a wonderful memory. She would give her this one last thing..as a meek apology. However, Shiho turned around and Saki impulsively lunged towards her with the sword. She didn't want to, it's just she felt scared she would be found out.

To her surprise, she felt a sword in her instead. Shiho had stabbed her. With confusion in her eyes, her knees buckled to the floor. Outsmarted. But, Shiho didn't have any hatred in her eyes at all. Just this sad look that screamed, "I understand."

Tears fell from both of their faces. A quiet breath from Saki was heard before it stopped completely. Shiho then stabbed herself as well. She fell down and held Saki in her arms.

They both lay motionless on the ground, waiting for someone to discover their bloody, entangled bodies with the meteor shower.

Tragic, isn't it?
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503 words

Short concept, I don't really like this, might come back to make a better version of this with actual dialogue and stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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