💔Mizurui - The chosen one

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Fantasy AU yaayaayayay
I love angst chat I love it so much angst makes ME happy and I LOVE MIZURUI!
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"Oh? Mizuki Akiyama? A guest in my room? I feel quite honored."

"Ah Rui, quit it. I knoooowwww I was," Mizuki air quoted, "the chosen one and all that. But come on! We're buddies! No need for formalities."

"Mizuki Akiyama! The chosen one! Don't you think that's a title fit for you?"

"Rui, I assure you, the only thing I'm chosen for when I'm with you is to be your great friend."

"Ah! The chosen one sees me as a great friend? How lovely." Rui kept up his little act while Mizuki stifled a laugh.

Though the laughter died down. Being 'the chosen one' wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. It made your life a lot more difficult, people trying to harm you no matter where you look. It was dangerous to even have friends. Not to mention Mizuki was chosen to save the world from a great evil. Mizuki was worried, Rui could tell by how their behavior subtly shifted.

"Anyways, Rui I came here to enchant my armory and weapons. I need to get used to fighting with it on. Y'know training and all that business."

"Of course...these are the high quality stuff right?" Rui took ahold of their stuff without Mizuki noticing. They didn't seem to mind though as they just answered his question with a simple nod of the head.

"I'll get to work then." Rui first took Mizuki's sword in his hands. It was a specifically crafted one just like their armor. Twirling the special sword in hand, it started to glow purple. Each person gifted with magic had a different color, Rui's was granted with a deep, royal purple.

"Hm...y'know pink would be better."

"Mizuki, I can't change colors."

"Hmph, might have to switch who I want to trust my weapons with then."

Rui chuckled at that, "Oh? But my dearest chosen one, I work for free."

"Kidding kidding," Raising their hands in surrender, Mizuki's tone shifted to something more genuine, "But, purple's pretty too. Gives off a 'Rui' vibe. I like it! Whenever I'm fighting I get to think of you."

Rui softly smiled at them without any words to say, causing Mizuki to make a playful jab, "Plus, purple is soo mysterious. They might get intimidated by my cool, serious exterior."

When the enchanting process was finished, the now glowing sword was handed to Mizuki.

"Woah! It's so sparkly! Rui, you're seriously the best." Mizuki gripped their sword, feeling the difference in their hands on how the sword now seemed to give them a slight tingly sensation. Practicing their swings, they felt a gentle hand on their shoulder.

"Mizuki, how about you try it all out together as one when I'm finished."

"Oh, okay."

One by one, Rui enchanted the equipment. Mizuki respected him by staying silent so he could focus. Slowly, but surely, the set was done and Rui placed it all out for Mizuki to try out.

"Woah...this stuff feels weird." Mizuki commented.

"Try training for me in these."

They got set up and started their normal drills except with a lot more struggle, "Rui, this stuff is making me tired. Don't you think I should do this one at a time?"

Something in Rui's expression changed, confusing Mizuki with his seriousness. "No, all at once would be best."

So they kept training, feeling more and more weary as they went until they collapsed, feeling too exhausted to continue. "Rui, this stuff is draining me.

"Okay, rest. Let me take your stuff."

Rui gently took off Mizuki's armory and then picked up their sword.

"Hm..? Whatcha doin? Admiring the view?" They joked. The joke didn't seem to do anything though as Rui looked at Mizuki weirdly, starting to creep them out.

"What? Is something the matter-" They were abruptly cut off, making a strained sound. Their sword now pierced through their chest, Rui looking down at them with an unreadable expression. For some reason, Mizuki didn't have the heart to even get mad, they just weakly mumbled a "why?" Before losing their consciousness.

Rui looked at the limp body and then at the sword in his hand. Truth was, he was jealous of them. They always were "the chosen one" while his magical abilities were never even given a chance. He now resembled Mizuki, by some form of magic. He took their equipment for himself before discarding the body. But, Rui was left feeling hollow instead of the overwhelming warmness he felt with Mizuki.

Regret? Was it?

Rui had thought that this was what he wanted, and this feeling, this bad feeling, would disappear if Mizuki did. But it didn't.

And now...

He had to play out the rest of their life for them.

Acting as them.

Feeling as them.

Just for this moment of glory?

At least he didn't have to live his own life.

At least...he was appreciated now. Right?

Even Rui knew he was trying to just convince himself now. This was an awful situation.

"Denial is such a wonderful feeling isn't it Mizuki?" Rui whispered at the body as it went up in flames.
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907 words

I feel sick lmao I've been in the car for 6 hours now anyways I made 2 angst fantasy aus where they KILL EACH OTHER in this road trip that's pretty epic I think.

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