☁️Honamizu - A fairy?!

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Another au based off of one I made on Pinterest
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"Eh?! How did I end up here??" Honami looks around at the strange new surroundings she found herself in. It seemed she was in a forest of some kind. Wait a minute is something glowing?

Honami travels towards the glowing mushroom. The mushrooms lead to another and another like a trail until she's at this new part of the forest. It was practically glowing! Why is it so bright? Its so beautiful...

"Heya!" A voice piped up.

Honami jumped. Who was that?! She turned around and there stood a beautiful fairy she couldn't help but admire in an awed state. Also what?! Fairies are real?! Before she could go more into detail about this surreal situation, the fairy spoke up again, "Heh What? Is there something on my face?"

This can't be real, she thought while pinching her arm.

"Ow!" A pang of pain went through her arm.

"I assure you, your eyes aren't deceiving you! A wish granting fairy at your service!" The fairy winked at her.

"Wish granting fairy?"

"Mhm! I'm Mizuki Akiyama. I grant wishes to the souls that find themselves in here. This forest is uncharted in the whole world. They say only lost souls come here...like moth to a flame."

Honami looked around. "How do I get back?"

"Well...you can wish yourself back! You got three whole wishes. What do you wish for?"

"Apple pie." Honami said instantly without any hesitation what so ever. Mizuki just laughed in surprise. "Seriously? Sure, I'll bite. Or, rather, you'll bite." Mizuki handed her some apple pie that appeared out of thin air.

Honami sat down and took a bite out of her apple pie. Her face, with a warm smile, relaxed.

"For another wish, I wish to be transported back home."

"Roger that cupcake!"

And just like that, Honami was back. Oh shoot. She should've made that her last wish. Well...this apple pie was real good. Hey..that fairy was pretty cute...called her cupcake too.

It made Honami wonder what it'd be like to date someone like her. Man. That fairy was so pretty. If she had one last wish...

"I wish that fairy could be my girlfriend," Honami spoke out loud, chuckling to herself, "That's my last wish." That was a little silly of her.  Honami proceeded to go to her sink to wash her hands as she thought of that surreal experience. Then...arms wrapped around her. Dread filled her stomach, her heart sinking. Who was this? Was she going to be hurt? She turned around to see..the fairy?!

Honami struggled to get any words out, "..Mizuki...?"

"Y'know...usually I don't grant wishes like that, but if you insist, darling!" Mizuki pulled the startled Honami closer and kissed her cheek.

It seems Honami's dreams came true all in this instant, feeling happiness well up inside of her. She may not know this Mizuki very well..but they'd make it work. She was sure.
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523 words
Wanted to make this quick and sweet :P

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